May 2009 - SOGC

May 2009 - SOGC May 2009 - SOGC


N o 18 May 2009 What clue led you to believe that HPV plays a causal role in the genesis of cervical cancer? In 1969/70 we detected and purified Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in Burkitt lymphoma and nasopharyngeal cancers, which meant we had the technology in place to look for viral DNA in other tumour systems. Cervical cancer looked very promising because its epidemiology strongly indicated a link to a sexually transmitted disease. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) had been the chief suspect since 1967, but as we failed to detect HSV-DNA in cervical cancer we started to look for other viruses. Following reports about the malignant conversion of condylomata acuminata, I speculated that papillomavirus could be responsible for cervical cancer. When Lutz Gissmann discovered, and Ethel-Michele de Villiers cloned, HPV-6 in condylomas, we learned that papillomaviruses are very heterogeneous and were disappointed that we could not find HPV-6 in cervical cancers. However, HPV-11 could be identified easily with HPV-6, and with HPV-11 we received the first positive results –weakly hybridizing signals– in cancer. Matthias Dürst and Michael Boshart, by then students in my research group, were asked to clone these bands. Both were very talented and discovered HPV-16 and -18 DNA. (continues on page 3) Newsletter on Human Papillomavirus HPV researcH: THe forward looking Views of nobel Prize laureaTe Harald zur Hausen Monograph HPV-DNA integration interview with Harald zur Hausen hPV in screening and triage HPV testing in routine cervical cancer screening CASE STUDY Vulvar cancer in the anterior fourchette in a young woman

