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that they had zeal for God, but not accord<strong>in</strong>g to knowledge ;<br />

and he taught them, as we have said, to hold the celebration<br />

of the chief festival <strong>in</strong> the catholic and apostolic manner,<br />

under the figure of an endless crown. 2<br />

And clearly it happened by a wonderful dispensation of<br />

God's mercy that s<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>this</strong> nation had laboured to impart<br />

to the peoples of the Angles, gladly and without grudg<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

such knowledge as they had of the comprehension of God,<br />

should itself also afterwards atta<strong>in</strong> to the perfect rule of life<br />

through the nation of the Angles, <strong>in</strong> those th<strong>in</strong>gs which it<br />

had lacked. So on the contrary the Britons, who refused<br />

to extend to the Angles what knowledge they had of the<br />

Christian faith, when now the peoples of the Angles believe<br />

and are <strong>in</strong> all th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong>structed <strong>in</strong> the rule of catholic faith,<br />

are themselves still antiquated and halt<strong>in</strong>g from their paths ;<br />

and display their heads without the crown, and celebrate<br />

the festivals of Christ without the fellowship of Christ's church.<br />

Now the monks of lona received the catholic rites of life<br />

through the teach<strong>in</strong>g of Egbert, under abbot Dun<strong>can</strong>, 3 about<br />

eighty years from the time when they had sent Aidan as<br />

bishop to preach to the nation of the Angles. And the man<br />

of the Lord, Egbert, rema<strong>in</strong>ed for thirteen years <strong>in</strong> the aforesaid<br />

island, which he had himself consecrated to Christ, as<br />

though new grace shone forth of ecclesiastic fellowship and<br />

peace. And <strong>in</strong> the year of the Lord's <strong>in</strong>carnation 729, <strong>in</strong><br />

which the Lord's Easter 4<br />

was celebrated on the eighth day<br />

before the Kalends of May, when he had celebrated the<br />

solemnities of mass <strong>in</strong> memory of the same resurrection of<br />

the Lord, on 5 the same day he too departed to the Lord ;<br />

exile (III, 27, u.s.,) for missionary enterprise on the cont<strong>in</strong>ent. But Boisil<br />

of Melrose appeared to a former attendant of his, bidd<strong>in</strong>g him tell Egbert<br />

that " whether he will or not, he must come to the monasteries of Columba,<br />

because their ploughs do not go straight ; and it is meet for him to br<strong>in</strong>g them<br />

to a straight course " ; ibid., 297-298. A storm followed, and Egbert at<br />

last desisted. This happened previously to 690 ; cf. H.E., V, 10, i, 298-299 ;<br />

ii, 291-292.<br />

Egbert appears to have been a bishop ; Bede, H.E., III, 27, i, 193 ; V, 9,<br />

i, 296 ; Ethelwerd, <strong>in</strong> M.H.B., 507 ; Ethelwulf, De Abb., <strong>in</strong> S. of D., i, 270,<br />

and note ; cf . Plummer, Bede, ii, 285.<br />

1 Rom. X, 2.<br />

2<br />

I.e., the crown-tonsure.<br />

3 Dun<strong>can</strong> was abbot of lona from 707 to 717, accord<strong>in</strong>g to Tigh. ; who,<br />

however, places <strong>in</strong> 717 the " expulsion of the family of lona across Drumalban<br />

by k<strong>in</strong>g Nechtan," and says that <strong>in</strong> 718 " the crown-tonsure was put upon<br />

the family of lona."<br />

4 24th April.<br />

5<br />

Cf. Bede, H.E., Recap., V, 24 ; i, *356. A.S.C., all MSS., s.a. 729.<br />

"<br />

Bede, H.E., III, 27 ; i, 193-194 :<br />

. . . [Egbert] departed recently to<br />


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