Glycerol and spent lye clarification - Illinois Institute of Technology

Glycerol and spent lye clarification - Illinois Institute of Technology

Glycerol and spent lye clarification - Illinois Institute of Technology


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treatment are claimed. For this work, however,<br />

the lower grades <strong>of</strong> aluminiom sulphate are amply<br />

effecient <strong>and</strong> cheap enough to <strong>of</strong>fset any advan-<br />

tage <strong>of</strong> the special chemicals.<br />

Some operators prefer to determine the<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> alkali in the <strong>lye</strong> by chemical anal-<br />

ysis cmd then estimate the weight <strong>of</strong> acid to<br />

be added to bring the <strong>lye</strong> to neutral, making<br />

proper deduction for the amount <strong>of</strong> alkali<br />

neutralized by the aluminiim sulphate. This,<br />

however, is unnecessary, as by means <strong>of</strong> a good<br />

neutral litmus paper ( alkaline or acid will<br />

do ) a careful man can bring the <strong>lye</strong> to between<br />

neutral <strong>and</strong> 0,01 J^ alkaline.<br />

All <strong>lye</strong>s will contain some carbonate <strong>of</strong><br />

soda. Carbonates in the <strong>lye</strong> have the ten-<br />

dency to cause foaming in the evaporator <strong>and</strong><br />

also give misleading results with litmus.<br />

With the above in view the best proceedure is<br />

as follows:-<br />

The <strong>lye</strong> is placed in a tank which is fit-<br />

ted with a stirring or agitating apparatus.<br />


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