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214 possess well-developed Mm. extensor longus alulae and ulnometacarpalis dorsalis. Both of these muscles usually sustain a reduction when the automatic conjunction of movements in the elbow and carpal joints becomes more efficient (Stegmann, 1970). The Hemiprocnidae also are characterized by relatively simple inner differentiation of such important flight muscles as M. pectoralis, M. flexor carpi ulnaris, and M. extensor metacarpi radialis. In the crested swifts, comparatively weak development of M. extensor digitorum communis, M. flexor digitorum profundus, and M. ulnometacarpalis ventralis is obviously associated with their limited role of resisting aerodynamic forces, whereas in the true swifts and hummingbirds these muscles also participate in active rotation of the manus and its major digit. Certain flight muscles are developed in constant proportion to body size in all representatives of the families compared: M. rhomboideus superficialis, the group of Mm. serrati (with exception of M. serratus superficialis pars metapatagialis, it being absent in the hummingbirds), M. coracobrachialis caudalis, M. tensor propatagialis pars brevis, M. scapulotriceps, M. brachialis, M. expansor secundariorum, M. ectepicondylo-ulnaris, M. abductor alulae, and M. flexor digiti minoris. All three families are characterized by the weakness of both M. deltoideus minor and M. scapulohumeralis cranialis. Relative development of the following flight muscles increases from the Hemiprocnidae to the Apodidae to the Trochilidae: M. subcoracoideus caput ventrale, M. pectoralis, M. supracoracoideus, M. humerotriceps, M. flexor digitorum profundus caput humerale, M. flexor carpi ulnaris, M. extensor metacarpi radialis, M. extensor digitorum communis, M. extensor longus digiti majoris, M. supinator, M. ulnometacarpalis ventralis, and M. abductor digiti majoris. Thus, in addition to an obvious and quite understandable hypertrophy of M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus, the reinforcement of the flight muscles in the true swifts and hummingbirds involves those that supinate the humerus and forearm, extend the elbow, extend and flex the wrist, rotate the manus, supinate the major digit of the manus, and flex the major digit and pronate its distal phalanx. In the same sequence, the following muscles become relatively less developed: M. scapulohumeralis caudalis, M. rhomboideus profundus, M. deltoideus major, M. latissimus dorsi pars cranialis, M. biceps brachii, M. extensor longus alulae, M. ulnometacarpalis dorsalis, and M. flexor alulae. In the true swifts and hummingbirds, a relative weakness of the muscles that elevate and retract the humerus without causing rotation (M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis, M. scapulohumeralis caudalis, M. deltoideus major) obviously results from a hypertrophy of both M. pectoralis and M. supracoracoideus. These two muscles provide mainly rotational mobility of the humerus relative to its long axis in the true swifts and hummingbirds, which correlates with the caudal orientation of the caput humeri and the shortening of the humeral shaft in these families (Karhu, 1992b). The retracting action of M. pectoralis grows as SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY its sternal attachment widens caudally, increasing the amount of muscular fibers oriented in a craniodorsolateral direction. In contrast to the large number of muscles with similar tendencies of specialization in both the Apodidae and the Trochilidae, there are few muscles in which specific reinforcement or reduction is unique either to the Apodidae or to the Trochilidae. The Apodidae exceed the Trochilidae in relative development of M. coracobrachilais cranialis, M. subscapularis caput laterale, M. flexor digitorum superficialis, M. extensor metacarpi ulnaris, and M. interosseus ventralis. In the Apodidae, enlargement of the muscles listed above provides more efficient maintenance of the spread wing and prevents passive extension of the wrist and passive dorsal flexure of the major digit. These peculiar transformations of the flight muscles in the Apodidae correspond to their greater ability in gliding and fast, forwardflapping flight in comparison with the Trochilidae. In comparison with the Apodidae, the Trochilidae have much better developed Mm. pronator superficialis and pronator profundus but less developed M. subscapularis, M. latissimus dorsi pars caudalis, M. tensor propatagialis pars longa, and M. interosseus dorsalis. In addition, the hummingbirds lack both propatagial parts of M. pectoralis, and M. flexor digitorum superficialis remains only as a short, stout tendon, attaching on the proximal part of the lig. humeroulnare. They have only two of the four alular muscles, namely, M. abductor alulae and M. adductor alulae, the latter being greatly reduced. Reinforcement of Mm. pronator superficialis and pronator profundus in hummingbirds indicates an extensive rotational mobility of the forearm relative to the humerus. This conclusion conforms with the structure of the elbow joint in the hummingbirds, which allows significant rotational movements, unlike the more restricted mobility in the true swifts. A conspicuous example of divergence between the Apodidae and Trochilidae is provided by M. biceps brachii. In living Apodiformes, only the crested swifts have the M. biceps brachii ending on both the proximal end of the ulna and the proximal end of the radius. In hummingbirds there is a single insertion on the ulna, whereas in the true swifts the insertion is on the radius. Taking into account that the double insertion of M. biceps brachii is typical for most birds, it is obviously more generalized, and a single insertion, either on the ulna or on the radius, represents a morphological specialization. Discussion The following features show the general level of specialization to be lower in Argornis than in Jungornis: coracoid with facies articularis sternalis saddle-shaped; sternal facet of coracoid relatively narrow dorsoventrally with only the medial part ventrally protruded; sternal facet of coracoid with the angulus lateralis projecting beyond the level of the angulus medialis; both proximal and distal ends of humerus relatively narrow; humeral shaft more slender; only the smaller ventral part of the

