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You can read this book here in pdf - Electric Scotland

You can read this book here in pdf - Electric Scotland


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a sentence of justice be passed that by its example, may<br />

God forbid ! <strong>in</strong> times to come either anyone may without<br />

right he deprived of freedom, or God be unjustly cheated of<br />

those who ought to rema<strong>in</strong> his own."<br />

All applauded the need for so do<strong>in</strong>g, and promised that<br />

they<br />

would not do otherwise.<br />

And so the father withdrew alone from the assembly,<br />

and the church of England, which was gat<strong>here</strong>d together,<br />

discussed the sentence to be pronounced. T<strong>here</strong>after [Anselm]<br />

was brought <strong>in</strong> with honour, and it was declared to him what<br />

the common op<strong>in</strong>ion of all had arrived at <strong>in</strong> the matter.<br />

They said that, after exam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the question, it seemed<br />

to ^ them to be established, and they declared themselves<br />

that the girl could not justly be restricted<br />

<strong>read</strong>y to prove it,<br />

<strong>in</strong> her case by any judgment w<strong>here</strong>by she might not dispose<br />

of the freedom of her person <strong>in</strong> any way she should lawfully<br />

desire.<br />

"<br />

And though we <strong>can</strong> prove <strong>this</strong>," they said, "by an easy<br />

argument, yet we refra<strong>in</strong>, because t<strong>here</strong> is no need to do so ;<br />

remember<strong>in</strong>g a decision, weightier than our arguments, concurrent<br />

with <strong>this</strong> sentence of justice, given <strong>in</strong> a similar case<br />

by your predecessor of venerable teacher Lanfranc.<br />

memory, our father and<br />

.<br />

i "For when William the Great first subdued <strong>this</strong> land<br />

many of his followers took credit to themselves for so great<br />

a victory and protested that all th<strong>in</strong>gs must obey and be<br />

subject to their pleasures and excesses ; and began to rage<br />

with unspeakable lust not only after the possessions of the<br />

conquered, but even after the married women also and the<br />

maidens, whenever opportunity offered. But <strong>this</strong> some<br />

foresaw, and <strong>in</strong> fear of dishonour betook themselves to the<br />

nunneries, and by receiv<strong>in</strong>g the veil among the nuns protected<br />

themselves from so great disgrace. And when after-<br />

, wards <strong>this</strong> curse was allayed and tranquillity (consider<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the state of the times) had been restored to the country, it<br />

was <strong>in</strong>quired of that father Lanfranc what he thought about<br />

the women who had saved their honour by tak<strong>in</strong>g such<br />

refuge; whether they were to be compelled to reta<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the<br />

monastery the veil which they had taken, or not.<br />

u "And he solved <strong>this</strong> question by the advice of a general<br />

council, <strong>in</strong> such wise that they adjudged that for the chastity,<br />

their devotion to which [these women] had attested by so<br />

evident a manifestation, they ought rather to have due honour<br />

shown them than to have any cont<strong>in</strong>ence of ad<strong>here</strong>nce to

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