Cymru - Machynlleth Comedy Festival

Cymru - Machynlleth Comedy Festival

Cymru - Machynlleth Comedy Festival


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Am eich digwyddiad mawr nesaf yng Nghymru,<br />

ewch i wefan Croeso <strong>Cymru</strong> – visitwales.co.uk<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong>. Am wyliau go iawn.<br />

For your next big occasion in Wales – visitwales.co.uk<br />

Wales. For proper holidays.<br />

Mach <strong>Comedy</strong> Fest 042<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong>:<br />

llond gwlad o ddigwyddiadau.<br />

Wales:<br />

we love a big occasion.<br />

Yippee!<br />

Hwre!<br />

We’re back for what we believe will be<br />

our best year yet. A frankly incredible<br />

line-up of comedy mixing the best<br />

tour shows from the last year with<br />

work in progress shows from all our<br />

favourite funny people.<br />

We’ve got more events in more venues<br />

than ever before as we look to cram every<br />

last laugh into the wonderful town of<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> over May Day weekend. As well<br />

as that we’ve got plenty of little surprises<br />

planned if you’re lucky enough to stumble<br />

upon them. Look out for information on the<br />

weekend itself for more details.<br />

Our thanks go out to the beautiful town of<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> for hosting this event in the<br />

heart of Wales, and to all our volunteers<br />

who help you get the most out of your stay<br />

with us.<br />

We really hope you have a wonderful<br />

weekend at this, the 3rd <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

Enjoy yourselves,<br />

Rydym ni’n ôl ar gyfer yr hyn a gredwn<br />

fydd ein blwyddyn orau eto. Rhestr<br />

anhygoel o gomedi yn cymysgu ein<br />

hoff sioeau teithiol o’r llynedd gyda<br />

sioeau o waith sydd ar y gweill gan<br />

ein hoff gomedïwyr.<br />

Mae gennym fwy o ddigwyddiadau mewn<br />

mwy o ganolfannau nag erioed o’r blaen<br />

wrth inni fynd ati i geisio gwasgu pob<br />

chwerthiniad olaf i mewn i dref wych<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> dros benwythnos Gŵyl Fai. Yn<br />

ogystal â hynny mae gennym ddigonedd o<br />

bethau bach i’ch synnu wedi’u cynllunio os<br />

ydych yn ddigon ffodus i faglu ar eu traws.<br />

Chwiliwch am wybodaeth am y penwythnos<br />

ei hun i gael mwy o fanylion.<br />

Hoffem ddiolch i dref hardd <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

am gynnal y digwyddiad hwn yng nghanol<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong>, ac i’n holl wirfoddolwyr sy’n eich<br />

helpu chi i gael y gorau o’ch arhosiad gyda ni.<br />

Gobeithio’n wir y cewch benwythnos gwych<br />

yn nhrydedd Ŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>.<br />

Mwynhewch eich hunain,<br />

Henry Widdicombe and Emma Butler, Little Wander Ltd

Train<br />

Station<br />


MAES GLA S<br />


WC<br />

PLAS DR<br />

NEW ST<br />


Y PLAS<br />


T H E O W A IN<br />

G L Y N D W R C E N T R E<br />

& Food and Drink<br />

West Coast Tent<br />

Food, Drink & Box Oce<br />



Camping<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 4 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 5<br />

GARTH RD<br />

M A C H Y N L L E TH<br />

B O W L ING CLUB<br />

GettinG Around<br />

MYnd o GwMpAs<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Located on Heol Maengwyn the site of the<br />

original Welsh parliament building is an<br />

unmistakeable medieval building on your right<br />

as you face the clock tower. Enter the courtyard<br />

through the archway and spend some time<br />

relaxing on the grass before the shows.<br />

y Plas<br />

Crossing the road from the Owain Glyndŵr and<br />

through the park gates will lead you directly to<br />

Y Plas where the West Coast Tent is located on<br />

the lawns directly in front of the building. Y Plas<br />

contains two venue spaces, a bar and a cafe. You<br />

can also reach Y Plas through the town turning<br />

left at the Clock Tower.<br />

FORGE RD<br />

y tabernaCl<br />

Turning right at the clock tower when travelling<br />

from the Owain Glyndŵr will bring you to Y<br />

Tabernacl. Again, an unmistakeable building<br />

that will be on your right. It also houses the<br />

Welsh Museum of Modern Art so look out for<br />

the signs.<br />

bOwlinG Club<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> Bowling Club is situated behind the<br />

Coop, which you will be able to see from the Owain<br />

Glyndŵr Centre. Turn up Llynlloedd Lane and the<br />

Bowling Club will be on your left.<br />

<strong>Festival</strong> CamPinG<br />

The festival campsite is also located up<br />

Llynlloedd Lane. You will need to pick up your<br />

wristband from box office to gain access though.<br />

<strong>Festival</strong> bOx OFFiCe<br />

The main festival box office is located on the<br />

lawns of Y Plas this year. Alongside the West<br />

Coast Tent and food stalls.<br />

the train statiOn<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> is easily accessible by train on the<br />

direct line from Birmingham to Aberystwyth.<br />

The station is just a short walk into town. Turn<br />

left on exiting the station and you will pass<br />

the Tabernacle on your left before reaching the<br />

clock tower in the centre of town. From here<br />

it’s straight on to Y Plas and left to the Owain<br />

Glyndŵr Centre and Bowling Club.<br />

CanOlFan Owain Glyndŵr<br />

Mae’r Ganolfan, a leolir ar safle senedd-dy<br />

gwreiddiol <strong>Cymru</strong> yn adeilad canol oesol ar y<br />

dde i chi wrth i chi wynebu tŵr y cloc. Ewch i<br />

mewn i’r cwrt o dan y bwa a threuliwch ychydig<br />

o amser yn ymlacio ar y glaswellt cyn y sioeau.<br />

y Plas<br />

Bydd croesi’r ffordd o ganolfan Owain Glyndŵr<br />

a mynd drwy giatiau’r parc yn eich arwain chi<br />

yn uniongyrchol at Y Plas lle lleolir Pabell y West<br />

Coast ar y lawntiau yn union o flaen yr adeilad.<br />

Mae Y Plas yn cynnwys dau leoliad, bar a chaffi.<br />

Gallwch hefyd gyrraedd Y Plas o’r dref trwy droi<br />

i’r chwith wrth Dŵr y Cloc.<br />

y tabernaCl<br />

Bydd troi i’r dde wrth dŵr y cloc wrth deithio<br />

o Ganolfan Owain Glyndwr yn dod â chi at Y<br />

Tabernacl. Mae hwn eto yn adeilad amlwg<br />

a fydd ar y dde i chi. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys<br />

Amgueddfa Gelf Fodern <strong>Cymru</strong> felly chwiliwch<br />

am yr arwyddion.<br />

Clwb bOwliO<br />

Lleolir Clwb Bowlio <strong>Machynlleth</strong> y tu ôl i’r Coop,<br />

a welwch o Ganolfan Owain Glyndŵr. Trowch i<br />

fyny Llynlloedd Lane a bydd y Clwb Bowlio ar y<br />

chwith i chi.<br />

Gwersylla yn ystOd yr ŵyl<br />

Lleolir maes gwersylla’r ŵyl hefyd i fyny<br />

Llynlloedd Lane. Ond bydd angen i chi fynd i<br />

moen eich band arddwrn o’r swyddfa docynnau i<br />

gael mynediad i’r lle.<br />

swyddFa dOCynnau’r ŵyl<br />

Lleolir prif swyddfa docynnau’r ŵyl ar lawntiau’r Plas<br />

eleni, ger Pabell y West Coast a’r stondinau bwyd.<br />

GOrsaF y rheilFFOrdd<br />

Mae’n hawdd cyrraedd <strong>Machynlleth</strong> mewn<br />

trên ar y llinell uniongyrchol o Birmingham i<br />

Aberystwyth. Mae’n hawdd cerdded o’r orsaf i’r<br />

dref. Trowch i’r chwith wrth ddod allan o’r orsaf<br />

a byddwch yn mynd heibio’r Tabernacl ar y llaw<br />

chwith cyn cyrraedd tŵr y cloc yng nghanol y<br />

dref. Oddi yma ewch yn syth yn eich blaen at Y<br />

Plas ac i’r chwith at Ganolfan Owain Glyndŵr a’r<br />

Clwb Bowlio.

Tudur Owen<br />

Dydd Sadwrn 12.30-2pm<br />

Daniel Glyn<br />

C2: Nos Iau 10pm-12am<br />

Tudur Owen a Daniel Glyn. Yn perfformio’r<br />

penwythnos hwn yng Ngwˆ yl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>.<br />

Yn perfformio bob wythnos ar BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong>.<br />

BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong> proud to support <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 6 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 7

our supporters<br />

ein CefnoGwYr<br />

Now in our third year the festival<br />

is already a firm fixture in many<br />

people’s diaries. It would be<br />

impossible for the festival to grow<br />

and develop without key support<br />

from funders and sponsors.<br />

welsh GOvernment<br />

In 2012 the festival gained the support of the<br />

Welsh Government’s Major Events Unit (MEU)<br />

as a Growth Event. Working with officers from<br />

the MEU a three year development strategy<br />

was agreed securing the festivals future until<br />

2014 and beyond. <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong><br />

would like to thank the Welsh Government for<br />

supporting the development of live comedy in<br />

Wales and what we believe is a unique event in<br />

the UK comedy calendar.<br />

POwys COunty COunCil<br />

Funding through Powys County Council’s Sense<br />

of Place grant scheme was also secured allowing<br />

us to undertake community engagement<br />

projects, create a family programme, help to<br />

create an additional social space and also give<br />

the festival a greater presence within the town.<br />

We would like to thank Powys County Council for<br />

their continued support for this event.<br />

west COast enerGy<br />

West Coast Energy Ltd have been business<br />

mentors for the festival since 2010 overseeing<br />

our development as a company and providing<br />

invaluable advice at key times. This year the<br />

companies support has gone further with the<br />

sponsorship of the West Coast Tent. We’re proud<br />

to be working in partnership with a leading<br />

independent renewable energy developer<br />

working in Wales.<br />

arts and business <strong>Cymru</strong><br />

West Coast Energy Ltd and <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

<strong>Festival</strong> have received an investment from A&B<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong>’s CultureStep to develop their creative<br />

partnership. CultureStep is made possible by<br />

funding from the Welsh Government and the Arts<br />

Council of Wales.<br />

bbC<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> is proud to be<br />

working with BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Wales<br />

and BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong>.<br />

Bellach yn ei thrydedd flwyddyn,<br />

mae’r ŵyl eisoes yn ddigwyddiad<br />

sefydlog yn nyddiaduron llawer o<br />

bobl. Byddai’n amhosibl i’r ŵyl dyfu a<br />

datblygu heb gefnogaeth allweddol<br />

oddi wrth gyllidwyr a noddwyr.<br />

llywOdraeth <strong>Cymru</strong><br />

Yn 2012 enillodd yr ŵyl gefnogaeth Uned<br />

Digwyddiadau Mawr (UDM) Llywodraeth<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong> fel Digwyddiad Twf. Gan weithio gyda<br />

swyddogion o UDM cytunwyd ar strategaeth<br />

datblygu tair blynedd gan sicrhau dyfodol yr<br />

ŵyl tan 2014 a thu hwnt. Hoffai Gŵyl Gomedi<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> ddiolch i Lywodraeth <strong>Cymru</strong> am<br />

gefnogi datblygiad comedi byw yng Nghymru<br />

a’r hyn a gredwn sy’n ddigwyddiad unigryw yng<br />

nghalendr comedi’r Deyrnas Unedig.<br />

Cyngor Sir Powys<br />

Sicrhawyd cyllid drwy gynllun grant Naws<br />

am Le Cyngor Sir Powys hefyd a roddodd<br />

gyfle i ni gyflawni prosiectau ymgysylltu â’r<br />

gymuned, creu rhaglen deuluol, helpu i greu<br />

lle cymdeithasol ychwanegol a rhoi mwy o<br />

bresenoldeb i’r ŵyl o fewn y dref. Hoffem<br />

ddiolch i Gyngor Sir Powys am barhau i gefnogi’r<br />

digwyddiad hwn.<br />

west COast enerGy<br />

Mae West Coast Energy Ltd wedi bod yn<br />

fentoriaid busnes i’r ŵyl ers 2010, gan gadw<br />

golwg ar ein datblygiad fel cwmni a rhoi cyngor<br />

amhrisiadwy ar adegau allweddol. Eleni mae<br />

cefnogaeth y cwmni wedi mynd ymhellach<br />

wrth iddynt noddi Pabell West Coast. Rydym<br />

yn falch o fod yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth<br />

gydag un o’r prif ddatblygwyr annibynnol egni<br />

adnewyddadwy sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru.<br />

arts and business <strong>Cymru</strong><br />

Mae West Coast Energy Ltd a Gŵyl Gomedi<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> wedi derbyn buddsoddiad oddi<br />

wrth CultureStep A&B <strong>Cymru</strong> i ddatblygu eu<br />

partneriaeth greadigol. Gwneir Culture Step yn<br />

bosibl gan gyllid oddi wrth Lywodraeth <strong>Cymru</strong> a<br />

Chyngor Celfyddydau <strong>Cymru</strong>.<br />

bbC<br />

Mae Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> yn falch o fod<br />

yn gweithio gyda BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio<br />

Wales a BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong>.<br />

Benefitting<br />

communities through<br />

renewable energy<br />

Mynydd Awel<br />

Mold Business Park<br />

Maes Gwern<br />

Mold<br />

Flintshire<br />

CH7 1XN<br />

Visit us online at:<br />

westcoastenergy.co.uk<br />

atmosconsulting.com<br />

thelowcarbonenergycompany.co.uk<br />

wcns.co.uk<br />

Proud to sponsor the festival<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 8 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 9

west CoAst tent<br />

pAbell west CoAst<br />

The keener eyed among you<br />

might have spotted a rather<br />

large tent on the lawns of<br />

Y Plas. It’s our exciting new<br />

festival space that will host free<br />

entertainment as well as food<br />

and drink late into the night.<br />

Made possible through sponsorship by West<br />

Coast Energy Ltd and funding from the Welsh<br />

Government and Powys County Council the<br />

festival is proud to bring you a full programme<br />

of free events and workshops for you to enjoy<br />

between seeing shows...<br />

Swn<br />

Sŵn promotes and celebrates new music coming<br />

in and out of Wales. It means ‘Sound’ and is<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 10<br />

pronounced ‘soon’. Sŵn put on gigs all year<br />

round, predominantly in Wales, from their home<br />

in Cardiff where they host the annual four day<br />

Sŵn <strong>Festival</strong> which takes place this year from<br />

Oct 18-21st.<br />

Having been to the first two <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