N o 18 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

What clue led you to believe that HPV plays a<br />

causal role in the genesis of cervical cancer?<br />

In 1969/70 we detected and purified Epstein-Barr virus<br />

(EBV) in Burkitt lymphoma and nasopharyngeal cancers,<br />

which meant we had the technology in place to look<br />

for viral DNA in other tumour systems. Cervical cancer<br />

looked very promising because its epidemiology strongly<br />

indicated a link to a sexually transmitted disease. Herpes<br />

simplex virus (HSV) had been the chief suspect since<br />

1967, but as we failed to detect HSV-DNA in cervical<br />

cancer we started to look for other viruses. Following<br />

reports about the malignant conversion of condylomata<br />

acuminata, I speculated that papillomavirus could be<br />

responsible for cervical cancer. When Lutz Gissmann<br />

discovered, and Ethel-Michele de Villiers cloned, HPV-6<br />

in condylomas, we learned that papillomaviruses are<br />

very heterogeneous and were disappointed that we<br />

could not find HPV-6 in cervical cancers. However,<br />

HPV-11 could be identified easily with HPV-6,<br />

and with HPV-11 we received the first positive<br />

results –weakly hybridizing signals– in cancer.<br />

Matthias Dürst and Michael Boshart, by<br />

then students in my research group, were<br />

asked to clone these bands. Both were<br />

very talented and discovered HPV-16<br />

and -18 DNA.<br />

(continues on page 3)<br />

Newsletter<br />

on Human<br />

Papillomavirus<br />

HPV researcH: THe forward looking<br />

Views of nobel Prize laureaTe Harald<br />

zur Hausen<br />

Monograph<br />

HPV-DNA integration<br />

interview with<br />

Harald<br />

zur Hausen<br />

hPV in screening and triage<br />

HPV testing in routine cervical<br />

cancer screening<br /><br />


Vulvar cancer in the<br />

anterior fourchette in<br />

a young woman

2<br />


nobel Prize for Harald zur Hausen<br />

The Nobel Prize for Harald zur Hausen had been expected for many<br />

years but the announcement that it had finally become reality was<br />

an exciting honour for the laureate himself, his thesis and the whole<br />

field of papillomavirus research. Zur Hausen went against dogma<br />

when he postulated that certain HPV caused cervical cancer, the<br />

second most common cancer among women. He realized that<br />

HPV-DNA could exist in a non-productive state in the tumours<br />

and, with the support of his staff, found HPV to be a heterogeneous<br />

family of viruses. His discovery led to characterization of the<br />

natural history of HPV infection, an understanding of mechanisms<br />

of HPV-induced carcinogenesis, the standardization of HPV-DNA<br />

testing systems and the development of prophylactic vaccines<br />

against HPV acquisition.<br />

For a long time surprisingly few people outside the international<br />

papillomavirus (PV)-science community seemed to be interested<br />

in the exciting discoveries of how a virus causes cancer and how<br />

this knowledge could be used for a better prevention of various<br />

human diseases. Two main topics finally brought PV-research to the<br />

attention of public interest. One was research and recognition on<br />

the usefulness of HPV-testing in the prevention of cervical cancer.<br />

More recently, HPV vaccines and proposals of mass vaccination<br />

made HPV a topic of genuine public interest.Can we be satisfied<br />

with the achievements since zur Hausen's thesis?<br />

In Germany more than 800,000 girls and young women, or more<br />

than one third of the target group, are already vaccinated. More<br />

than 40 million doses of HPV vaccine were given worldwide in<br />

the years 2006-2008. On the other hand, following reports of<br />

coincidental death cases, many girls and young women did not<br />

complete their three doses of vaccine. Similarly, HPV-testing is<br />

widely used and recommended by German guidelines in the triaging<br />

of atypical smears. However, the German reality for women<br />

with atypical smears is to be followed by repeat Pap smears or<br />

to be transferred directly for cold knife conization without any<br />

histological assessment by colposcopy prior to invasive treatment.<br />

The chance of receiving false atypical Pap smear results is very high<br />

for women who attend for annual screening smears, but the one<br />

year interval for Pap smears is still demanded by the German law.<br />

A revision of the German concept of cervical cancer prevention is<br />

obviously necessary.<br />

Although we cannot be fully satisfied, the field is now encouragingly<br />

active.<br />

PV scientists all over the world have added to the understanding<br />

of carcinogenesis in general, HPV etiology in organs other than the<br />

cervix, have shown new ways of cancer prevention and have developed<br />

new types of vaccines. Time will prove the correctness of the<br />

predicted decline in HPV-related diseases in vaccinated individuals<br />

and the cost efficiency of HPV testing for primary cervical cancer<br />

screening. With cheaper and better vaccines ahead, and improved<br />

screening and new therapies in the pipeline, tumours induced by<br />

HPV may face extinction within a few decades. This at least seems<br />

more likely today than the thesis that papillomavirus causes cervical<br />

cancer seemed to many just a few decades ago.<br />

Karl Ulrich Petry<br />

Frauenklinik im Klinikum Wolfsburg, Germany.<br />


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Harald zur Hausen<br />

Deutsches Krebsfroschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany.<br />

