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And then Robert, 1 the earl of the Northumbrians, with<br />

his men entrapped him unawares, and slew him. Morel of<br />

slew him<br />

Bamborough :<br />

he was the earl's steward, and k<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Malcolm's comrade. 2<br />

With him was sla<strong>in</strong> also Edward, his son, who should have<br />

been k<strong>in</strong>g after him if he had survived.<br />

1093<br />


Of Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

the Scots.<br />

Malcolm yielded himself 3 before they came to close quarters ;<br />

and lived the whole time of William <strong>in</strong> doubtful and oftbroken<br />

treaties.<br />

But <strong>in</strong> the reign of William, William's son, he was attacked<br />

<strong>in</strong> a similar manner, and rid himself of his aggressor by a<br />

false oath. And not long afterwards when, forgetful of his<br />

promise, he was very proudly rid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the prov<strong>in</strong>ce, he<br />

was sla<strong>in</strong>, with his son, by Robert de Mowbray, earl of<br />

Northumbria.<br />

and the queen while they live they shall nourish every day one poor man ;<br />

and also two poor men shall be kept for them <strong>in</strong> the Lord's Supper for the<br />

common mandate : and one prayer shall be said at litanies and at mass.<br />

But both <strong>in</strong> <strong>this</strong> life and after it both they and their sons and daughters shall<br />

be partakers <strong>in</strong> everyth<strong>in</strong>g which is done for the service of God <strong>in</strong> the monas-<br />

tery of St. Cuthbert, namely masses, psalms, charities, vigils, prayers and<br />

everyth<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>this</strong> k<strong>in</strong>d.<br />

"<br />

And especially for the k<strong>in</strong>g and queen from the day of their death<br />

shall be repeated <strong>in</strong> the convent thirty full offices for the dead, and every day<br />

Verba mea. And every bishop shall celebrate thirty masses ; and each of<br />

the others shall s<strong>in</strong>g ten psalters. And their anniversary shall be celebrated<br />

every year with festivity, as is k<strong>in</strong>g Ethelstan's."<br />

The day of Malcolm and Margaret is given as the 12th of November <strong>in</strong><br />

the obituary of Durham ; L.V.E.D., 147, 152.<br />

1 Robert de Mowbray revolted two years later, A.S.C., MS. E, s.a. 1095,<br />

accord<strong>in</strong>g to H. of H., 218, " exalted with pride, because he had laid low the<br />

k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots." ;<br />

,<br />

2 Lit. " gossip " : compater, Ann. of Wav., u.s. (Cf. cumpceder = godfather,<br />

A.S.C., MS. A, s.a. 894.) Compater also means "comrade."<br />

"<br />

A.S.C., MS. E, s.a. 1095 : Morel, who was steward, and also [earl<br />

Robert of Northumbria's] k<strong>in</strong>sman."<br />

"<br />

Malcolm fell rather by treachery than by strength," W. of<br />

"<br />

M., G.R.,<br />

ii, 366 ; was unexpectedly <strong>in</strong>tercepted and sla<strong>in</strong>," H. of H., 217. A different<br />

account "<br />

is given by O.V., VIII, 20 <strong>in</strong> ; Migne, 188, 620 : After some<br />

time, when k<strong>in</strong>g Malcolm wished to return to his own, and was return<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

peace, honoured by the k<strong>in</strong>g with many gifts, Robert de Mowbray with Morel,<br />

his nephew, and armed knights fell upon him and slew him, unarmed, unawares.<br />

And when the k<strong>in</strong>g of the English heard <strong>this</strong>, and the nobles of the<br />

realm, they were greatly grieved, and much ashamed for a th<strong>in</strong>g so base and<br />

so cruel, committed by Normans. . . ."<br />

For Morel's subsequent treachery cf. A.S.C., MS. E, s.a. 1095. Cf. also<br />

O.V., <strong>in</strong> Migne, 188, 624-625.<br />

3 I.e., to William I <strong>in</strong> 1072 ; v. supra.

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