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NUMBER 89 115<br />

Tall shrublands persisted until 5000-6000 years ago, when increased<br />

precipitation allowed a tall podocarp forest to develop,<br />

at least in valley floors and on lower slopes. Beech forest<br />

spread in higher altitudes, but shrubland remained a significant<br />

component of regional vegetation. Between 800 and 1000<br />

years ago all forest and tall shrubland was destroyed by anthropogenic<br />

fires, and grassland and short shrubland again became<br />

widespread.<br />

McGlone et al. (1995) described pollen profiles from central<br />

Otago sites that record the vegetation from the late Pleistocene<br />

to the late Holocene. Between about 12,000 and 9000 years<br />

ago, a low scrub (1-2 m high) of small-leaved and xerophytic<br />

species formed a mosaic with Chionochloa grassland. Although<br />

tall podocarp forest was established in coastal areas of<br />

Southland and Otago by 9500 years ago, such forest is unlikely<br />

to have existed in other than small isolated stands in the interior<br />

before about 7500 years ago. The delay in forest establishment<br />

there may be explained by a decrease in available water at that<br />

time, either by lower rainfall or by a combination of increased<br />

evapotranspiration (resulting from higher temperatures) and<br />

decreased rainfall. The absence of, or very slow, peat deposition<br />

during this interval seems to support a prevailing water<br />

deficit. An abundance of tree-fern spores in the same period,<br />

however, suggests water was not limiting, at least in sheltered<br />

gullies. Frequent fires enabled the continued presence of tree<br />

ferns by stopping the establishment of slower growing, firesensitive<br />

podocarps, thus maintaining serai conditions.<br />

About 7500 years ago a coniferous forest of Prumnopitys<br />

taxifolia, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, and Podocarpus abruptly<br />

replaced lower altitude grassland communities, whereas Phyllocladus<br />

alpinus Hook.fi and Halocarpus bidwilli (Hook.f. ex<br />

Kirk) Quinn formed the upper treeline. The afforestation has<br />

been attributed to increased precipitation and a slight decrease<br />

in temperature. Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst. became<br />

established in the area about 6000 years ago, followed shortly<br />

by a Nothofagus fusca type and Dacrydium cupressinum, although<br />

Phyllocladus dominated pollen assemblages. Significant<br />

percentages of pollen of shrub taxa such as Coprosma,<br />

Asteraceae, and Poaceae indicate the continued presence of<br />

grassland-shrubland communities above the treeline. After<br />

3000 years ago, episodic destruction of podocarp forests by fire<br />

resulted in a reduction in the frequency of some tree pollen, especially<br />

Prumnopitys taxifolia, and an increase in grass pollen.<br />

Forests were widely destroyed by anthropogenic fires, resulting<br />

in a sudden proliferation of Pteridium esculentum (Forster f.)<br />

Nakai spores and vastly increased amounts of charcoal about<br />

600 years ago.<br />

Avifaunal Changes<br />

The composition of the Late Quaternary and Holocene avifauna<br />

of terrestrial and inland wetland habitats is summarized<br />

in Table 1 from data in Millener (1990), with alterations as elucidated<br />

in Worthy (1993a, 1997) and Worthy and Holdaway<br />

(1993, 1994a, 1996). The following notes support the numbers<br />

of species listed herein as inhabiting such inland areas.<br />

Pelecaniformes Only Pelecanus, Phalacrocorax carbo, and<br />

P. melanoleucos are inland taxa.<br />

Ciconiiformes Only Egretta alba, Botaurus stellaris, and Ixobrychus<br />

novaezelandiae are inland taxa.<br />

Anseriformes I do not accept Anas rhynchotis or Oxyura as<br />

part of the prehuman fauna, Mergus was<br />

coastal, and only Cnemiornis had endemic<br />

species on each island.<br />

Falconiformes Circus approximans is a recent immigrant, so<br />

the prehuman fauna comprised one eagle,<br />

one harrier, and one falcon.<br />

Gruiformes The North and South Island pairs Aptornis<br />

otidiformislA. defossor and P. mantellil<br />

Porphyrio hochstetteri each consist of separate<br />

species (Trewick, 1996); Porphyrio p.<br />

melanotus is considered a recent immigrant;<br />

Gallirallusphilippensis is recorded from glacial<br />

deposits on South Island; and Porzana<br />

tabuensis and P. pusilla, although rare as fossils,<br />

are assumed to have been on both islands.<br />

Charadriiformes Only Haematopus unicolor, Charadrius<br />

bicinctus, Thinornis novaeseelandiae, Anarhynchus<br />

frontalis, Coenocorypha aucklandica,<br />

Himantopus novaezelandiae, Larus dominicanus,<br />

L. bulleri, and Sterna albostriata<br />

used inland areas habitually.<br />

Passeriformes There are seven acanthisittid wrens, among<br />

which Pachyplichas had discrete species on<br />

each island and Dendroscansor decurvirostris<br />

was endemic to South Island. The three<br />

TABLE 1.—The number of species in each order of birds that inhabited<br />

prehuman inland wetlands and/or terrestrial habitats on North and South<br />

islands, New Zealand. Data is from Millener (1990), Worthy (1993a, 1997),<br />

and Worthy and Holdaway (1993, 1994a, 1996).<br />

Order<br />


















Total<br />

North Island<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

11<br />

3<br />

1<br />

9<br />

9<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

20<br />

82<br />

South Island<br />

9<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

11<br />

3<br />

1<br />

8<br />

9<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

20<br />

84<br />

Total<br />

11<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

12<br />

3<br />

1<br />

11<br />

9<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

24<br />


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