(from page 1)<br />

More than 30 years lay between the publication of<br />

your thesis and the winning of the Nobel prize. Did<br />

you have the impression that your concept of the<br />

genesis of cervical cancer, which has since been<br />

confirmed many times, was always accepted and<br />

its importance always understood?<br />

The hypothesis was accepted by German research agencies<br />

from the very beginning and we received grants as<br />

early as 1972 in support of our research. But I could<br />

sense a significant refusal to accept the papillomavirus<br />

concept among scientists adhering to herpes simplex<br />

type 2 as a potential candidate causing cervical cancer. I<br />

remember international conferences on tumour virology<br />

in 1974 and 1975 where I received very strong resistance<br />

from some of the herpes simplex researchers.<br />

Besides cervical cancer, subsets of cancers of the<br />

vulva, vagina, anus, penis, skin and oropharynx are<br />

associated with HPV. How important is the role of<br />

HPV in these tumours?<br />

Papillomavirus DNA persistence of high risk types was<br />

early evidence for a role of these viruses in cancers of<br />

the vagina, vulva, anus and penis. However, a number<br />

of these tumours still test HPV negative, especially<br />

cancers of the penis and vulva. This raises the question<br />

as to what lies behind these tumours. I assume that the<br />

percentage of HPV-positive tumours of the oropharynx,<br />

which has reached 60% in some publications, is too high<br />

and might be due to contamination from non-malignant<br />

virus-producing lesions of the same patient. One should<br />

analyse this again very carefully based on viral RNA<br />

synthesis because this would be a reliable proof that<br />

these viruses really play a role in the genesis of these<br />

cancers. I assume that only 25-30% of oropharyngeal<br />

cancers, especially cancers of the tonsils, are high risk<br />

HPV (HR HPV) positive.<br />

What do you expect from current and future HPV<br />

vaccines?<br />

I expect a great deal from the vaccines, especially a significant<br />

decline in HPV-16 and -18 precancerous lesions in<br />

vaccinated women. Approximately 140,000 cone biopsies<br />

are performed in Germany every year, which is a huge<br />

number. Vaccine opponents should be aware that the<br />

reduction of precancer is an important issue for young<br />

women and societies. For developing countries, I expect<br />

a drop in vaccine prices. I have heard that companies<br />

have started talks about special prices for Third World<br />

countries. <strong>May</strong>be we all should shout even louder that<br />

the vaccines are currently too expensive! I see the first<br />

attempts in China to develop their own HPV vaccines,<br />

and there are rumours about an octavalent HPV vaccine<br />

under development in India. These are encouraging signs<br />

that prices will eventually fall drastically.<br />

You opened the eyes of scientists who explored the<br />

cause of cervical cancer. Today, could you help us<br />

again with a vision of what we should look for in<br />

the next few years?<br />

I would go beyond the field of papillomavirus research.<br />

The new discovery of a polyomavirus in Merkel cell<br />

tumours will gain great importance in the future. These<br />

viruses seem to be widespread, and it will be very<br />

interesting to analyze the spectrum of tumours with<br />

which they are associated. I see future opportunities in<br />

the exploration of haematopoetic diseases, especially<br />

leukaemias and lymphomas, and I would even speculate<br />

on a possible involvement of viruses in breast cancer.<br />

There are a number of interesting findings that may point<br />

to a possible role of endogenous retroviral activation in<br />

the genesis of breast cancer.<br />

... The condyloma agent has been entirely<br />

neglected thus far in all epidemiological<br />

and serological studies relating not only to<br />

cervical and penile, but also to vulvar and<br />

perianal, carcinomas. This is particularly<br />

unusual in view of the localization of<br />

genital warts, their mode of venereal<br />

transmission, the number of reports on<br />

malignant transition, and the presence of<br />

an agent belonging to a well-characterized<br />

group of oncogenic DNA viruses.<br />

zur Hausen H. Cancer Res 1976;36:794<br />

As consumption of red meat is a risk factor for the development<br />

of specific gastrointestinal cancers, it needs to<br />

be explored whether this risk is really exclusively linked<br />

to the carcinogenic chemicals that develop during the<br />

cooking or barbecue processes, or whether hitherto<br />

unknown viruses may also play a role in this carcinogenesis.<br />

The same carcinogens are also formed when<br />

poultry meat is cooked or barbecued, but as far as I am<br />

aware white meat consumption is not associated with an<br />

increased risk for gastrointestinal tumours as has been<br />

observed for red meat –this does not fit together.<br />

What are your personal future plans?<br />

I would like to stimulate young scientists to look into<br />

possible links between human cancers and infectious<br />

agents more carefully. Because of the intensive<br />

investigation of inherited cancers and cancers with<br />

genetic modifications, the fact that there can be no<br />

virus-induced cancer without modifications of the host<br />

genome is often overlooked. Such modifications must<br />

happen to establish malignant growth. In other words,<br />

specific chromosomal aberrations in breast cancers do<br />

not exclude a hidden virus in the background that is<br />

activated by these chromosomal changes.<br />


4<br />

The sentinel concept is<br />

well established for treating<br />

patients with melanoma and<br />

breast cancer, although in<br />

breast disease the negative<br />

predictive value is only of<br />

90%. We conducted a prospective<br />

study which included<br />

more than 500 patients with<br />

