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he had brought with him was sent home aga<strong>in</strong>, and the place<br />

of the monastery which he had founded l was given to other<br />

monks to dwell <strong>in</strong>. But the said soldier of Christ [Cuthbert]<br />

changed not his m<strong>in</strong>d with the change of place from his once<br />

adopted purpose of div<strong>in</strong>e warfare ; but, as he had been<br />

accustomed to do formerly also, he gave most diligent heed<br />

to the words as well as to the actions of St. Boisil.<br />

And at <strong>this</strong> time, as his friend Herefrid, a priest, and<br />

formerly abbot of the monastery of L<strong>in</strong>disfarne, testifies that<br />

[Cuthbert] was wont to relate, he was seized by the sickness<br />

of a pestilence by which very many were carried away at<br />

that time far and wide through Brita<strong>in</strong>. But the brethren of<br />

that monastery passed a whole night wak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> prayer for<br />

his life and health. For they all regarded as still necessary<br />

to them the presence <strong>in</strong> the flesh of [Cuthbert], as of a holy<br />

man. And when one of them told <strong>this</strong> to him <strong>in</strong> the morn<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

for they had done it without his knowledge, he said,<br />

"<br />

And why do I lie still ? For it is not to be thought that God<br />

has despised the prayers of so many<br />

and so excellent men.<br />

Give me my staff and my shoes." And immediately he rose,<br />

and began to try to walk, lean<strong>in</strong>g upon his staff ; and day<br />

by day the virtue <strong>in</strong>creased, and he recovered health : but<br />

because the tumour which had appeared <strong>in</strong> his thigh, while<br />

subsid<strong>in</strong>g gradually from the surface of his body sank <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the <strong>in</strong>terior of his entrails, he ceased not for almost the whole<br />

period of his life to feel some slight pa<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternally, to wit<br />

that, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the word of the Apostles, " strength should<br />

be perfected <strong>in</strong> weakness."<br />

And when the servant of the Lord, Boisil, saw that he<br />

was healed of his <strong>in</strong>firmity, he said, " Thou seest, brother,<br />

that thou art freed from the affliction <strong>in</strong> which thou didst<br />

labour and I ; say to thee that thou shalt not aga<strong>in</strong> be touched<br />

by it, nor shalt die at <strong>this</strong> time. And at the same time I<br />

counsel thee not to omit to learn from me somewhat so long<br />

as I am able to teach, because death approach<strong>in</strong>g threatens<br />

me. For t<strong>here</strong> are not more than seven days <strong>in</strong> which health<br />

of body and strength of tongue rema<strong>in</strong> for me to teach."<br />

Cuthbert replied, doubt<strong>in</strong>g noth<strong>in</strong>g of the truth of his<br />

words, " And what, I ask, is best for me to <strong>read</strong>, that I may<br />

"<br />

it <strong>in</strong> one week ?<br />

yet be able to complete<br />

1 So Fl. of W., i, 25 : " Eata, a most reverend man, who by k<strong>in</strong>g Aldfrid's<br />

choice was formerly founder of the monastery of Ripon." Cf. Bede, H.E.,<br />

III, 25 ; <strong>in</strong>fra, s.a. 664. See Bede, V.S.C., VII, E.H.S. ed., ii, 61 ; Anon.<br />

Life of St. C., 12, ibid., 265.

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