Common Behavioural Disorders in Children

Common Behavioural Disorders in Children

Common Behavioural Disorders in Children


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•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

<strong>Common</strong><br />

<strong>Common</strong><br />

<strong>Behavioural</strong> <strong>Behavioural</strong> <strong>Disorders</strong><br />

<strong>Disorders</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>Children</strong><br />

<strong>Children</strong><br />

Dysfunctional Behaviours<br />

1. Habit <strong>Disorders</strong><br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

2. Conduct <strong>Disorders</strong><br />

3. Emotional <strong>Disorders</strong><br />

1. Habit <strong>Disorders</strong><br />

1. Repetitive Behaviors<br />

2. F<strong>in</strong>ger (thumb) suck<strong>in</strong>g<br />

3. Pica<br />

4. Nail bit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

5. Teeth gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g (Bruxism)<br />

6. Breath hold<strong>in</strong>g spasms<br />

7. Temper tantrums<br />

8. Tics<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

Def<strong>in</strong>ition<br />

A young person is said to have a<br />

behaviour disorder<br />

when he or she demonstrates behaviour that is<br />

noticeably different from that expected <strong>in</strong> the<br />

school or community.<br />

A child who is not do<strong>in</strong>g what adults<br />

want him to do at a particular time.<br />

What can affect Behaviour <strong>in</strong> a child?<br />

• Heredity<br />

• Environment<br />

• Learn<strong>in</strong>g Condition<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Positive re<strong>in</strong>forcements<br />

1. Repetitive Behaviors<br />

• Benign & self-limit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Beg<strong>in</strong> between 6 – 10 yrs<br />

– Eg. Body rock<strong>in</strong>g, Head bang<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Head bang<strong>in</strong>g<br />

– In 5-20% of children dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>fancy & toddler years<br />

– Can result <strong>in</strong> callus formation, abrasions, contusions<br />

• Tt.<br />

– Assurance<br />

– Teach parents to ignore – as concern and punishment<br />

can re<strong>in</strong>force it.<br />

– Padd<strong>in</strong>g<br />


•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

2.F<strong>in</strong>ger (Thumb) suck<strong>in</strong>g & Nail Bit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Sensory solace for child<br />

(“<strong>in</strong>ternal strok<strong>in</strong>g”) to<br />

cope with stressful<br />

situation <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fants and<br />

toddlers.<br />

• Re<strong>in</strong>forced by attention<br />

from parents.<br />

• Predispos<strong>in</strong>g factors:<br />

Developmental delay<br />

Neglect<br />

2.F<strong>in</strong>ger (Thumb) suck<strong>in</strong>g & Nail Bit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Management<br />

• Reassure parents that it’s transient.<br />

• Improve parental attention / nurtur<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

• Teach parent to ignore; and give more<br />

attention to positive aspects of child’s<br />

behavior.<br />

• Provide child praise / reward for substitute<br />

behaviors.<br />

• Bitter salves, thumb spl<strong>in</strong>ts, gloves may be<br />

used to reduce thumb suck<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

3.Temper Tantrums<br />

Precipitationg factors<br />

• Hunger<br />

• Fatigue<br />

• Lack of sleep<br />

• Innate personality of child<br />

• Ineffective parental skills<br />

• Over pamper<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Dysfunctional family / Family violence<br />

• School aversion<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

2.F<strong>in</strong>ger (Thumb) suck<strong>in</strong>g & Nail Bit<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Most give up by 2 yrs<br />

• If cont<strong>in</strong>ued beyond 4 yrs –<br />

number of squelae<br />

• If resumed at 7 – 8 yrs : sign of<br />

Stress<br />

• Adverse Effects<br />

– Malocclusion – open bite<br />

– Mastication difficulty<br />

– Speech difficulty (D and T)<br />

– Lisp<strong>in</strong>g<br />

3.Temper Tantrums<br />

– Paronychia and digital<br />

abnormalities<br />

• In 18 months to 3 yr olds due to<br />

development of sense of autonomy.<br />

• Child displays defiance, negativism /<br />

oppositionalism by hav<strong>in</strong>g temper tantrums.<br />

• Normal part of child development.<br />

• Gets re<strong>in</strong>forced when parents respond to it<br />

by punitive anger.<br />

• Child wrongly learns that temper tantrums<br />

are a reasonable response to frustration.<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

