IVRI B 407.pdf

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IVRI B 407.pdf


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[Cercospora] catappae P. Henn. (Sacc. XVIII:598 ; 457:264). On leaves of<br />

Terminalia catappa, Insein, Burma (Inayat).<br />

-cearae Petch (Sacc. XXII:1421; 111:516, fig.; 113(3):54; 457:264). On leaves<br />

of Manihot piauhyensis, Kamalpur, Assam.<br />

- cleomis Ell. & Haist. (Sacc. X:621 ; 457:264). On leaves of Cleome sp., Pusa.<br />

Saccardo spells the specific name " cleomes ".<br />

--cocculi Syd. (457:264). On leaves of Cocculus villosus, Pusa (Inayat).<br />

- coffeicola Berk. & Cke (Sac(1. IV:472; 111:485, figs.; 487:703; 113(9):67;<br />

395 ; 457:265). On leaves and berries of Coffea arabica, Mysore (Thomas) ;<br />

Burma (Rhind) ; Dauracherra, SyJhet (Butler).<br />

--concors (Casp.) Sacco (Sacc. IV:449; 111:287, fig.). On leaves of Solanum<br />

tuberosum, Bengal, Pusa, and Poona (Butler).<br />

- - cruenta Sacco (Sacc. IV:435; 111:261, fig.; 457:265). On leaves of Phaseolus<br />

'lYUlgaris, Pusa ; of P. mungo var. radiatus, Yelwigi in Dharwar District, and<br />

Gilgit; of P. aconitifolius, Jullundur, Punjab.<br />

--diodiae Cke (Sacc. IV:441 ; 457:265). On leaves of Spermacoce hispida, Erramacolh<br />

and Panora, Wynaad.<br />

-- dioscoreae Ell. & :M:art. (Sacc. IV:479; 457:265). On leaves of Dioscorea<br />

sp., Harwan, Kashmir (Butler) ; Nilphamari, Rangpur, Bengal.<br />

- - dolichi Ell. & Bv. (Sacc. X:622; 457:265). On leaves of Dolichos lablab and<br />

D. typica, Pusa.<br />

-- euphorbiae Kellerm. & Swingle (not in Sacc.; 457:265). On leaves of EupMrbia<br />

sp., Dehra Dun, Nadiad, and Surat; of E. tirucalli, Pusa; of E.<br />

neri,ifolia, Dohad, Bombay; of Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Pusa. There is<br />

a C. euplw1'biac Patouill. (Sacc. XI:629), but Kellerman and Swingle published<br />

the name earlier (Journ. Myc., V:76).<br />

--foeniculi P. Magn. (457:266). On leaves, peduncles, and stems of Foeniculum<br />

'lYUlgare, Harwan, Kashmir and Pusa.<br />

--gloriosae Syd. (457:266). On leaves of Glorioso, superba, Pusa (Kar).<br />

- gossypina Cke (Sacc. IV:441 ; 111:369, fig.; 457:266). On leaves of Gossypium<br />

sp., Pusa, Cawnpore, and Lyallpur.<br />

--henningsii Allesch. (Sacc. XIV:ll04; 111:310, figs., as Septogloeum manihotis<br />

Zimm.; 311:32). On Manilwt utilissima, Travancore (Butler).<br />

- - hibisci Tracy & Earle (Sacc. XIV:1099; 311:34; 457:266). On Hibiscus sabdariffa<br />

and 11. cannabinus, Mandalay (Rhind) ; on leaves of 11. esculentus,<br />

Pusa and N agpur.<br />

- - ipomoeae Wint. (Sacc. X:633; 457:267). On leaves of Ipomoea hederacea"<br />

Dehra Dun and Pusa.<br />

--longipes Butler (93:41, figs.; Sacco XXII:1432; 111:405, fig.; 393:4; 457:267).<br />

On leaves of Saccharum officinarum throughout Northern India and Burma.

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