9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free

9568 Moonlight Madness.pdf - Free


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AS promised, a wagon loaded with silver weapons<br />

waits in the square, surrounded by beaming towns-<br />

people waving their bludgeons in a celebratory mood.<br />

As you and your escorts approach, a cheer goes up<br />

from the crowd, and several citizens rush toward you.<br />

The citizens will try to hoist the PCs to their shoulders<br />

and bear them off to the wagon. Snatches of song erupt<br />

spontaneously from the crowd.<br />

rnessed to the w<br />

ruptly as you approach, their nostri<br />

paw the ground nervously, whinnying<br />

The horses have picked up the smell of predatory<br />

beasts that clings to the character(s) with lycanthropy,<br />

and they will not willingly cooperate with those PCs. A<br />

speak with animals spell enables them to tell the user that<br />

they want the affected PCs to go away because they<br />

”smell bad.” A successful Animal Handling check or use<br />

of the Teamster secondary skill makes the horses cooper-<br />

ate, though they will not be happy about it. If the charac-<br />

ters try to board the wagon without dealing with the<br />

horses first, the frightened creatures rear and bolt through<br />

the crowd, scattering townspeople as they go. The guards<br />

are surprised and a bit suspicious at this turn of events-<br />

the horses never act this way with anyone else. The<br />

guards immediately take the party back into custody and<br />

have them carefully examined unless the characters can<br />

come up with a reasonable excuse for the horses’ reaction<br />

to them. Anything plausible will do, but some reason<br />

must be offered.<br />

Once the characters are up on the wagon, the guards<br />

hand them each a silver weapon and a small vial of bella-<br />

donna distillate (”just in case”). Handsome young men<br />

and pretty girls walk up and tie a sprig of wolfsbane<br />

around each character’s neck. Any lycanthropes among<br />

the PCs will not be able to stand the smell of the wolfs-<br />

bane, yet refusal to accept the townspeople’s gifts will<br />

cause a scene. Each character must succeed on a saving<br />

throw vs. poison every round or tear the herb off and<br />

throw it away. Even on a successful save, those PCs must<br />

make a Wisdom check each round to be able to bear the<br />

stench. Lycanthropic characters wearing wolfsbane will<br />

not be able to fight or cast spells until the noxious herb<br />

has been removed, saving throws notwithstanding.<br />

After the gifts have been offered and accepted, the PCs<br />

are escorted out of town by the enthusiastic citizenry. The<br />

city gates start to swing shut as the party pauses through,<br />

almost hitting the rear rank. The PCs hear the thud on a<br />

heavy bar being slammed into place immediately behind<br />

them. Check the Scrying Rules on page 47 and let the<br />

characters make percentage rolls: any who succeed notice<br />

a shimmer in the air over the party. While they might as-<br />

10<br />

sume tnis 1s Vancnc s TNIZ~~LL j1,messa) keep1 ~g ,In eye<br />

on them, this time it is actually Grim (see page 30), the<br />

wizard employed by Brant, the bandit baron, using his<br />

crystal ball to watch the party’s departure. Both Grim and<br />

Vanessa thereafter scan the PCs several times a day; the<br />

timing of their spot-checks is entirely up to the DM (and<br />

thus whether one of the two wizards spots PCs turning<br />

into lycanthropes, ditching the weapon shipment, etc.and<br />

if so which of the two).<br />

Ditching a e WeApons<br />

As soon as they are clear of Thornburg, the PCs may<br />

decide to get rid of the silver weapons rather than deliver<br />

them. While this makes sense in the short term, it has<br />

some long term consequences the DM should know<br />

about. Most importantly, Stewart the ranger is their chief<br />

source of information in Cold Springs about the Her-<br />

mitage’s whereabouts, and he will not aid characters he<br />

suspects of being evil (failure to deliver the weapons con-<br />

stitutes proof of the characters’ growing corruption in his<br />

eyes). He will only help them if they redeem their misstep<br />

by backtracking and recovering the lost weapons. Unfor-<br />

tunately, the jettisoned weapons won’t stay where they’re<br />

left for long. Brant’s bandits have had their eye on the<br />

shipment since before it left Thornburg because of the in-<br />

trinsic value of the silver, and if the cargo is abandoned<br />

the bandits will find it and cart it off in short order (cer-<br />

tainly before 24 hours have passed). Should this occur,<br />

Stewart is adamant: he will tell them all he knows about<br />

the Hermitage when they recover the weapons and com-<br />

plete the delivery and not before, forcing the PCs to either<br />

venture into Brant’s Castle in search of the missing silver<br />

or to strike out on their own hoping to find the Hermitage<br />

without a guide.<br />

Ambush<br />

The first day’s travel from Thornburg passes unevent-<br />

fully. Ask the players what precautions the party takes as<br />

dusk falls (regarding unhitching and feeding the horses,<br />

setting a watch, etc.). The first night passes without inci-<br />

dent. A few hours past noon on the second day, the road<br />

that the party has been following plunges into a deep<br />

ravine with a small river at the bottom. Inform the play-<br />

ers that the road to the bottom of the ravine is very steep<br />

and twisty. After this fair warning, it’s up to them to re-<br />

alize that they will have to take precautions to insure that<br />

they can keep the wagon under control on the slope. Any<br />

character using his or her Animal Handling ability will<br />

suffice (no check necessary), but allow any reasonable so-<br />

lution the players may come up with.<br />

This ravine is the site of an ambush from a group of<br />

bandits trying to get the silver. They have placed hidden<br />

archers, each specialized in the bow, at the positions<br />

marked “A” on the map. For additional firepower, they<br />

have brought along a bandit mage, who crouches at the

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