<strong>Festival</strong>s they are especially delighted to be<br />

involved in bringing music to this year’s event.<br />

Mary Bijou CaBaret<br />

Like sirens seducing us into bad behaviour,<br />

the Mary Bijou company promise an intimate,<br />

involved evening. It’s not simply the promise of<br />

acrobatic strip-teases and circus shenanigans<br />

that allures us, but a pleasurable act of creation<br />

that sweeps away the whole audience.<br />

George Orange of Mary Bijou will be curating<br />

events and workshops in the West Coast Tent<br />

throughout the weekend.<br />

Food, drink and<br />

StallholderS<br />

You’ll be able to get a drink from our festival<br />

bar, and a bite to eat from one of a selection of<br />

stalls serving delicious dishes (see the food and<br />

drink page), and if that’s not enough then how<br />

about a browse at our vintage clothing stall run<br />

by Vintage Vision.<br />

BBC<br />

This year BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Wales and<br />

BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong> are all covering the festival<br />

with various shows broadcasting live from the<br />

town. You’ll be able to see shows going out live<br />

from the West Coast Tent.<br />

Pick up the full weekend programme including<br />

times and further information on all of the<br />

above from the Box Office and in the West<br />

Coast Tent.<br />

Efallai y bydd y rhai mwyaf craff<br />

ohonoch wedi gweld pabell<br />

weddol fawr ar lawnt Y Plas.<br />

Dyma ein lle arddangos newydd<br />

cyffrous ar gyfer yr ŵyl lle<br />

cynhelir adloniant am ddim yn<br />

ogystal â bwyd a diod yn hwyr i<br />

mewn i’r nos.<br />

Gwnaed hyn yn bosibl drwy nawdd gan West<br />

Coast Energy Ltd a chyllid oddi wrth Lywodraeth<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong> a Chyngor Sir Powys ac mae’r ŵyl yn<br />

falch o ddod â rhaglen lawn o ddigwyddiadau<br />

a gweithdai am ddim i chi eu mwynhau rhwng<br />

gweld y sioeau...<br />

sŵn<br />

Mae Sŵn yn hyrwyddo ac yn dathlu cerddoriaeth<br />

newydd sy’n dod i mewn ac allan o Gymru. Mae<br />

Sŵn yn cynnal gigiau drwy’r flwyddyn, yng<br />

Nghymru’n bennaf, o’u cartref yng Nghaerdydd,<br />

lle maent yn cynnal gŵyl flynyddol dros bedwar<br />

diwrnod, sef Gŵyl Sŵn a gynhelir eleni o Hydref<br />

18 - 21ain.<br />

Ar ôl bod yn nwy Wyl Gomedi gyntaf <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

maent wrth eu bodd o fod yn cymryd rhan yn y<br />

gwaith o ddod â cherddoriaeth i ŵyl eleni.<br />

Cabaret mary bijOu<br />

Fel sirenau sy’n ein denu i ymddwyn yn wael,<br />

mae cwmni Mary Bijou yn addo noson gartrefol,<br />

y gallwch gymryd rhan ynddi. Nid dim ond yr<br />

addewid o ‘strip-teases’ acrobatig a sioe syrcas<br />

sy’n ein denu, ond gweithred bleserus o greu<br />

sy’n ysgubo’r gynulleidfa gyfan gyda hi.<br />

Bydd George Orange o Mary Bijou yn curaduro<br />

digwyddiadau a gweithdai ym Mhabell West<br />

Coast trwy gydol y penwythnos.<br />

bwyd, diOd a stOndinwyr<br />

Byddwch yn gallu cael diod o far yr ŵyl, a<br />

thamaid i’w fwyta o un o amrywiaeth o<br />

stondinau yn gweini bwyd blasus (gweler y<br />

dudalen bwyd a diod), ac os nad yw hynny’n<br />

ddigon, yna beth am chwilota drwy ein stondin<br />

hen ddillad o dan ofal Vintage Vision.<br />

bbC<br />

Eleni bydd Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio Wales a<br />

BBC Radio <strong>Cymru</strong> i gyd yn rhoi sylw i’r ŵyl gyda<br />

nifer o sioeau yn cael eu darlledu’n fyw o’r dref.<br />

Byddwch yn gallu gweld sioeau yn mynd allan<br />

yn fyw o Babell West Coast.<br />

Cewch gopi o raglen lawn y penwythnos gan<br />

gynnwys amserau a gwybodaeth bellach o<br />

bob un o’r uchod, o’r Swyddfa Docynnau ac ym<br />

Mhabell West Coast.<br />

Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 11

food & drinK<br />

bwYd A diod<br />

Matilda’s Bakehouse Vintage Vision Tearoom<br />

eAt,<br />

drinK And<br />

be MerrY<br />

Free Entry<br />

Elis James presents<br />

The BBC Radio Wales<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> Showcase<br />

You’ll find plenty of delicious treats as you make Fe welwch ddigon o ddanteithion blasus wrth i<br />

your way around the festival. Between taking chi grwydro o gwmpas yr ŵyl. Rhwng y sioeau<br />

in shows at the Owain Glyndŵr Centre be sure yng Nghanolfan Owain Glyndŵr gofalwch<br />

to make time to relax on the lawn, where you neilltuo amser i ymlacio ar y lawnt, lle gwelwch<br />

will find the Vintage Vision Tearoom serving Gaffi Vintage Vision yn gweini te, coffi ac<br />

tea, coffee and a selection of mouthwatering amrywiaeth o gacennau cartref blasus. Mae’r<br />

homemade cakes. This area also welcomes ardal hon hefyd yn mynd i groesawu dychweliad<br />

the return of the Burger Shack serving a range y Burger Shack yn gweini byrgers a ysbrydolwyd<br />

of magnificent Elvis-inspired burgers and<br />

deliciously decadent ice cream cones. The Waen<br />

Brewery are also back with the much-loved<br />

festival ale bar, including one brewed especially<br />

for the festival!.<br />

At the West Coast tent you will find a bar serving<br />

a selection of local beer, cider, wine and soft<br />

gan Elvis a chonau hufen iâ i’ch temtio. Mae<br />

The Waen Brewery yn ôl hefyd gyda bar cwrw<br />

poblogaidd yr ŵyl, gan gynnwys cwrw wedi’i<br />

fragu yn arbennig ar gyfer yr ŵyl!<br />

Ym mhabell West Coast fe welwch far hefyd a<br />

fydd yn gweini amrywiaeth o gwrw lleol, seidr,<br />

gwin a diodydd meddal. Yma hefyd gallwch<br />

Saturday 5 May<br />

Doors 10.30am. Recording from 11am.<br />

The Bowling Club <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

drinks. Here you can also pay a visit to Matilda’s ymweld â Phopty Matilda yn gweini pizzas<br />

Bakehouse serving up delicious wood fired pizzas<br />

and The Curry Stall serving authentic Asian<br />

dishes using locally sourced ingredients. Bwty y<br />

Plas offers freshly prepared and cooked food set<br />

blasus a’r stondin Gyri yn gweini prydau Asiaidd<br />

dilys gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion lleol. Mae<br />

Bwyty’r Plas yn cynnig bwyd wedi’i baratoi<br />

a’i goginio’n ffres o fewn adeilad hardd Y Plas<br />

See some of Wales’ finest stand-up comedians<br />

live and uncut<br />

in the delightful Plas building.<br />

ei hun.<br />

The town of <strong>Machynlleth</strong> has many fine pubs, Mae gan dref <strong>Machynlleth</strong> lawer o dafarndai,<br />

restaurants and cafes. Pick up an information bwytai a chaffis gwych. Gofynnwch am<br />

sheet at box office and start exploring what the daflen wybodaeth yn y swyddfa docynnau a<br />

beautiful town has to offer.<br />

dechreuwch weld beth sydd gan y dref hardd<br />

Eat, drink and be merry!<br />

i’w gynnig.<br />

Bwyta, ŷf, bydd lawen!<br />

BBC Radio Wales proud to support <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 12 Mach <strong>Comedy</strong> Fest 042

listinGs / rHestri<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 14 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 15

tonY lAw<br />

edinburGh Preview<br />

Tony Law opens the <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

<strong>Festival</strong> 2012 by saying some words that he<br />

hasn’t said before. It will almost certainly be<br />

really good.<br />

Mae Tony Law yn agor Gŵyl Gomedi<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> 2012 trwy ddweud rhai geiriau nad<br />

yw wedi eu dweud o’r blaen. Bydd bron yn sicr<br />

yn dda iawn.<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 5:00pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

owen nibloCK<br />

COdemaker<br />

Owen’s life is out of control, how can he regain<br />

control? With his trusty laptop and some<br />

development skills. Join him as he shares his tale<br />

of love, life & computer programming.<br />

Mae bywyd Owen allan o reolaeth, sut y gallai<br />

adennill rheolaeth? Gyda’i liniadur ffyddlon a rhai<br />

sgiliau datblygu. Ymunwch ag ef wrth iddo rannu ei<br />

stori am gariad, bywyd a rhaglennu cyfrifiadurol.<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

5:30pm<br />

£5<br />

lloYd lAnGford<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

A sort of picaresque shaggy dog story. Will contain<br />

jokes about bread and circumcision. Expect a<br />

potent brew of gags, stories, riffs and accents.<br />

Only joking, he just does the one accent. You may<br />

have seen Lloyd on Ask Rhod Gilbert (BBC1) or<br />

heard him on Wordaholics (BBC Radio 4).<br />

Mae Will yn cynnwys jocs am fara ac enwaedu.<br />

Disgwyliwch gasgiad cryf o storïau, riffs ac acenion.<br />

Wel, un acen mewn gwirionedd. Efallai eich bod<br />

wedi gweld Lloyd ar Ask Rhod Gilbert (BBC1) neu<br />

bridGet CHristie<br />

hOusewiFe surrealist<br />

Join Bridget Christie as she hands out<br />

communion wafers, eats a banana, explains<br />

religion, suggests how Ken Clarke should eat a<br />

toad in the hole, and re-enacts The Ascension of<br />

Christ using a fishing rod.<br />

Ymunwch â Bridget Christie wrth iddi rannu<br />

afrlladennau cymundeb, bwyta banana, egluro<br />

crefydd, awgrymu sut y dylai Ken Clarke fwyta<br />

‘toad in the hole’, ac ailgyflwyno Dyrchafael Crist<br />

gan ddefnyddio gwialen bysgota.<br />

“Insightful, intelligent and absurd in equal<br />

measure.’ Chortle<br />

“This is an astonishing show” The Skinny<br />

“Wonderful stuff” British <strong>Comedy</strong> Guide<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

5:30pm<br />

£7<br />

wedi ei glywed ar Wordaholics (BBC Radio 4).<br />

“smart and properly funny observational comic”<br />

Guardian<br />

“An experience that seems likely to prove one of<br />

my highlights of the Fringe” Chortle<br />

Venue: Y Plas<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 5:30pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

CHArlie bAKer<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

Join the charismatic hyperactive funnyman<br />

Charlie Baker as he tries out new material for his<br />

forthcoming show. Imagine if Jack Black, Frank<br />

Sinatra and Jethro had a son, imagine no more<br />

as Lets Dance for Comic Relief Winner Charlie<br />

Baker takes his incredible mix of Jokes, Song and<br />

Dance on tour.<br />

Ymunwch â’r digrifwr carismataidd, gorfywiog<br />

Charlie Baker, wrth iddo gyflwyno ei ddeunydd<br />

ar gyfer ei sioe newydd. Dychmygwch pe bai<br />

gan Jack Black, Frank Sinatra a Jethro fab, ac yna<br />

dychmygwch ddim mwy wrth i enillydd Let’s Dance<br />

for Comic Relief Charlie Baker fynd â’i gymysgedd<br />

anhygoel o Jôcs, Cân a Dawns ar daith.<br />

“Devon’s answer to Frank Sinatra” The Guardian<br />

“A superior take on the modern showman” The<br />

Guardian<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 7:00pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

brinG And bi-linGuAl<br />

the draGOn has 3 tOnGues<br />

JoHn luKe roberts<br />

a COGent deFenCe OF adsurdity - live!<br />

John-Luke Roberts presents a lighthearted look<br />

at 7pm, Friday 4th May 2012. He’ll make a lot<br />

of amusing observations about 7pm, Friday 4th<br />

May 2012 - observations that we’ve all been<br />

thinking, but finally he’ll say. He’ll compare 7pm,<br />

Friday 4th May 2012 to other cultural tropes and<br />

memes - like bendy-buses, for example. For people<br />

who love 7pm, Friday 4th 2012, but want to<br />

have a little laugh at it too. Not really - an hour<br />

of silly comedy, and an hilarious defence of it.<br />

Mae John-Luke Roberts yn cyflwyno golwg<br />

ysgafn ar 7pm, dydd Gwener 4 Mai 2012. Bydd<br />

yn gwneud llawer o sylwadau doniol am 7pm,<br />

dydd Gwener 4 Mai 2012 - sylwadau yr ydym i<br />

gyd wedi bod yn eu meddwl, ond yn y diwedd<br />

bydd ef yn eu dweud. Bydd yn cymharu 7pm,<br />

dydd Gwener 4ydd Mai 2012 gyda syniadau<br />

diwylliannol eraill - fel bysiau plygu, er<br />

enghraifft. I bobl sy’n caru 7pm, dydd Gwener<br />

Mai 4ydd 2012, ond eisiau cael hwyl ychydig am<br />

ben hynny hefyd. Ddim mewn gwirionedd - awr<br />

o gomedi wirion, ac amddiffyniad doniol ohono.<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 7:00pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

Wales’ best, biggest, boldest, brashest and<br />

indeed only bi-lingual show returns to<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong>. No knowledge of Welsh, or English<br />

required to receive maxium enjoyment from this<br />

unique show. From the North to the South to the<br />

East to the Powys, a truly multi-lingustic journey<br />

through Wales. Come and tri-lingual.<br />

Mae sioe orau, fwyaf, a mwyaf beiddgar <strong>Cymru</strong> ac<br />

yn wir ei hunig sioe ddwyieithog yn dychwelyd<br />

i Fach. Nid oes angen unrhyw wybodaeth am y<br />

Gymraeg, na’r Saesneg i gael y mwynhad mwyaf<br />

o’r sioe unigryw hon. O’r Gogledd i’r De i’r Dwyrain<br />

ac i Bowys, taith wirioneddol amlieithog trwy<br />

Gymru. Dewch i fod yn dair-ieithog.<br />

AbAndoMAn<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

Following appearances on Radio 1, 6Music,<br />

BBC1 and BBC3 plus a recent sell-out tour<br />

with Ed Sheeran, the Hackney Empire New Act<br />

competition and Musical <strong>Comedy</strong> Award winners<br />

will present a hip-hop mash-up of the best new<br />

tunes that have never previously been written.<br />

Book early to avoid disappointment.<br />

Yn dilyn ymddangosiadau diweddar ar Radio<br />

1, 6Music, BBC1 a BBC3 a thaith lle roedd pob<br />

tocyn wedi’i werthu yn ddiweddar gyda Ed<br />

Sheeran, bydd cystadleuaeth Hackney Empire<br />

New Act ac enillwyr y Wobr Gomedi Gerddorol<br />

yn cyflwyno cymysgedd hip-hop o’r alawon<br />

newydd gorau nad ydynt erioed wedi eu<br />

hysgrifennu o’r blaen. Archebwch yn gynnar<br />

rhag cael eich siomi.<br />

“Flight of the Conchords meets 8 Mile… Nothing<br />

short of genius.” Chortle<br />

“A freestyle talent that is unparalleled anywhere in<br />

the market. Comedic timing that’s so impressive it<br />

could’ve been scripted.” The Independent<br />

“Astonishing – and hilarious – to watch.” Metro<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 16 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 17<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

7:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

7:00pm<br />


wil HodGson<br />

kidnaPPed by CatwOman<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

8.30pm<br />

£5<br />

HenninG weHn<br />

nO surrender<br />

You may well have heard Henning on BBC Radio’s<br />

Unbelievable Truth, News Quiz, Now Show and<br />

Fighting Talk or seen him on QI , Dave’s One<br />

Night Stand or Edinburgh and Beyond – now’s<br />

your chance to see the self-appointed German<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> Ambassador to the UK in the flesh in his<br />

sell-out Edinbugh show, No Surrender. Tuetonic<br />

jolliness at its best. Come along … or else.<br />

Deutschland über alles!<br />

Efallai eich bod wedi clywed Henning ar<br />

Unbelievable Truth, News Quiz, Now Show a<br />

Fighting Talk ar Radio’r BBC neu wedi ei weld<br />

ar QI , Dave’s One Night Stand neu Edinburgh<br />

and Beyond - nawr dyma eich cyfle chi i weld<br />

From Catowman to Samantha Fox Strip Poker<br />

via Frenchie’s Slumber Party and Hattie Jacques<br />

Bed Bath Wil Hodgson looks at how the fantasies<br />

and crushes of a geeky childhood shape one’s<br />

sexuality as an adult (of sorts).<br />

O Catowman i ‘Strip Poker’ Samantha Fox<br />

drwy Barti Cwsg Frenchie a bath gwely Hattie<br />

Jacques mae Wil Hodgson yn edrych ar sut mae<br />

ffantasïau a cholli pen mewn plentyndod od yn<br />

rhoi ffurf ar rywioldeb rhywun fel oedolyn (o<br />

ryw fath).<br />

‘He is an inspired storyteller and his words are full<br />

of fire and beauty... He’s a sort of urban warrior on<br />

behalf of all those who don’t fit in’ The Scotsman<br />

‘This is punk rock this is how it should be’ Mark Thomas<br />

“Genius” Russell Howard<br />

yr hunan-apwyntiedig Lysgennad Comedi<br />

Almaenaidd i’r DU yn y cnawd yn ei sioe a<br />

werthodd bob tocyn yng Nghaeredin, “No<br />

Surrender”. Hwyl Tiwtonig ar ei orau. Dewch<br />

draw ... neu ... Deutschland über alles!<br />

“Side-splittingly funny” The Scotsman<br />

“A vulnerable man grappling with a language that<br />

isn’t his own” The Guardian<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

8:30pm<br />

£8<br />

rob deerinG<br />

the One<br />

There have been other Rob Deering shows but<br />

this is The One. Rob Deering celebrates ten<br />

years of Edinburgh solo shows with something<br />

bigger and more exciting than anything he has<br />

done yet.<br />

If you see just one Rob Deering: The One this<br />

year, this one is The One.<br />

Cafwyd sioeau Rob Deering eraill ond hon yw Yr<br />

Un. Mae Rob Deering yn dathlu deng mlynedd<br />

o sioeau unigol yng Nghaeredin gyda rhywbeth<br />

mwy a mwy cyffrous na dim mae wedi ei<br />

wneud eto.<br />

Os gwelwch chi ddim ond un Rob Deering: Yr Un<br />

eleni, dyma’r Un.<br />

Venue: Bowling Club<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 8:30pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

dAniel GlYn<br />

Fy nGhardiFF<br />

Yn ystod yr wythdegau agorwyd ysgol gyfun<br />

Gymraeg yng Nghaerdydd fel arbrawf ieithyddol.<br />

Bu’r fenter yn lwyddiant, ond mae gan bob arbrawf<br />

ei “side effects” anffodus – yn y cyd destun yma ei<br />

enw yw Daniel Glyn. Yn Fy Nghardiff bydd Daniel<br />

yn rhannu ei brofiad o fod yn “Gymro Cymraeg<br />

Di-Gymraeg”, o gael ei fwlio yng Nghaerdydd am<br />

fod yn “Blwmin Welshie”, i gael ei fwlio ym Mangor<br />

am fod yn “blinkin dysgwr”..<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 8.30pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

pAppY’s And friends<br />

Award winning sketch team Pappy’s return to<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> for the third year<br />

running! This year will be a bit different because<br />

Matthew has booked a holiday when the festival<br />

is on (he sends his apologies) so Tom and Ben<br />

are going to MAN UP and put on an evening<br />

with some brilliant sketch friends (SHEEPS,<br />


which to be honest will probably be a stronger<br />

showing than our usual gubbins.<br />

Mae’r tîm sgetsys sydd wedi ennill gwobrau<br />

Pappy’s yn dychwelyd i Ŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

am y drydedd flwyddyn yn olynol! Bydd eleni<br />

ychydig yn wahanol am fod Matthew wedi<br />

trefnu gwyliau pan gynhelir yr ŵyl (mae’n<br />

anfon ei ymddiheuriadau) felly mae Tom a Ben<br />

yn mynd i fynd ati a chyflwyno noson gyda<br />

rhai ffrindiau gwych am gyflwyno sgetsys<br />


A LOUIS) a fydd i fod yn onest yn ôl pob tebyg<br />

yn gyflwyniad cryfach na’r hyn sydd gennym<br />

fel arfer.<br />

Venue: Y Tabernacl<br />

Date: Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

Time: 8.30pm<br />

Price: £7<br />

MACHYnlletH<br />

CoMedY festivAl<br />

sHowCAse<br />

One of the annual festival highlights returns<br />

as we pack as many acts as possible into one<br />

event.<br />

This is a great opportunity to get an idea of<br />

who you might want to see at the festival<br />

and, as always, is a fantastic way to see in the<br />

opening night.<br />

For the second year running the wonderful Ed<br />

Gamble will return as MC.<br />

This is an over 18 event and will go on late.<br />

Sioe Arddangos Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

Mae un o uchafbwyntiau’r ŵyl flynyddol yn<br />

dychwelyd wrth i ni wasgu cymaint o actau â<br />

phosibl i un digwyddiad.<br />

Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i gael syniad am bwy<br />

yr hoffech ei weld yn yr ŵyl ac, fel bob amser,<br />

mae’n ffordd wych o dreulio’r noson agoriadol.<br />

Am yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol bydd yr hyfryd Ed<br />

Gamble yn dychwelyd i arwain y noson.<br />

Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad i rai dros 18 a bydd<br />

yn mynd ymlaen tan yn hwyr.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 18 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 19<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Fri 4 May / Gwe 4 Mayio<br />

10:00pm<br />


sHeeps<br />

a sketCh shOw<br />

Dros y degawd diwethaf mae Nathaniel Metcalfe<br />

wedi gwastraffu ei fywyd yn ymfoddhau yn ei<br />

obsesiynau mân, aneglur ac yn awr mae angen iddo<br />

gyfiawnhau hyn i chi ac iddo ef ei hun. RHYBUDD:<br />

Mae hon fwy neu lai yr un sioe â’r llynedd.<br />

“brilliant and unusual and very funny” Josie Long<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

Time: 1:00pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

Sheeps is a sketch show by Daran Johnson, steve prettY<br />

Alastair Roberts and Liam Williams. From skits to hOw i attended my Own wake<br />

sketches, from jokes to gags - there’s something<br />

here for all fans of contemporary live sketch<br />

comedy. Think the Two Ronnies meet Sheeps<br />

and then the Two Ronnies leave.<br />

Mae Sheeps yn sioe sgetsys gan Daran Johnson,<br />

Alastair Roberts a Liam Williams. O dynnu coes<br />

i sgetsys, o jôcs i gellwair - mae rhywbeth yma<br />

i holl gefnogwyr comedi sgetsys byw cyfoes.<br />

Meddyliwch am y Ddau Ronnie dewch i gyfarfod<br />

â Sheeps ac yna mae’r Ddau Ronnie yn gadael.<br />

“One of the most exciting sketch acts to emerge in<br />

and i’ve GOt a mixtaPe tO PrOve it<br />

years” Time Out<br />

“Something quite different and very exciting<br />

indeed” Independent<br />

Steve Pretty is in the unlikely position of owning<br />

a mixtape of songs that was played at his<br />

own wake, which he attended in 2004 after a<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre national newspaper reported him dead.<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio Part storytelling, part primary school music<br />

Time: 1:00pm<br />

lesson and part stadium-rock-gig-in-a-small-<br />

Price: £5<br />

room-without-a-rock-band, Steve presents a<br />

joyous hour of musical mayhem to remind you<br />

nAtHAniel MetCAlfe what music’s really all about.<br />

enthusiast<br />

Mae Steve Pretty yn y sefyllfa annhebygol o fod<br />

yn berchen ar dâp o ganeuon a chwaraewyd yn<br />

ei wylnos ei hun, yr oedd yn bresennol ynddi yn<br />

2004 ar ôl i bapur newydd cenedlaethol gofnodi<br />

ei fod wedi marw.<br />

Yn rhannol yn adrodd stori, yn rhannol yn wers<br />

gerddoriaeth ysgol gynradd ac yn rhan gig roc<br />

stadiwm mewn ystafell fach heb fand roc, mae Steve<br />

yn cyflwyno awr lawen o anhrefn cerddorol i’ch<br />

atgoffa beth yw cerddoriaeth mewn gwirionedd.<br />

‘An original delight that put a smile on my face for<br />

the rest of the day’ Whatsonstage<br />

Over the last decade Nathaniel Metcalfe has<br />

wasted his life indulging his own obscure minor<br />

obsessions and now he needs to justify it to you<br />

‘Mild mayhem’ Express<br />

‘Like a young Bill Bailey’ British <strong>Comedy</strong> Guide<br />

Venue: Bowling Club<br />

and himself. WARNING: This is virtually the same Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

show as last year.<br />

Time: 1:00pm<br />

Price: £6<br />

ben tArGet<br />

FailinG tO PrOGress<br />

Ben Target is a vending machine of fun. He<br />

schleps around expecting money and admiration<br />

for his ideas. You may shower him with both.<br />

Mae Ben Target yn beiriant gwerthu hwyl. Mae’n<br />

loetran o gwmpas yn disgwyl arian ac edmygedd am<br />

ei syniadau. Efallai y byddwch yn rhoi’r ddau iddo..<br />

“A hugely gifted prop comic whose shows are in<br />

equal parts delightful and unsettling” Guardian<br />

“What a gem Target is…probably the most original,<br />

the most over-wrought and most audacious<br />

to be seen at the Fringe.” Broadway Baby<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />

£5<br />


SUNDAY 6 MAY 2:20PM Y PLAS<br />

Visitor Centre<br />

The Multi Award winning Brewery<br />

from Llanidloes Powys will be running a<br />

Real Ale Bar throughout the <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

<strong>Festival</strong> - Come and have a pint of our<br />

internationally famous beers and try the<br />

new beer brewed just for the event! Relax<br />

on the lawn outside the Owain Glyndŵr<br />

venue before and after the show...<br />

www.thewaenbrewery.co.uk<br />

@TheWaenBrewery<br />

20%<br />

Discount on<br />

your entry ticket<br />

on presentation of<br />

this voucher *<br />

● Renewable energy<br />

● Hands-on displays<br />

● Organic Gardens<br />

3 miles north-east<br />

of <strong>Machynlleth</strong> on the A487<br />

01654 705950 ● www.cat.org.uk<br />

* Voucher valid for up to 2 adults per family. Expires 31/08/2012.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 20 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 21

GŴYL<br />



19 - 26 AWST / AUGUST 2012<br />

Full programme and tickets available on www.momawales.org.uk Box Office 01654 703355<br />

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Kids<br />

go for<br />

2 Quid!<br />

with an adult/senior<br />

Adult Day<br />

Rover Tickets<br />

on regular timetabled trains. Kids for £2 offer still applies. Valid until November 2012.<br />

Featuring<br />

Mach <strong>Comedy</strong> Fest<br />


Sir Willard White • Brass Jaw • Katya Apekisheva • Karen Gomyo • Vienna Piano Trio • Aled Wyn Davies<br />

2012 2012 2012 2012 2012<br />

Newport <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong><br />

elis JAMes<br />

edinburGh Preview<br />

Elis James has taken the Edinburgh festival by<br />

storm for the last three years and he’s back in<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> to preview his latest offering. As<br />

seen on 8 Out of 10 Cats (Channel 4), The Rob<br />

Brydon Show (BBC2) and Russell Howard’s Good<br />

News (BBC3), this is a chance to see one of Wales’<br />

rising comedy stars perform a work in progress<br />

show on home turf.<br />

Mae Elis James wedi cael effaith fawr ar ŵyl<br />

Caeredin am y tair blynedd diwethaf ac mae<br />

o’n ôl ym <strong>Machynlleth</strong> i roi rhagolwg o’i offrwm<br />

diweddaraf. Fel y gwelwyd ar 8 out of 10 Cats<br />

(Channel 4), The Rob Brydon Show (BBC2) a<br />

stuArt GoldsMitH<br />

PriCk<br />

In 2011, his positive and negative reviews all<br />

agreed, Stuart Goldsmith was nice. Really nice.<br />

“Almost pathologically nice” according to some<br />

cock or other. Well now the boot’s on the other<br />

foot. Come and see what happens when you put<br />

baby in the corner.<br />

Includes jokes, japes, pranks, bullying, a winning<br />

smile, a shocking act of real violence and one<br />

use of the “c” word.<br />

Yn 2011, roedd ei adolygiadau cadarnhaol<br />

a negyddol i gyd yn cytuno, roedd Stuart<br />

Goldsmith yn neis. Neis iawn. “Bron yn<br />

batholegol o neis” yn ôl rhywun neu’i gilydd.<br />

Wel, mae’r esgid ar y droed arall bellach. Dewch<br />

i weld beth sy’n digwydd pan fyddwch yn rhoi’r<br />

baban yn y gornel.<br />

Mae’n cynnwys jôcs, tynnu coes, bwlio, gwên,<br />

gweithred frawychus o drais go iawn ac un<br />

defnydd o’r gair “c”.<br />

Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3), mae hwn<br />

yn gyfle i weld un o sêr newydd y byd comedi yn<br />

perfformio sioe sydd wrthi’n cael ei datblygu ar<br />

dir cyfarwydd.<br />

‘A complete joy’ Time Out<br />

‘Hugely appealing’ Guardian<br />

‘Excruciatingly funny’ The Scotsman<br />

edwArd ACzel<br />

edward<br />

Edward Aczel re-works some of his dodgy old<br />

material in a vain attempt to see if he can<br />

get it to work for the first time, if you come<br />

along he might do his legendary apocalypse<br />

material, a quiz or even a brainstorm in search<br />

of a meaningful commercial act. It’s wrong but<br />

it could be so right, or just wrong... either way<br />

it’s a long drive.<br />

Mae Edward Aczel yn ailweithio gyda rhywfaint<br />

o’i hen ddeunydd amheus mewn ymgais ofer<br />

i weld a ellir ei gael i weithio am y tro cyntaf.<br />

Os dewch i’w weld efallai y bydd yn gwneud<br />

ei ddeunydd apocalyptaidd chwedlonol, cwis<br />

neu hyd yn oed sesiwn drafod i chwilio am act<br />

fasnachol, ystyrlon. Mae’n anghywir, ond gallai<br />

fod mor gywir.... beth bynnag mae’n daith hir.<br />

“Aczel turns unprofessionalism into an artform”<br />

**** The Times<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

Time: 3:40pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

Mach <strong>Comedy</strong> Fest 042 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 23<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />

