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tation ; <strong>in</strong>somuch that he rose up from the midst of the<br />

assembly of his nobles, and bowed his knees to the ground,<br />

giv<strong>in</strong>g thanks to God that he should be worthy to receive<br />

such a gift from the land of the Angles.<br />

"<br />

And <strong>in</strong>deed I knew even before," said he, " that <strong>this</strong><br />

was the true celebration of Easter ; but now I know so well<br />

the reason for the observance of <strong>this</strong> time that I seem to<br />

myself <strong>in</strong> all these th<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

ways to have understood before but little of<br />

And hence I profess openly and protest to you<br />

present who sit <strong>here</strong> that I will ever observe, with my whole<br />

nation, <strong>this</strong> time of Easter ; and decree that all clerics who<br />

are <strong>in</strong> my realm must receive <strong>this</strong> tonsure, which we have<br />

heard to be wholly reasonable." And without delay he fulfilled<br />

by his royal authority what he had said. For immediately<br />

by public command the n<strong>in</strong>eteen-year cycles of Easter<br />

were sent throughout all the prov<strong>in</strong>ces of the Picts to be<br />

transcribed, learned and observed the ; faulty cycles of eightyfour<br />

years be<strong>in</strong>g everyw<strong>here</strong> suppressed. All servants of the<br />

altar and monks were tonsured <strong>in</strong> the manner of the crown ;<br />

and the nation corrected rejoiced that it had been devoted<br />

as it were to a new discipleship of Peter, the most blessed<br />

pr<strong>in</strong>ce of the apostles, and placed under the protection of his<br />

patronage.<br />

710 x 711<br />


VOL. I, p. 356. !<br />

Picts.<br />

In the year 711 Bertfrid the prefect 2<br />

fought<br />

with the<br />

am silent about his fellow-countrymen, who emulously sent<br />

336-337 : "I<br />

their writ<strong>in</strong>gs to [Aldhelm] to submit to the criticism of his judgment. I<br />

pass over the Scots, then most deeply learned : they are known to have<br />

done the same. But I could name some of them of no mean literary gift ;<br />

especially Artwil, the son of the k<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Scotland</strong>. Whatever he produced<br />

<strong>in</strong> the art of literature, and <strong>this</strong> was not at all trifl<strong>in</strong>g, he committed to<br />

Aldhelm's judgment, that by the revision of his accomplished m<strong>in</strong>d might<br />

be scraped off the Scottish roughness."<br />

1 Cf. A.S.C., MSS. A, B, s.a. 710, MS. C, s.a. 709.<br />

" Bertfrid, k<strong>in</strong>g Osred's prefect, fought with<br />

Fl. of W., i, 48, s.a. 710 :<br />

the Picts and was victorious."<br />

2 "<br />

Bertfrid, second pr<strong>in</strong>ce from the k<strong>in</strong>g," Eddi, LX, <strong>in</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>e's York,<br />

i, 90, (cf. ibid., i, 91,) was the supporter of k<strong>in</strong>g Osred, the son of Aldfrid,<br />

aga<strong>in</strong>st Adulf ; cf. Eddi, LIX, u.s., i, 88-89. Cf. W. of M., G.P., 242.<br />

Bertfrid is the same name as Berctred, supra, s.a. 698. The bearers of<br />

these and the allied name Bert (supra, s.a. 685, note,) may have belonged to<br />

the same family.

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