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INDEX<br />

Bernard, bishop of St. Davids,<br />

136n<br />

Bernicia, 5n, 6, 70n<br />

Bert, alderman, 42n, 47n, 49n, 50n<br />

Bertfrid, alderman, 59, 50<br />

Bertram, prior of Cold<strong>in</strong>gham, 296<br />

Bertram, prior of Durham, 319<br />

Bertram, William, 189<br />

Berwick, 95n, 163n, 247, 248, 261,<br />

262n, 307, 308, 322, 327, 332, 333<br />

Bethoc, daughter of Malcolm II,<br />

wife of Cr<strong>in</strong>an, 1, 83n<br />

Bethoc, daughter of Malcolm<br />

Madad's son, 316n<br />

Bethune, Baldw<strong>in</strong> de, earl of<br />

Albemarle, 324<br />

Bicre, Baldw<strong>in</strong> de, 253n<br />

Bigod, Roger, earl marshal, 366,<br />

369<br />

Bigot, Roger, earl of Norfolk,<br />

323, 324<br />

Bilfrid, anchorite, 53n<br />

Birgham, 60n 300<br />

Bishoprics <strong>in</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>, 327-8<br />

Bisset, John, 356<br />

Bisset, Robert, prior of Hexham,<br />

210, 212<br />

Bisset, Walter, 349-351<br />

Black Rood, the, 233<br />

Blahan, priest, 164<br />

Blugedent, 166<br />

Bohun, Henry de, earl of Hereford,<br />

323326<br />

Bohun, Humfrey de, 248, 249,<br />

263<br />

Boisil, prior of Melrose, 16n, 22-<br />

24, 26-27, 28, 51n<br />

Boniface of Savoy, archbishop of<br />

Canterbury, 374n<br />

Bosa, bishop of York, 38<br />

Bowmont, river, 6 In<br />

Brabant<strong>in</strong>es, 330<br />

Brackley, 312-313, 342n<br />

Brech<strong>in</strong>, 299, 327n, 328<br />

Brech<strong>in</strong>, Henry lord of, Bruce, Robert de, 247<br />

Bruce, Robert de, 355, 356, 380<br />

Brude, k<strong>in</strong>g<br />

356<br />

Breteuil, 196n<br />

Bricius, <strong>can</strong>on of Whithorn, 347n<br />

Bromholm, 339n<br />

Brotherhood by wed, 341-342<br />

Brough, 249n, 250<br />

Bruce, Adam de, 20 In<br />

Bruce, Peter de, 380<br />

Bruce, Robert de, 191-195, 201,<br />

21 7n<br />

of Fortrenn, 58n<br />

Brude, son of Maelchon, k<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

the Picts, 8, 116<br />

Brude mac Bili, k<strong>in</strong>g of the Picts,<br />

42<br />

Brude mac Derilli, k<strong>in</strong>g of the<br />

Picts, 47n<br />

Brun, H., abbot of Furness, 381<br />

Brunefeld, 70<br />

Brunnanburgh , 69-73<br />

Burford, 56n<br />

Burgh, Hubert de, earl of Kent,<br />

335, 336n, 338, 339<br />

Burneville, Robert de, 262<br />

Burnswark, 70<br />

Bury St Edmunds, 249, 339<br />

Byland, abbey, 226, 230<br />

Bywell, 59n<br />

Cadzow, 348n<br />

Caithness, 68, 299,<br />

327n<br />

Caithness, Gilbert<br />

Calang',<br />

316, 317,<br />

earl of,<br />

318,<br />

356<br />

163n<br />

Calatria, viii, 197<br />

Calixtus II,<br />

160, 161,<br />

pope, 137, 148-150,<br />

163, 164n, 168<br />

Cambridgeshire, 247<br />

Camville, Gerard de, 325<br />

Cantelupe, Walter de, bishop .of<br />

Worcester, 345n<br />

Cantelupe, William II de, 368<br />

Canterbury, 254n, 306, 307, 310n,<br />

333<br />

Canterbury, Boniface archbishop<br />

of, 374n<br />

Canterbury, claims of the archbishop<br />

of, 99n, 133n, 137-8n,<br />

141-2, 143, 153, 161, 265<br />

Carham, v. Wark<br />

Carlisle, 96n, 108, 109, 110, 129n,<br />

168n, 169-173, 178n, 190, 194,<br />

207. 210, 211n, 212, 216, 221,<br />

222, 223, 227, 228, 231, 239n,<br />

240, 248, 249, 250, 289, 290, 315,<br />

316, 326<br />

Carnham, 60n<br />

Carron, 50<br />

Castello, Hugh de, 255n<br />

Ceadda (St. Chad),' 7, 31n<br />

Cedd, bishop of the East Saxons,<br />

31, 32, 34n<br />


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