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Style sheet (pdf)

Style sheet (pdf)


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3 Organisation of the Text<br />

3.1 Sections and headings<br />

The paper should be reasonably divided into sections and, if necessary, subsections.<br />

The number of levels depends on the length of the work and the complexity of the<br />

subject matter. Please give all sections and subsections a heading and indicate the<br />

hierarchical level of the section by numbers (e.g. 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, etc).<br />

3.2 BA and MA theses<br />

The sections of a BA and MA thesis should be arranged as follows:<br />

Title page<br />

Abstract (MA theses only)<br />

Table of contents<br />

Lists of figures, tables, and abbreviations<br />

Body of the text<br />

References<br />

Appendices<br />

Finnish summary (for BA theses, this should be physically separate from the rest of<br />

the text)<br />

3.3 Figures and tables<br />

If you present facts in the form of figures (i.e. graphics) or tables, they should be<br />

numbered (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc.) in boldface, with their title in normal font; they<br />

are referred to in the text by their numbers (e.g. “See Table 4 for details”). All figures<br />

and tables should be self-explanatory: they should be understandable<br />

independently, without referring to the text (for instance, abbreviations used in the<br />

table should be explained in the legend of the table). Figures and tables should be<br />

relevant to your argumentation: the information they present should be discussed in<br />

the text. The example below is correct:<br />

Original Word Split Word<br />

Arbeitnehmer<br />

Treibhauseffekt<br />

Treibhauseffektgase<br />

Linguistic-based Corpus-based<br />

Arbeit Nehmer<br />

Treib Haus Effekt<br />

Treib Haus Effekt Gase<br />

2<br />

Arbeitnehmer<br />

Treibhauseffekt<br />

Treibhauseffekt Gase<br />

Table 2. Examples of splitting German words by English-speaking translation students

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