Janisova_Tuexenia 30

Janisova_Tuexenia 30

Janisova_Tuexenia 30


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Stellaria graminea <br />

Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia <br />

Teucrium chamaedrys <br />

Teucrium montanum <br />

Thesium linophyllon <br />

Thlaspi caerulescens <br />

Thlaspi perfoliatum <br />

Thymus praecox <br />

Thymus pulegioides <br />

Tithymalus cyparissias <br />

Tithymalus tommasinanus<br />

Tragopogon orientalis <br />

Trifolium dubium <br />

Trifolium montanum <br />

Trifolium pratense <br />

Trifolium repens <br />

Trifolium rubens <br />

Trisetum flavescens <br />

Trommsdorfia maculata <br />

Veronica officinalis <br />

Vicia cracca <br />

Vicia hirsuta <br />

Vicia sepium <br />

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria <br />

Viola canina <br />

Viola collina <br />

Viola hirta <br />

Viola lutea <br />

Viola tricolor <br />

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