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leave the place rather than to change their customs, he gave<br />

it to him who had both a doctr<strong>in</strong>e and a life worthy of<br />

it. 1<br />

... The question be<strong>in</strong>g raised t<strong>here</strong> concern<strong>in</strong>g Easter<br />

and the tonsure and other ecclesiastical matters, it was de-<br />

cided that a synod must be held <strong>in</strong> the monastery which is<br />

called Streaneshalch [Whitby,]<br />

the abbess Hild, a woman devoted to God ;<br />

dispute<br />

must be term<strong>in</strong>ated.<br />

. . . over which then ruled<br />

2 and that <strong>this</strong><br />

And t<strong>here</strong> came thither both k<strong>in</strong>gs, the father, that is,<br />

and the son the ; bishops Colman, with his clerics from <strong>Scotland</strong>,<br />

and Ethelbert, 3 with the priests Agatho and Wilfrid.<br />

Jacob 4 and Romanus 5 were on the side of these latter ;<br />

the abbess Hild with her followers was on the side of the Scots, 6<br />

as also was the venerable bishop Cedd, long<br />

before orda<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

by the Scots, as we have shown above. 7 And he was a most<br />

careful <strong>in</strong>terpreter <strong>in</strong> that council for either side. 8<br />

1<br />

Cf. Bede, V.S.C., VIII, supra, s.a. 661.<br />

"<br />

Bede, H.E., V, 19 ; i, 325 :<br />

. . . and <strong>this</strong> place to wit he had given<br />

long ago to those who followed the Scots, to construct a monastery t<strong>here</strong><strong>in</strong>.<br />

But because afterwards, when the choice was given them, they chose rather<br />

to leave the place than to receive the catholic Easter and the other <strong>can</strong>onical<br />

rites accord<strong>in</strong>g to the custom of the Roman and apostolic church, he gave it<br />

to him whom he saw to be imbued with better teach<strong>in</strong>gs and customs."<br />

2 Hild was daughter of Hereric, the nephew of k<strong>in</strong>g Edw<strong>in</strong> ; Bede, H.E.,<br />

IV, 23 ; i, 252. Recalled by Aidan from her purpose of go<strong>in</strong>g to Chelles, she<br />

received a small monastery to the north of the Wear, and afterwards became<br />

abbess of Hartlepool, w<strong>here</strong> she was often visited by Aidan and other religious<br />

men. Ibid., 253.<br />

3 Ethelbert was bishop of the West Saxons ; afterwards of Paris. Cf.<br />

Bede, H.E., III, 7, i, 140-141 ; ii, 144, 146 : III, 26, 28, i, 189, 194.<br />

4 Jacob was a former deacon of Paul<strong>in</strong>us ; cf. Bede, H.E., II, 16, 20 ;<br />

i, 117-118, 126.<br />

5<br />

Romanus, a priest from Kent, was queen Anfleda's chapla<strong>in</strong> ; Bede,<br />

III, 25 ; i, 181-182.<br />

6<br />

Edm., V.W.Ep., X, <strong>in</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>e's York, i, 171: "And aga<strong>in</strong>st these<br />

came Colman with his clerics, and brought with him to the synod abbess<br />

Hild, a supporter of his sect."<br />

7 Cedd was bishop of the East Saxons ; Bede, H.E., III, 22 ; i, 172-173.<br />

He had been one of Peada's four priests ; cf. supra, s.a. 655, note. His<br />

brother Ceadda (St. Chad) had been a disciple o'f Aidan ; Bede, H.E., III,<br />

28 ; i, 195.<br />

8 Bads reports the conference (H.E., III, 25 ; i, 183-189) as an argument<br />

between Colman and Wilfrid. Colman claims tradition -and the authority<br />

of St. John ; the doctr<strong>in</strong>e of Anatolius, and the practice of Columba. Wilfrid<br />

replies by cit<strong>in</strong>g the practice of Rome and all Christendom, deny<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

Scottish <strong>in</strong>terpretation of the mean<strong>in</strong>g of St. John and of Anatolius ; referr<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to the Council of Nicsea (cf. Eddi, X; u.s., i, 15,) sneer<strong>in</strong>g at the sanctity<br />

of Columba, (v. supra, s.a. 565, note ;) and f<strong>in</strong>ally quot<strong>in</strong>g Matt. XVI, 18-19,<br />

for the authority of Peter as gate-ward of heaven. The last argument is conclusive<br />

with k<strong>in</strong>g Oswy and the assembly ; so also <strong>in</strong> Eddi, X, u.s., i, 15-16.<br />

For a discussion of the controversy see Plummer, Bede, ii, 348-354.

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