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NUMBER 89 155<br />

the period studied. This is probably a safe assumption for most<br />

of the seabirds in this study. It should be noted that none of the<br />

31 faunas contains seabird species with allopatric ranges (although<br />

this might have been the case if Puffinus yelkouan had<br />

been treated as a distinct species). This absence of allopatric<br />

species is in marked contrast to late Pleistocene nonmarine avifaunas,<br />

where species that are today widely allopatric (e.g.,<br />

Nyctea scandiaca and Alectoris spp.) frequently occur together.<br />

This similarity with modern seabird faunas also is an argument<br />

that the ecology of the species concerned has remained<br />

fairly constant over the period studied.<br />

Most of the reasonably well-dated faunas described above<br />

are either from the western Mediterranean or from Norway.<br />

The western Mediterranean faunas mostly suggest cool, biologically<br />

productive seas, and the western Mediterranean together<br />

with the waters around the Macaronesian islands may<br />

have been an important refugium for boreal seabirds during<br />

the coldest parts of the glaciation. Unfortunately, there is a<br />

dearth of sites from the mildest parts of the glaciation and<br />

Alcover, J.A., F. Florit, C. Mourer-Chauvire, and P.D.M. Weesie<br />

1992. The Avifaunas of the Isolated Mediterranean Islands during the<br />

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Avian Paleontology Honoring Pierce Brodkorb. Science Series, Natural<br />

History Museum of <strong>Lo</strong>s Angeles County, 36:273-284.<br />

Alcover, J.A., S. Moya-Sola, and J. Pons-Moya<br />

1981. Les quimeres del passat. 260 pages. Ciutat de Mallorca: Editorial<br />

Moll. [Instirucio Catalana d'Histdria Natural filial de l'lnstitut<br />

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1971a. A New Neandertal Child Mandible from an Upper Pleistocene Site<br />

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1971b. II giacimento con mandibola neandertaliana di Archi (Reggio Calabria).<br />

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Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, series 8, 50(6):763-771.<br />

Bell, A.<br />

1922. Pleistocene and Later Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. Naturalist,<br />

Hull, 1922(Aug-Sept):251-253.<br />

Bengtson, S.-A.<br />

1984. Breeding Ecology and Extinction of the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis):<br />

Anecdotal Evidence and Conjectures. Auk, 101:1-12.<br />

Bietti, A.<br />

1987. Some Remarks on the New Radiocarbon Dates from the Arene Candide<br />

Cave (Savona, Italy). Human Evolution, 2(2): 185-190.<br />

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Literature Cited<br />

from the eastern Mediterranean basin, although an isolated<br />

record shows that Morus bassanus occurred as far east as<br />

Crete during some part of the last glaciation (Suriano,<br />

1980).<br />

The Norwegian faunas, of course, date only from the milder<br />

parts of the glaciation and are perhaps most interesting as illustrations<br />

of violent climatic and environmental shifts during the<br />

late Pleistocene. This is particularly striking when comparing<br />

the Blomvag fauna (Figure 9) from the mild Boiling interstadial<br />

with the 2000 years younger Grotta Romanelli fauna (Figure<br />

11) from the cold Dryas 3 stadial. The occurrence of Pinguinus<br />

impennis in both these faunas is particularly noteworthy and<br />

suggests that even this nonvolant species was capable of<br />

changing its distribution quite rapidly in response to changing<br />

conditions. This contradicts Bengtson's (1984) theory that the<br />

extinction of Pinguinus impennis was at least partly due to an<br />

inability to adapt to environmental changes and supports the<br />

traditional view that the species' extinction was directly caused<br />

by human action.<br />

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1985. L'Alca impenne Alca impennis del Pleistocene d'ltalia. In M. Fasola,<br />

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251-254.<br />

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1979. Evolution morphologique et ecologique de la cote de Castro (Pouilles)<br />

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National de la Recherche Scientifique, 271: 325-332.<br />

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Northwest Europe. Council for British Archaeology <strong>Res</strong>earch Report,<br />

77:141-159.<br />

Del Campana, D.<br />

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Rossi. Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 1:290-307.<br />

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1968. The Avifauna of Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar. Bulletin of the Institute<br />

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