9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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If any character asks, tell them they recognize the<br />

music as the same sound they heard during Madame Esmerelda’s<br />

fortune-telling the night before. Any werewolf<br />

in the party finds all of the bard’s songs trite and annoying,<br />

due to the enmity that exists between werewolves<br />

and wolfwe res. Likewise, the wolfwere is inexplicably irritated<br />

with such a character. Other player characters will<br />

probably pl- it this down to some side-effect of the bard’s<br />

charming ST )ell on the wolves.<br />

If the grc ’up hails the ”bard,” he greets them jauntily<br />

and seems g ;lad for a chance for a little civilized conversation.<br />

He introduces himself as Jovan, a wandering<br />

bard, and v vi11 be particularly attentive to any female<br />

party meml: )ers. He will happily play them a song upon<br />

request; if none is requested, he volunteers one for<br />

”m’lady” (o lr m’lord, should there be no female characters).<br />

Use tl he prerolled saving throws, imposing a -2<br />

penalty for each character who states that he or she is<br />

“listening cl osely” (as instructed by Madame Esmerelda<br />

in the prece ding encounter, see page 24). If they confide<br />

in him or as ;k specifically about the Hermitage, roll percentage<br />

dicc : to fake a Legend Lore check; then have the<br />

bard say thi at he knows a song about it. He encourages<br />

them to ma ke themselves comfortable and let him serenade<br />

them. He then begins to sing a very funny song<br />

about a vile, , cowardly werewolf named Isengrim, crooning<br />

away UI itil the party are all charmed or until one of<br />

them realizc 2s the situation and tries to attack. He then<br />

signals his v volves to attack, changes into wolfman form,<br />

and joins in the attack.<br />

If the cha racters show no inclination to let him sing for<br />

them, he sec :ms disappointed but still converses with the<br />

group for a round or two, dropping hints as to his extensive<br />

knowle dge of local legendry. If they still flatly refuse<br />

to hear his 1 repertoire, he surreptitiously signals the five<br />

hidden wo1~ Jes to attack the group, then says ”Here come<br />

some more- -don’t hurt them; I’ll take care of it,” and,<br />

stepping bel hind the front line of characters for cover, begins<br />

to strur n and sing. Out of concern for the lives of his<br />

wolves, he croons only until they begin taking serious<br />

losses and tl hen attacks (hopefully from behind with surprise).<br />

The t hree ”charmed” wolves attack when he does.<br />

If at any point the characters attack him, he begins to<br />

croon immc :diately. Once in melee, he changes to wolfman<br />

form a nd attacks, urging all his wolves to do likewise.<br />

If at all possible he focuses his attacks on any<br />

werewolves in the group, enraged by their very scent.<br />

If the PCs i wait in hiding or try to avoid him, he signals<br />

the five hid den wolves to attack the party. He then pretends<br />

to he2 ir the noise from the attack and rushes to the<br />

party’s aid, crooning all the while. Use the pregenerated<br />

saving throi NS each round for the characters to see if they<br />

succumb tc 1 the wolfwere’s song. When he judges the<br />

time is righ t Jovan assumes wolfman form and joins in<br />

the attack, ( mce again focusing on werewolves as much<br />

as possible.<br />

25<br />

JOK-~NI the wol here: ii!Z 3, ?+;-‘v l,“~ ; I-ID 5 t .; 3 t hp;<br />

THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2d6/ld6+1 (bite/rapier); SA<br />

magical song (all within earshot are overcome with<br />

lethargy and slowed for 1d4+4 rounds on a failed saving<br />

throw vs. spell), wolfman form can both bite and attack<br />

with weapon in same round; SD immune to nonmagical<br />

weapons; SW cold iron, wolfsbane; MR 10%; SZ M;<br />

Int high (14); AL CE; XP 1,400. Chr 18.<br />

Wolves (8): AC 7; MV 18; HD 3; 18 hp each; THACO 18;<br />

#AT 1; Dmg ld4+1 (bite); SD +1 bonus to saving throws<br />

vs. charm spells; SZ S (4’ long); Int low (6); AL N; XP<br />

120 each.<br />

Anbrvspbinx<br />

Four days after the encounter with the wolfwere, the<br />

party arrives at the foothills of the Spikey mountains. The<br />

trees begin to thin out and the land becomes rocky and<br />

dry.<br />

An androsphinx named Huttucilege is currently living<br />

in this area. He has been avoiding the advances of Helen,<br />

a gynosphinx, for some time. Knowing that Helen was on<br />

his trail, Huttucilege went to the only local source of<br />

magic for sale-the bandit castle (these are the same ban-<br />

dits, in fact, that tried to highjack the silver weapons ship-<br />

ment). They sold Huttucilege a magical girdle which they<br />

assured him would provide an excellent disguise. That<br />

much was true. The item was a girdle offemininity. Hut-<br />

tucilege is very annoyed. As a gynosphinx, ”she” is a fail-<br />

ure. She retains her spell abilities, but her roar is much<br />

reduced in effect and she finds it difficult to scare anyone<br />

with it. She does not have the gynosphinx’s spell powers,<br />

nor a gynosphinx’s higher Intelligence and Wisdom. And<br />

she is not good with riddles.<br />

Huttucilege’s current lair is a cave in a bluff right<br />

above the trail. When the PCs approach, the sphinx is<br />

rummaging through her treasure looking for an item that<br />

might help her out of her current predicament and not<br />

finding anything. The party will be alerted to the sphinx’s<br />

presence when a helmet, hurled in anger, sails out of the<br />

cave and clatters onto the rocks below, right before their<br />

feet. When the PCs look up, they see a large pile of dis-<br />

carded armor and other assorted treasure blocking the<br />

mouth of a cave. Totally frustrated by her lack of success,<br />

Huttucilege roars.<br />

se of some small<br />

metallic object hurtling downward toward you. It<br />

lands a few yards in front of the party with a ping and<br />

a bounce. When the object comes to rest, you see that<br />

it is a helmet.<br />

u spot a large cave in the bluff above<br />

you, its entrance choked with quite a pile of metal<br />

items in a careless, haphazard stack. As you try to dis-

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