NUMBER 89 215 caput humeri perpendicular to the long axis of the bone; the middle of the caput humeri without a distal protrusion on the caudal side; distal part of humerus without a dorsal crest; humerus with tuberculum M. pronator superficialis detached from tuberculum supracondylare ventrale; distal end of humerus with tuberculum supracondylare ventrale adjacent to the condylus ventralis; proc. flexorius of humerus projecting weakly distad; ulna with relatively small tuberculum lig. collateralis ventralis; and double insertion of M. biceps brachii on both the radius and ulna. The Jungornithidae resemble the Apodidae in having a high, robust, tapering, and proximally placed deltopectoral crest. In the Apodidae the structure and position of the deltopectoral crest correlates with reinforcement of M. coracobrachialis cranialis and M. pectoralis, pars cranialis. All these features are among the characters that provide a highly developed ability for gliding flight in the true swifts (Karhu, 1992a). The similarity of structure and placement of the deltopectoral crest in the true swifts and jungornithids suggests that the latter could be well adapted for gliding flight, too. At the same time, Jungornis and the Trochilidae share some essential characters that distinguish them from the Apodidae. The structure of the humeral head in Jungornis clearly demonstrates a trochilid-like specialization: presence of the distal enlargement on the caudal surface. In the Trochilidae this modification of the humeral head is associated with high specialization of the shoulder joint, which allows extreme supination of the adducted humerus during hovering flight (Cohn, 1968; Karhu, 1992a). In the Hemiprocnidae, Apodidae, and all known fossil genera, with the exception of Jungornis, the humeral head lacks any distal enlargement on the caudal surface. Although Argornis possesses a double insertion of M. biceps brachii both on the ulna and on the radius, there is no sign of the radial insertion in Jungornis. This fact implies the presence of a single insertion on the ulna, although it cannot be determined directly because of poor preservation in the holotype of Jungornis. If so, it would represent another trochilid-like specialization within the Jungornithidae. Taking into account that the trochilid-like characters under discussion are absent in the relatively more generalized jungornithid genus Argornis, their occurrence in Jungornis should be considered a result of intrafamilial evolution parallel to that in the Trochilidae. Because two jungornithid genera, Argornis and Jungornis, show obvious similarities to the Apodidae, the origin of trochilid-like features in the Jungornithidae demonstrates the feasibility of developing trochilid-like specializations from apodid-like adaptations. It suggests that the Trochilidae could have arisen from an apodid-like ancestor as well. This inference is supported by the analysis of evolutionary transformation of the forelimb muscles in the Apodiformes, which shows the widespread progression of certain specializations in the Trochilidae relative to the Apodidae. Agreement in the conclusions based on paleontological and myological data clearly contradicts the opinion of Cohn (1968) that similarities between the Apodidae and Trochilidae are convergent. Both Argornis and Jungornis are similar to the Trochilidae and differ from the Apodidae in having the cotyla ventralis ulnae with a weakly pronounced ventroproximal edge. Owing to this peculiarity, the condylus ventralis of the humerus can slide ventroproximally relative to the ulna during the supination of the forearm. In the Apodidae the ventroproximal edge of the cotyla ventralis is prominent and strongly restricts the possible rotational movements of the elbow joint in the spread wing (Karhu, 1992a). The position of the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis of the humerus is among the number of especially important characters in Apodiformes. The tendency for proximal displacement of this process is obviously conditioned by the proximal enlargement of the places of origin of M. extensor digitorum communis and the ventral head of M. extensor metacarpi radialis on the craniodorsal side of the distal part of the humerus. Very interesting indirect evidence of such a correlation is provided by Jungornis. Its humerus resembles the true swifts and hummingbirds in overall configuration, but it has the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis placed approximately on the same level as in Aegialomis, the most generalized genus of Apodiformes known (Karhu, 1992b). The relatively distal position of the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis in Jungornis may be explained by the presence of the high crest distally adjacent to the process. This crest allows enlargement of the place of origin of both extensors without proximal displacement of the supracondylar process. Hummingbirds, which have the best developed M. extensor digitorum communis and ventral head of M. extensor metacarpi radialis, demonstrate both conditions: proximal displacement of the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis, and muscle origin from the crest. In Argornis the supracondylar process is located distally, and the dorsal crest is absent, suggesting relatively weak development of both these muscles. The well-developed distal process of the caudal margin of the proximal phalanx of the major digit indicates the presence of long first primaries in Argornis (Stegmann, 1965). Evidence for long first primaries in other Eocene apodiforms (e.g., Lydekker, 1891; Peters, 1985) suggests that the elongation of the distal part of the wing occurred in the early stages of apodiform evolution. In particular, this elongation might precede the divergence of humeral structure that distinguishes the hemiprocnid and apodid-trochilid directions of specialization of the flight apparatus within Apodiformes (Karhu, 1992a, 1992b).

