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NUMBER 89 109 ogy. Notornis, supplement, 41:165-178. Travers, H.H. 1866. On the Destruction of the Aborigines of Chatham Island. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London, new series, 4: 352-360. Travers, W.T.L. 1873. On the Birds of the Chatham Islands, by H.H. Travers, with Introductory Remarks on the Avi-fauna and Flora of the Islands in Their Relation to Those of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 5:212-222. 1883. Remarks on the Distibution within the New Zealand Zoological Sub-region of the Birds of the Accipitres, Passeres, Scansores, Gallinae, Struthiones, and Grallae. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 15:178-187. Trotter, M.M., and B. McCulloch 1984. Moas, Men and Middens. In P.S. Martin and R.G. Klein, editors, Quaternary Extinctions: A Prehistoric Revolution, pages 708-727. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Turbott, E.G., convener 1990. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica. Third edition, 247 pages. Auckland: Random Century in association with the Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Inc. van Bemmelen, J.F. 1993. The Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands. Occasional Papers of the Hutton Foundation, New Zealand, 3: v+73 pages, van Tets, G.F., P.V. Rich, P.J. Fullagar, and P.M. Davidson 1981. Fossil, Sub-fossil and Early Historic Birds of Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. In H.F. Rechter and W.F. Ponder, editors, Lord Howe Island, pages 29-31. Sydney: Australian Museum. Wallace, A.R. 1893. Mr. H.O. Forbes's Discoveries in the Chatham Islands. Nature, 48(1228):27-28. Wright, A.C.S. 1959. Soils of Chatham Island (Rekohu). New Zealand Soil Bureau Bulletin, 19:1-61.

NUMBER 89 109<br />

ogy. Notornis, supplement, 41:165-178.<br />

Travers, H.H.<br />

1866. On the Destruction of the Aborigines of Chatham Island. Transactions<br />

of the Ethnological Society of <strong>Lo</strong>ndon, new series, 4: 352-360.<br />

Travers, W.T.L.<br />

1873. On the Birds of the Chatham Islands, by H.H. Travers, with Introductory<br />

Remarks on the Avi-fauna and Flora of the Islands in Their<br />

Relation to Those of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings<br />

of the New Zealand Institute, 5:212-222.<br />

1883. Remarks on the Distibution within the New Zealand Zoological<br />

Sub-region of the Birds of the Accipitres, Passeres, Scansores, Gallinae,<br />

Struthiones, and Grallae. Transactions and Proceedings of the<br />

New Zealand Institute, 15:178-187.<br />

Trotter, M.M., and B. McCulloch<br />

1984. Moas, Men and Middens. In P.S. Martin and R.G. Klein, editors,<br />

Quaternary Extinctions: A Prehistoric Revolution, pages 708-727.<br />

Tucson: University of Arizona Press.<br />

Turbott, E.G., convener<br />

1990. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand and the Ross Dependency,<br />

Antarctica. Third edition, 247 pages. Auckland: Random Century in<br />

association with the Ornithological Society of New Zealand, Inc.<br />

van Bemmelen, J.F.<br />

1993. The Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands. Occasional Papers of the<br />

Hutton Foundation, New Zealand, 3: v+73 pages,<br />

van Tets, G.F., P.V. Rich, P.J. Fullagar, and P.M. Davidson<br />

1981. Fossil, Sub-fossil and Early Historic Birds of <strong>Lo</strong>rd Howe and Norfolk<br />

Islands. In H.F. Rechter and W.F. Ponder, editors, <strong>Lo</strong>rd Howe<br />

Island, pages 29-31. Sydney: Australian Museum.<br />

Wallace, A.R.<br />

1893. Mr. H.O. Forbes's Discoveries in the Chatham Islands. Nature,<br />

48(1228):27-28.<br />

Wright, A.C.S.<br />

1959. Soils of Chatham Island (Rekohu). New Zealand Soil Bureau Bulletin,<br />


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