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120 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY phantopus are common associates. Megalapteryx didinus, however, also is common, especially in hill sites, which reflects the presence of upland shrubland habitats, as this species dominates subalpine Holocene deposits. In central Otago, the smaller carinates are better represented in late-Holocene deposits than in older deposits, but, even so, they are not easily compared with those of other eastern areas because they do not include faunas accumulated by predators. As in Eastern faunas, Euryanas finschi is abundant, Sceloglaux albifacies, parakeets {Cyanoramphus spp.), New Zealand Snipe {Coenocorypha aucklandica), Gallinula hodgenorum, New Zealand Pigeon {Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae), and Coturnix novaezelandiae are common, Cnemiornis calcitrans is present, and Gallirallus australis and Apteryx spp. are relatively rare. Nestor notabilis is more abundant than in other regions, which also reflects the presence of substantial areas of upland habitat. The Anomalopteryx assemblage characterized rimu-dominated podocarp forests of the west coast and central North Island and the beech forests of Takaka Hill and Mt. Cookson during the Holocene. This observation supports the contention of Graham (1992) that vegetation structure may be more important to some animals than the species composition of the vegetation. Although these areas differed markedly floristically, they presented a common structure of a continuous closed canopy that excluded significant areas of grassland and shrubland. THE QUESTION OF PLEISTOCENE EXTINCTIONS OF MEGAFAUNA The faunal turnover at the end of the glacial period in New Zealand has considerable international relevance to the worldwide debate on the cause or causes of Pleistocene extinctions of megafauna, whether climate-induced or attributable to overkill by humans (Martin and Klein, 1984; Graham, 1986). The term megafauna has been defined in various ways, although most definitions encompass the larger species (Martin and Klein, 1984). In Australia, megafauna is often used for all species that went extinct in the late Pleistocene, regardless of size (Murray, 1991). In New Zealand, as elsewhere in the world, larger species were more susceptible to extinction, with all terrestrial birds greater than two kilograms becoming extinct (Cassels, 1984). The faunal changes documented for western areas of the South Island (Worthy, 1993a; Worthy and Holdaway, 1993) demonstrate that in New Zealand there were extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene, but they were only regional in extent. These are equivalent to the faunal shifts commonly related to past climatic changes in Quaternary faunas of Australia (Lundelius, 1983) and North America (Graham, 1987, 1992; Graham and Grimm, 1990). The warming climate in New Zealand produced habitats characterized by continuous tracts of closed-canopy forest for which the members of the Euryapteryx assemblage were not adapted, and so they were displaced by the Anomalopteryx as­ semblage. Such faunal shifts support the environmental change/habitat destruction hypothesis advocated as causal for North American Pleistocene extinctions (Graham, 1986). In New Zealand, however, all known species survived into the last millenium, with local adjustments in range. The Euryapteryx assemblage was restricted to the areas of grassland, shrubland, and forest mosaics that persisted east of the Southern Alps. Their continued survival in these areas could be considered an accident of geography because the Alps create a rainshadow, hence the dry conditions necessary to maintain this vegetational mosaic. But this is not the only reason because in the North Island and along the Southland coast, the ecotonal dunelands present a fundamentally similar vegetation structure, albeit in very small areas, sufficient for the survival of the dominant Otiran species alongside members of the Anomalopteryx assemblage. Also, the past survival of these species through several glacial-interglacial cycles suggests that they were not at risk of extinction in this last cycle. All moas, indeed all of New Zealand's Late Quaternary terrestrial species that eventually became extinct, did so only after humans arrived, about 800 to 1000 years ago (Anderson, 1991). In North America, greater habitat heterogeneity during the glacial and late glacial is associated with faunas of higher species diversity than those of the Holocene, so the loss of this habitat variety may have contributed to megafaunal extinctions (Graham, 1985, 1986). In New Zealand, although the members of the Euryapteryx assemblage lived in the areas of most heterogenous habitat, the greatest species diversity was achieved not in glacial times but rather during the late Holocene, when the warm-temperate forest element populated the forest segments of this mosaic. It may be equally valid to argue that, in a landscape that was otherwise forested, the species with requirements for grassland and shrubland habitats found refuge in these mosaics. That all members of the Euryapteryx assemblage became extinct seems to support the concept that the loss of habitat heterogeneity was important in the extinction event. Countering this, however, is the fact that many members of the Anomalopteryx assemblage also became extinct. The presence of heterogenous habitats are not implicitly a glacial/late glacial phenomenon, as inferred for North America by Graham (1992), but are rather a function of water availability and ecotonal habitats. That species with preferences for open areas, such as grassland, closed forests, or forest margins, can all find available habitat in such areas contributes to high species diversity. In New Zealand, forest remnants in the vegetational mosaics probably provided the source from which the members of the Anomalopteryx assemblage spread to dominate the faunas of the new closed-canopy forests of the Holocene. Conversely, at an earlier stage of the glacial-interglacial cycle, the Euryapteryx assemblage spread from remnant mosaic habitats existing in the last interglacial to dominate the open glacial landscapes.

