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On the 22nd of March our Regiment required 81 enlisted men to bring us up to strength. The supply<br />

situation remained normal with enough rations for four days, gasoline and oil for two days, and<br />

ammunition for one and a half days. Weather continued warm and roads remained dry.<br />

The Regimental I and R Platoon, Anti-Tank Company, and Cannon Company patrolled the area by motor<br />

during the night, while other companies sent out foot patrols as security measures. We were instructed by<br />

<strong>Division</strong> that, so far as possible, men recently in the front lines be given opportunity to rest, and that men<br />

newly arrived from reinforcement depots be used as road guards and "mopup" patrols.<br />

March 23, 1945 - Altenkessel, Germany. Record of events: Company improved defensive positions<br />

occupied 21 March 45. Company began training schedule consisting of squad problems and<br />

weapons demonstrations. Company being fed three hot meals per day.<br />

On 24 March a training program was set up (see Training Memo 6, Unit Report 86, 23 March 1945).<br />

Emphasis was placed on training in weapons, squad and platoon problems, mines and booby traps, and<br />

chemical warfare. Four hours of training were given every day, either in the morning or afternoon, and<br />

four hours of athletics and recreation in the other period. Ranges were set up for firing weapons. All men,<br />

especially reinforcements, were able to familiarize themselves with all available infantry weapons.<br />

Demonstrations to show effectiveness of German weapons and mines were also given.<br />

Eighteen prisoners, either stragglers or deserters, were captured by our patrols on the 23rd and 24th of<br />

March.<br />

Company C, 772nd Tank Battalion was attached to us for training purposes but were relieved by a<br />

change of orders before our training program began.<br />

Late in the afternoon of the 24th our Regiment was ordered to move by motor to the vicinity of<br />

Reichenbach, Germany. The march order issued by S-3 was 3d Battalion, 1st Battalion, 2d Battalion,<br />

Anti-Tank Company, and Cannon Company. The motor move began at 0800 on the morning of the 25th<br />

of March.<br />

The march was made using only organic vehicles. These were supplemented by a few captured enemy<br />

vehicles which were registered and painted as authorized. The 3d Battalion, Regimental Headquarters<br />

Company, Re imental Medical Detachment, Company C, 3<strong>70th</strong> Medical Battalion attached), with the<br />

Regimental CP Staff left Volklingen and moved in a northeasterly direction.<br />

Along the route all men had an excellent chance to really see the Siegfried defenses as the enemy had<br />

built them. Pill boxes, bunkers, road blocks, tank traps, all were so placed as to afford maximum use of<br />

the terrain, command avenues of approach, and utilize interlocking fire. The men could see what a<br />

formidable obstacle the German Westwall actually was. If all positions were normally manned, it would<br />

seem to be almost impossible to take them by a frontal assault. The terrain was ideal for defense.<br />

At 1200 the Regimental CP, Headquarters Company, and the Medics arrived at Reichenbach. A delay<br />

was caused by our waiting for the civilians to evacuate the houses selected for our use. At 1400 the new<br />

Regimental CP was opened at Reichenbach. The 3d Battalion closed into Juttenbach at 1230.<br />

March 26, 1945 - Kottweiler, Germany. Record of events: Moved by motor convoy from Altenkessel,<br />

Germany, to Kottweiler, Germany. Departed Altenkessel 1915, arrived Kottweiler. Distance traveled<br />

approximately 60 miles. Company resting and morale of troops good.<br />

All vehicles returned to the vicinity of Volklingen to move the 1st and 2d Battalions. The 1st Battalion<br />

closed into Erzenhausen at 2300. The 2d Battalion closed into Kottweiler at 0100 on the morning of 26<br />

March. During the day Anti-Tank Company moved into Staufenbach at 1218, and Cannon Company<br />

closed into Reichenbach Steegen at 1500. All of the Regiment, except the rear train, was in the vicinity of<br />

Reichenbach, Germany. The rear train was in the process of moving by shuttling.

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