9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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ands of ten each: one capable ot using Otto’s mrwstzblc<br />

dance and nine to shoot enchanted arrows at hapless char-<br />

acters (the PCs must save vs. spell for each arrow that hits<br />

or instantly fall asleep; racial and magical resistances do<br />

not apply). The dragon has been watching the group’s ap-<br />

proach with a magical reflecting pool and has planned this<br />

harassment well in advance. For most of the attack, he<br />

waits beside the pool observing the characters’ flight and<br />

directing pixies to intercept. His intention is to capture the<br />

party as quickly and easily as possible. Neither he nor the<br />

pixies are interested in fighting, only in taking prisoners.<br />

To speed things up, you can use the prerolled saves (p. 47)<br />

for the arrows.<br />

on guard become aware of a crashing sound-distant at<br />

first, but moving closer to your camp. It sounds like the<br />

tramp of many feet. Then you can hear distant voices,<br />

shouting things like “This way!” ”Those dirty<br />

shapeshifters won’t get away this time!” “Vandric said<br />

they were heading this way. We’ll make short work of<br />

them!” “Anyone want a fur jacket when we’re<br />

through?” ”Naw, there won’t be enough left of ’em for<br />

a pair of gloves.” ”Look! Here’s a trail! It’s them all<br />

right! This way! This way!”<br />

Now you can see the torches bobbing through the<br />

woods in your direction. There must be a hundred<br />

torches coming towards your camp, and the sound of<br />

several hundred marching feet grows ever closer, ac-<br />

companied by the baying of what must be dozens of<br />

hounds.<br />

The lights are dancing lights maintained by the pixies,<br />

and the catcalls are a mix of audible glamers and the pix-<br />

ies’ disguised voices. The pixies use the fake vigilantes to<br />

herd the characters towards the snares, even allowing a<br />

villager to appear from time to time (usually this is an il-<br />

lusion, but occasionally it is a polymorphed pixie).<br />

If the characters attack, the response will be wave after<br />

wave of (illusionary) arrows, from several directions,<br />

some of which will appear to strike characters, seeming to<br />

cause normal damage unless a disbelief attempt is suc-<br />

cessful. Volleys of pixie sleep arrows will accompany<br />

these illusions, largely hidden by the distraction. If the<br />

characters flee, volleys of missile fire (both real pixie sleep<br />

arrows and illusions) follow them closely from behind. If<br />

they split up, the faerie dragon likewise splits up his<br />

teams of pixies to continue their pursuit, using the fol-<br />

lowing magical traps to ensnare them:<br />

Illusionary pit (pixies): thirty feet deep with sharpened<br />

stakes at the bottom-victims believe themselves to be<br />

stuck at the bottom of the crumbly earthen hole.<br />

Entangle (Shap): victims will be shot with sleep arrows<br />

until they eventually fail a saving throw and succumb.<br />

Snare (Shap): there are hundreds of these placed all<br />

18<br />

t;lrougi-i the genel-ai ;1rel. Tile I-rui~ co-~ies thrc ugh periodically<br />

with a scimitar to cut down trapped animals and<br />

clean out the woods with his dispel magic.<br />

Trip (Shap): placed strategically in areas that Snap considered<br />

likely paths for fleeing characters. Running characters<br />

encountering one of these take 1 point of damage<br />

and are stunned for the rest of that round.<br />

Otto’s irresistible dance (1-in-10 of the pixies): Delivered<br />

by touch by invisible pixies, no saving throw. Affected<br />

characters make great targets for sleep arrows.<br />

It is very likely that all of the player characters will<br />

eventually be captured; practically the only way to escape<br />

is to hide so well that not even seventy-one sharp sets of<br />

eyes can find the character. Even then some protection<br />

from ESP is required, as the pixies will scan the area and<br />

detect anyone whose thoughts are not magically shielded<br />

in some way. Anyone who does escape can attempt a rescue<br />

of his or her fellows at any point in the trial scene described<br />

in the next section.<br />

Shap, old Faerie Dragon: AC 1 (invisible) or 5 (visible); MY 6, fly 24 (A); HD 4; 15 hp; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg ld2<br />

(bite); SA spells, breath weapon (euphoria gas, 2-foot diameter<br />

cloud, save vs. breath weapon or wander aimless<br />

in state of bliss for 3d4 rounds, unable to attack and suffering<br />

+2 penalty to AC); SD spells, invisible at will (does<br />

not become visible when attacks); SW sick sense of<br />

humor; MR 64%; SZ T (1% feet long); Int genius (17); AL<br />

CG; XI’ 3,000. Spells (as 10th-level Priest): entangle x3,<br />

faeriefire; speak with animals, trip x2, heat metal; snare x3; animal<br />

summoning 1 x3; animal summoning II, pass plant.<br />

Pixies (70): AC 1 (invisible) or 5 (visible); MV 6, fly 12 (B);<br />

HD %; 3 hp each; THACO 20 (16 with pixie bow); #AT 1;<br />

Dmg ld3 + special (sleep arrow), 1d4+1 (pixie war<br />

arrow), or ld4 (pixie sword); SA sleep arrows (ld3 dam-<br />

age, failure to save vs. spell causes the victim to fall<br />

deeply asleep for ld6 hours, racial and magical resis-<br />

tances do not apply), memory loss arrows (no damage,<br />

a failed save vs. spell results in complete memory loss,<br />

heal or limited wish required to cure condition), spell-like<br />

abilities; SD naturally invisible (do not become visible<br />

when attacking), spell-like abilities; SW dispel magic<br />

forces all pixies within range to become visible for 1<br />

round, bows have half the range of a human short bow;<br />

MR 25%; SZ S (2% feet tall); Int exceptional (15); AL N;<br />

XP 650 each. Special Abilities (each once per day, as<br />

8th-level mage): become visible, confusion (delivered by<br />

touch, save vs. spell to resist, effects last until target re-<br />

ceives remove curse), create illusions (with both visual and<br />

audible components, require no concentration to main-<br />

tain, last until magically dispelled), dancing lights, dispel<br />

magic, ESP, know alignment, polymorph self. In addition,<br />

seven of the pixies have Otto’s irresistible dance.

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