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more <strong>in</strong> the art of war, k<strong>in</strong>g Ethelred gave to him as wife his<br />

daughter Elfgiva. And by her he had a daughter Aldgitha,<br />

whom her father gave <strong>in</strong> marriage to Maldred, son of Cr<strong>in</strong>an<br />

the father of<br />

the thane ;<br />

* and by her Maldred had Gospatric,<br />

Dolf<strong>in</strong>, of Waldeve and of Gospatric.<br />

1016<br />

DE OBSESSIONS DUNELMI, IN S. or D., VOL. I, p. 218.<br />

When [Utred] was sla<strong>in</strong> 2 his brother Adulf, surnamed<br />

Cudel, succeeded him <strong>in</strong> the earldom ; a man very cowardly<br />

and timorous.<br />

And fear<strong>in</strong>g that the Scots would avenge on him the death<br />

of their men whom, as has been said above, his brother had<br />

killed, he granted to them the whole of Lothian, for amends<br />

and steadfast peace.<br />

In <strong>this</strong> way was Lothian added to the 3<br />

k<strong>in</strong>gdom of the Scots.<br />

1018<br />


VOL. I, p. 84.<br />

In the year of the Lord's <strong>in</strong>carnation 1018, while Cnut con-<br />

trolled the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of the English, 4 a comet appeared for<br />

thirty nights to the peoples of Northumbria, and with d<strong>read</strong><br />

presage foreshowed the prov<strong>in</strong>ce's future disaster.<br />

For shortly after, that is, after thirty days, while they<br />

fought at Carham aga<strong>in</strong>st an endless host of Scots, the entire<br />

people, from the river Tees to the 5<br />

Tweed, with their nobility<br />

almost wholly perished. . . .<br />

6<br />

1 "<br />

To a very rich man Maldred, son of Cr<strong>in</strong>an. And by<br />

earl Gospatric," etc. De Pr. Sax. Adv., <strong>in</strong> S. of D., ii, 383.<br />

her he had<br />

This Cr<strong>in</strong>an may have been the lay abbot of Dunkeld who was Malcolm<br />

and who, accord<strong>in</strong>g to Tighernach,<br />

II's son-<strong>in</strong>-law, and father of Dun<strong>can</strong> I ;<br />

was sla<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> 1045.<br />

2 Utred was sla<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> 1016, accord<strong>in</strong>g to A.S.C., MSS. C, D, E, F. Fl. of<br />

W., i, 172 ; S. of D., H.Pv., ii, 148 ; H.D.E., i, 218, and note.<br />

The A.S.C. says that Cnut appo<strong>in</strong>ted Eric as Utred's successor <strong>in</strong> Northumbria,<br />

" all as Utred was " ; cf. Fl. of W. ; but possibly Adulf may have<br />

had Bernicia. Cf. De Pr. Sax.<br />

"<br />

Adv., <strong>in</strong> S. of D., ii, 383 : And when Utred<br />

was sla<strong>in</strong> by Turbrand, surnamed Hold, by wish of k<strong>in</strong>g Cnut, his brother<br />

Adulf Cudel adm<strong>in</strong>istered the earldom."<br />

"<br />

S. of D., H.R., ii, 197 : And <strong>in</strong><br />

[Utred's] place was set his brother Adulf Cudel."<br />

3 De Obs. Dun. omits mention of the battle of Carham.<br />

4 Cnut became k<strong>in</strong>g of England after 30th November, 1016 ; A.S.C.,<br />

MSS. C, D, E, F : he was crowned <strong>in</strong> 1017, MSS. A, C, D, E, F. Cf. De Pr.<br />

Sax. Adv., <strong>in</strong> S. of D., ii, 373. Laws of Edw. Conf., <strong>in</strong> Thorpe's Ancient<br />

Laws, i, 458.<br />

5 "<br />

Lit. elders."<br />

6<br />

Bishop Aldhun, " hear<strong>in</strong>g of the lamentable slaughter<br />

of St. Cuthbert's<br />


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