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honour to our venerable brother Thurstan, archbishop of<br />

York, as to thy proper metropolitan.<br />

But although, as he states, thou didst promise to obey<br />

him, nevertheless thou hast not yet carried it <strong>in</strong>to effect.<br />

W<strong>here</strong>fore we command thee by the present writ<strong>in</strong>gs to lay<br />

aside all delay and tergiversation, and humbly to obey our<br />

brother aforesaid, archbishop Thurstan otherwise we <strong>can</strong>not<br />

;<br />

fail him <strong>in</strong> his just right.<br />

Given at Auxerre, the third l before the Kalends of December.<br />

1131, Nov.<br />


YORK, VOL. Ill,<br />

p. 62.<br />

IN RAINE'S<br />

Bishop Innocent, servant of the servants of God, to all<br />

bishops throughout <strong>Scotland</strong>, suffragans of the church of<br />

York, greet<strong>in</strong>g and apostolic benediction.<br />

It is just that he who desires to rule others should by no<br />

means blush to be subject to those preferred before, him.<br />

For obedience and humility are guardians of the virtues ;<br />

but an arrogant and disobedient man <strong>in</strong>curs the wrath of<br />

God, and becom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tolerable drives from him his neighbour's<br />

love.<br />

But even as obedient and humble sons are to be cherished<br />

<strong>in</strong> the bosom of the apostolic see, so conversely those who<br />

are rebellious and proud are, <strong>in</strong> the strict rigour of justice,<br />

to be constra<strong>in</strong>ed by condign chastisements.<br />

That t<strong>here</strong>fore due honour and justice be preserved to<br />

each, we order and command you by apostolic writ<strong>in</strong>gs humbly<br />

to offer obedience and honour to our venerable brother arch-<br />

bishop Thurstan as to your proper metropolitan, without any<br />

and to obey him <strong>in</strong>violably, <strong>in</strong> so far as was com-<br />

opposition ;<br />

manded you by our predecessors of happy memory, the<br />

Roman pontiffs Calixtus and Honorius.<br />

Given at Auxerre, the third 2 before the Kalends of<br />

December.<br />

H33 JOHN or HEXHAM, IN S. OF D., VOL. II, p. 285. 3<br />

In the year 1133, the month of August, before the Assump-<br />

1 29th November. 2 29th November.<br />

3 "<br />

H. of H., 253, s.a. 1133 : Also the k<strong>in</strong>g made a new bishopric at<br />

Carlisle, and crossed the sea." He crossed on the 3rd (J. of H., u.s.) or 2nd

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