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Ethelhelm,<br />

104n<br />

abbot of Ab<strong>in</strong>gdon,<br />

Ethelred,<br />

60n<br />

k<strong>in</strong>g of Northumbria,<br />

Ethelred II, k<strong>in</strong>g of Wessex, 78-81,<br />

94<br />

Ethelric, bishop of Durham, 91n,<br />

93n<br />

Ethelric, k<strong>in</strong>g of Bernicia, 12n<br />

Ethelstan, k<strong>in</strong>g of Wessex, 66-73,<br />

llln<br />

Ethelstan, cous<strong>in</strong>s of, 7 In<br />

Ethelwald, bishop of L<strong>in</strong>disfarne,<br />

52<br />

Ethelwald Moll, k<strong>in</strong>g of Northumbria,<br />

57, 58<br />

Ethelw<strong>in</strong>, bishop of Durham, 86,<br />

88, 89, 91, 93, 112n<br />

Ethelwold, bishop of Carlisle,<br />

Eugenius III, pope,<br />

216<br />

221<br />

Eustace, bishop of Ely, 324<br />

Eustace, count of Boulogne,<br />

127<br />

117,<br />

Eustace, son of k<strong>in</strong>g Stephen, 117,<br />

223<br />

Eustace Fitz John, 166, 177,<br />

185n, 189, 199-200, 208, 217n<br />

Palaise, 258, 259, 263<br />

Falaise, treaty of, 260-263 ; renounced,<br />

308-309 ; reclaimed,<br />

341n<br />

Falkirk, 104<br />

Fame island, 32n<br />

Feckenham, 268<br />

Fedic, Roger de, 292<br />

Felix, bishop of the East Angles,<br />

30<br />

Feradach, lord of Strathearn, 241<br />

Ferchard, earl of Ross, 356<br />

Fergus, lord of Galloway, 215,<br />

254n, 257n<br />

Fergus Mor, k<strong>in</strong>g of Dalriada, 4n<br />

Ferrers, Robert de, 20 In<br />

Ferrers, William de, 3rd earl of<br />

Derby, 225n<br />

Ferrers, William de, 5th earl of<br />

Derby, 310, 325<br />

Fife, 327<br />

F<strong>in</strong>a, mother of k<strong>in</strong>g Aldfrid, 43n<br />

F<strong>in</strong>an, bishop of L<strong>in</strong>disfarne, 19-<br />

21, 25n, 29-30<br />

Fitz Alan, Walter, 356<br />

Fitz Count, Alan, 382<br />

INDEX 391<br />

Fitz Dun<strong>can</strong>, v. William<br />

Fitz Gerald, W^ar<strong>in</strong>, 325<br />

Fitz John, Alexander, 382<br />

Fitz Peter,<br />

328n<br />

Geoffrey, 320, 324,<br />

Fitz Ranulf, Thomas, 357<br />

Fitz<br />

Fitz<br />

Richard, Roger, 250<br />

Rother, Alan, 382<br />

Fitz Walter, Alan, lord of Renfrew,<br />

325<br />

Five Ports, 352n<br />

Flanders, 248n, 249n, 310<br />

Florence<br />

242<br />

III, count of Holland,<br />

Foliot, Gilbert, 218n<br />

Formalis, archbishop of 306<br />

Treves,<br />

Forneham, 249n<br />

Forth, 6, 25n, 68n, 77, 95, 107n,<br />

308n, 346<br />

Fortibus, William de, earl of<br />

Albemarle, 340n, 342, 357<br />

Fossard, William, 191, 20 In<br />

Fothach, bishop of St. 131n<br />

Andrews,<br />

Fougeres, Ralph de, 258n<br />

Fraser, Bernard, 357<br />

Frenbert, Robert, 262<br />

Frithbert, bishop of Hexham, 55<br />

Frithwald, bishop of Whithorn. 55,<br />

58<br />

Gai pla<strong>in</strong>, 24n<br />

Galloway, vii, 120n, 169n, 242, 256,<br />

257n, 259, 263, 268, 269, 270,<br />

288, 289, 299n, 327n, 328, 341,<br />

347-348n, 353, 359, 367, 382<br />

Galwegians, viii, 101, 102, 171,<br />

179n, 180, 181, 189n, 193, 198,<br />

199, 202-204, 207n, 247, 256,<br />

257, 258, 338n, 341-342<br />

Gascony, 348n<br />

Gauls, 180, 198, 199<br />

Gedd<strong>in</strong>gton, 311<br />

Genest, 245n<br />

Geoffrey, abbot of Dunferml<strong>in</strong>e,<br />

166<br />

Geoffrey, abbot of Dunferml<strong>in</strong>e,<br />

260<br />

Geoffrey, abbot of St. Albans, 163<br />

Geoffrey, abbot of York, 166<br />

Geoffrey, bishop of Aberdeen, 238<br />

Geoffrey, bishop of Chester, 326<br />

Geoffrey, bishop of Dunkeld, 355

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