Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College

Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College

Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College


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Preparing for seed-spitting co ntest.<br />

Chow Time - SGA Cookout.<br />

RAT WEEK<br />

Term I freshmen discovered the real joy of<br />

being rats during their first week at L-SCC. Students<br />

were "encouraged" either to wear their red,<br />

white and blue beanies, signifying the low order of<br />

rat, or chance being caught without them and face<br />

the consequences. At the end of Rat Week, SGA<br />

sponsored a cookout. Here students participated<br />

in a watermelon seed-spitting contest, and Rat<br />

· King and Queen were crowned.<br />

Rat Kin g - Dav id Aldrich<br />

Rat Queen - Debbie Bya rs<br />


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