Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College

Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College

Naiad 1976 - Lake-Sumter Community College


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"Never considered that," Quigley said. "No, sure<br />

didn' t, but you could have something there." He laughed as<br />

a thought entered his mind. "Maybe I should run down and<br />

collect my insurance," he said, his earlier dark mood giving<br />

way to one of jocularity. "I'll have another double."<br />

The bartender laughed and placed the drink on the bar.<br />

Just as Quigley was finishing his drink, the door opened and<br />

a man rushed in brandishing a gun. His mouth twitched and<br />

his nervousness was reflected in his jerky motions.<br />

"Lay the bread on me, man" huasped. "Be quick<br />

about it too. You," he motioned to Quigley, "out with the<br />

wallet. Slide it here and be careful how you slide it. "<br />

The bartender hit the "No sale" button and the register<br />

clacked open. He scooped out the bills and started stacking<br />

them on the bar, glancing only for the briefest moment at<br />

the gun lying on top of the beer cooler, under the bar, only<br />

inches from his hand.<br />

Quigley pulled the wallet out of his pocket and very<br />

cautiously stooped to slide it to the nervous robber. It<br />

slid across the floor like a shuffleboard puck and stopped<br />

at the man's feet. As the robber reached to pick it up, the<br />

bartender shouted, "Stay down, mister!" Quickly snatching<br />

the gun from the top of the cooler he fired over Quigley's<br />

head. It was all in one smooth rapid motion. A small black<br />

dot appeared as if from nowhere right in the center of the<br />

dishevelled looking robber's forehead . He stood for a moment,<br />

as if frozen , and then started to pitch forward. As he fell,<br />

another cracking sound shattered the quiet.<br />

Quigley rose slowly, his knuckles white as he clutched<br />

the corner of the bar. "You okay?" the bartender asked in a<br />

shaky voice. Quigley started to open his mouth, but no<br />

sound came. The bartender looked in astonishment at the<br />

spreading red stain on the front of the shirt, and then<br />

Quigley slumped to the floor. The bartender scrambled over<br />

the bar and gently pulled him to a sitting position. Quigley's<br />

head rolled forward and his chin came to rest just over the<br />

red stain. The bartender eased him back to the floor, then<br />

walked slowly to the phone and dialed the police.<br />

"Better send someone over right away - Office Lounge ­<br />

a guy just tried to stick up the place and he and one of my<br />

customers are dead. Both shot. I'll fill you in when you<br />

get here. No, never saw either one of them before. The<br />

customer's name is Quigley, though. The other guy? "Well,<br />

he said grimly, "I think you're gonna find his name is Quinn.<br />

How do I know?" He paused and his voice grew husky. "let's<br />

just say a computer told me," and he hung up.<br />

Harold Larimer<br />

First place prose<br />

<strong>Naiad</strong> Creative Writing Contest<br />


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