9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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p”; three means ”all clear.” Characters who<br />

r these guards quickly and quietly may be able<br />

3 the men in the barracks above or perhaps even<br />

noticed while those guards sleep. Naturally, the<br />

uards investigate if loud noises (howls, screams<br />

the clash of swords, and the like) come from<br />

iorage Area<br />

path winds between the boxes, bales, coffers,<br />

j piled in this room. The material stored here is<br />

due: food items such as hard tack and flour,<br />

;ether with tools, extra weapons, carpet tacks,<br />

relry boxes, and the like.<br />

im Security Holding Area<br />

im is bolted from the outside. Six sets of mana-<br />

et into the walls, each having recently been<br />

th silver. The PCs will be kept here if they are<br />

1 as lycanthropes and captured.<br />

Chamber<br />

tall room features most of the standard torture<br />

t, though it is not too elaborate or expensive.<br />

I is no sadist, but he’s not squeamish about<br />

atever’s necessary to gather information he<br />

her.<br />

a<br />

s will be kept here if they are captured without<br />

3gnized as dangerous werebeasts. The seven<br />

s room are featureless except for a straw mat in<br />

A is occupied by a boy who identifies himself<br />

rendlef, the 12-year-old son of a wealthy mer-<br />

7 Thornburg. If released he asks their aid in es-<br />

m the complex. ”Giles” is actually a gypsy who<br />

the castle in a misguided attempt to impress<br />

y stealing something from the baron’s room.<br />

n’t decided yet exactly what to do with the<br />

11-letting him go scot-free might encourage fu-<br />

issing, while too-harsh punishment might dam-<br />

andit-gypsy alliance. On Grim’s advice, he’s<br />

)ward imposing a tax on the gypsies, making<br />

know it’s because of Giorgio’s stunt, and then<br />

the youngster to stern family discipline. Once<br />

complex, Giorgio will be able to make his way<br />

le gypsies with no trouble, pick pocketing an<br />

ng item if he can before he departs.<br />

iledgling gypsy thief: AC 6 (Dexterity bonus);<br />

2 hp; THACO 20 (18 with darts, 16 on backstabs);<br />

dagger) or 3 (darts); Dmg ld3 (dart) or ld4 (dag-<br />

L backstab (+4 attack bonus, double damage); SD<br />

ilities; SW impetuous youth; SZ S (4 foot tall); AL<br />

’ 35. Str 8, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 6, Chr 15.<br />

bilities: Pick Pockets 45%, Open Locks 2570, Find<br />

33<br />

first floor<br />

6. Guard Barracks<br />

Twenty of the Baron’s men are garrisoned here at any<br />

time. Each has a bed, a chest, and a table. There are<br />

twenty-five chairs in the room-one next to each bed, and<br />

the remaining five surrounding a card table in the north-<br />

em section of the room. A trapdoor in the floor leads down<br />

to the dungeon level. If the alarm sounds from the guard<br />

post below (room l), one of the lieutenants comes running.<br />

If the prisoners are known to be werebeasts, he reads a<br />

scroll of protection from lycuntkropes, centering its ten-foot-<br />

radius area of effect on the trapdoor. Note that lycan-<br />

thropes will not be able to pass through the opening while<br />

the protection remains in effect, allowing the guards to<br />

open the trapdoor and clear the area below with missile<br />

fire before proceeding in with appropriate weapons to re-<br />

capture the prisoners.<br />

7. Lieutenant’s Quarters<br />

These rooms are furnished sparsely, but the beds are<br />

more comfortable-looking than those of the soldiers quar-<br />

tered in area 6. Each of the rooms has a table with a<br />

pitcher and basin for washing and a chest containing per-<br />

sonal effects.<br />

Seconb floor<br />

8. Guardpost<br />

Two guards are stationed here at all times to watch the<br />

stairs. Passwords, which change twice a day, are required<br />

from anyone wishing to get past this point to the second<br />

or third floors.<br />

9a & 9b. Guest Rooms<br />

Each of these rooms is furnished in style, with a down<br />

bed and blankets, finished oak table and chair, and tapes-<br />

tries depicting famous scenes from legend. Each has a fire-<br />

place with a bedwarmer nearby. Both rooms are lit by<br />

candle brasses. Phumatigo the Great is currently staying<br />

in room 9a.<br />

Phumatigo the Great, 8th-level Thief: AC 10 (no armor,<br />

bracers, or ring will fit him); MV 3; 31 hp; THACO 17<br />

(15 with throwing knives, 13 with backstab); #AT 1<br />

(dagger) or 2 (throwing knives); Dmg ld4 (dagger/<br />

throwing knives); SA backstab (+4 attack bonus, triple<br />

damage); SD thief abilities (see below); SW bulk (can-<br />

not squeeze through normal-sized doors, movement-<br />

related thief abilities reduce by half); SZ L; AL N; XP<br />

975. Str 9, Dex 18, Con 4, Int 16, Wis 10, Chr 6. Thief<br />

Abilities: Pick Pockets 60% (30%), Open Locks 55%,<br />

Find & Remove Traps 5.570, Move Silently 60% (30)%,<br />

Hide in Shadows 50% (25%), Detect Noise 6O%, Climb<br />

Walls 70% (35%), Read Languages 60%.

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