NUMBER 89 121 It therefore seems unlikely that the last of many phases of alternate constriction and expansion of areas of particular vegetation physiognomies caused by climatic shifts contributed to megafaunal extinction in New Zealand. New Zealand differs fundamentally from North America or Australia in that humans were not present 10,000 years ago. The New Zealand data, demonstrating a combination of regional extirpations at the end of the Pleistocene and total extinction when humans arrived, suggest that neither overkill nor changing environments are wholly explanatory hypotheses. Both are contributing factors in a complex interaction. Murray (1991) reviewed the evidence on megafaunal extinction in Australia and concluded that although many factors were involved, the megafauna would have survived until European arrival without the influence of aboriginal humans. The New Zealand data fit with Murray's conclusion. In summary, climatic change at the end of the Pleistocene led to widespread habitat change in continental Australia and North America, vastly reducing the available habitat for the megafauna and their associates inhabiting Pleistocene vegetational mosaics. These species were thus compressed into small areas, where, in the absence of humans, they are likely to have survived as they did in New Zealand. Humans entered both North America and Australia several thousand years before the end of the last ice age and its associated climatic and vegetational changes. It seems probable that the continued exploitation of megafaunal species as food resources, after environmental changes had severely constricted the ranges of these species, then led to their extinction. The concept of the community in the evolving biota can be examined by studying the pattern of changes in the range of species. The individualistic model suggests communities are an amalgam of species that respond to changes in their environment in accordance with individual tolerances. As a result, communities are continually evolving, and modern associations do not necessarily represent analogs for previous time periods (Graham, 1985, 1992; Graham and Grimm, 1990). North American fossil faunas provide much support for this concept (Graham, 1992). An alternative hypothesis is that individuals are constrained by their ecological requirements and form recognizable associations that move across the landscape following available habitat. Alroy (MS) reanalyzes the North American data and finds much support for this concept of ecological tracking. The homogeneity of the Euryapteryx assemblage throughout Pleistocene and Holocene landscapes of South Island suggests that this suite of species was inextricably linked by habitat requirements; hence, it supports the ecological tracking model. The presence of Euryanas and Aptornis in Holocene forests of Mt. Cookson is an apparent contradiction of the discreteness of the Anomalopteryx and Euryapteryx assemblages, but it is explained by this area being an ecotonal zone between dry and wet areas and thus supporting a mix of species. COMPARISON OF CLIMATIC VERSUS HUMAN EFFECTS.—The small, relatively unmodified area of Takaka Hill invites comparison of the relative importance of climatic and human effects on the fauna. At the end of the last glacial period, the moas Megalapteryx didinus, Pachyornis elephantopus, P. australis, and Euryapteryx geranoides were displaced from Takaka Hill. With them went their main predator, Harpagornis moorei, and at least the associated species Euryanas finschi, Aptornis defossor, Fulica prisca, and Gallinula hodgenorum. Dendroscansor decurvirostris was probably lost from the area at the same time. During the Holocene, the faunal composition remained constant from the time of forest reestablishment, about 9000 to 10,000 years ago, until humans arrived in New Zealand. Major changes in the composition of the fauna resulted from various human activities and from predation by newly introduced mammals (Cassels, 1984; Anderson, 1989; Holdaway, 1989; Bell, 1991). Initially, only humans and the Pacific Rat {Rattus exulans (Peale)) preyed on the native fauna, but with the coming of Europeans another wave of predators swept through the forest (King, 1984), and much of the land was cleared for farming. The result has been that in the last 1000 years, 10 species on Takaka Hill have become locally extinct: Apteryx owenii, A. haastii, A. australis, Anas chlorotis, Strigops habroptilus, Porphyrio hochstetteri, Xenicus gilviventris, Mohoua ochrocephala, Callaeas cinerea, and Philesturnus carunculatus. A further 11 species became globally extinct: Anomalopteryx didiformis, Dinornis struthoides, D. novaezealandiae, Sceloglaux albifacies, Aegotheles novaezealandiae, Circus eylesi, Coturnix novaezelandiae, Xenicus longipes, Traversia lyalli, Pachyplichas yaldwyni, and Turnagra capensis. Therefore, at least 21 bird species living on Takaka Hill about 1000 years ago have been extirpated by the activities of humans and various introduced mammals, with most losses being among the terrestrial browser and nocturnal guilds (Holdaway and Worthy, 1996). Of the remaining birds, Nestor meridionalis and Cyanoramphus spp. are in serious decline in the area. In the first wave of extinctions associated with Polynesian arrival, the species that became extinct were large and flightless (moas, Aptornis, Cnemiornis), and thus susceptible to human hunting, or were very small and flightless or ground nesting (e.g., flightless acanthisittid wrens and procellariids), and thus subject to predation by the Pacific Rat. With the arrival of mustelids, other rats, and cats, other mainly flightless or weakflying species became extinct or endangered {Sceloglaux, Strigops, Nestor). The impact of humans caused the regional or total extinction of more than double the number of birds that were only displaced from Takaka Hill at the Otiran/Holocene transition and so was considerably worse than the effect of major climate change. Note Added In Press: In 1998, the Weka Gallirallus australis went extinct on Takaka Hill. The losses continue.

