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places <strong>in</strong> which the patriarchs or the apostles were, know<br />

them only from the th<strong>in</strong>gs which they have learned by <strong>read</strong><strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Now Adamnan offered <strong>this</strong> <strong>book</strong> to k<strong>in</strong>g Aldfrid, and<br />

to lesser men also to <strong>read</strong>.<br />

through his bounty it was given<br />

Of [his bounty] also the wTiter was himself presented with<br />

many gifts, and sent back to his country. 1<br />

698<br />


VOL. I, P.<br />

a<br />

355.<br />

In the year 698 Berctred, royal leader 3 of the Northumbrians,<br />

was sla<strong>in</strong> by the Picts.<br />

? 710<br />

BEDE, HISTORIA ECCLESTASTICA, V, 21 ; VOL. I, PP. 332-333,<br />

345-346. 4<br />

How abbot Ceolfrid sent to the k<strong>in</strong>g of the Picts architects<br />

for a church, and also a letter concern<strong>in</strong>g the catholic Easter and<br />

the tonsure.<br />

At <strong>this</strong> time 5 Nechtan, k<strong>in</strong>g of the Picts who <strong>in</strong>habit<br />

the northern parts of Brita<strong>in</strong>, warned by frequent study of<br />

the ecclesiastic writ<strong>in</strong>gs, renounced the error by which he and<br />

1 The follow<strong>in</strong>g chapters, 16 and 17 (i, 317-319,) are devoted to extracts<br />

from Bede's De Locis Sanctis, which is based upon Adamnan 's : cf. Ad.,<br />

D.L.S., I, 2-3, 7, 22, 23 ; II, 1, 2, 8, 9, 10. Adamnan's work is pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong><br />

Migne, 88, 779-814. For other editions, v. Plummer, Bede, ii, 303-304.<br />

2 This annal is omitted by MSS. C, W, O 2 - 4 , D, etc. Plummer, ibid.,<br />

note 13 ).<br />

Tighernach, s.a. 698, and Ann. of Ulst., s.a. 697, say that Berctred was<br />

the son of Beornheth cf. ; Eddi, XIX, supra, 671 X 672.<br />

Cf. A.S.C., s.a. 699, MSS. D, E: "In <strong>this</strong> year the Picts slew Bert<br />

the alderman," <strong>in</strong>tend<strong>in</strong>g apparently to identify Berctred with the Bert<br />

(Berctus) who led an expedition <strong>in</strong>to Ireland <strong>in</strong> 684; Bede, H.E., IV, 26;<br />

i, 266 ; v. supra, s.a. 685, note.<br />

"<br />

H. of H., 109, expands <strong>this</strong> idea : In the eleventh year of Ine's reign,<br />

Bert, the aforesaid consul of Egfrid, felt the curses of the Irish whose churches<br />

he had destroyed, even as his lord had felt them. For as k<strong>in</strong>g Egfrid entered<br />

the land of the Picts and t<strong>here</strong> met his destruction, so he also entered the land<br />

of the same people to avenge his lord, and was sla<strong>in</strong> by them.<br />

"<br />

About <strong>this</strong> time were 700 years from the Lord's <strong>in</strong>carnation."<br />

Ine became k<strong>in</strong>g of the West Saxons <strong>in</strong> 688 ; A.S.C., MSS. A, B, C, E, F.<br />

3 dux ; alderman ?<br />

4 Cf. A.S. Vers., i, 468, 470. Cf. H. of H., 112.<br />

5 The previous chapter relates the death of abbot Hadrian, plac<strong>in</strong>g it<br />

<strong>in</strong> 709 ; V, 20 ; i, 330. Perhaps 710 is the correct date ; cf. V, 19, 24 ; i, 322,<br />

356 ; ii, 329.<br />

Nechtan mac Derilli succeeded his brother Brude, who died <strong>in</strong> 706.<br />

Nechtan was deposed <strong>in</strong> 726, but rega<strong>in</strong>ed the k<strong>in</strong>gdom for a short time<br />

two years later. He died <strong>in</strong> 732. Tigh,

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