9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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surprise (it cannot make its claw attacks against a character<br />

off the ground, only its bite). If the target is climbing with-<br />

out a rope, the character loses any shield or Dexterity ben-<br />

efits to Armor Class and is considered defenseless (+4 to<br />

the dinosaur’s attack roll); furthermore, any successful bite<br />

requires the target to make a saving throw vs. breath<br />

weapon or fall. The character cannot fight while dangling<br />

from a rope or clinging to the cliff-face and must wait until<br />

he or she reaches the bottom, one way or the other. A char-<br />

acter climbing with a rope cannot use a shield (giving the<br />

teratosaur a +2 bonus to its attacks), but in such cases Dex-<br />

terity bonuses to AC do apply.<br />

PCs might spot the dinosaur if they use afly spell to re-<br />

connoiter the area, or if they stop in mid-climb to look<br />

around. In this case, the critter sits at the base of the cliff<br />

for hours staring hungrily up at the characters. It will<br />

eventually lumber away, but it will not go far. When the<br />

party finally comes down, the dinosaur charges to the at-<br />

tack. No matter when the fight with the dinosaur occurs,<br />

any character that goes ”were” during the fight will try to<br />

escape: their animal natures tell them that fighting such a<br />

powerful creature is a bad idea.<br />

Teratosaur: AC 5; MV 18; HD 10; 45 hp; THACO 11; #AT 3;<br />

Dmg ld3/ld3/3d6 (claw/claw/bite); SZ L (9 feet high,<br />

20 feet long); Int non (0); AL N; XP 1,400.<br />

43<br />

I, LcllNag-G;upsc.:ca” C’Oi‘5<br />

If the characters defeat the carnosaur, they can com-<br />

plete the descent in peace. Once all are on the ground,<br />

however, allow them all Intelligence checks to notice the<br />

solemn faces staring at them out of the bushes. The bar-<br />

barians cautiously emerge, allowing the characters to see<br />

that the right hand of each has been painted with gray<br />

clay, giving it a decidedly stone-like appearance. They<br />

stop only a few feet from the PCs, slam the butts of their<br />

spears into the ground, bow deeply, then spring away in<br />

backflips, using the spear-shafts for support. This action<br />

is repeated several times until there is a large group all<br />

doing it in unison.<br />

Thereafter the barbarians follow the player characters<br />

everywhere. Communication should be extremely diffi-<br />

cult, even by sign language (the barbarians’ culture is sim-<br />

ply too different). Every time the characters stop, they<br />

notice that more followers have joined the throng, until<br />

they lead a great multitude of several hundred barbar-<br />

ians-both men and women, from grizzled elders to babes<br />

in arms. They intently watch the PCs’ every move but<br />

never, ever look a PC in the eye. Attempts to escape them<br />

will be unavailing, due to the Stonefists’ tracking abilities<br />

and knowledge of the terrain. Any barbarian who seems to<br />

anger or displease the gods is set upon by his or her fellows<br />

and promptly beaten to death.<br />

Typical Stonefist barbarian (2nd-level Fighter): AC 7<br />

(Dexterity bonus); MV 15; 20 hp; THACO 19 (18 with<br />

Strength bonus when stabbing with spear, 17 with Dex-<br />

terity bonus when throwing spear); #AT 1; Dmg ld6+1<br />

(spear, Strength bonus); SZ M; Int low (5-7); AL N; XP<br />

65 each. Str 17, Dex 17, Con 18.<br />

The site of the upcoming battle is on the party’s way;<br />

they can’t really avoid it except by climbing back out of<br />

the valley the way they came and abandoning their quest.<br />

After three days’ travel, accompanied by an ever-growing<br />

throng, they come to a wide river. On the far side wait the<br />

Sisters of the Claw, an Amazon horde just as large as PCs’<br />

following, who hoot and scoff at the Stonefists. The Sis-<br />

ters‘ ornaments consist mostly of lizard-claw and lizard-<br />

tooth necklaces and bracelets. Suddenly both groups sit<br />

down and stare up into the sky expectantly. A winged<br />

shape swoops over the crowd, wheels, and dives right at<br />

the PCs, yelling ”Nyahhh!”<br />

Characters who battled Barney at Huttucilege’s ledge<br />

will recognize the nerdy criosphinx from that earlier en-<br />

counter. Barney charges the party on his first attack, gain-<br />

ing a +2 bonus on his headbutt. From then on it’s a<br />

straight fight, with Barney making wing-assisted leaps of<br />

up to thirty feet in an attempt to bypass the front line and<br />

get at spellcasters; the rapt spectators ooh and aah with<br />

each blow struck. Any PCs who go ”were” during the

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