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that if we or our heirs transgress (which heaven forbid) the concession<br />

and promise aforesaid, they and their heirs will afford us<br />

and our heirs no aid or counsel aga<strong>in</strong>st the concession and promise<br />

aforesaid nor allow them, to the extent of their power, to be<br />

afforded by others ; on the contrary they will endeavour <strong>in</strong><br />

good faith toward us and our heirs that all the forego<strong>in</strong>g be<br />

upheld for ever firmly and faithfully by us and our heirs,<br />

and by themselves also and their heirs.<br />

" In witness w<strong>here</strong>of both we and the prelates aforesaid,<br />

and our earls and barons have confirmed the present writ<strong>in</strong>g<br />

by append<strong>in</strong>g their seals. Witnesses the prelates, earls and<br />

barons above-named, <strong>in</strong> the . . .<br />

*<br />

year of our Seals are appended.<br />

reign."<br />

These signs were appended to the document, namely<br />

those of Alexander, k<strong>in</strong>g of William<br />

<strong>Scotland</strong>, of William de Beiure,<br />

de Veteri Ponte, William de L<strong>in</strong>dsey, Stephen dc<br />

Sm<strong>in</strong>gham. The seals of others were appended afterwards,<br />

and the writ<strong>in</strong>g was sent to the k<strong>in</strong>g of the English<br />

at the next Christmas follow<strong>in</strong>g by the lord prior of Tyne-<br />

mouth, 2 who had laboured much <strong>in</strong> that affair, faithfully and<br />

diligently,<br />

for the honour of either side.<br />

The papal confirmation of the forego<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

T<strong>here</strong>fore that these writ<strong>in</strong>gs might for ever obta<strong>in</strong> greater<br />

authority they were sent to the lord pope, that he might<br />

confirm all these th<strong>in</strong>gs ; and with them the others noted<br />

below, <strong>in</strong> <strong>this</strong> wise :<br />

"<br />

To the most holy father <strong>in</strong> Christ, Ifnnocent IV], by<br />

God's grace chief pontiff, Alexander, by the same grace k<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of <strong>Scotland</strong> earl Patrick the earl of Strathearn the earl<br />

; ; ;<br />

of Lennox the earl of ; Angus the earl of Mar the earl of<br />

; ;<br />

Atholl the earl of Ross the earl of Caithness the earl of<br />

; ; ;<br />

Buchan ; Roger de Mowbray Laurence de ; Abernethy ;<br />

Peter de Mauver Richard Cum<strong>in</strong> William de Veteri Ponte ; ;<br />

;<br />

Robert de Bruce ; Roger Avenel Nicholas de ; Sully Walter<br />

;<br />

de Moray of Dunphail ; William de Moray of Petty ; John<br />

Bisset, younger William de ; L<strong>in</strong>dsey John de Vaux David<br />

; ;<br />

de L<strong>in</strong>dsey William Giffard Dun<strong>can</strong> de ; ; Argyll John de<br />

;<br />

Motherwell ; Eymer his son ; Roger, earl of W<strong>in</strong>chester ;<br />

Hugh, earl of Oxford William de ; Vescy ; Richard Siward ;<br />

William de Ross ; Roger de Clare ; Henry, son of the earl<br />

of Brech<strong>in</strong> ; Eustace de Estuteville ; earl Malcolm of Fife ;<br />

the earl of Menteith ; Walter Fitz Alan ; Walter Olifard ;<br />

1 The date is omitted by J. of E. also, u.s.<br />

2 Richard de Parco. (Luard.)

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