NUMBER 89 121<br />

It therefore seems unlikely that the last of many phases of alternate<br />

constriction and expansion of areas of particular vegetation<br />

physiognomies caused by climatic shifts contributed to<br />

megafaunal extinction in New Zealand. New Zealand differs<br />

fundamentally from North America or Australia in that humans<br />

were not present 10,000 years ago. The New Zealand data,<br />

demonstrating a combination of regional extirpations at the<br />

end of the Pleistocene and total extinction when humans arrived,<br />

suggest that neither overkill nor changing environments<br />

are wholly explanatory hypotheses. Both are contributing factors<br />

in a complex interaction. Murray (1991) reviewed the evidence<br />

on megafaunal extinction in Australia and concluded<br />

that although many factors were involved, the megafauna<br />

would have survived until European arrival without the influence<br />

of aboriginal humans. The New Zealand data fit with<br />

Murray's conclusion.<br />

In summary, climatic change at the end of the Pleistocene led<br />

to widespread habitat change in continental Australia and<br />

North America, vastly reducing the available habitat for the<br />

megafauna and their associates inhabiting Pleistocene vegetational<br />

mosaics. These species were thus compressed into small<br />

areas, where, in the absence of humans, they are likely to have<br />

survived as they did in New Zealand. Humans entered both<br />

North America and Australia several thousand years before the<br />

end of the last ice age and its associated climatic and vegetational<br />

changes. It seems probable that the continued exploitation<br />

of megafaunal species as food resources, after environmental<br />

changes had severely constricted the ranges of these<br />

species, then led to their extinction.<br />

The concept of the community in the evolving biota can be<br />

examined by studying the pattern of changes in the range of<br />

species. The individualistic model suggests communities are an<br />

amalgam of species that respond to changes in their environment<br />

in accordance with individual tolerances. As a result,<br />

communities are continually evolving, and modern associations<br />

do not necessarily represent analogs for previous time periods<br />

(Graham, 1985, 1992; Graham and Grimm, 1990). North<br />

American fossil faunas provide much support for this concept<br />

(Graham, 1992). An alternative hypothesis is that individuals<br />

are constrained by their ecological requirements and form recognizable<br />

associations that move across the landscape following<br />

available habitat. Alroy (MS) reanalyzes the North American<br />

data and finds much support for this concept of ecological<br />

tracking. The homogeneity of the Euryapteryx assemblage<br />

throughout Pleistocene and Holocene landscapes of South Island<br />

suggests that this suite of species was inextricably linked<br />

by habitat requirements; hence, it supports the ecological tracking<br />

model. The presence of Euryanas and Aptornis in Holocene<br />

forests of Mt. Cookson is an apparent contradiction of the discreteness<br />

of the Anomalopteryx and Euryapteryx assemblages,<br />

but it is explained by this area being an ecotonal zone between<br />

