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1072, Aug.<br />

ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE, MS. D, S.A. 1073, MS. E, S.A. 1072. *<br />

In <strong>this</strong> year k<strong>in</strong>g William led a ship-force and a land-army<br />

to <strong>Scotland</strong>, and lay about that land with ships on the sea side ;<br />

went <strong>in</strong> over the Forth. 2<br />

and he himself with his land-army<br />

And he found t<strong>here</strong> naught of which he was the better.<br />

And k<strong>in</strong>g Malcolm came and made peace with k<strong>in</strong>g William,<br />

and then [William] went<br />

and gave hostages, 3 and was his man ;<br />

home with all his army.<br />

but he " sent them to the k<strong>in</strong>g of Hungary,<br />

the k<strong>in</strong>g of Sweden to be killed ;<br />

Solomon by name, to be nourished and preserved <strong>in</strong> life. And <strong>in</strong> process of<br />

time one of them, Edmund namely, died t<strong>here</strong> ; but Edward received <strong>in</strong><br />

wedlock Agatha, daughter of the brother of emperor Henry. And by her he<br />

had Margaret, queen of Scots, and Christ<strong>in</strong>a, the nun, and pr<strong>in</strong>ce Edgar."<br />

Cf. Fl. of W., i, 275, w<strong>here</strong> the emperor is called " Henry III." Cf. S. of D.,<br />

H.R., ii, 155. Hoved., i, 87. H. of H., 196. Cf. W. of M., G.R., i, 218, w<strong>here</strong><br />

Agatha is called " "<br />

sister of the queen of the Huns.<br />

"<br />

O.V., <strong>in</strong> Migne, 188, 620 : [Margaret] was the daughter of the k<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

the Huns, Edward, who was the son of Edmund, surnamed Ironside, brother<br />

of Edward, k<strong>in</strong>g of the English ; and who while <strong>in</strong> exile received as wife, with<br />

the k<strong>in</strong>gdom, the daughter of Solomon, k<strong>in</strong>g of the Huns." When the<br />

pr<strong>in</strong>ces were exiled Stephen I reigned <strong>in</strong> Hungary, 1000-1038. Solomon<br />

came to the throne <strong>in</strong> 1063.<br />

Cf.the story of Edward's recall (from Hungary, <strong>in</strong> 1075, Fl.of W., i, 215;<br />

S. of D., H.R., ii, 173 ; W. of M., G.R., i, 278) <strong>in</strong>serted <strong>in</strong> H. of H., 296. Ed-<br />

gar Ethel<strong>in</strong>g was still alive when W. of M. wrote the G.R., f<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> 1125 ;<br />

i, 278. For his character cf. ibid., i, 278 ; ii, 309-310.<br />

1 Cf. H. of H., 205. Arm. of Wav., <strong>in</strong> A.M., ii, 192, s.a. 1072. Ann. of<br />

Dunst., <strong>in</strong> A.M., iii, 12, s.a. 1070. M.P., Chr. Maj., ii, 4 ; H.A., i, 10, 16-17,<br />

s.aa. 1067, 1072.<br />

"<br />

Fl. of W., ii, 9, s.a. 1072 : After the Assumption of St. Mary [15th<br />

August] William, k<strong>in</strong>g of the English, set out for <strong>Scotland</strong> with a naval and<br />

equestrian army, to subjugate it to his dom<strong>in</strong>ion ; hav<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> his company<br />

Edric, surnamed the Wild (Silvaticus). And Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots, met him<br />

<strong>in</strong> the place which is called Abernethy, and became his man." Cf. S. of D.,<br />

ii, 195, 196. Hoved., i, 126. R. of C., 2. R. de D., Abbr. Chr., i, 207,<br />

changes Florence's " became his man " <strong>in</strong>to " did him homage." Cf. A. of<br />

R., De S., speech of Walter Espec, <strong>in</strong>fra, s.a. 1138.<br />

In a marg<strong>in</strong>al note <strong>in</strong> M.P., Chr. Maj., ii, 8, n., Berwick is named as the<br />

place of meet<strong>in</strong>g and homage. A. of R., u.s., names Abernethy.<br />

For Edric the Wild cf. A.S.C., M.S. D, s.a. 1067 ; Fl. of W., ii, 1-2, 7.<br />

Ann. of W<strong>in</strong>ch., <strong>in</strong> A.M., ii, 30:<br />

"<br />

In <strong>this</strong> year Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>Scotland</strong>,<br />

was pacified with k<strong>in</strong>g William."<br />

"<br />

Ann. of Osn., <strong>in</strong> A.M., iv, 9 : K<strong>in</strong>g William subdued <strong>Scotland</strong> to<br />

himself." Cf. H. of H., 210.<br />

2 " Led his land-army <strong>in</strong> at the Forth," cet tham Oewcr.de, MS. E; ofer<br />

thcet Wceth, MS. D. Apud Scodwade, Ann of Wav., u.s.<br />

"<br />

S. of D., H.R., ii, 195-196 : For Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots, had grievously<br />

offended him, because <strong>in</strong> a former year, as has been said above, he had<br />

savagely harried the borders of his k<strong>in</strong>gdom." So Hoved., i, 126.<br />

3<br />

Among the hostages given was apparently the k<strong>in</strong>g's son Dun<strong>can</strong> ; cf .<br />

<strong>in</strong>fra, s.a. 1087.<br />

M.P., H.A., i, 10, says that Malcolm " gifts."<br />

soothed [William's] ferocity with

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