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and<br />

after partak<strong>in</strong>g of very little hastened to<br />

depart with speed, to <strong>read</strong> with his followers or to pray.<br />

Follow<strong>in</strong>g his example at that time all the religious<br />

men, and women also made it a custom throughout the whole<br />

year, (except<strong>in</strong>g the abatement of fifty days after Easter,)<br />

to prolong their fast to the n<strong>in</strong>th hour on the fourth and<br />

sixth days of the week. 1<br />

Never did he hide from the rich, through respect or fear,<br />

whatever they had done amiss, but corrected them with<br />

sharp rebuke. Never was it his wont to give any money to<br />

the powerful of the world, but only food, if he enterta<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

them <strong>in</strong> the hospice but the rather those ; gifts of moneys<br />

which were bestowed upon him by the rich did he either dis-<br />

tribute <strong>in</strong> benefits to the poor, as we have said, or employ<br />

for the ransom of those who had been unjustly sold. Indeed<br />

many whom he had redeemed for a price, ransomed he afterwards<br />

made his disciples, and advanced by teach<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g even to the rank of priesthood.<br />

635<br />


Thenceforward very many began to come to Brita<strong>in</strong> day<br />

by day from the district of the Scots, and to preach the word<br />

of faith with great devotion to those prov<strong>in</strong>ces of the Angles<br />

over which Oswald reigned and to adm<strong>in</strong>ister ; (as many as<br />

were possessed of episcopal rank 3<br />

) the grace of baptism to<br />

the believ<strong>in</strong>g. Churches t<strong>here</strong>fore were built throughout the<br />

land, and the people flocked to hear the word, rejoic<strong>in</strong>g ;<br />

and possessions and territories were granted by royal gift<br />

for the establishment of monasteries : along with their parents<br />

the children of the Angles were <strong>in</strong>structed by the Scots their<br />

teachers <strong>in</strong> the studies and observance of regular disci-<br />

pl<strong>in</strong>e. 4<br />

For they were monks chiefly who had come to preach.<br />

1 The Gaelic names for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday still bear<br />

witness to <strong>this</strong> custom : they are " day of the first fast," " day between the<br />

two fasts," " day of the fast."<br />

2<br />

Cf. A.S. Vers., i, 158, 160. Cf. S. of D., H.D.E., i, 19-20.<br />

3<br />

Sacerdotali . . . gradu.<br />

4<br />

Cf . the six monasteries founded <strong>in</strong> Deira, and six <strong>in</strong> Bernicia ; Bede,<br />

H.E., III, 24 ; i, 178.<br />

"<br />

From the church [of L<strong>in</strong>disfarne] all the churches and monasteries of<br />

the prov<strong>in</strong>ce of the Bernicians took their orig<strong>in</strong>," S. of D., H.D.E., i, 7. For<br />

the extent of the diocese <strong>in</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong>, cf. S. of D., i, 199 ; <strong>in</strong>fra, ca. a. 830.<br />


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