Part 4 - Berg - Hughes Center

Part 4 - Berg - Hughes Center

Part 4 - Berg - Hughes Center


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Lower Cretaceous Coahuila (Hosston, Sligo)<br />

The Sligo and Hosston Formations belong to the Lower Cretaceous Coahuilan<br />

Series. The Pearsall, the basal formation of the Trinity Group, conformably overlies the<br />

Sligo. The Sligo, consisting of gray to black shale and limestone, grades transitionally<br />

downward into the red sandstones and shales of the Hosston. Basinward, both units<br />

thicken and the base of the Sligo occurs stratigraphically lower.<br />

Hosston Formation<br />

Producing Parishes<br />

Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne,<br />

Union, Lincoln, De Soto, Bienville,<br />

Red River, Natchitoches, Jackson,<br />

Ouachita, Caldwell<br />

Deposition of predominantly fluvial-deltaic sediments continued during the early<br />

Cretaceous in the basin. During Hosston time this deposition included a large variety of<br />

lithologies from delta plain to shallow marine shelf environments. According to Rogers<br />

(1987), the Hosston Formation overlies the Dorcheat and is of early Cretaceous age. The<br />

Hosston Formation contains the early Cretaceous marker spore Cicatricosisporites<br />

angicanalis, and the Cretaceous dinoflagellate Oligosphaeridium complex. To the west in<br />

Texas, Blount et al. (1986) were able to identify the following five major lithofacies in<br />

the Hosston Formation of Trawick field, Nacogdoches County, Texas: (1) a clean, cross-<br />

bedded, tidal-channel facies; (2) a sandy, bioturbated, tidal-flat facies; (3) thin, rapidly<br />

deposited crevasse-splay deposits; (4) interdistributary bay sands, silts, and muds; and (5)<br />

partly reworked distal-deltaic sandstones. These workers observed distribution<br />

differences between the upper and lower Hosston. In the lower Hosston, the channel,<br />


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