3.Temper Tantrums –<br />

Management<br />

• In general, parents advised to:<br />

Set a good example to child<br />

Pay attention to child<br />

Spend quality time<br />

Have open communication with child<br />

Have consistency <strong>in</strong> behavior<br />

• Dur<strong>in</strong>g temper tantrum:<br />

Parents to ignore child and once child is calm, tell child<br />

that such behavior is not acceptable<br />

Verbal reprimand should not be abusive<br />

Never beat or threaten child<br />

Impose “Time Out” - if temper tantrum is disruptive, out<br />

of control and occurr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> public place.<br />


•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

4.Even<strong>in</strong>g Colic<br />

• Intermittent episodes of abdom<strong>in</strong>al pa<strong>in</strong> and<br />

severe cry<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> normal <strong>in</strong>fants<br />

• Beg<strong>in</strong>s at 1-2 wks age and persists till 3-4 mo.<br />

• Cry<strong>in</strong>g usually <strong>in</strong> late afternoon or even<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Diagnosis :<br />

“ Infant cries for > 3 hrs per day for > 3 day<br />

per week for > 3 weeks”<br />

4.Even<strong>in</strong>g Colic<br />

Attack<br />

• Beg<strong>in</strong>s suddenly with a loud cry<br />

• Cry<strong>in</strong>g cont<strong>in</strong>uous – lasts for several<br />

hours – mostly <strong>in</strong> the late afternoon or<br />

even<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

• Face becomes red and legs drawn up<br />

on the abdomen<br />

• Abdomen becomes tense<br />

• Attack term<strong>in</strong>ates after exhaustion or<br />

after passage of flatus or feces<br />

5.Stranger Reaction / Anxiety<br />

By 6-7 months age <strong>in</strong>fant can differentiate from<br />

primary care givers and others<br />

At this age they develop fear of others.<br />

This may last for a few months to peak around<br />

13-15 months<br />

If <strong>in</strong>fant on approach of stranger behaves with<br />

more <strong>in</strong>tense discomfort – such as<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>uous cry<strong>in</strong>g, vomit<strong>in</strong>g, refusal to<br />

socialize : Stranger anxiety.<br />

It might be an <strong>in</strong>dication for later development of<br />

behavioural problem as separation anxiety.<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

4.Even<strong>in</strong>g Colic<br />

Cause<br />

• Not known<br />

• More likely if the child is over active and<br />

parents are over anxious<br />

• Could be a manifestation of<br />

• hunger,<br />

• aerophagia,<br />

• cow’s milk <strong>in</strong>tolerance,<br />

• immaturity of <strong>in</strong>test<strong>in</strong>e,<br />

• overfeed<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

• <strong>in</strong>take of food with high CHO content<br />

4.Even<strong>in</strong>g Colic<br />

Management<br />

Dur<strong>in</strong>g Episode<br />

– Hold the child erect or prone<br />

– Avoid drugs<br />

– No much role to antispasmodics, carm<strong>in</strong>atives,<br />

simethicone, suppositories or enemas<br />

Counsel<strong>in</strong>g - Cop<strong>in</strong>g with the parents<br />

– Reassure the parents that <strong>in</strong>fant is not sick<br />

– They need to soothe more with repetitive sound<br />

and stimulate less with decrease <strong>in</strong> pick<strong>in</strong>g up and<br />