£5<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />

£5<br />

Buy yourself a festival mug at<br />

machcomedyfest.co.uk/shop<br />

Prynwch fyg yr ŵyl i chi eich hun yn<br />


ed GAMble<br />

slOven<br />

Ed Gamble (Russell Howard’s Good News, Dave’s<br />

One Night Stand, mustard stain on his front)<br />

returns to the <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> with<br />

brand new bits and some of his old classics (you<br />

can’t prove they’re not classic.)<br />

He supports Greg Davies and Russell Kane on<br />

tour, does the cult favourite Peacock & Gamble<br />

Podcast and once made a full sandwich whilst<br />

still in bed.<br />

Mae Ed Gamble (Good News Russell Howard, One<br />

Night Stand Dave, staen mwstard ar ei ffrynt)<br />

yn dychwelyd i Wyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> gyda<br />

darnau newydd sbon a rhai o’i hen glasuron<br />

(fedrwch chi ddim profi nad ydynt yn glasurol.)<br />

Mae’n cefnogi Greg Davies a Russell Kane ar<br />

daith, mae’n gwneud y ffefryn Podlediad Peacock<br />

& Gamble ac unwaith gwnaeth frechdan lawn<br />

pan oedd yn dal yn y gwely.<br />

Brilliantly florid language...hilarious’ Chortle<br />

‘Moments of stupendous invention’ The List<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

pAt burtsCHer<br />

PatOPOtamOOse<br />

Patapotamoose is a one-hour comedy safari from one of Canada’s<br />

funniest land mammals, who now resides in the UK, Pat Burtscher. He<br />

approaches mature topics from the environment, prison, art school and<br />

space exploration with a childlike silliness. In short, Patapotamoose is like<br />

watching snippets of the BBC through a fun house mirror and will show<br />

you a glimpse into the mind of one of the most imaginative and funny<br />

comedians working today. See it while you still can.<br />

Mae Patapotamoose yn saffari comedi un awr gan un o famaliaid tir<br />

doniolaf Canada, sydd bellach yn byw yn y DU, Pat Burtscher. Mae’n ymdrin<br />

â phynciau aeddfed yr amgylchedd, carchar, ysgol gelf ac archwilio’r gofod<br />

gyda ffolineb plentynnaidd. Yn fyr, mae Patapotamoose yn debyg i wylio<br />

pytiau ar y BBC drwy ddrych tŷ hwyl a bydd yn dangos cipolwg i chi ar<br />

feddwl un o’r digrifwyr mwyaf dychmygus a doniol sy’n gweithio heddiw.<br />

Ewch i’w weld tra gallwch chi.<br />

“...imaginatively off-beat ideas” Chortle<br />

“... funny, and silly, in a good way. The Fringe needs more of this!” The Latest 7<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

3:40pm<br />

£5<br />

feelinG peCKisH?<br />

we’ve Got food<br />

stAlls At Y plAs And<br />

tHe owAin GlYndwr<br />

Centre.<br />

eisiAu bwYd?<br />

MAe GennYM stondinAu<br />

bwYd Yn Y plAs<br />

A CHAnolfAn owAin<br />

GlYndwr.<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

3:40pm<br />

£5<br />

MiKe pArKer<br />

a (very) rOuGh Guide tO<br />

maChynlleth<br />

“The ancient capital of Wales” it says on the<br />

signs. Really? So should we all storm Cardiff and<br />

demand it back? <strong>Machynlleth</strong>-based writer and<br />

broadcaster Mike Parker gives us an armchair tour<br />

of our host town, calling at Hippy Central, Mispronunciation<br />

Parkway and Inebriation Junction.<br />

“Prifddinas hynafol <strong>Cymru</strong>” dyna mae’n ei ddweud<br />

ar yr arwyddion. Wir? Felly ddylai pob un ohonom<br />

ymosod ar Gaerdydd a’i hawlio’n ôl? Mae’r awdur<br />

a’r darlledwr Mike Parker sy’n byw ym <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

yn rhoi taith cadair freichiau i ni o gwmpas y dref<br />

sy’n ein croesawu, gan alw mewn mannau diddorol<br />

ar y ffordd.<br />

Venue: Y Plas<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

Time: 3:40pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

AlternAtive CoMedY<br />

MeMoriAl soCietY<br />

Horse And louis<br />

the Curse OF the Fetid CrOw<br />

Jovial guitar chaps Horse & Louis battle their<br />

greatest (and only) enemy yet: a terrifying<br />

ancient curse that threatens to tear them apart<br />

like cheap pastry. Join the Musical <strong>Comedy</strong> Award<br />

runners-up (2010) and hosts (2011/12) on a<br />

musical-sketch-horror-comedy adventure.<br />

Mae’r gitaryddion llawen Horse a Louis yn<br />

brwydro yn erbyn eu gelyn mwyaf eto (a’u hunig<br />

elyn): melltith hynafol frawychus sy’n bygwth<br />

eu rhwygo ar wahân fel toes rhad. Ymunwch â’r<br />

rhai ddaeth yn ail yn y Wobr Gomedi Gerddorol<br />

(2010) a’r gwesteion (2011/12) ar antur<br />

gerddorol-sgets-arswyd-gomedi.<br />

“Excellent” British <strong>Comedy</strong> Guide<br />

“Inspired” Spoonfed<br />

“Very silly” Chris Tarrant<br />

Following triumphant occupations of<br />

London and Edinburgh the ACMS marches on<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> in pursuit of further hubris.<br />

Dismayed at not having a left-field comedy<br />

night stuffed to the gills with hilarious<br />

invention? Well this might be the night for you<br />

(depending on your tastes). Basically, if it’s your<br />

sort of thing, you’ll love it. Hosted by Thom Tuck<br />

and John-Luke Roberts, stuffed with guests<br />

from around the <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

Stuffed, stuffed, stuffed.<br />

A noble failure!<br />

Yn dilyn ymddangosiadau gorfoleddus<br />

yn Llundain a Chaeredin mae’r ACMS yn<br />

gorymdeithio i Fachynlleth wrth fynd ar<br />

drywydd ‘hubris’ pellach.<br />

JAMes ACAster<br />

PrOmPt<br />

Here’s a bit of fun, get a green pen and a red<br />

pen then underline in the appropriate pen the<br />

bits in this blurb that you think Microsoft Word<br />

underlined. The winner gets another pen.<br />

James Acaster returns to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> with a<br />

brand new show. A show full of comedy – full<br />

to the brim. There’ll be routine after routine<br />

until the/a finale. This could be big.<br />

Dyma ychydig o hwyl, chwiliwch am feiro wyrdd<br />

a beiro goch yna tanlinellwch gyda’r beiro<br />

briodol y darnau yn y broliant hwn y credwch<br />

y gwnaeth Microsoft Word eu tanlinellu. Mae’r<br />

enillydd yn cael beiro arall.<br />

Ydych chi wedi’ch siomi o beidio â chael noson<br />

gomedi llawn o ddyfeisiadau doniol? Wel efallai<br />

mai hon fydd y noson i chi (yn dibynnu ar eich<br />

chwaeth). Yn syml, os mai dyma eich math<br />

chi o beth, byddwch wrth eich bodd. Cynhelir<br />

y noson gan Thom Tuck a John-Luke Roberts, a<br />

bydd yn llawn dop gyda gwesteion o bob cwr o<br />

Wyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>. Llawn dop.<br />

Methiant bonheddig!<br />

“Genuinely alternative and properly comedic” -<br />

The Guardian.<br />

Mae James Acaster yn dychwelyd i Fachynlleth<br />

gyda sioe newydd sbon. Sioe llawn o gomedi -<br />

llawn at yr ymylon. Bydd yna act ar ôl act tan y<br />

diweddglo. Gallai hyn fod yn fawr.<br />

‘blisteringly funny and highly original’ List<br />

‘an undeniable and wickedly original talent’ Fest<br />

‘deliciously daft and no slouches in the surprises<br />

department’ London Evening Standard<br />

‘blissfully whimsical’ Time Out<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 24 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 25<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£6<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />


Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£8<br />

JosH widdiCoMbe<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

Join the star of BBC1’s Live At The Apollo, BBC2’s<br />

The Rob Brydon Show, Channel 4’s Stand Up For<br />

The Week and 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Fosters Edinburgh<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> Awards Best Newcomer 2011 nominee,<br />

Chortle Best Breakthrough Act nominee 2011,<br />

FHM Stand-Up Hero 2010 Josh Widdicombe as<br />

he tries out new material at the <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>. .<br />

Ymunwch â seren Live At The Apollo BBC1,<br />

The Brydon Rob Sioe BBC2, Stand Up for the<br />

Week a 8 Out Of 10 Cats Channel 4, enwebai<br />

am Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Gwobrau Comedi<br />

Caeredin Fosters 2011, enwebai am Act Newydd<br />

Orau Chortle 2011, ac Arwr ‘Stand-up’ FHM<br />

2010 Josh Widdicombe wrth iddo roi cynnig<br />

ar ei ddeunydd newydd yng Ngŵyl Gomedi<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong>.<br />

“Josh Widdicombe has the sort of gentle confidence,<br />

low-key charisma and one-for-all-the-family charm<br />

which could see him selling out enormous stadiums<br />

in a couple of years.” The Times<br />

“Josh Widdicombe is shaping up to be the British<br />

Seinfeld.” London Is Funny<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 26<br />

pAul foot<br />

still liFe<br />

Paul Foot is one of the UK’s most creative and<br />

original comedians. A BBC New <strong>Comedy</strong> Award<br />

and Daily Telegraph Open Mic winner, his recent<br />

Edinburgh Shows have met with great critical<br />

acclaim as have his appearances on Never Mind The<br />

Buzzcocks on BBC2. On his debut at the Melbourne<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> in 2011 he was nominated for a<br />

Barry (Australia’s most prestigious comedy award)<br />

and in the USA he was a finalist in Series 7 of the<br />

NBC network’s “Last Comic Standing”.<br />

Paul Foot yw un o ddigrifwyr mwyaf creadigol a<br />

gwreiddiol y DU. Enillydd Gwobr Comedi Newydd<br />

y BBC a gwobr Open Mic The Daily Telegraph,<br />

mae ei Sioeau diweddar yng Nghaeredin wedi<br />

cael canmoliaeth feirniadol eang yn ogystal â’i<br />

ymddangosiadau ar Never Mind The Buzzcocks<br />

‘ar BBC2. Wrth iddo ymddangos am y tro cyntaf<br />

yng Ngŵyl Gomedi Melbourne yn 2011 cafodd<br />

ei enwebu ar gyfer Barry (gwobr gomedi mwyaf<br />

mawreddog Awstralia) ac yn yr Unol Daleithiau<br />

roedd yn rownd derfynol Cyfres 7 “Last Comic<br />

Standing” ar rwydwaith yr NBC.<br />

“Subversive and surreal ... like a cult classic, a relic<br />

from the past, a rare exotic bird, he’s special.” The<br />

Daily Express<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

6:30pm<br />

£5<br />

Josie lonG<br />

the Future is anOther PlaCe<br />

Josie Long is back again with her fifth solo show.<br />

Come along! This is a show about feeling newly<br />

tormented by the world around you and about<br />

optimism and despair. But that sounds more<br />

serious than it is. It’ll be a silly, manic round up<br />

of all kinds of things. It will probably have a play<br />

in it where I play every one of the Bronte’s too, if<br />

that’s your bag? The show has two clear aims:<br />

1. Fight some sort of a cool gang or something.<br />

2. Fight injustice.<br />

Mae’r Enwebai am Wobr Gomedi Caeredin Foster<br />

2011, Josie Long, yn ôl gyda’i phumed sioe unigol.<br />

Dewch draw! Mae hon yn sioe am deimlo eich<br />

bod newydd gael eich poenydio gan y byd o’ch<br />

cwmpas ac am optimistiaeth ac anobaith. Ond<br />

mae hynny’n swnio’n fwy difrifol nag y mae.<br />

Bydd yn grynodeb gwirion, manig o bob math<br />

o bethau. Mae’n debyg y bydd drama ynddi lle<br />

byddaf yn chwarae pob un o’r Bronte’s hefyd, os<br />

yw hynny at eich dant. Mae gan y sioe ddau nod<br />

clir: 1. Brwydro yn erbyn rhyw fath o gang cŵl<br />

neu rywbeth. 2. Ymladd yn erbyn anghyfiawnder.<br />

“Josie Long’s new show couldn’t be any better. It’s<br />

honest, intelligent, funny, and it’s exactly what<br />

Britain needs right now... Josie Long is poised<br />

to become the most important voice in British<br />

comedy” The Skinny<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Tabernacl<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

6:30pm<br />

£8<br />

nisH KuMAr<br />

whO is nish kumar?<br />

Is he :-<br />

1, A stand up comedian. 2, One half of acclaimed<br />

sketch duo the Gentlemen of Leisure. 3, Host of<br />

Fat Tuesday (‘One of London’s Best <strong>Comedy</strong> Nights’<br />

Time Out) and cult comedy lecture series PLEB<br />

Talks. 4, A British Asian. 5, An arsehole?<br />

The answer is all of the above. This is his first<br />

hour long stand up show that will answer the<br />

question that is on your lips because you just<br />

read it a second ago. A stand up comedy show<br />

about pride in your roots and shame about<br />

everything else.<br />

A yw’n: -<br />

1,gomedïwr ‘stand up’ . 2, un hanner o’r<br />

ddeuawd sgets enwog The Gentlemen of Leisure.<br />

3, Gwestai Fat Tuesday (‘Un o Nosweithiau<br />

Comedi Gorau Llundain’ Time Out) a chyfres o<br />

ddarlithoedd ar gomedi cwlt PLEB. 4, Asiad<br />

Prydeinig. 5, Dyn dwl?<br />

Yr ateb yw pob un o’r uchod. Dyma ei sioe ‘stand<br />

up’ awr gyntaf a fydd yn ateb y cwestiwn sydd<br />

ar eich gwefusau oherwydd eich bod newydd<br />

ei ddarllen eiliad yn ôl. Sioe gomedi ‘stand up’<br />

am falchder yn eich gwreiddiau a chywilydd am<br />

bopeth arall.<br />

“gloriously entertaining....a highlight of my<br />

Fringe....a smart, funny show which I recommend<br />

to all gentlemen. And ladies” The Scotsman 2010<br />

‘“ delight....a comic force not to be ignored” Chortle<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

Time: 6:40pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

HenrY pAKer<br />

Cabin Fever<br />

Constructs of the gleefully absurd. ‘If you like<br />

Bill Bailey but can’t bear the thought of what’s<br />

living in that hair, try this one?’ (List). Henry has<br />

appeared on Edinburgh and Beyond (<strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Central) and Act Your Age (Radio 4). He won the<br />

Leicester Comedian of the Year award in 2008<br />

and has written for Mock the Week and Eight out<br />

of Ten Cats. Henry brings his Edinburgh <strong>Festival</strong><br />

2011 show to the <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

Dyfeisiadau’r abswrd gorfoleddus. ‘Os ydych yn<br />

hoffi Bill Bailey ond mae’n gas gennyf feddwl<br />

beth sy’n byw yn y gwallt yna, rhowch gynnig<br />

ar yr un yma?’ (rhestr). Mae Henry wedi<br />

ymddangos ar Edinburgh and Beyond (<strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Central) a Act Your Age (Radio 4). Enillodd wobr<br />

