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tened their surrender, and refused force, and gave to the k<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the keys of the city with hostages. . . .<br />

The bishop of Durham L also entered <strong>in</strong>to the k<strong>in</strong>g's favour,<br />

and <strong>in</strong>tervened as mediator of peace for Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots ,<br />

and brought the conditions he received to <strong>Scotland</strong>.<br />

And Malcolm, although [his aid] had been asked for by the<br />

English, 2 and he had prepared to make a strong expedition <strong>in</strong><br />

their aid, yet became still when he heard the legation of peace ;<br />

and sent back his messengers with rejoic<strong>in</strong>g, with the bishop of<br />

Durham, and by them swore loyal obedience to k<strong>in</strong>g William.<br />

Thus he consulted his own <strong>in</strong>terest and greatly pleased his<br />

people, <strong>in</strong> that he preferred peace<br />

to war. For the Scottish<br />

nation, although harsh <strong>in</strong> battle, yet loves ease and quiet ;<br />

wishes not to be disturbed by neighbour<strong>in</strong>g k<strong>in</strong>gdoms, be<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>tent upon the study of the Christian religion rather than of<br />

arms. 3<br />

1068<br />


After <strong>this</strong>, 5 Marieswe<strong>in</strong> and Gospatric and all the most<br />

noble of the Northumbrian nation, avoid<strong>in</strong>g the k<strong>in</strong>g's aus-<br />

terity, and fear<strong>in</strong>g that they like others should be sent to prison,<br />

went by ship to <strong>Scotland</strong>, tak<strong>in</strong>g with them pr<strong>in</strong>ce Edgar and<br />

his mother Agatha and his two sisters, Margaret and Christ<strong>in</strong>a.<br />

And t<strong>here</strong>, with the peace of Malcolm, k<strong>in</strong>g of Scots, they passed<br />

the w<strong>in</strong>ter.<br />

1 Ethelw<strong>in</strong> became bishop of Durham <strong>in</strong> 1056, A.S.C., MS. D ; 1057,<br />

S. of D. ? H.D.E., i, 92. Cf. <strong>in</strong>fra, s.aa. 1069, 1070.<br />

2 So also Swe<strong>in</strong> of Denmark had been besought for help ; O.V., 309.<br />

Cf. Chr. of Ab., i, 493.<br />

3<br />

Cf. O.V. at the end of his notice of Scottish affairs, VIII, 20, <strong>in</strong> Migne,<br />

"<br />

188, 622 : Behold, for the sake of the Scots, who from ancient times have<br />

ad<strong>here</strong>d to catholic faith, and have served Christian simplicity with joy, I<br />

have prolonged somewhat the repetition entered upon."<br />

4<br />

Cf. S. of D., H.R., ii, 186. Hoved., i, 117.<br />

"<br />

A.S.C., MS. D, s.a. 1067 : And <strong>in</strong> the summer child Edgar went out<br />

with his mother Agatha and his two sisters, Margaret and Christ<strong>in</strong>a ; and<br />

with them Marleswe<strong>in</strong> and many good men. And they came to <strong>Scotland</strong> under<br />

k<strong>in</strong>g Malcolm's protection ; and he received them all." (Cf. Ann. of Wav.,<br />

<strong>in</strong> A.M., ii, 190.) MS. D proceeds to give an account of the marriage of<br />

Malcolm and Margaret ; but <strong>this</strong> is premature : v. <strong>in</strong>fra, s.a. 1070.<br />

MS. E, s.a. 1067 :<br />

"<br />

And <strong>in</strong> the summer child Edgar went out, and<br />

Marleswe<strong>in</strong>, and many men with them, and went to <strong>Scotland</strong>. And the k<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Malcolm received them all, and took the child's sister, Margaret, to wife."<br />

Cf. H. of H., 204. R. de D., MS. D, i, 200, n., s.a. 1068. M.P., Chr. Maj.,<br />

ii, 2 ; H.A., i, 8-9. Fl. His., ii, 2.<br />

5<br />

I.e., after the coronation of Matilda, on May llth. (Florence of<br />

Worcester makes no mention of the first ris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the north.)

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