dry and wet areas and thus supporting a mix of species.<br />


small, relatively unmodified area of Takaka Hill invites comparison<br />

of the relative importance of climatic and human effects<br />

on the fauna. At the end of the last glacial period, the<br />

moas Megalapteryx didinus, Pachyornis elephantopus, P. australis,<br />

and Euryapteryx geranoides were displaced from Takaka<br />

Hill. With them went their main predator, Harpagornis<br />

moorei, and at least the associated species Euryanas finschi,<br />

Aptornis defossor, Fulica prisca, and Gallinula hodgenorum.<br />

Dendroscansor decurvirostris was probably lost from the area<br />

at the same time. During the Holocene, the faunal composition<br />

remained constant from the time of forest reestablishment,<br />

about 9000 to 10,000 years ago, until humans arrived in New<br />

Zealand. Major changes in the composition of the fauna resulted<br />

from various human activities and from predation by newly<br />

introduced mammals (Cassels, 1984; Anderson, 1989; Holdaway,<br />

1989; Bell, 1991). Initially, only humans and the Pacific<br />

Rat {Rattus exulans (Peale)) preyed on the native fauna, but<br />

with the coming of Europeans another wave of predators swept<br />

through the forest (King, 1984), and much of the land was<br />

cleared for farming.<br />

The result has been that in the last 1000 years, 10 species on<br />

Takaka Hill have become locally extinct: Apteryx owenii, A.<br />

haastii, A. australis, Anas chlorotis, Strigops habroptilus,<br />

Porphyrio hochstetteri, Xenicus gilviventris, Mohoua ochrocephala,<br />

Callaeas cinerea, and Philesturnus carunculatus. A<br />

further 11 species became globally extinct: Anomalopteryx<br />

didiformis, Dinornis struthoides, D. novaezealandiae, Sceloglaux<br />

albifacies, Aegotheles novaezealandiae, Circus eylesi,<br />

Coturnix novaezelandiae, Xenicus longipes, Traversia lyalli,<br />

Pachyplichas yaldwyni, and Turnagra capensis. Therefore, at<br />

least 21 bird species living on Takaka Hill about 1000 years<br />

ago have been extirpated by the activities of humans and various<br />

introduced mammals, with most losses being among the<br />

terrestrial browser and nocturnal guilds (Holdaway and Worthy,<br />

1996). Of the remaining birds, Nestor meridionalis and<br />

Cyanoramphus spp. are in serious decline in the area. In the<br />

first wave of extinctions associated with Polynesian arrival,<br />

the species that became extinct were large and flightless<br />

(moas, Aptornis, Cnemiornis), and thus susceptible to human<br />

hunting, or were very small and flightless or ground nesting<br />

(e.g., flightless acanthisittid wrens and procellariids), and thus<br />

subject to predation by the Pacific Rat. With the arrival of<br />

mustelids, other rats, and cats, other mainly flightless or weakflying<br />

species became extinct or endangered {Sceloglaux, Strigops,<br />

Nestor). The impact of humans caused the regional or<br />

total extinction of more than double the number of birds that<br />

were only displaced from Takaka Hill at the Otiran/Holocene<br />

transition and so was considerably worse than the effect of<br />

major climate change.<br />

Note Added In Press: In 1998, the Weka Gallirallus australis<br />

went extinct on Takaka Hill. The losses continue.

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