Digrifwr y Flwyddyn Caerlŷr yn 2008 ac mae<br />

wedi ysgrifennu ar gyfer Mock the Week ac Eight<br />

out of Ten Cats. Mae Henry yn dod â’i sioe Gŵyl<br />

Caeredin 2011 i Ŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>.<br />

MAe’r GYMrAeG Yn<br />

Unwaith eto eleni, bydd Tudur Owen yn<br />

cyflwyno awr o gomedi Cymraeg ar ei orau. Yn<br />

ymuno a Tudur bydd Frank Honeybone, Beth<br />

Angell, Huw Marshall ac un neu ddau syrpeis<br />

arall. Bwciwch eich tocynnau yn gynnar, gallwn<br />

eich sicrhau y bydd yn fwcing doniol a doeth.<br />

Once again this year, MC Tudur Owen presents<br />

the best of Welsh language comedy. Joining<br />

him will be Frank Honeybone, Beth Angell, Huw<br />

Marshall and a few surprises. Book early to avoid<br />

disappointment.<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

6:30pm<br />

£6<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

6:40pm<br />

£6<br />

brinG And bi-linGuAl<br />

the draGOn has 3 tOnGues<br />

Wales’ best, biggest, boldest, brashest and<br />

indeed only bi-lingual show returns to<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong>. No knowledge of Welsh, or English<br />

required to receive maxium enjoyment from this<br />

unique show. From the North to the South to the<br />

East to the Powys, a truly multi-lingustic journey<br />

through Wales. Come and tri-lingual.<br />

Mae sioe orau, fwyaf, a mwyaf beiddgar <strong>Cymru</strong> ac<br />

yn wir ei hunig sioe ddwyieithog yn dychwelyd<br />

i Fach. Nid oes angen unrhyw wybodaeth am y<br />

Gymraeg, na’r Saesneg i gael y mwynhad mwyaf<br />

o’r sioe unigryw hon. O’r Gogledd i’r De i’r Dwyrain<br />

ac i Bowys, taith wirioneddol amlieithog trwy<br />

Gymru. Dewch i fod yn dair-ieithog.<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

8:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 27

stewArt lee<br />

CarPet remnant wOrld<br />

What can a sexless middle aged married man,<br />

whose life now consists mainly of watching<br />

Scooby Doo cartoons with a four year old<br />

boy, possibly find to write comedy about?<br />

Formerly stand-up’s youthful iconoclast, Lee<br />

now gawps blankly at News 24 as Britain<br />

burns down around him, and blinks weirdly at<br />

the vast wayside retail outlets during endless<br />

journeys to and from increasingly indistinct<br />

provincial theatres. Once he lived on the<br />

pleasure planet. Now he is trapped in Carpet<br />

Remnant World. And so are you.<br />

A new full length touring show from the<br />

acclaimed star of BBC2’s Stewart Lee’s <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Vehicle. This is a 2 hour show with interval.<br />

“The funniest thing on television” The Guardian<br />

Beth yn y byd mawr all dyn priod canol<br />

oed heb ryw, y mae ei fywyd yn awr yn<br />

cynnwys gwylio cartwnau Scooby Doo gyda<br />

bachgen pedair oed yn bennaf, ei ganfod i<br />

ysgrifennu comedi amdano? Iconoclast ifanc<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 28<br />

y comedïwyr stand-up yn flaenorol, mae Lee<br />

bellach yn rhythu’n syn ar News 24 wrth i<br />

Brydain losgi i’r llawr o’i gwmpas, ac yn syllu’n<br />

rhyfedd ar y siopau manwerthu enfawr ar fin<br />

y ffordd fawr yn ystod teithiau diddiwedd i ac<br />

o theatrau taleithiol sy’n mynd yn gynyddol<br />

aneglur. Unwaith roedd yn byw ar y blaned<br />

pleser. Bellach mae wedi ei ddal ym Myd y<br />

Gweddillion Carped. Ac felly rydych chi.<br />

Sioe newydd hyd llawn, deithiol gan seren<br />

enwog <strong>Comedy</strong> Vehicle Stewart Lee BBC2 . “Y<br />

peth mwyaf doniol ar y teledu” The Guardian.<br />

“Superlative” Metro<br />

“Marvellously funny: mordant, thoughtful and<br />

crafted” Observer<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Tabernacl<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

8:00pm<br />

£10<br />

isY suttie<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

A work in progress show of songs, characters and<br />

stand up from Isy, as she reflects on her thirty three<br />

years on the planet. Will include a song about learning<br />

how to drive and at least 2 minutes of Welsh.<br />

Known to some as Dobby from Channel 4’s Peep<br />

Show, Isy is a long-time musical stand up who is a<br />

regular at Edinburgh <strong>Festival</strong> and on BBC Radio 4.<br />

Sioe o waith sydd heb ei orffen o ganeuon,<br />

cymeriadau a chomedi gan Isy, wrth iddi fyfyrio ar<br />

ei 33 mlynedd ar y blaned. Bydd yn cynnwys cân<br />

am ddysgu sut i yrru ac o leiaf 2 funud o Gymraeg.<br />

Mae Isy, sy’n adnabyddus i rai fel Dobby o Peep<br />

Show Channel 4, yn ddigrifwraig gerddorol sy’n<br />

ymddangos yn rheolaidd yng Ngŵyl Caeredin ac<br />

ar BBC Radio 4.<br />

“<strong>Comedy</strong> with heart and soul” Chortle<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

Time: 8:00pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

JArred CHristMAs<br />

an eleCtriC hOur OF<br />

arse-kiCkinG COmedy<br />

You’ve seen him on Mock The Week, 8 Out Of<br />

10 Cats, Argumental, Dave’s One Night Stand,<br />

dancing as Madonna on Let’s Dance For Comic<br />

Relief. He is the guy with the sideburns and<br />

the glasses...That’s right, Jarred Christmas. He<br />

has jokes, he has stories, he has energy, he has<br />

personality and he has one helluva show. Fast,<br />

funny and in-demand. Let’s Go MoFo!<br />

Rydych chi wedi ei weld ar Mock The Week, 8 Out<br />

Of 10 Cats, Argumental, Dave’s One Night Stand, yn<br />

dawnsio fel Madonna ar Let’s Dance For Comic Relief. Ef<br />

yw’r dyn gyda’r ‘sideburns’ a’r sbectol ... Dyno fo, Jarred<br />

Christmas. Mae ganddo jôcs, mae ganddo straeon,<br />

mae ganddo ynni, mae ganddo bersonoliaeth ac<br />

mae ganddo un sioe gofiadwy. Cyflym, doniol a<br />

phoblogaidd. Beth am ofyn am fwy!<br />

“One of the funniest men to pick up a microphone”<br />

TimeOut London<br />

“Likeable, intelligent and full of unpredictable<br />

energy” The Scotsman<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

8:00pm<br />

£6<br />

Jon riCHArdson<br />

Funny maGnet<br />

The brilliant Jon Richardson is coming back<br />

to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> in 2012. The new host of<br />

Channel 4’s Stand Up For The Week, team<br />

captain on 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Edinburgh <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Award nominee and best-selling author will<br />

be bringing his show, Funny Magnet to the<br />

festival.<br />

Discussing the everyday items that have a<br />

profound effect on his outlook, Funny Magnet<br />

sees Jon working his pessimism with some<br />

hilarious consequences, and as always with<br />

his loveable vivacious delivery.<br />

Mae Jon Richardson yn dod yn ôl i Fachynlleth<br />

yn 2012. Bydd gwestai newydd Stand Up For<br />

The Week, Channel 4, capten tîm ar 8 Out Of 10<br />

Cats, enwebai ar gyfer Gwobr Gomedi Caeredin ac<br />

awdur hynod o boblogaidd yn dod â’i sioe, Funny<br />

Magnet i’r ŵyl.<br />

Wrth drafod yr eitemau bob dydd sy’n cael<br />

effaith fawr ar ei agwedd, mae Funny Magnet yn<br />

gweld Jon yn gweithio ei besimistiaeth gyda rhai<br />

canlyniadau doniol, ac fel bob amser yn ei ffordd<br />

hoffus a bywiog.<br />

“Sublimely brilliant, stunning... He is a comic<br />

right on the verge of greatness. If you haven’t<br />

seen him yet get your finger out and sort it.’<br />

Time Out<br />

“Destined for showbiz big-time”<br />

Evening Standard<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

9:30pm<br />

£13.50/£11<br />

Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 29

Josie lonG<br />

a Play<br />

Josie Long will do a play.<br />

Bydd Josie Long yn gwneud drama.<br />

CHris boYd<br />

Filthy<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

1:00pm<br />

£5<br />

CoMMittee MeetinG<br />

with Chris COrCOran and elis james<br />

The best thing to happen to the valleys since<br />

1992’s Garden <strong>Festival</strong> of Wales, Chris Corcoran<br />

(Radio Wales’ Rhod Gilbert Show) and Elis James<br />

(BBC2’s 8 Out of 10 Cats) bring the best of their<br />

21st century take on workingman’s club culture to<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong>. It’s a comedy gang show committee<br />

style, plus Bingo. All members are expected to<br />

attend. Simply by reading this you are a member*<br />

Y peth gorau i ddigwydd i’r cymoedd ers Gŵyl<br />

Gerddi <strong>Cymru</strong> 1992, mae Chris Corcoran (‘Rhod<br />

Gilbert Show’ Radio Wales ) ac Elis James (BBC2<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Chesterfield’s second finest comedy mind* and<br />

purveyor of shambolic daftness, Chris Boyd<br />

returns to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> with 50 minutes of<br />

mostly new jokes about the ins and outs of his<br />

declining health. (*after Bernie Clifton). Chris<br />

Boyd is a BBC New <strong>Comedy</strong> Award nominee and<br />

also appears in Nick Helm’s Fosters Nominated<br />

Dare To Dream show.<br />

Ail feddwl comedi gorau Chesterfield* , mae Chris<br />

Boyd yn dychwelyd i Fachynlleth gyda 50 munud<br />

o jôcs newydd yn bennaf am fanylion ei iechyd<br />

sy’n dirywio. (* Ar ôl Bernie Clifton). Mae Chris<br />

Boyd yn enwebai am Wobr Comedi Newydd y BBC<br />

ac mae hefyd yn ymddangos yn sioe Nick Helm a<br />

enwebwyd gan Fosters Dare to Dream.<br />

“Brilliant” Leicester Mercury<br />

“Experimental, witty and bemusing” Three Weeks<br />

“Glorious puns as he highlights the murky corners<br />

of his life.' Chortle<br />

8 Out of 10 Cats) yn dod â’r gorau o’u golwg o’r<br />

21ain ganrif ar ddiwylliant clwb y gweithwyr<br />

i Fachynlleth . Mae’n sioe gomedi ar arddull<br />

pwyllgor, gyda Bingo. Disgwylir i bob aelod<br />

fynychu. Drwy ddarllen hyn rydych yn aelod *<br />

“Hilarious - a totally unique experience. If all<br />

committees were this much fun I’d buy a blazer<br />

and run for council” Rhod Gilbert<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

1:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

1:00pm<br />

£5<br />

JoHn robins<br />

inCredible sCenes<br />

“<strong>Comedy</strong>’s best kept secret” (The Skinny) returns<br />

to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> to preview his 2012 Edinburgh<br />

solo show. There are all new stories, banter and<br />

bombs to drop. Fresh from his appearance on<br />

Russell Howard’s Good News BBC3 he has tales<br />

of childhood innocence and adult shenanigans.<br />

(Warning: contains adult shenanigans).<br />

“Mae Cyfrinach orau comedi” (The Skinny) yn<br />

dychwelyd i Fachynlleth i roi rhagflas o’i sioe<br />

unigol 2012 yng Nghaeredin. Mae yma storïau<br />

newydd, tynnu coes a bomiau i’w gollwng.<br />

Yn syth o’i ymddangosiad ar Good News<br />

BBC3 Russell Howard mae ganddo hanesion<br />

am ddiniweidrwydd plentyndod a chastiau<br />

oedolion. (Rhybudd: mae’n cynnwys castiau<br />

oedolion).<br />

“An hour in his charming, generous and honest<br />

company is so effortlessly entertaining” Chortle<br />

“one of the most naturally gifted comedians I’ve<br />

seen” Telegraph<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 2:20pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

*not true * Ddim yn wir<br />

sArA pAsCoe<br />

the musiCal<br />

Sara Pascoe: The Musical is the tale of a lady who<br />

lived from the 1980’s to 2012. It’s a great story<br />

with some catchy tunes and many morals. Sara’s<br />

life features many TV appearances including Stand<br />

Up For The Week, Campus & Free Agents (C4); The<br />

Thick of It & Twenty Twelve (BBC).<br />

Sara Pascoe: The Musical yw stori’r ferch a<br />

oedd yn byw o’r 1980au hyd at 2012. Mae’n<br />

stori wych gyda rhai alawon bachog a llawer o<br />

foeswersi. Mae bywyd Sara yn cynnwys llawer<br />

o ymddangosiadau teledu gan gynnwys Stand<br />

Up For The Week, Campus & Free Agents (C4); The<br />

Thick of It & Twenty Twelve (BBC).<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 2:20pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

HollY burn<br />

wOrk in PrOGress<br />

GAretH riCHArds<br />

never went tO disneyland<br />

MArK olver<br />

danCinG abOut arChiteCture<br />

Dancing About Architecture... its going to be<br />

a chat show for geeks and enthusiasts and<br />

comedy fans and comedians about comedy<br />

itself. Discussing and analysing and going far<br />

deeper than we should into what makes things<br />

funny, why jokes work and don’t, and how to<br />

become a comedian. Featuring comedians from<br />

the festival.<br />

Dawnsio am Bensaernïaeth ... mae’n mynd i fod<br />

yn sioe sgwrs ar gyfer dilynwyr a chefnogwyr<br />

comedi a digrifwyr am gomedi ei hun. Trafod a<br />

dadansoddi a mynd yn llawer dyfnach nag y<br />

dylen ni i mewn i’r hyn sy’n gwneud pethau’n<br />

ddoniol, pam fod jôcs yn gweithio a pham nad<br />

ydyn nhw’n gweithio, a sut i ddod yn ddigrifwr.<br />

Bydd digrifwyr o’r ŵyl ei hun yn ymddangos.<br />

After 2010’s critically acclaimed show Living<br />

and Dying, Holly returns with new renegade<br />

character comedy that breaks all the rules. Holly<br />

is a stand up and character comedian who has<br />

appeared in four one woman comedy shows in<br />

Edinburgh 2007- 10. One year she performed in<br />

her house where the audience discovered her in<br />

bed; set off fireworks in the shower and threw<br />

meat at her in the kitchen. In another she took<br />

the audience on a walk to the PDSA shop to see<br />

the shrine of a dead dog.<br />

Ar ôl sioe 2010 Living and Dying a gafodd ei<br />

chanmol gan y beirniaid, mae Holly yn dychwelyd<br />

gyda chomedi newydd am gymeriad o wrthgiliwr<br />

sy’n torri’r holl reolau. Mae Holly yn ddigrifwr ac yn<br />

Gareth’s parents could not afford to take the<br />

whole family to Disneyland, so they went<br />

without him.<br />

Gareth has never recovered.<br />

This show is about the devastation caused by a<br />

careless travel booking.<br />

Ni allai rhieni Gareth fforddio cymryd y teulu<br />

cyfan i Disneyland, felly fe aethant hebddo.<br />

Nid yw Gareth erioed wedi dod dros hynny.<br />

Mae’r sioe hon yn ymwneud â’r difrod a<br />

achoswyd gan drefniant teithio diofal.<br />

“A delightful hour of comedy” The Guardian<br />

“Clever craftsman with a big future” The Evening<br />

Standard<br />

“An effortlessly assured act… exceptionally<br />

inspired and truly memorable.’ Chortle<br />

gomedïwr cymeriad sydd wedi ymddangos mewn<br />

pedair sioe gomedi un fenyw yng Nghaeredin<br />

2007-10. Un flwyddyn perfformiodd yn ei thŷ lle<br />

mae’r gynulleidfa yn ei darganfod yn y gwely; yn<br />

cynnau tân gwyllt yn y gawod ac yn taflu cig ati yn<br />

y gegin. Mewn un arall aeth â’r gynulleidfa ar daith<br />

gerdded i’r siop PDSA i weld cysegrfa ci marw.<br />

“The Best of Edinburgh” The Independent<br />

“A great way to spend a fringe afternoon. Geordie<br />

power house Holly Burn” Chortle<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 3:40pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 30 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 31<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />

£5<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />


toM pArrY<br />

FanCy that<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Tom Parry likes yellow t-shirts and fancy dress<br />

parties. This will be his first ever hour long<br />

solo show and he is very happy to be here.<br />

(His Brother’s got a caravan just up the road in<br />

Aberdyfi)<br />

At some point I imagine he’ll try and play a<br />

trumpet he’s not learnt to play yet. (To tell you<br />

the truth this is me writing this stuff in the third<br />

person so I already know for a fact that I will!)<br />

Tom (I) is (am) one third of award winning sketch<br />

team Pappy’s and has appeared in Miranda, Fast<br />

and Loose and Watson and Oliver (BBC).<br />

Mae Tom Parry yn hoffi crysau-t melyn a phartïon<br />

gwisg ffansi. Hon fydd ei sioe unigol awr o hyd gyntaf<br />

erioed ac mae’n hapus iawn i fod yma. (Mae gan ei<br />

frawd garafán ychydig i fyny’r ffordd yn Aberdyfi)<br />

Ar ryw adeg rwy’n dychmygu y bydd yn ceisio<br />

chwarae trymped nad yw wedi dysgu ei chwarae<br />

eto. (I ddweud y gwir, fi yw hwn yn ysgrifennu<br />

hyn yn y trydydd person felly rydw i eisoes yn<br />

gwybod y byddaf i!). Mae Tom (rydw i) yn draean<br />

o dîm sgets sydd wedi ennill gwobrau Pappy’s ac<br />

JiGsAw<br />

wOrk in PrOGress Colin Hoult<br />

ultimate Carnival OF mOnsters<br />

Time: 3:40pm<br />

mae wedi ymddangos yn Miranda, Fast and Loose<br />

Price: £5<br />

a Watson ac Oliver (BBC).<br />

MiKe wozniAK<br />

substitute astrOnaut<br />

The Substitute Astronaut<br />

And other stories. <strong>Comedy</strong>.<br />

Time Out New Act of the Year and if.<strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Newcomer Nominee 2008.<br />

Leicester <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> Best New Show Winner<br />

with Henry Paker 2010 for The Golden Lizard.<br />

Y Gofodwr a gafodd ei Amnewid<br />

A straeon eraill. Comedi.<br />

Act Newydd y Flwyddyn Time Out ac Enwebai<br />

Newydd if.<strong>Comedy</strong> 2008.<br />

Enillydd Sioe Newydd Orau Gŵyl Gomedi Caerlŷr<br />

gyda Henry Paker 2010 am The Golden Lizard.<br />

Venue: Bowling Club<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 3:40pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

we’ve Got bArs in tHe west CoAst tent And<br />

on tHe lAwn of owAin GlYndwr Centre<br />

MAe GennYM fAriAu YM MHAbell west CoAst<br />

AC Ar lAwnt CAnolfAn owAin GlYndwr<br />

Jigsaw are the rising stars in British sketch<br />

comedy. After last year’s critically acclaimed, soldout<br />

Edinburgh show, they are now regulars on a<br />

new BBC3 prime-time show Live At The Electric,<br />

hosted by Russell Kane. They’ve also filmed a<br />

series of comedy shorts for BBC Online and will<br />

soon star in forthcoming BBC Radio 4 sketch series<br />

Sketchaholic.<br />

Jigsaw bring a work in progress show to the<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

Jig-so yw’r sêr sy’n codi mewn sgetsys comedi<br />

Prydeinig. Ar ôl y sioe a werthodd allan y llynedd<br />

yng Nghaeredin, ac a gafodd ganmoliaeth gan<br />

y beirniaid, maent yn awr yn ymddangos yn<br />

rheolaidd ar sioe newydd ar oriau brig BBC3 Live<br />

At The Electric a gyflwnir gan Russell Kane. Maen<br />

nhw wedi ffilmio cyfres o ffilmiau comedi byr ar<br />

gyfer BBC Online hefyd a byddant yn ymddangos<br />

yn fuan yng nghyfres sgetsys BBC Radio 4<br />

Sketchaholic.<br />

Mae Jig-so yn dod â gwaith sy’n cael ei ddatblygu<br />

i Ŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>.<br />

“Full-pelt sketch comedy from performers who<br />

radiate enjoyment and ease with a crowd... Makes<br />

The Fast Show look languid” Guardian<br />

“A spectacular triumph” Spoonfed <strong>Comedy</strong><br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Colin Hoult performs an exciting culmination<br />

of his three ground-breaking shows: Carnival<br />

of Monsters; Enemy of The World, and Inferno;<br />

combining character comedy, music, storytelling<br />

and surprise! Colin’s unique style of comedy is as<br />

touching and terrifying as it is hilarious.<br />

Critic’s Choice; The Independent, Guardian Guide,<br />

Time Out, Evening Standard, The Times, The<br />

Telegraph.<br />

Mae Colin Hoult yn perfformio penllanw cyffrous<br />

o’i dair sioe chwyldroadol: Carnival of Monsters;<br />

Enemy of The World, ac Inferno; gan gyfuno<br />

comedi cymeriad, cerddoriaeth, adrodd stori a<br />

syndod!! Mae arddull gomedi unigryw Colin mor<br />

deimladwy a brawychus ag y mae’n ddoniol.<br />

Dewis y beirniaid; The Independent, Evening<br />

Standard Guardian Guide, Time Out, The Times, The<br />

Telegraph.<br />

“A delicious mix of the dark and the charming<br />

in the hands of an incredibly skilled master of<br />

ceremonies” The Spectator<br />

“It feels as if we’re seeing something new and unpredictable<br />

sneaking in under the radar” The Times<br />

dAvid trent<br />

shOw<br />

Hello <strong>Machynlleth</strong>. I didn’t use a google to check<br />

your name. I know you. I am coming to you. I<br />

will do a show. Then i will do it in edinburgh.<br />

You will be responsible. Come and seem me. I’m<br />

totally good.<br />

Helo <strong>Machynlleth</strong>. Wnes i ddim defnyddio<br />

google i wirio eich enw. Rwy’n eich adnabod<br />

chi. Rydw i’n dod atoch chi. Fe wnaf i sioe. Yna<br />

byddaf yn ei gwneud yng Nghaeredin. Chi fydd<br />

yn gyfrifol. Dewch i’m gweld i. Dwi’n hynod<br />

o dda.<br />

“Really really brilliant – like a genius” Everyone in<br />

the world<br />

Joe lYCett<br />

edinburGh Preview<br />

Join Joe Lycett as he prepares for his debut show<br />

at the Edinburgh <strong>Festival</strong>. Expect a joyful hour of<br />

silly comedy that’s a bit rough around the edges.<br />

Winner of Chortle Award Best Newcomer 2010 and<br />

BBC Radio 2 New <strong>Comedy</strong> Award finalist 2011.<br />

Ymunwch â Joe Lycett wrth iddo baratoi ar gyfer<br />

ei sioe gyntaf yng Ngŵyl Caeredin. Disgwyliwch<br />

awr o gomedi llawen, gwirion sydd dipyn yn arw<br />

o amgylch yr ymylon.<br />

Enillydd Gwobr Newydd-ddyfodiad Gorau Chortle<br />

2010 ac un a ddaeth i rownd derfynol Gwobr<br />

Comedi Newydd BBC Radio 2 2011.<br />

“An intensely charming and talented young<br />

comic” Guardian<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 32 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 33<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£5<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />

£6<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

5:00pm<br />


elis JAMes<br />

edinburGh Preview<br />

A second chance to see Elis James do an<br />

Edinburgh Preview . Elis James has taken the<br />

Edinburgh festival by storm for the last three<br />

years and he’s back in <strong>Machynlleth</strong> to preview<br />

his latest offering. As seen on 8 Out of 10 Cats<br />

(Channel 4), The Rob Brydon Show (BBC2) and<br />

Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3), this is a<br />

chance to see one of Wales’ rising comedy stars<br />

perform a work in progress show on home turf.<br />

Mae Elis James wedi cael effaith fawr ar ŵyl<br />

Caeredin am y tair blynedd diwethaf ac mae<br />

o’n ôl ym <strong>Machynlleth</strong> i roi rhagolwg o’i offrwm<br />

diweddaraf. Fel y gwelwyd ar 8 out of 10 Cats<br />

(Channel 4), The Rob Brydon Show (BBC2) a<br />

Russell Howard’s Good News (BBC3), mae hwn<br />

yn gyfle i weld un o sêr newydd y byd comedi yn<br />

perfformio sioe sydd wrthi’n cael ei datblygu ar<br />

dir cyfarwydd.<br />

‘A complete joy’ Time Out<br />

‘Hugely appealing’ Guardian<br />

‘Excruciatingly funny’ The Scotsman<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 6:20pm<br />

Price: £5<br />

isY suttie<br />

Pearl and dave<br />

This extraordinary new comedy show tells<br />

the story of the part Isy played in two people’s<br />

blossoming internet romance whilst on her own<br />

treacherous search for true love. Bursting with<br />

hilarity and genuinely touching, this beautifully<br />

nuanced show flits between stand-up, music and<br />

character comedy. Also known as Dobby in Peep<br />

Show (C4) and Kiki in Whites (BBC2). Double British<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> Award Nominee. Pearl and Dave was<br />

broadcast as a one-off on Radio 4 in January 2012,<br />

picked up as one of only 4 shows from Edinburgh<br />

<strong>Festival</strong>. Contains three minutes of Welsh.<br />

Mae’r sioe gomedi newydd ryfeddol hon yn<br />

adrodd hanes y rhan a chwaraeodd Isy mewn<br />

rhamant rhwng dau o bobl ar y rhyngrwyd wrth<br />

iddi hi ei hun chwilio am wir gariad. Yn llawn<br />

doniolwch ac yn cyffwrdd â’ch calon o ddifrif,<br />

mae’r sioe hon yn symud yn gynnil rhwng comedi,<br />

cerddoriaeth a chomedi cymeriad. Fe’i gelwir<br />

hefyd yn Dobby yn Peep Show (C4) a Kiki yn Whites<br />

(BBC2). Enwebai ar gyfer y Wobr Gomedi Brydeinig<br />

Ddwbl. Cafodd Pearl a Dave ei darlledu ar Radio<br />

4 ym mis Ionawr 2012, ac fe’i dewiswyd fel un o<br />

ddim ond 4 sioe o Ŵyl Caeredin. Mae’n cynnwys tri<br />

munud yn y Gymraeg.<br />

“A real gem” The Guardian<br />

‘“ voice you want to swim in” The Independent<br />

“Touching comedy told with affection” The Sunday<br />

Telegraph<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Tabernacl<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

6:10pm<br />

£8<br />

lost treAsures of<br />

tHe blACK HeArt<br />

The Lost Treasures Of The Black Heart is a night<br />

curated by Josie Long designed to celebrate<br />

‘unsung heroes’. Normally held in Camden’s Black<br />

Heart pub Josie is relocating it to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> for<br />

one night only!<br />

Dedicated to uncovering obscure facts, unknown<br />

gems and remembering unsung heroes; Josie<br />

and loads of her favourite acts will perform short<br />

lectures and sketches about their chosen subjects.<br />

This is an interactive event and Josie is just as<br />

keen for the audience to bring their own facts and<br />

tributes as well as the performers.<br />

Mae Trysorau Coll Y Galon Ddu yn noson sy’n<br />

cael ei churaduro gan Josie Long a gynlluniwyd i<br />

ddathlu ‘arwyr di-glod’.<br />

Fe’i cynhelir fel rheol yn nhafarn y Black Heart yn<br />

Camden ac mae Josie yn symud i Fachynlleth am<br />

un noson yn unig!<br />

Gan anelu at ddadorchuddio ffeithiau aneglur,<br />

gemau anhysbys a chofio arwyr di-glod; bydd<br />

Josie a llwythi o’i hoff actiau yn perfformio<br />

darlithoedd byrion a sgetsys am y pynciau a<br />

ddewiswyd ganddi.<br />

Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad rhyngweithiol ac mae<br />

Josie yr un mor awyddus i’r gynulleidfa ddod â’u<br />

ffeithiau a’u teyrngedau eu hunain yn ogystal â’r<br />

perfformwyr.<br />

tonY lAw<br />

GO<br />

As seen on Russell Howard’s Good News, Stewart<br />

Lee’s <strong>Comedy</strong> Vehicle, Edinburgh Or Bust and<br />

Edinburgh & Beyond. Join Tony Law for an hour of<br />

off-the-wall, boundary-defying stand-up comedy<br />

and find out why it is that he’s regarded as one<br />

of the finest performers on the comedy circuit by<br />

audiences and peers alike.<br />

Fel y gwelwyd ar raglen Good News Russell<br />

Howard, <strong>Comedy</strong> Vehicle Stewart Lee, Edinburgh<br />

Or Bust ac Edinburgh & Beyond. Ymunwch â Tony<br />

Law am awr o gomedi ‘stand-up’ i herio’r ffiniau<br />

a chanfod pam ei fod yn cael ei ystyried fel un<br />

o’r perfformwyr gorau ar y cylch comedi gan<br />

gynulleidfaoedd a chomedïwyr eraill.<br />

GArY slAYMAKer<br />

#staFellddirGel<br />

Diolch i Twitter, mae Gary Slaymaker o’r diwedd<br />

wedi darganfod defnydd newydd i’r we. Ond<br />

yn hytrach nag ymfalchio yn rhyddid creadigol<br />

y cyfrwng newydd cyffrous, na gyd ma Slay<br />

moen wybod yw hyn. Be sy’n weindo’ chi lan?<br />

Be sy’n mynd dan eich croen, be sy’n hala chi’n<br />

benwan. Yn syml iawn, be ddylia’i gael ei daflu<br />

“clever and blithely zany, he’s just what the doctor<br />

ordered” **** Daily Telegraph<br />

“the best comedian I’ve seen this year… highly<br />

recommended’” Three Weeks<br />

“often brillant… he’ll produce moments of<br />

demented genius” Chortle<br />

“charming and bizarre… he induces a virtuous<br />

circle of hilarity” Fest<br />

“meandering inventiveness” Skinny<br />

yn y #stafellddirgel? Bydd Gary yn pori dros<br />

y misoedd dwetha o drydar, ac yn gwahodd<br />

ambell westai i gloi eu cas bethau i ffwrdd.<br />

Thanks to Twitter, Gary Slaymaker has finally<br />

found another use for the interest. But rather<br />

than celebrate the creative freedom of an exciting<br />

new medium, all Slay wants to know is this.<br />

What winds you up? What gets under your skin,<br />

what drives you apoplectic, what make your<br />

blood boil? Quite simply, what should be thrown<br />

into the #stafellddirgel? Gary will have been<br />

browsing the past few month’s tweets, and will<br />

also be joined by some special guests , so they<br />

can decide once and for all what stays and what<br />

get’s locked away forever.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 34 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 35<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