feed<strong>in</strong>g with every cry<br />

5.Stranger Reaction / Anxiety<br />

Management<br />

• Teach relaxation technique such as<br />

slowly expos<strong>in</strong>g them to stranger,<br />

– <strong>in</strong>itially from a distance<br />

– Ask<strong>in</strong>g them to greet and slowly<br />

advance<br />

• Reassure the parents that the<br />

behaviour gradually decl<strong>in</strong>es<br />

– But if persists, refer to child psychiatrist<br />


•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

6.Pica<br />

Repeated or chronic <strong>in</strong>gestion of<br />

non-nutritive substances.<br />

– Examples: mud, pa<strong>in</strong>t, clay, plaster,<br />

charcoal, soil.<br />

• It’s an eat<strong>in</strong>g disorder.<br />

• Normal <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fants and toddlers.<br />

• Pass<strong>in</strong>g phase.<br />

6.Pica<br />

Pica after 2nd yr of life needs <strong>in</strong>vestigation<br />

• Predispos<strong>in</strong>g factors :<br />

Parental neglect<br />

Poor supervision<br />

Mental retardation<br />

Lack of affection Psychological neglect,<br />

orphans)<br />

Family disorganization<br />

Lower socioeconomic class<br />

Autism<br />

7.Breath Hold<strong>in</strong>g Spasms<br />

• Behavioral problem <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fants and<br />

toddlers.<br />

• Child cries and then holds breath<br />

until limp.<br />

• Cyanosis may occur.<br />

• Sometimes, loss of consciousness,<br />

or even seizure can occur.<br />

• It is child’s attempt to control<br />

environment: parents /caregivers.<br />

• Benign condition: no risk of epilepsy<br />

develop<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> later life.<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

6.Pica<br />

Geophagia<br />

Pagophagia<br />

Hyalophagia<br />

Amylophagia<br />

Xylophagia<br />

Trichophagia<br />

Urophagia<br />

Coprophagia<br />

6.Pica<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

Eat<strong>in</strong>g of mud, soil, clay, chalk, etc.<br />

Consumption of ice<br />

Consumption of glass<br />

Consumption of starch<br />

Consumption of wood<br />

Consumption of hair<br />

Consumption of ur<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Consumption of feces<br />

• Screen<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicated for:<br />

Iron deficiency anemia<br />

Worm <strong>in</strong>festations<br />

Lead poison<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Family dysfunction<br />

• Treat cause accord<strong>in</strong>gly.<br />

• Usually remits <strong>in</strong> childhood but can<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>in</strong>to adolescence<br />

7.Breath Hold<strong>in</strong>g Spasms<br />

Management<br />

• Referral to Child Guidance Cl<strong>in</strong>ic:<br />

• Referral to Child Psychologist<br />

– If BHS accompanied with head<br />

bang<strong>in</strong>g or highly aggressive<br />

behavior<br />


•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

8.Stutter<strong>in</strong>g / Stammer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Defect speech<br />

• Stumbl<strong>in</strong>g and spasmodic<br />

repetition of some syllables with<br />

pauses<br />

• Difficulty <strong>in</strong> pronounc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

consonants<br />

• Caused by spasm of l<strong>in</strong>gual and<br />

palatal muscles<br />

8.Stutter<strong>in</strong>g / Stammer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Management<br />

• Parents should be reassured<br />

• They should not show undue concern<br />

and accept his speech without<br />

pressuriz<strong>in</strong>g him to repeat<br />

• <strong>Children</strong> should be given emotional<br />

support<br />

• Older children with secondary<br />

stutter<strong>in</strong>g should be referred to speech<br />

therapist<br />

•C.S.N.Vittal<br />

8.Stutter<strong>in</strong>g / Stammer<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Usually beg<strong>in</strong>s between 2 – 5 yrs<br />

• Rem<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g and ridicul<strong>in</strong>g<br />

aggravate<br />

• Child loses self confidence and<br />

become more hesitant<br />

• They can often s<strong>in</strong>g or recite<br />

poems without stutter<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Thank Thank Thank Thank QQ<br />

QQ<br />

• CSN Vittal<br />


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