Responsive Access Small Cargo Affordable Launch (RASCAL ...

Responsive Access Small Cargo Affordable Launch (RASCAL ...

Responsive Access Small Cargo Affordable Launch (RASCAL ...


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GT <strong>RASCAL</strong>:<br />

From this alternative analysis one design was chosen to be the Georgia Tech<br />

<strong>RASCAL</strong> design. From the alternative analysis either alternative 4 or alternative 5 were<br />

both feasible and viable solutions. Alternative 5 was chosen as the Georgia Tech design<br />

because of its lower costs on economic Cases 1 and 2. Case 3 was determined to be a<br />

non-factor since the flight rates necessary to reach this case were about one flight a day<br />

for the $5,000 per pound of payload and two flights a day for the $750,000 per flight<br />

goal. These flight rates will probably never be attainable, and therefore case three should<br />

not be a deciding factor on which alternative to chose. As three-view drawing of<br />

alternative 5 follows (Figure 32).<br />

95 ft<br />

Figure 32: GT <strong>RASCAL</strong> Three-view Drawing.<br />

As this drawing shows the GT <strong>RASCAL</strong> design is significantly longer than the baseline<br />

<strong>RASCAL</strong> design to accommodate the longer, yet lighter upper stage using a LOX/HTPB<br />

hybrid. A comparison of the GT <strong>RASCAL</strong> and the baseline <strong>RASCAL</strong> follows (Table 11).<br />

81 ft<br />


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