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686 x 704<br />



VOL. I, PP. 315-317. J<br />

Hoiv at the <strong>in</strong>stance of Adamnan very many of the churches<br />

of the Scots received the catholic Easter ; and how he wrote a<br />

<strong>book</strong> about the holy places.<br />

And at <strong>this</strong> time 2 the chief part of the Scots <strong>in</strong> Ireland,<br />

and some part also of the Britons <strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong>, 3 received, God<br />

grant<strong>in</strong>g it, the rational and ecclesiastical time of the ob-<br />

servance of Easter.<br />

For when Adamnan, priest and abbot of the monks who<br />

were <strong>in</strong> the island of lona, 4 had been sent as a legation by<br />

his nation and had come to Aldfrid, k<strong>in</strong>g of the Angles ; and<br />

stay<strong>in</strong>g for some time <strong>in</strong> that prov<strong>in</strong>ce saw the <strong>can</strong>onical<br />

rites of the church, and also was wisely exhorted by very<br />

many who were better tra<strong>in</strong>ed not to presume with his extremely<br />

few followers, placed <strong>in</strong> an uttermost corner of the<br />

world, to live contrarily to the universal custom of the church,<br />

either <strong>in</strong> the observance of Easter or <strong>in</strong> any other decrees<br />

whatsoever, he changed his m<strong>in</strong>d ; so that he very gladly<br />

preferred the th<strong>in</strong>gs which he had seen and heard <strong>in</strong> the<br />

churches of the Angles to the custom of himself and his. For<br />

he was a good man and wise, and very notably tra<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the<br />

knowledge of the Scriptures.<br />

And when he had returned home he endeavoured to lead<br />

his [monks] who were <strong>in</strong> lona or who were subject to that<br />

monastery to <strong>this</strong> path of truth which he had learned and<br />

which he had adopted with his whole heart, but could not.<br />

He sailed to Ireland, and by preach<strong>in</strong>g to them, and with<br />

temperate exhortation declar<strong>in</strong>g to them the lawful time of<br />

Easter, he brought over very many of them to catholic unity,<br />

1 Not <strong>in</strong> A.S. Vers.<br />

2 The previous chapter describes a vision which had been seen " recently,"<br />

V, 14, i, 315. The last date given is of the consecration of Wilbrord <strong>in</strong> 696 ;<br />

V, 11, i, 303.<br />

3 I.e. the Cumbrians of Strathclyde ; v. H. & S., ii, 6-7.<br />

4 Adamnan was abbot of lona from 679 to 704. He visited Aldfrid<br />

(cf. supra, s.a. 685, note) twice ; first (probably <strong>in</strong> 686) after the battle of<br />

Nechtansmere, to obta<strong>in</strong> the release of sixty Irish prisoners taken by Bert <strong>in</strong><br />

684 (Tigh., s.a. 687 ; Ann. of Ulst., s.a. 686 ;) and secondly two years later.<br />

Ad., V.S.C.. 185, 186. Bede speaks of him as if he were a civic legate, (V, 15 ;<br />

V, 21,) suggest<strong>in</strong>g that he speaks of Adamnan's first visit ; but if Adamnan<br />

at the end of De Locis Sanctis (<strong>in</strong> Migne, 88, 814) means by " ecclesiastical<br />

anxiety " the Easter controversy, his manner of expression might suggest<br />

that the work was written after his conversion to the Roman Easter, and<br />

t<strong>here</strong>fore presented to Aldfrid on Adamnan's second visit. Cf. Plummer,<br />

Bede, ii, 303.

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