Janisova_Tuexenia 30

Janisova_Tuexenia 30

Janisova_Tuexenia 30


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Fig. 3: Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of dry and semi-dry grasslands belonging to the<br />

class Festuco-Brometeabased on square-root transformed cover data of the herb layer. Supplementary<br />

environmental variables represent unweighted average Ellenberg indicator values and altitude.<br />

Abb. 3: Trendbereinigte Korrespondenzanalyse (DCA) der Trocken- und Halbtrockenrasen der Klasse<br />

Festuco-Brometea, basierend auf den quadratwurzel-transformierten Deckungsgraden der Kraut schicht.<br />

Die zusätzlichen Umweltvariablen sind ungewichtete mittlere Ellenberg-Zeigerwerte sowie Höhenlage.<br />

Alliance Diantho lumnitzeri-Seslerion<br />

Association Festuco pallentis-Seslerietum calcariae<br />

Number of relevés: 2 (2 matched by the definition)<br />

Table 1: 2, Table 2, relevés 2–3, Fig. 5A (black diamonds).<br />

The stands of this association represent a relict community dominated by Sesleria albicans.<br />

In the study region, they are very rare (Fig. 5A), and they are documented by only two<br />

relevés in our dataset. From the diagnostic species of the national level, the following also<br />

occurred in our relevés: Acinos alpinus, Galium pumilum agg., Genista pilosa, Hippocrepis<br />

comosa, Leontodon incanus, Phyteuma orbiculare, Polygala amara ssp. brachyptera, Sesleria<br />

albicans and Teucrium chamaedrys. The occurrence of Bellidiastrum michelii and Pulsatilla<br />

subslavica in the region is restricted to this association. Likewise, in all Slovakia, this community<br />

is bound to calcareous bedrock. The localities in the study region are situated at the<br />

eastern border of the overall distribution of the association. Several other localities can be<br />

found in the adjacent part of the Horehronské podolie Valley (BALÁŽ 1991).<br />


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