9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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ig). 5teivart knomTs fiic q:eixral circa of the rnoun-<br />

here the Hermitage is located but not the exact<br />

1 can, however, direct player characters as far as<br />

mit Caleb. If the characters failed to make the<br />

L delivery, he refuses to help them in any way<br />

a sign of good faith, they demonstrate their good<br />

ns by recovering the lost silver.<br />

vvho strike up a conversation with the troops at<br />

>le are treated to as many ales as they can stand<br />

m very little. The troops don’t know what Sir<br />

plan is, but they are confident that it’ll work.<br />

3 1 1 the PCs that Vandric’s ”recce man” knows<br />

the lycanthropes are-”Nothing gets past 01’<br />

e.” In fact, it was his recommendation that got<br />

?r weapons ordered. The troops know nothing of<br />

*mitage, but they recommend talking with the<br />

man, since he knows a great many things of<br />

’he soldiers are not fond of his personality and<br />

b’d take a weekly bath like the rest of them, but<br />

e having him around because he’s so tough-<br />

of them saw him take on a green dragon single-<br />

, and win.<br />

oca1 peasants and townsfolk know even less of<br />

(an the soldiers. They can point out the way to the<br />

ins (i.e., ”Over there”) and offer helpful trivia<br />

re called the Spikeys because of the mountains’<br />

ops, y’see”), but for any more detailed informa-<br />

y direct the PCs to the ranger. The townsfolk are<br />

3ken with Vandric’s shining armor and courtly<br />

ut none of them will get within ten feet of 01’<br />

e if they can help it, considering him rude, filthy,<br />

ical (all true, though beside the point).<br />

+a1 trappers are present at this trading post as<br />

the PCs approach one, he will be an aged, crusty<br />

la1 with an amazing capacity for absorbing ale.<br />

price of several drinks, he will tell them what he<br />

)f the mountains-there are at least 100 mountain<br />

the nearest part of the range, and perhaps thou-<br />

irther out. There are numerous trails and passes,<br />

)f which are safe to travel. The PCs can hire such<br />

I as a guide if desired, but Stewart is not about to<br />

:k of lycanthropes take an innocent local off into<br />

)ds with them, and he intervenes to prevent this<br />

heir departure. In any case, the trappers have no<br />

tere the Hermitage on the Lake is. They consider<br />

78 but an old campfire tale. The only priest they<br />

If in the area is the local druid, who might or<br />

ot be able to help the PCs.<br />

v the characters a while to roleplay conversations<br />

ise in the tavern. Then Vandric enters with two of<br />

xiates, the sorceress Vanessa and the priestess<br />

ra, and strides toward them, smiling. Interrupting<br />

2r the characters are doing at the time, he greets

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