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b..S . - TBGRI

b..S . - TBGRI


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Hosagoudar ,<br />

, .:<br />

A. travancoricurn Ramakr., T.S., Proc. Indian C. clernatidis Bercl. in Sydow, H. and Butler,<br />

Acad. Sci. 49: 126, 1959. Ann. Mycoi. 5: 502, 1907.' ~<br />

On the leaves of Co./Jea travancorensis On the leaves of Clematis sp. from Wy-'}<br />

Wight & Am. from Kottayam. naad. , ,,'<br />

Aecidium sp. Dasturella divina (Syd.) Mundk. & Kdshwal;.<br />

0 h I f . I k .d Mycologia 35: 360, 1909.<br />

n t e eaves 0 Asystasla sp., a e Sl e<br />

of Calvary Mount, V. B. Hosagoudar BSI/1SV/ On the leaves of Ochlandra travancorica<br />

79063. (Bedd.) Benth. ex Gamble, Idukki dam site,<br />

A ' d' V.B. Hosagoudar BSI/ISV/73783. Oh' the<br />

-, ,<br />

'<br />

ecI lurn sp.<br />

On the leaves of T>"ophora asthmatica<br />

leaves of Randia brandisii Gamble from Walayar.<br />

1c.<br />

;<br />

Wight from Kottayam. retch (1912) described Uredo ochlandrae<br />

Caeorna keralense Hosagoudar, J. Econ. Tax. on Ochlandra stridula Thw. fro.m Peradeniya,<br />

Bot. 5: 208, 1984. Ceylon. However, the present collection show-<br />

0 th t d h t f C. ed only telia and has been tentativt:ly placed<br />

n e en er s 00 s 0 mnamomum<br />

I b t (B f) BI C I M t under Daslurella divino (Syd.) Mundk & Keshma<br />

a a rum urm.. ume, a vary oun ,<br />

V.S. Raju BSI/ISV/75654, RHOU No. 505/C. wal.<br />

On the tender shoots of Persea macrantha L., Didymosporella toddaliae (Thirum & Mundk.)<br />

Calvary Mount, V.B. Hosagoudar BSI/1SV/ Thirum.. Sci. & Cult. 16: 210, 1950.<br />

79049. Gymnopuccinia pulneyensis Ramakr. T.S.<br />

Both the hosts were growing nearby in<br />

Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 34: 141,1951.<br />

0 h I f T dd I . ..<br />

n t e eaves 0 .l 0 a la aSiatIca. (L )<br />

the sma-ll forest patch of Calvary Mount. The .<br />

I h h d h . . 1 . . h<br />

atter ost d . s owe h . t e h slml I anly f hIn t e hsymp toms an In t e morp 0 ogy 0 t e pat ogen.<br />

Lamk., in the forest along the road from Palnavu<br />

to Kulamavu, V.B. HosagoudarBSI/ISV!75060.<br />

This pathogen appears to be an endemic to Hosagoudar (I 985) erroneou!lly mentioned<br />

the Calvary Mount range. this species as Didymopsora macrocarpa (~und.<br />

Ceroteliurn fici (Butler) Arth., Bull. Torrey Bot.<br />

Club. 44: 509.1919.<br />

& Thirum.) Thirum.<br />

.<br />

Endophyllum heliotropii lhlrum. & Naras., New<br />

Phytol. 49: 119. 1950. Raghunathan and<br />

On the leaves of Morus alba L., Vazha- K. Ramakrishnan, Mysore J.. Agric. Sci..<br />

thope, V.B. Hosagoudar BSI/ISV /79026.. 6: 292, 1972.<br />

Telia not observed. On the leaves of Heliotropium indicum L.<br />

Coleosporium campanulae (Strauss) Tul. in from Wynaad.<br />

Cummins and Hiratsuka, Illustrated genera Harna~pora longissima (Theum.) Kom., Hedof<br />

rust fungi, p. 39, 1983. wigia 16: 23,1877.<br />

On the leaves of Wahlenbergia erecta On the leaves of Rubus elliptfcus Sm. and<br />

(Roemer & Schultes) Tuyn (=Cephalostigma R. niveu.' Thunb. Rajamald Hills, V:B. Hosa- !<br />

schimperi Hochst. ex Rich.) from Wynaad. goudar BSI!ISVj80303, 80304, 80307.<br />

,<br />


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