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NUMBER 89 157 Walker, C.A., G.M. Wragg, and C.J.O. Harrison 1990. A New Shearwater from the Pleistocene of the Canary Islands and Its Bearing on the Evolution of Certain Puffinus Shearwaters. Historical Biology, 3(3):203-224. Wolf, B. 1938-1941. Fauna Fossilis Cavernarum l-III, Parts 82, 89, 92. In W. Quennerstedt, editor, Fossilium Catalogus, I: Animalia. The Hague: W. Junk [parts 82, 89]; Neubrandenburg: Gustaf Feller [part 91]. [Complete pagination unknown, partial pagination as follows: section 2 (Hohlenkatalog), part 82:1-192, part 89:193-240, part 91:241-288; section 3 (Tierkatalog), part 82:1-96, part 89:97-208, part 91:209-320.

NUMBER 89 157<br />

Walker, C.A., G.M. Wragg, and C.J.O. Harrison<br />

1990. A New Shearwater from the Pleistocene of the Canary Islands and<br />

Its Bearing on the Evolution of Certain Puffinus Shearwaters. Historical<br />

Biology, 3(3):203-224.<br />

Wolf, B.<br />

1938-1941. Fauna Fossilis Cavernarum l-III, Parts 82, 89, 92. In W.<br />

Quennerstedt, editor, Fossilium Catalogus, I: Animalia. The Hague:<br />

W. Junk [parts 82, 89]; Neubrandenburg: Gustaf Feller [part 91].<br />

[Complete pagination unknown, partial pagination as follows: section<br />

2 (Hohlenkatalog), part 82:1-192, part 89:193-240, part<br />

91:241-288; section 3 (Tierkatalog), part 82:1-96, part 89:97-208,<br />

part 91:209-320.

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