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971 x 975<br />


Moreover although, as is said, [Edgar] was puny of<br />

stature and form yet the favour of Nature had planted so<br />

great strength <strong>in</strong> his small body that he <strong>read</strong>ily challenged<br />

to combat whomsoever he knew to be presumptuous ; fear-<br />

<strong>in</strong>g <strong>this</strong> chiefly, that he should be feared <strong>in</strong> such sport.<br />

Indeed it is reported that once <strong>in</strong> a feast, w<strong>here</strong> the sarcasm<br />

of fools usually displays itself more openly, Kenneth,<br />

k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots, said jest<strong>in</strong>gly that it seemed strange that so<br />

many prov<strong>in</strong>ces were subject to so <strong>in</strong>signifi<strong>can</strong>t<br />

a mannik<strong>in</strong>.<br />

And <strong>this</strong> was taken up perversely by a jester, and afterwards<br />

cast <strong>in</strong> Edgar's face at a formal banquet.<br />

But he, conceal<strong>in</strong>g the matter from his followers, summoned<br />

Kenneth as if to consult him about a great secret ;<br />

and tak<strong>in</strong>g him far aside <strong>in</strong>to a wood gave him one of two<br />

"<br />

swords which he carried with him. And now," said he,<br />

"<br />

thou mayest try thy strength, s<strong>in</strong>ce we are alone. For<br />

now I shall have caused it to appear which should rightly<br />

be subject to the other. Thou also, shr<strong>in</strong>k not from disput<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the matter with me. For it is base that a k<strong>in</strong>g should be<br />

witty at the feast and un<strong>read</strong>y <strong>in</strong> conflict."<br />

[Kenneth] was confused, and dared utter no word :<br />

he<br />

fell at the feet of his lord k<strong>in</strong>g, and besought pardon for his<br />

and immediately obta<strong>in</strong>ed it.<br />

<strong>in</strong>nocent jest ;<br />

1000<br />

ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE, MSS. C, D, E, S.A. 1000. *<br />

In <strong>this</strong> year the k<strong>in</strong>g [Ethelred II] 2 went <strong>in</strong>to Cumbria 3<br />

and harried it very nearly all.<br />

chief festivals, when the k<strong>in</strong>g and his successors wore the crown, they should<br />

come to court and celebrate the feast with rejoic<strong>in</strong>g along with the other<br />

pr<strong>in</strong>ces of the realm.<br />

"<br />

Moreover the k<strong>in</strong>g gave him very many dwell<strong>in</strong>g-places on the route,<br />

so that he and his successors, com<strong>in</strong>g to the feast and aga<strong>in</strong> return<strong>in</strong>g, might<br />

be able to lodge t<strong>here</strong>. And these [dwell<strong>in</strong>g-places] cont<strong>in</strong>ued <strong>in</strong> the possession<br />

of the k<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>Scotland</strong> until the time of k<strong>in</strong>g Henry II."<br />

Still less authoritative is the account given by John of Wall<strong>in</strong>gford,<br />

Chronica, <strong>in</strong> Gale, Scriptores, 544-545.<br />

1 MS. F, s.a. 1000 : "In <strong>this</strong> year the k<strong>in</strong>g went <strong>in</strong>to Cumbria, and<br />

destroyed it all. And the hostile fleet," etc.<br />

"<br />

H. of H., 170 : T<strong>here</strong>fore k<strong>in</strong>g Ethelred went with a very powerful<br />

army <strong>in</strong>to Cumbria, w<strong>here</strong> was the chief abode of the Danes. And he conquered<br />

the Danes <strong>in</strong> a very great battle, and raided and wasted almost the<br />

whole of Cumbria." Cf. Fl. of W., i, 154 ; S. of D., H.R., ii, 137.<br />

2 Ethelred II reigned 979-1016 ; A.S.C., MSS. D, E, F.<br />

3 Lit. " Cumberland " ; So H. of H. Cf. supra, s.a. 945, note.

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