6:20pm<br />

£5<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Bowling Club<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

6:20pm<br />

£5<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

8:00pm<br />



Design for print & web<br />

dickiedwyer.com<br />

robin inCe<br />

haPPiness thrOuGh sCienCe<br />

Robin continues his comic exploration of the human<br />

condition, and asks can you be happy and<br />

rational at the same time. Join him in a world of<br />

Schrodinger cats, multiverses and evolutionary<br />

conundrums. Spend an entertaining evening in<br />

Robin’s company as he orienteers through the<br />

craggy landscape of evolution whilst plumbing<br />

the depths of his own murky consciousness, all<br />

without the aid of a safety net.<br />

Mae Robin yn parhau â’i archwiliad comig o’r cyflwr<br />

dynol, ac yn gofyn allwch chi fod yn hapus ac yn<br />

rhesymegol yr un pryd. Ymunwch ag ef mewn byd o<br />

gathod Schrödinger, meta-fydysawd a phroblemau<br />

esblygol. Treuliwch noson ddifyr yng nghwmni Robin<br />

wrth iddo grwydro trwy dirwedd creigiog esblygiad<br />

wrth blymio dyfnderoedd ei ymwybyddiaeth cymylog<br />

ei hun, a’r cyfan heb gymorth rhwyd ddiogelwch.<br />

“Superlative” Metro<br />

“Marvellously funny: mordant, thoughtful and<br />

crafted” Observer<br />

Venue: Y Plas<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Time: 8:00pm<br />

Price: £8<br />

storYtellers’ Club<br />

In 2012 Storytellers’ Club returns to <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>!<br />

On the last night of the <strong>Festival</strong>, a selection of<br />

special comedy guests will be weaving magical<br />

campfire tales to blow your mind and break your<br />

heart.<br />

Yn 2012 mae Clwb y Storïwyr yn dychwelyd i<br />

Ŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong>!<br />

Ar noson olaf yr Ŵyl, bydd amrywiaeth o<br />

westeion comedi arbennig yn adrodd chwedlau<br />

hudolus i’w cyflwyno o amgylch tân gwersyll i<br />

ymestyn eich meddwl a thorri eich calon.<br />

“A magical idea.” Metro<br />

“Unashamedly literate and lo-fi.” Independent<br />

“You absolutely must go to Storytellers’ Club”<br />

one4review<br />

riCHArd HerrinG<br />

what is lOve, anyway<br />

“What is l-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uhve ystod y 28 mlynedd a aeth heibio does neb<br />

Venue: Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

anyway?<br />

wedi meiddio ateb ei gwestiynau.<br />

Date: Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

Does anybody love anybody anyway?” Hyd yn hyn.<br />

DICKIE<br />

Time: 8:00pm<br />

DWYER<br />

Price: £5<br />

So asked the insane, Welsh, poet-philosopher, Mae’r digrifwr Richard Herring yn dychwelyd<br />

Howard Jones in 1983. But in the intervening i Gaeredin am ei 20fed Sioe Ymylol a’i 32<br />

28 years no one has dared to answer his sioe. Ar ôl datrys crefydd (Christ on a Bike),<br />

questions?<br />

gwleidyddiaeth (Hitler Moustache) a phidynau<br />

tHAt’s it<br />

Until now.<br />

(Talking Cock), mae seren y podlediad sydd<br />

wedi ennill gwobrau ‘As It Occurs To Me’ ac<br />

until next Comedian Richard Herring returns for his 32nd Objective seeks to define and destroy love’<br />

show. Having sorted out religion (Christ on a<br />

YeAr.<br />

Richard Herring ar Radio 4 yn ceisio diffinio<br />

Bike), politics (Hitler Moustache) and penises a dinistrio cariad. Cyn i gariad ei ddinistrio<br />

WE’ll sEE You All AgAIN (Talking Cock), the star of award winning pod- ef. Eto.<br />

oN 3RD-5Th MAY 2013!<br />

dYnA ni tAn Y<br />

flwYddYn nesAf.<br />

FE’ch gWElWN NI chI I gYD<br />

ETo AR 3-5 MAI 2013!<br />

cast As It Occurs To Me and Radio 4’s Richard<br />

Herring’s Objective seeks to define and destroy<br />

love. Before love destroys him. Again.<br />

This is a 2 hour show with an interval.<br />

“Beth yw cariad beth bynnag?<br />

Oes rhywun yn caru unrhyw un beth bynnag?“<br />

Felly gofynnodd y Cymro gwallgof, a’r barddathronydd<br />

Howard Jones yn 1983. Ond yn<br />

“Rarely is comedy as stimulating and<br />

exhilarating as this, as well as being utterly<br />

hilarious” Chortle<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Tabernacl<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

8:00pm<br />

£10.<br />

Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 37

fAMilY events /<br />

diGwYddiAdAu<br />

i’r teulu<br />

sKetCH writinG<br />

worKsHop<br />

Two hour session with experienced BBC Radio<br />

sketch-writers and script-editors. Find out what<br />

makes (and doesn’t make) a good sketch, what opportunities<br />

there are for new writers and how to get<br />

your work on-air. Workshop will include the chance<br />

to develop a short sketch and get feedback on your<br />

work. Bring a pen. Age guidance: 16+.<br />

Free but ticketed.<br />

Sesiwn dwy awr gydag ysgrifenwyr sgetsys a<br />

GeorGe orAnGe<br />

man On the mOOn<br />

George Orange is an eccentric clown, slack-rope<br />

dancer and circus performer from Chicago. He has<br />

come to you via the Moon, and brought a bit of<br />

it with him. George is truly one of a kind; take a<br />

trip with him down the rabbit hole of his show, an<br />

experience not to be missed. This is a family event.<br />

Clown ecsentrig, dawnsiwr ar raffau llac a<br />

pherfformiwr syrcas o Chicago yw George Orange.<br />

Mae wedi dod atoch chi drwy’r Lleuad, a daeth<br />

ag ychydig ohono gydag ef. Mae George yn<br />

wirioneddol unigryw; ewch ar daith gydag ef i<br />

lawr twll cwningen ei sioe, profiad na ddylid ei<br />

golli. Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad addas i’r teulu.<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Plas<br />

Sat 5 May / Sad 5 Mayio<br />

2:20pm<br />

£3<br />

golygyddion sgriptiau Radio’r BBC. Cewch ganfod<br />

beth sy’n gwneud (ac sydd ddim yn gwneud) sgets<br />

dda, pa gyfleoedd sydd ar gael i awduron newydd<br />

a sut i gael eich gwaith ar yr awyr. Bydd y gweithdy<br />

yn cynnwys y cyfle i ddatblygu sgets fer a chael<br />

adborth ar eich gwaith. Dewch â beiro. Addas ar<br />

gyfer rhai: 16 +.<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

10:30am - 12:30pm<br />

Free (but ticketed)<br />

JAMes ACAster<br />

babysits<br />

A comedy show for children of all ages and<br />

parents too. James returns with an hour of<br />

hijinks where the audience can decide where<br />

the show should go. We’re talking big ideas here,<br />

ideas that could change the world, we’re going<br />

to be problem solving and launching several<br />

revolutions all at once. Ultimately it will be very<br />

silly and a lot of fun.<br />

Note to parents: James Acaster will be babysitting<br />

you as well.<br />

Sioe gomedi ar gyfer plant o bob oed a rhieni<br />

hefyd. Mae James yn dychwelyd gydag awr o<br />

hwyl a sbri lle y gall y gynulleidfa benderfynu<br />

lle dylai’r sioe fynd. Rydym yn sôn am syniadau<br />

mawr yma, syniadau a allai newid y byd, rydym<br />

yn mynd i fod yn datrys problemau ac yn lansio<br />

nifer o chwyldroadau i gyd ar unwaith. Yn y pen<br />

draw bydd yn wirion iawn ac yn llawer o hwyl.<br />

Nodyn i rieni: Bydd James yn eich gwarchod chi<br />

yn ogystal.<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

1:00pm<br />

£3<br />

EMBARgoED<br />

uNTIl APRIl 1sT<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 38 Mach <strong>Comedy</strong> Fest 042

More fun<br />

MwY o HwYl<br />

sHeds<br />

the mOnster COmedy shaCk<br />

Sometimes, rooms can be too big for comedy.<br />

No danger here - it’s a garden shed, and we’re<br />

putting some of the country’s best comedians in<br />

it. Shows start every half an hour, and they are<br />

FREE (though there is a charity collection bucket<br />

and some guilt tripping will be done). Turn up, sit<br />

down, feel claustrophobic.<br />

The Shed will be constructed on the path between<br />

the Owain Glyndŵr Centre and Y Plas. Look out for<br />

information boards for more information.<br />

Weithiau, gall ystafelloedd fod yn rhy fawr i gomedi.<br />

Dim perygl yma – sied i’r ardd yw hon ac rydym<br />

yn rhoi rhai o gomedïwyr gorau’r wlad ynddi.<br />

Mae sioeau yn dechrau bob hanner awr, ac maent<br />

AM DDIM (er bod bwced i gasglu at elusen yma a<br />

byddwch yn cael eich atgoffa amdani). Dewch draw,<br />

eisteddwch i lawr, a theimlwch yn glawstroffobig.<br />

Adeiladir y Sied ar y llwybr rhwng Canolfan Owain<br />

Glyndŵr a’r Plas. Bydd mwy o wybodaeth ar yr<br />

hysbysfyrddau.<br />

‘Incredible fun’ – TimeOut<br />

‘Rewardingly Sturdy’ – B&Q Magazine.<br />

www.monstercomedy.co.uk<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Shed<br />

Most of the time<br />

Quite often<br />

Free<br />

sHeds<br />

the water shed<br />

On Sunday at 3:30pm we will be taking a small<br />

group of individuals on a trip to, current Shed of<br />

the Year nominee, The Water Shed. Situated on<br />

the Dyfi Estuary... no, really, on the Dyfi Estuary...<br />

we will row you out, no expense spared,<br />

for a special gig on the sand bar it rests on at<br />

low tide. We thought about doing it at high tide<br />

but were worried we might end up killing you<br />

all, and that might put a bit of a downer on the<br />

whole festival vibe. In order to get your hands on<br />

tickets for this you will need to visit the Monster<br />

<strong>Comedy</strong> Shack and get lucky/offer a charitable<br />

bribe/be liked by the compere.<br />

www.thewatershedwales.co.uk<br />

Ar y dydd Sul am 3:30pm byddwn yn mynd â<br />

grŵp bach o unigolion ar daith i sied a enwebwyd<br />

ar hyn o bryd fel Sied y Flwyddyn, y Sied Ddŵr.<br />

Fe’i lleolir ar aber afon Dyfi... a byddwn yn eich<br />

rhwyfo allan, heb arbed unrhyw gostau, i gig<br />

arbennig ary tywod y mae’n gorffwys arno adeg<br />

y distyll. Fe wnaethon ni feddwl am wneud hyn<br />

adeg y penllanw, ond roeddem yn ofni y byddem<br />

yn eich lladd chi i gyd, a gallai hynny ddifetha’r<br />

ŵyl. Er mwyn cael eich dwylo ar docynnau ar<br />

gyfer hyn bydd angen i chi fynd i Sied yr Anghenfil<br />

a chael tipyn o lwc/cynnig llwgrwobr elusennol/<br />

gael eich hoffi gan yr arweinydd.<br />

www.thewatershedwales.co.uk<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Dyfi Estuary<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

3:30pm<br />

Free<br />

life drAwinG ClAss<br />

Join artist Carl Chapple as he leads our first ever<br />

life drawing class.<br />

About the tutor: Wales based artist Carl<br />

Chapple has many years experience and has<br />

had exhibitions of his work displayed across the<br />

UK, including a solo exhibition here at MoMa in<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> in 2007. www.carlchapple.com<br />

About the model: Tom Parry has many years<br />

experience exposing himself on-stage as part<br />

of the successful sketch group Pappy’s. Always<br />

looking to stretch his art he was only too keen<br />

to volunteer as the model for this class. Despite<br />

evidence to the contrary Tom has assured us that<br />

he can sit still for long periods of time.<br />

The class will be tailored to all levels of ability and experience<br />

and all materials will be provided. Cream tea<br />

refreshments will be served as part of the class. There<br />

will be an opportunity for attendees to display their<br />

work in the West Coast Tent later in the afternoon.<br />

Ymunwch â’r artist Carl Chapple wrth iddo arwain<br />

ein dosbarth lluniadu byw cyntaf erioed<br />

Y tiwtor: Mae gan yr artist o Gymru, Carl Chapple,<br />

flynyddoedd lawer o brofiad ac mae arddangosfeydd<br />

o’i waith wedi eu dangos ar draws y DU, gan gynnwys<br />

arddangosfa unigol yma yn MoMa ym <strong>Machynlleth</strong><br />

yn 2007. www.carlchapple.com<br />

Y Model: Mae gan Tom Parry flynyddoedd lawer<br />

o brofiad o amlygu ei hun ar y llwyfan fel rhan o’r<br />

grŵp sgets llwyddiannus, Pappy’s. Mae bob amser<br />

yn chwilio am ffyrdd o ymestyn ei gelfyddyd ac felly<br />

roedd yn awyddus iawn i wirfoddoli fel y model<br />

ar gyfer y dosbarth hwn. Er gwaethaf tystiolaeth<br />

i’r gwrthwyneb mae Tom wedi ein sicrhau y gall<br />

eistedd yn llonydd am gyfnodau hir.<br />

Bydd y dosbarth yn cael ei deilwrio at bob lefel gallu<br />

a phrofiad a darperir yr holl ddeunyddiau. Gweinir<br />

te a chacennau hufen fel rhan o’r dosbarth.<br />

Bydd cyfle i’r rhai sy’n bresennol arddangos<br />

eu gwaith ym Mhabell West Coast yn<br />

ddiweddarach yn y prynhawn.<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 40 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 41<br />

Venue:<br />

Date:<br />

Time:<br />

Price:<br />

Y Tabernacl<br />

Sun 6 May / Sul 6 Mayio<br />

10:00am - 1:00pm<br />


fri/Gwe sAt/sAd<br />

Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad Venue/lleoliad Price/Price<br />

5:00pm Tony Law - Edinburgh Preview Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

5:30pm Owen Niblock - Codemaker Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

