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937<br />


[Ethelstan's] last war was with Olaf Sitricson, who had<br />

crossed his boundaries <strong>in</strong> the hope of usurp<strong>in</strong>g the k<strong>in</strong>gdom ;<br />

along with the aforesaid Constant<strong>in</strong>, aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> rebellion.<br />

And because Ethelstan retired advisedly to defeat the<br />

<strong>in</strong>vader more gloriously, 1 the youth, overbold and hop<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

his heart forbidden th<strong>in</strong>gs, had advanced far <strong>in</strong>to England<br />

leaders of<br />

when at last he was opposed at Brunefeld 2<br />

great skill and by a strong force of knights.<br />

by<br />

. . .<br />

937<br />


VOL. I, p. 76.3<br />

In the fourth year after [his <strong>in</strong>vasion of <strong>Scotland</strong>,] that<br />

is, <strong>in</strong> the 937th year of the Lord's nativity, [Ethelstan] fought<br />

at Wendun, (which by another name is called At Burnswark<br />

or 4<br />

Brunnanburgh, ; aga<strong>in</strong>st the son of the former k<strong>in</strong>g Godfrey,<br />

Olaf, 5 who had come with six hundred and fifteen ships,<br />

1<br />

Accord<strong>in</strong>g to W. of M., Olaf spied <strong>in</strong> guise of a harper upon Ethelstan's<br />

camp : H.R., i, 142-143. When Ethelstan retired to draw on the enemy<br />

bishop Werstan of Sherborne pitched his tent on the site which the k<strong>in</strong>g had<br />

abandoned and so was slaughtered by Olaf <strong>in</strong> the night : G.P., 178.<br />

2 One of the variant <strong>read</strong><strong>in</strong>gs is Bruneford.<br />

" T<strong>here</strong>fore after thirteen years " [from<br />

3<br />

Ethelw., <strong>in</strong> M.H.B., 520 :<br />

"<br />

Ethelstan's succession <strong>in</strong> 926] was fought a fierce battle aga<strong>in</strong>st the barbarians<br />

<strong>in</strong> the place Brunnanburgh, whence also even to the present it is<br />

commonly entitled the Great Battle. Then the barbarian troops were everyw<strong>here</strong><br />

overcome ; and they no longer had dom<strong>in</strong>ion, after those whom he<br />

drove beyond the shores of Ocean. Moreover the Scots bowed their necks,<br />

and the Picts also. ..."<br />

A.S.C., MSS. A, B, C, D, says that they fought " around Brunnanburgh."<br />

"<br />

In the year of grace 945, and the fourth<br />

H. of H., 159, confusedly :<br />

year of his reign, k<strong>in</strong>g Ethelstan fought a battle, the greatest of battles, at<br />

Brunnanburgh aga<strong>in</strong>st Olaf, k<strong>in</strong>g of Ireland, who had supplemented his<br />

forces from the nation of the Scots, and of the Danes who dwelt <strong>in</strong> England."<br />

(The writer has mis<strong>read</strong> the Roman numeral xxxuii as xxxxu.)<br />

4 The name occurs <strong>in</strong> a variety of forms : (1) Weondune, S. of D., i, 76 ;<br />

Wendune, S. of D., ii, 293 ; (2) Etbrunnanwerc, S. of D., i, 76 ; Bruneswerce,<br />

Gaimar, 1. 3524, i, 147, with variants ; (3) Brun(n)anburh, -byrig, A.S.C.,<br />

A, B, C, D, E ; S. of D. ; Fl. of W. ; Brune(s)burh, H. of H., 159, 160 ;<br />

(4) Brunandune, Ethelw., <strong>in</strong> M.H.B., 520 ; (5) Brunfort, Bk. of Hyde, 124.<br />

The second of these forms, Burnswark, occurs <strong>in</strong> a suitable locality,<br />

although it is not the place understood by Fl. of W. or by W. of M., supra.<br />

Place-names show that t<strong>here</strong> was a Danish settlement to the north of the<br />

for the<br />

Solway Firth ; and <strong>this</strong> would have been a suitable land<strong>in</strong>g-place<br />

Irish Danes. Cf. regard<strong>in</strong>g the extent of Bernicia, supra, s.aa. 547, 731, notes.<br />

5 Both Olaf Godfreysoii (as S. of D.) and Olaf Sitricson (as W. of M.) appear<br />

to have taken part <strong>in</strong> the war. For Godfrey and Sitric cf. supra, s.aa. 921,<br />

926, notes.

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