NUMBER 89 215<br />

caput humeri perpendicular to the long axis of the bone; the<br />

middle of the caput humeri without a distal protrusion on the<br />

caudal side; distal part of humerus without a dorsal crest; humerus<br />

with tuberculum M. pronator superficialis detached from<br />

tuberculum supracondylare ventrale; distal end of humerus<br />

with tuberculum supracondylare ventrale adjacent to the<br />

condylus ventralis; proc. flexorius of humerus projecting weakly<br />

distad; ulna with relatively small tuberculum lig. collateralis<br />

ventralis; and double insertion of M. biceps brachii on both the<br />

radius and ulna.<br />

The Jungornithidae resemble the Apodidae in having a high,<br />

robust, tapering, and proximally placed deltopectoral crest. In<br />

the Apodidae the structure and position of the deltopectoral<br />

crest correlates with reinforcement of M. coracobrachialis cranialis<br />

and M. pectoralis, pars cranialis. All these features are<br />

among the characters that provide a highly developed ability<br />

for gliding flight in the true swifts (Karhu, 1992a). The similarity<br />

of structure and placement of the deltopectoral crest in the<br />

true swifts and jungornithids suggests that the latter could be<br />

well adapted for gliding flight, too.<br />

At the same time, Jungornis and the Trochilidae share some<br />

essential characters that distinguish them from the Apodidae.<br />

The structure of the humeral head in Jungornis clearly demonstrates<br />

a trochilid-like specialization: presence of the distal enlargement<br />

on the caudal surface. In the Trochilidae this modification<br />

of the humeral head is associated with high<br />

specialization of the shoulder joint, which allows extreme supination<br />

of the adducted humerus during hovering flight (Cohn,<br />

1968; Karhu, 1992a). In the Hemiprocnidae, Apodidae, and all<br />

known fossil genera, with the exception of Jungornis, the humeral<br />

head lacks any distal enlargement on the caudal surface.<br />

Although Argornis possesses a double insertion of M. biceps<br />

brachii both on the ulna and on the radius, there is no sign of<br />

the radial insertion in Jungornis. This fact implies the presence<br />

of a single insertion on the ulna, although it cannot be determined<br />

directly because of poor preservation in the holotype of<br />

Jungornis. If so, it would represent another trochilid-like specialization<br />

within the Jungornithidae.<br />

Taking into account that the trochilid-like characters under<br />

discussion are absent in the relatively more generalized jungornithid<br />

genus Argornis, their occurrence in Jungornis should be<br />

considered a result of intrafamilial evolution parallel to that in<br />

the Trochilidae. Because two jungornithid genera, Argornis<br />

and Jungornis, show obvious similarities to the Apodidae, the<br />

origin of trochilid-like features in the Jungornithidae demonstrates<br />

the feasibility of developing trochilid-like specializations<br />

from apodid-like adaptations. It suggests that the Trochilidae<br />

could have arisen from an apodid-like ancestor as well.<br />

This inference is supported by the analysis of evolutionary<br />

