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<strong>Scotland</strong>, some wretchedly walk<strong>in</strong>g on foot, and some miserably<br />

rid<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Then the k<strong>in</strong>g Malcolm advised him to send to k<strong>in</strong>g William<br />

across the sea, and crave his protection ; and so also he did.<br />

And the k<strong>in</strong>g granted it him, and sent for him.<br />

And aga<strong>in</strong> Malcolm the k<strong>in</strong>g and [Edgar's] sister gave him<br />

and all his men <strong>in</strong>numerable gifts, and very honourably sent<br />

him aga<strong>in</strong> from their doma<strong>in</strong>.<br />

And the sheriff of York came to meet him at Durham, and<br />

went all the way with him, and caused food and fodder to be<br />

found for him at every castle at which they arrived, until they<br />

came over sea to the k<strong>in</strong>g. And then k<strong>in</strong>g William received<br />

him with great worship. And then [Edgar] was at his court<br />

t<strong>here</strong>, and took such rights as he allotted him. L<br />

1077<br />

,<br />


In [Lanfranc's] seventh year of office 2<br />

i.<br />

. . . Thomas, archbishop<br />

of York, 3 sent a letter to him, 4<br />

ask<strong>in</strong>g him to send two<br />

bishops to consecrate a certa<strong>in</strong> priest who had brought a letter<br />

to him from the Orkney Isles, to the effect that he should be<br />

consecrated bishop of those islands.<br />

And Lanfranc consented to his request and commanded<br />

Wulstan, bishop of Worcester, and Peter, bishop of Chester,<br />

to go to York and suffice with Thomas to perform so great a<br />

ceremony.<br />

1<br />

Cf. W. of M., G.R., ii, 310; Ann. of Wav., <strong>in</strong> A.M., ii, 192.<br />

2 Lanfranc was consecrated <strong>in</strong> 1070, August 29th, A.S.C., MS. A ; and<br />

soon afterwards succeeded <strong>in</strong> enforc<strong>in</strong>g the claims of Canterbury over the<br />

see of York.<br />

3 Thomas of Bayeux, archbishop of York, 1070-1100; A.S.C., MS. A,<br />

s.a. 1070, MS. E, s.a. 1100; Fl. of W., ii, 6; H.S., Abps. of Y., <strong>in</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>e's<br />

York, ii, 103-109 ; Chr. of the Abps., ibid., ii, 364. He was elected after the<br />

18th November, 1070 ; v. H.S., u.s. He received the pall <strong>in</strong> 1071 ; FL of<br />

W., ii, 9 ; S. of D., ii, 195.<br />

4 For Thomas's letter see H. & S., ii, 162 ; for Lanfranc's letter to bishops<br />

Wulstan and Peter (bishops 1062-1095 and 1072-1085), ibid., 163.<br />

The date fixed for the ceremony <strong>in</strong> Thomas's letter is the 3rd March ;<br />

Lanfranc's letter is <strong>in</strong> one MS. dated <strong>in</strong> 1073, <strong>in</strong>diction XI. In 1073 the<br />

3rd March was a Sunday. But if the consecration was <strong>in</strong> 1077, the nearest<br />

Sunday was the 5th of March.<br />

The Chr. of the Abps. of York professes to quote from Ralph's document<br />

of subjection to York "<br />

; <strong>in</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>e's York, ii, 363 : Also the same archbishop<br />

[Thomas I] consecrated Ralph, elect of the Orkneys, after he had<br />

'<br />

made, <strong>read</strong> and given a profession, which thus : beg<strong>in</strong>s In the sight of God<br />

and of <strong>this</strong> church, I, Ralph,' etc."

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