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merchant or peasant, had speech with him, he so talked with<br />

each concern<strong>in</strong>g his affairs and duties, appropriately and<br />

humbly, that each one thought him careful of his affairs alone ;<br />

and so he dismissed all joyous and uplifted.<br />

Touched with the <strong>in</strong>firmity by which he was to be freed<br />

from the flesh, on the fourth day of the week, that is on the<br />

thirteenth a before the Kalends of June, when he understood<br />

that the dissolution of his body was approach<strong>in</strong>g, he called<br />

his friends and showed them without delay what he thought<br />

about himself. But they consoled the sick man <strong>in</strong> human<br />

fashion, promis<strong>in</strong>g life and perfect health.<br />

But when the disease grew worse on the sixth day of the<br />

week, and the violence of his disease took from him the<br />

power of stand<strong>in</strong>g as well as of walk<strong>in</strong>g, he summoned the<br />

priests and men of religion, and requested that the sacrament<br />

of the Lord's body be given to him.<br />

They prepared to br<strong>in</strong>g what he had commanded, but<br />

he forbade them, say<strong>in</strong>g that he would receive the sacred<br />

mysteries before the sacred altar. He was carried t<strong>here</strong>fore<br />

<strong>in</strong>to the oratory by the hands of priests and knights, and after<br />

the celebration of mass he asked for the venerable cross which<br />

they call the Black [Rood] to be brought to him for adoration.<br />

Now <strong>this</strong> cross has the length of a palm and is made of<br />

purest gold, of wonderful workmanship ; and it shuts and<br />

opens <strong>in</strong> fashion of a case. In it is seen a certa<strong>in</strong> portion of<br />

the Lord's cross, (as it has often been proved to be by the<br />

argument of many miracles ;) hav<strong>in</strong>g the image of our Saviour<br />

carved <strong>in</strong> hardest ivory, and wondrously decorated with<br />

golden adornments.<br />

This cross the religious queen Margaret, who was mother<br />

of <strong>this</strong> k<strong>in</strong>g, and who had sprung from the royal blood of<br />

English and of Hungarians, had brought to <strong>Scotland</strong> as an<br />

heirloom, and had passed on to her sons. 2<br />

When t<strong>here</strong>fore the k<strong>in</strong>g had most devoutly adored <strong>this</strong><br />

cross, not less feared than loved by all the Scottish nation,<br />

with many tears he made confession of his s<strong>in</strong>s, and prepared<br />

for his departure by receiv<strong>in</strong>g' the div<strong>in</strong>e mysteries.<br />

Then he was carried back to his chamber and when the<br />

;<br />

priests came to perform the sacraments of holy unction he<br />

rose as well as he could, and cast<strong>in</strong>g himself from his bed to<br />

the ground he received that beneficial office with so great<br />

devotion that with hand as well as voice he restra<strong>in</strong>ed the<br />

1 20th May.<br />

2 Cf. Turgot, Vita Margaret*, <strong>in</strong> P<strong>in</strong>kerton, 334.

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