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said Alexius, subdeacon of the Roman court, to restore the<br />

aforesaid th<strong>in</strong>gs which he had removed to the church of St.<br />

Andrews and to the bishop, John. And upon his refusal he<br />

pronounced upon him the sentence of excommunication, and<br />

the lord pope confirmed <strong>this</strong> sentence. 1<br />

"<br />

Bishop Alexander, servant of the servants of God, to<br />

his venerable brethren and beloved sons appo<strong>in</strong>ted as prelates<br />

of the churches throughout <strong>Scotland</strong>, greet<strong>in</strong>g and apostolic<br />

benediction.<br />

" It has been reported to us that s<strong>in</strong>ce Hugh, who had<br />

<strong>in</strong>vaded the church of St. Andrews of <strong>Scotland</strong>, reta<strong>in</strong>ed unlawfully<br />

the episcopal hood, the staff and the r<strong>in</strong>g, and the<br />

other th<strong>in</strong>gs which he had unjustifiably carried away, and<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ce upon repeated admonition he disda<strong>in</strong>ed to come to his<br />

right m<strong>in</strong>d, our discreet son Alexius, our archdeacon, legate<br />

of the apostolic see, charged with apostolic authority, bound<br />

him with the cha<strong>in</strong> of excommunication <strong>in</strong> presence of you<br />

and many of the clergy and people, unless with<strong>in</strong> fifteen days<br />

he restored what he had taken away and removed, or made<br />

suitable compensation. Yet he persisted <strong>in</strong> the evil way of<br />

arrogance, and acceded <strong>in</strong> noth<strong>in</strong>g to the aforesaid legate's<br />

<strong>in</strong>junctions.<br />

" We t<strong>here</strong>fore confirm the sentence pronounced by our<br />

authority, and enjo<strong>in</strong> upon you all by apostolic writ<strong>in</strong>gs that<br />

you lay aside all favour and fear, and publicly, appeal of<br />

none avail<strong>in</strong>g, denounce the aforesaid Hugh as bound by the<br />

cha<strong>in</strong> of excommunication ; and avoid him scrupulously as<br />

excommunicate, until he restore to our brother John, bishop<br />

of St. Andrews, and to his church such of the th<strong>in</strong>gs above-<br />

written as he has taken away, or their worth, and offer suitable<br />

compensation for the others which he has destroyed.<br />

" Farewell. " 2<br />

When t<strong>here</strong>fore William, k<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Scotland</strong>, had heard<br />

that Hugh, his chapla<strong>in</strong>, had been thus deposed, he refused<br />

to receive John, say<strong>in</strong>g that never, so long as he lived, should<br />

at the same time he and John dwell <strong>in</strong> the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of <strong>Scotland</strong>.<br />

And he vehemently persecuted him, to such extent<br />

that he seized <strong>in</strong> his own hand the episcopate of St. Andrews,<br />

and all the revenues of the episcopate ; and he drove from<br />

1 Cf. Hoved., u.s.<br />

2 This letter, with verbal differences, is <strong>in</strong> Hoved., ii, 210-211.

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