5:30pm Lloyd Langford - Work in Progress Y Plas £5<br />

5:30pm Bridget Christie - Housewife Surrealist Bowling Club £7<br />

7:00pm Charlie Baker - Work in Progress Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

7:00pm John Luke Roberts - A Cogent Defence of Adsurdity - LIVE! Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

7:00pm Bring and Bi-Lingual Y Plas £5<br />

7:00pm Abandoman Bowling Club £6<br />

8:30pm Wil Hodgson - Kidnapped by Catwoman Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:30pm Daniel Glyn - Fy Nghardiff Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:30pm Henning Wehn - No Surrender Y Plas £8<br />

8:30pm Rob Deering - The One Bowling Club £5<br />

8:30pm Pappy’s and Friends Y Tabernacl £7<br />

10:00pm <strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> Showcase Y Plas £8<br />

Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad Venue/lleoliad Price/Price<br />

1:00pm Sheeps - A Sketch Show Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

1:00pm Nathaniel Metcalfe - Enthusiast Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

1:00pm Steve Pretty - How I Attended My Own Wake And I’ve Got A<br />

Mixtape To Prove It<br />

Bowling Club £6<br />

2:20pm Elis James - Edinburgh Preview Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

2:20pm Ben Target - Failing to Progress Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

2:20pm George Orange - Man on the Moon Y Plas £3<br />

2:20pm Stuart Goldsmith - Prick Bowling Club £5<br />

3:40pm Edward Aczel - Edward Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

3:40pm Pat Burtscher - Patopotamoose Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

3:40pm Ed Gamble - Sloven Bowling Club £5<br />

3:40pm Mike Parker - A (Very) Rough Guide to <strong>Machynlleth</strong> Y Plas £5<br />

5:00pm Alternative <strong>Comedy</strong> Memorial Society Owain Glyndŵr Centre £6<br />

5:00pm Horse and Louis - The Curse of the Fetid Crow Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

5:00pm James Acaster - Prompt Bowling Club £5<br />

5:00pm Paul Foot - Still Life Y Plas £8<br />

6:30 pm Josh Widdicombe - Work in Progress Bowling Club £5<br />

6:30 pm Josie Long - The Future is Another Place Y Tabernacl £8<br />

6:30 pm Mae’r Gymraeg Yn Y Plas £5<br />

6:40 pm Henry Paker - Cabin Fever Owain Glyndŵr Centre £6<br />

6:40 pm Nish Kumar - Who is Nish Kumar? Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:00pm Isy Suttie - Work in Progress Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:00pm Bring and Bi-Lingual Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:00pm Jarred Christmas - An Electric Hour of Arse-kicking <strong>Comedy</strong> Bowling Club £6<br />

8:00pm Stewart Lee - Carpet Remnant World Y Tabernacl £10<br />

9:30pm Jon Richardson - Funny Magnet Y Plas £13.50/£11<br />

buY tiCKets froM tHe box offiCe loCAted on tHe lAwns of Y plAs<br />

prYnwCH doCYnnAu o’r swYddfA doCYnnAu Ar lAwnt Y plAs<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 42 Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 43

sun/sul<br />

Time/Amser Event/Digwyddiad Venue/lleoliad Price/Price<br />

10:00am Life Drawing Class Y Tabernacl £12<br />

10:30am Sketch Writing Workshop Owain Glyndŵr Centre Free<br />

1:00pm James Acaster - Babysits Owain Glyndŵr Centre £3<br />

1:00pm Chris Boyd - Filthy Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

1:00pm Josie Long - A Play Y Plas £5<br />

1:00pm Committee Meeting - With Chris Corcoran and Elis James Bowling Club £5<br />

2:20pm John Robins - Incredible Scenes Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

2:20pm Sara Pascoe - The Musical Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

2:20pm Mark Olver - Dancing About Architecture Y Plas £5<br />

2:20pm Gareth Richards - Never Went to Disneyland Bowling Club £5<br />

3:40pm Holly Burn - Work in Progress Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

3:40pm Tom Parry - Fancy That Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

3:40pm Mike Wozniak - Substitute Astronaut Bowling Club £5<br />

5:00pm Jigsaw - Work in Progress Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

5:00pm David Trent - Show Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

5:00pm Colin Hoult - Ultimate Carnival of Monsters Y Plas £6<br />

5:00pm Joe Lycett - Edinburgh Preview Bowling Club £5<br />

6:10 pm Isy Suttie - Pearl and Dave Y Tabernacl £8<br />

6:20 pm Lost Treasures of the Black Heart Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

6:20 pm Elis James - Edinburgh Preview Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

6:20 pm Tony Law - Go Bowling Club £5<br />

8:00 pm Gary Slaymaker - #stafellddirgel Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

8:00pm Robin Ince - Happiness Through Science Y Plas £8<br />

8:00pm Richard Herring - What Is Love, Anyway Y Tabernacl £10<br />

8:00pm Storytellers’ Club Owain Glyndŵr Centre £5<br />

buY tiCKets froM tHe box offiCe loCAted on tHe lAwns of Y plAs<br />

prYnwCH doCYnnAu o’r swYddfA doCYnnAu Ar lAwnt Y plAs<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 44

<strong>Festival</strong> team & Credits<br />

tîm yr ŵyl a Chydnabyddiaethau<br />

<strong>Festival</strong> Directors/<br />

cyfarwyddwyr yr Ŵyl<br />

Henry Widdicombe, Emma Butler<br />

logistics Manager/ Rheolwr<br />

logisteg<br />

Pete Dobbing<br />

Box office Managers/ Rheolwyr<br />

y swyddfa Docynnau<br />

Abbie Kirkwood, Leah Roberts<br />

Volunteer Manager/Rheolwr<br />

gwirfoddoli<br />

Helen O’Donnell<br />

Artist liaison Manager/<br />

Rheolwr cyswllt â’r Artistiaid<br />

Clare Nightingale<br />

Artist liaison/ cyswllt â’r<br />

Artistiaid<br />

Sarah Hazel, Stephanie Montague,<br />

Romy Boettger<br />

Volunteer leaders/ Arweinwyr<br />

gwirfoddoli<br />

Andy Dudfield, Jonny Bull<br />

Tent and Bar Manager/<br />

Rheolwr y Babell a’r Bar<br />

Steve Pickup<br />

Venue Managers/ Rheolwyr<br />

lleoliadau<br />

Katie Hall, Kate Simons, Hugh<br />

Russell, Alyson Fielding, Alexandra<br />

Adey, Clara McMenamin, Shaun<br />

Lothian and Stubbs Edge<br />

Technical Manager/ Rheolwr<br />

Technegol<br />

Adam Cobley<br />

head Techs/Prif Dechnegwyr<br />

Phil Tiso, Andy Thomas, Joel<br />

Clements, Rod Edwards, Leigh<br />

McAndrew<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> <strong>Comedy</strong> <strong>Festival</strong> 46<br />

Assistant Techs/ Technegwyr<br />

cynorthwyol<br />

Misha Anker, Rowan Woodhouse<br />

community Engagement/<br />

Ymgysylltu â’r gymuned<br />

Catherine Paskell<br />

Decor/ Addurno<br />

Nicky Arscott (www.nickyarscott.co.uk)<br />

Press office/ swyddfa’r Wasg<br />

Andy Richards, Adam Wilcox<br />

(www.writegood.co.uk)<br />

<strong>Festival</strong> Photography/<br />

gŵyl Ffotograffiaeth<br />

Ed Moore (www.edshots.co.uk),<br />

Ian Greenland<br />

(www.greenlandphotography.com)<br />

Film/Ffilm<br />

Ryan Owen Eddleston<br />

(www.filmryan.com)<br />

Design/Dylunio<br />

Dickie Dwyer (www.dickiedwyer.com)<br />

Web/Y we<br />

Dan Abel (www.webmarmalade.co.uk)<br />

Volunteer crew/<br />

criw gwirfoddolwyr<br />

Alex Jones, Andrew Gaunt, Angie<br />

Edwards, Anna Ellis, Ben Newell,<br />

Bethany Starkey, Carl Chapple, Catrin<br />

Jones, Elizabeth Leach, Iain Peebles,<br />

James Mahoney, Jemma Collins,<br />

Jem Jenkins Jones, Jody Tozer, Jo<br />

McGuinness, Katy Wilkes, Keith<br />

Lerego, Marc Jones, Mary Lander,<br />

Owen Niblock, Rhian Clugston, Sam<br />

Phillips, Sion Edwards, Steph Smith,<br />

Steven Greenaway, Terry Lander<br />

(Correct at time of going to print)<br />

(Yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg)<br />

thanks<br />

The town of <strong>Machynlleth</strong> Thank you<br />

to all the residents and businesses<br />

of <strong>Machynlleth</strong> for providing a<br />

warm welcome for the festival<br />

and its attendees. Without your<br />

continued support the event<br />

couldn’t happen.<br />

lisa heledd Jones for two years<br />

dedication to the festival. You’ll<br />

be missed this year, and will be<br />

warmly welcomed back to the team<br />

next year.<br />

John Rostron at Swn and Fiona<br />

stewart, Ben coleman and Ian<br />

Fielder at Green Man for always<br />

being on-hand with practical<br />

advice and a helping hand.<br />

Paula and gerry Jewson at West<br />

Coast Energy Ltd for your continued<br />

invaluable support of the festival.<br />

We look forward to building on<br />

our success.<br />

Mel Biffin, colin Wilde and the<br />

staff of Y Plas, and Raymond<br />

Jones and the staff and board of<br />

Moma for always going out of their<br />

way to accommodate the festival as<br />

we grow and develop.<br />

The owain glyndwr centre and<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> Bowling club for<br />

accommodating the festival.<br />

sara lewis from the Welsh Government’s<br />

Major Events Unit, laura<br />

Thomas from Powys County Council<br />

and cath More from Arts and<br />

Business <strong>Cymru</strong> for your support for<br />

the festival.<br />

geoff hill and Annie grundy for<br />

their continued invaluable support.<br />

All the artists who perform at the<br />

festival and make it what it is.<br />

All the attendees who come<br />

together to enjoy comedy in the<br />

ancient capital of Wales.<br />

diOlCh<br />

Mae tref <strong>Machynlleth</strong> yn diolch<br />

i holl drigolion a busnesau<br />

<strong>Machynlleth</strong> am estyn croeso<br />

cynnes i’r ŵyl a’r rhai sydd yn ei<br />

mynychu. Heb eich cefnogaeth<br />

barhaus ni allai’r digwyddiad<br />

barhau.<br />

lisa heledd Jones am ddwy<br />

flynedd o ymroddiad i’r ŵyl. Bydd<br />

colled ar dy ôl eleni, a byddwn yn<br />

estyn croeso cynnes i ti yn ôl i’r tîm<br />

y flwyddyn nesaf.<br />

John Rostron yn Sŵn a Fiona<br />

stewart, Ben coleman ac Ian<br />

Fielder yn y Green Man am fod<br />

wrth law bob amser gyda chyngor<br />

ymarferol a help llaw.<br />

Paula a gerry Jewson yn<br />

West Coast Energy Ltd. am<br />

eich cefnogaeth barhaus ac<br />

amhrisiadwy i’r ŵyl. Rydym yn<br />

edrych ymlaen at ddatblygu ar ein<br />

llwyddiant.<br />

Mel Biffin, colin Wilde a staff Y<br />

Plas, a Raymond Jones a’r staff<br />

a bwrdd MOMA am fynd allan<br />

o’u ffordd bob amser i ddarparu<br />

ar gyfer yr ŵyl wrth i ni dyfu a<br />

datblygu.<br />

canolfan owain glyndŵr a<br />

chlwb Bowlio <strong>Machynlleth</strong> am<br />

dderbyn yr ŵyl.<br />

sara lewis o Uned Digwyddiadau<br />

Mawr Llywodraeth <strong>Cymru</strong> , laura<br />

Thomas o Gyngor Sir Powys a<br />

cath More o Gelfyddydau a Busnes<br />

<strong>Cymru</strong> am eich cefnogaeth i’r ŵyl.<br />

geoff hill ac Annie grundy<br />

am eu cefnogaeth barhaus ac<br />

amhrisiadwy.<br />

Pob un o’r artistiaid sy’n perfformio<br />

yn yr ŵyl, ac sy’n ei gwneud yr<br />

hyn ydyw.<br />

Pob un o’r mynychwyr sy’n dod<br />

at ei gilydd i fwynhau comedi ym<br />

mhrifddinas hynafol <strong>Cymru</strong>.<br />

HistorY<br />

Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

If you think Tom Jones is the man that is consistently voted Wales’<br />

biggest hero then think again. To get an idea of what Owain<br />

Glyndŵr means to Wales just saunter up to Elis James and casually<br />

drop his name into conversation. When you emerge 3 hours later<br />

you’ll feel proud to be a Welshman, even if your Saxon roots are<br />

firmly planted in Milton Keynes.<br />

Glyndŵr was the last true Prince of Wales and called the first<br />

Welsh parliament in 1404 on the site of the Owain Glyndŵr Centre<br />

which we’re now privileged to use as a venue. When we tried to<br />

move Elis’ performance to the larger Bowling Club this year he was<br />

having absolutely none of it, demanding to play both rooms in the<br />

old Senedd.<br />

To get a real idea of who Owain Glyndŵr was and what he means<br />

to Wales be sure to drop in to the National Heritage Centre whilst<br />

you’re in town, as we’ve arranged for you to get in for just £1.50<br />

with the voucher below.<br />

CanOlFan Owain Glyndwr<br />

Os ydych chi’n meddwl mai Tom Jones yw’r dyn y pleidleisir drosto<br />

yn gyson fel arwr mwyaf <strong>Cymru</strong>, yna meddyliwch eto. I gael<br />

syniad am yr hyn y mae Owain Glyndŵr yn ei olygu i Gymru ewch<br />

at Elis James a chrybwyllwch ei enw mewn sgwrs. Pan ddowch<br />

allan 3 awr yn ddiweddarach byddwch yn teimlo’n falch o fod<br />

yn Gymro, hyd yn oed os yw eich gwreiddiau Sacsonaidd wedi’u<br />

plannu’n gadarn yn Milton Keynes.<br />

Glyndŵr oedd gwir Dywysog olaf <strong>Cymru</strong> a galwodd ynghyd y<br />

senedd Gymreig gyntaf ym 1404 ar safle Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr<br />

yr ydym bellach yn cael y fraint o’i ddefnyddio fel lleoliad. Pan<br />

wnaethom geisio symud perfformiad Elis i’r Clwb Bowlio mwy<br />

eleni, doedd o ddim yn fodlon o gwbl, gan fynnu chwarae yn y<br />

ddwy ystafell yn yr hen Senedd-dy.<br />

I gael syniad go iawn o bwy oedd Owain Glyndŵr a’r hyn y mae’n<br />

ei olygu i Gymru gofalwch eich bod yn galw i mewn i’r Ganolfan<br />

Dreftadaeth Genedlaethol pan ydych yn y dref, oherwydd rydym wedi<br />

trefnu i chi gael mynd i mewn am ddim ond £1.50 gyda’r daleb isod.<br />

OFF<br />

Entry to the Owain<br />

Glyndŵr Centre Exhibition<br />

See the Historic Centre of just £1.50 with this<br />

voucher. Valid Friday 4 - Sunday 6 May2012<br />

Gŵyl Gomedi <strong>Machynlleth</strong> 47

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