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NUMBER 89<br />

population, if such existed, must have been eliminated in prehistoric<br />

times.<br />

Gallirallus minor (extinct Weka): Several authors have reported<br />

bones of this species. Olson (1975:76) remarked that the<br />

presence of this species in the Chathams would be "a highly<br />

unlikely occurence" and indicated that at least the bones mentioned<br />

by Falla (1960) are well within the size range for G. dieffenbachii.<br />

Gallirallus minor is a species that has never been<br />

satisfactorily defined and may eventually prove to be no more<br />

than a smaller variant of G. australis.<br />

Strigops habroptilus (Kakapo): Travers (1873) mentioned<br />

that kakapos (as well as kiwis and wekas, see above) were<br />

known to the Maori on the Chathams, and the record was followed<br />

by several subsequent authors. Although this statement<br />

was later disavowed, Forbes (1892c, 1893a) continued to accept<br />

the unsubstantiated myth. Dawson (1959), in a detailed<br />

analysis, concluded that the only material evidence for the<br />

former presence of Strigops rested with a single bone in the<br />

Travers collection, which perhaps had not come from the<br />

Chathams at all. Subsequently, Dawson (1960) discovered two<br />

further bones of Strigops, among uncataloged material in the<br />

British Museum, that had allegedly been collected by or for<br />

Forbes in the 1890s. Because these three bones are the only<br />

ones ever identified among the many thousands of bones obtained<br />

from the Chathams, it seems most likely that their locality,<br />

too, was incorrectly recorded, although there remains a<br />

possibility (in my view, highly implausible) that Kakapo were<br />

at some time taken to the islands from New Zealand by the<br />

Maori.<br />

Nestor notabilis (Kea): The occurrence of fossil bones<br />

identified as those of the Kea was mentioned in several papers<br />

by Forbes (1892c, 1893a). Oliver (1955:542) obviously followed<br />

Forbes when remarking that "in pre-European times [the<br />

kea was present] on the Chatham Islands." Dawson (1959),<br />

however, considered all the Chatham Island bones of Nestor<br />

obtained by Forbes to belong to N. meridionalis (Kaka). My<br />

own research has shown that the Chatham Islands Nestor (Figure<br />

10) is a new, undescribed species, poorly volant and now<br />

extinct, but it is structurally more like N. meridionalis than like<br />

N. notabilis.<br />

Sceloglaux albifacies (Laughing Owl): Forbes (1892c) noted<br />

that among his Chatham Island material were bones that he<br />

identified as those of the Laughing Owl. Neither Dawson (in<br />

1958) nor I (in 1984), however, recognized any bones attribut-<br />

FlGURE 10.—Pelves of Nestor spp. (dorsal views). Left to right: Nestor notabilis (MNZ 23161); Nestor, species<br />

undescribed (NMZ S29990, PRM sample #152/91), from Te One, Chatham Island; Nestor m. meridionalis<br />

(NMZ 22504). (Scale bar=30 mm.)<br />


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