transformation of the forelimb muscles in the Apodiformes,<br />

which shows the widespread progression of certain specializations<br />

in the Trochilidae relative to the Apodidae. Agreement in<br />

the conclusions based on paleontological and myological data<br />

clearly contradicts the opinion of Cohn (1968) that similarities<br />

between the Apodidae and Trochilidae are convergent.<br />

Both Argornis and Jungornis are similar to the Trochilidae<br />

and differ from the Apodidae in having the cotyla ventralis ulnae<br />

with a weakly pronounced ventroproximal edge. Owing to<br />

this peculiarity, the condylus ventralis of the humerus can slide<br />

ventroproximally relative to the ulna during the supination of<br />

the forearm. In the Apodidae the ventroproximal edge of the<br />

cotyla ventralis is prominent and strongly restricts the possible<br />

rotational movements of the elbow joint in the spread wing<br />

(Karhu, 1992a).<br />

The position of the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis of the humerus<br />

is among the number of especially important characters<br />

in Apodiformes. The tendency for proximal displacement of<br />

this process is obviously conditioned by the proximal enlargement<br />

of the places of origin of M. extensor digitorum communis<br />

and the ventral head of M. extensor metacarpi radialis on<br />

the craniodorsal side of the distal part of the humerus. Very interesting<br />

indirect evidence of such a correlation is provided by<br />

Jungornis. Its humerus resembles the true swifts and hummingbirds<br />

in overall configuration, but it has the proc. supracondylaris<br />

dorsalis placed approximately on the same level as in Aegialomis,<br />

the most generalized genus of Apodiformes known<br />

(Karhu, 1992b). The relatively distal position of the proc. supracondylaris<br />

dorsalis in Jungornis may be explained by the<br />

presence of the high crest distally adjacent to the process. This<br />

crest allows enlargement of the place of origin of both extensors<br />

without proximal displacement of the supracondylar process.<br />

Hummingbirds, which have the best developed M. extensor<br />

digitorum communis and ventral head of M. extensor<br />

metacarpi radialis, demonstrate both conditions: proximal displacement<br />

of the proc. supracondylaris dorsalis, and muscle origin<br />

from the crest. In Argornis the supracondylar process is located<br />

distally, and the dorsal crest is absent, suggesting<br />

relatively weak development of both these muscles.<br />

The well-developed distal process of the caudal margin of<br />

the proximal phalanx of the major digit indicates the presence<br />

of long first primaries in Argornis (Stegmann, 1965). Evidence<br />

for long first primaries in other Eocene apodiforms (e.g., Lydekker,<br />

1891; Peters, 1985) suggests that the elongation of the<br />

distal part of the wing occurred in the early stages of apodiform<br />

evolution. In particular, this elongation might precede the divergence<br />

of humeral structure that distinguishes the hemiprocnid<br />

and apodid-trochilid directions of specialization of the<br />

flight apparatus within Apodiformes (Karhu, 1992a, 1992b).

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