cervical cancer with the<br />

hypothesis that sensitivity<br />

should be at least 90% and<br />

the negative predictive value<br />

at least 99%.<br />

In our cohort, the overall sensitivity<br />

was only 77% and the<br />

negative predictive value 94%.<br />

About half of the patients<br />

had tumours with a diameter<br />

of 2 centimeters or less. The<br />

sensitivity in this subgroup<br />

was of 90% and the negative<br />

predictive value 99%, 1 which is a strong indication that<br />

the sentinel concept may be valid for this subgroup.<br />

Since the prevalence of lymph node metastasis in<br />

patients with tumours of ≤2 centimeters is 10%, a<br />

sensitivity of 90% and a negative predictive value of 99%<br />

would leave 1 patient out of 100 with a false-negative<br />

result. However, in 81 out of 100 patients only the sentinel<br />

lymph nodes would be removed and these patients<br />

would profit from the concept.<br />

Lymph node metastases in patients with cervical cancer<br />

are more difficult to diagnose and treat than in patients<br />

THe senTinel concePT<br />

in PaTienTs wiTH<br />

cerVical cancer<br />

Achim Schneider*<br />

Matthias Dürst**<br />

*Department of Gynaecology, Charité, Berlin, Germany.<br />

** Department of Gynaecology, Friedrich-Schiller-<br />

University Jena, Germany.<br />

Figure 1<br />

Blue dye staining of a sentinel lymph node and its supporting lymph vessel<br />

at the bifurcation of the right iliac vessels.<br />

with breast cancer. Thus,<br />

false-negative results must<br />

be avoided.<br />

Sentinel lymph nodes can<br />

be evaluated by serial sectioning<br />

(ultrastaging) with or<br />

without immunostaining. This<br />

approach allows to detect<br />

micrometastases (>2 millimeters<br />

but ≤2 millimeters)<br />

that may be of prognostic<br />

relevance to be detected.<br />

Alternatively, molecular markers<br />

such as CK19 mRNA have<br />

been shown to be useful for<br />

the detection of metastases<br />

in the axillary lymph nodes in<br />

patients with breast cancer,<br />

and may replace frozen section<br />

in the near future.<br />

However, we showed that<br />

for pelvic lymph nodes CK19<br />

mRNA is specific only in cases which show clear histologic<br />

evidence for metastasis. In contrast, HPV mRNA of<br />

the E6 oncogene is highly specific for micrometastases<br />

and small tumour cell clusters. 2 Experimentally, the HPV<br />

mRNA assay has a sensitivity of one tumour cell in a<br />

background of 10 5 normal cells. On the basis of this<br />

highly specific marker, we are currently evaluating the<br />

prognostic significance of HPV mRNA in the sentinel<br />

lymph nodes of over 400 patients whose systematic<br />

lymphadenectomy was negative by conventional<br />

histology.<br />

Figure 2<br />

Partially dissected sentinel lymph node in the obturator fossa<br />

References: 1. Altgassen C et al. J Clin Oncol 2008;26(18):2943-51. 2. Häfner N et al. Int J Cancer 2007;120(9):1842-6.

Peter Hillemanns<br />

Department Obstetrics and Gynecology.<br />

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover<br />

(University) Hannover, Germany.<br />

wHaT is THe cosT-effecTiVeness of HPV<br />

VaccinaTion in germany?<br />

The development of a prophylactic vaccine against HPV<br />

is a major breakthrough in the prevention of invasive<br />

cervical cancer. The first prophylactic tetravalent HPV<br />

recombinant vaccine (HPV types -6,-11,-16,-18) was<br />

granted a marketing authorisation in the European<br />

Union in 2006. In 2007 a bivalent vaccine (HPV types<br />

-16 and -18), indicated for the prevention of cervical<br />

intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grades 2 and 3 and cervical<br />

cancer causally related to HPV types -16 and -18, was<br />

approved for use by the European Medicines Agency.<br />

Both vaccines have been shown to be highly effective<br />

in large phase- III clinical trials. 1,2<br />

There has been an extensive discussion about the<br />

costs of both HPV vaccines in Germany. A recent study<br />

addressed this issue and conducted a cost-effectiveness<br />

analysis.<br />

An empirically calibrated Markov cohort model of the<br />

natural history of HPV was used to assess the costeffectiveness<br />

of the vaccine administered to 12-year-old<br />

girls alongside existing cervical screening programs<br />

in Germany. 3 The model estimated lifetime risks of<br />

cervical cancer, CIN and genital warts and total lifetime<br />

healthcare costs, life years gained and quality adjusted<br />

life years (QALY) gained. The analysis was conducted<br />

from the perspective of the German healthcare payer.<br />

One-way sensitivity analysis was performed to explore<br />

the impact on cost-effectiveness of varying a range of<br />

key parameters for duration of vaccine protection, vaccine<br />

and administration costs, Pap sensitivity, utilities,<br />

discount rates and screening coverage. The impact<br />

on cost-effectiveness of a scenario of administering a<br />

booster vaccine (one dose) to 50% of females originally<br />

vaccinated was also explored.<br />

In the base case (considering a lifetime duration of<br />

protection, a 100% efficacy, a vaccination coverage of<br />

80% of the eligible population, no cross-protection,<br />

and that screening practices would be unaffected by<br />

vaccination status), it was estimated that an additional<br />

2835 cervical cancer cases and 679 deaths could be<br />

prevented among a cohort of 400,000, at an incremental<br />

cost per QALY gained of €10,530.<br />

One hundred and twenty girls<br />

needed to be vaccinated to prevent<br />

one case of cervical cancer. Costeffectiveness<br />

is sensitive to a<br />

duration of protection of less than<br />

20 years and to the discount rate<br />

for costs and benefits<br />

Furthermore, a scenario in which booster vaccination<br />

is provided (after 10 years) for 50% of females originally<br />

vaccinated in order to ensure lifetime protection produced<br />

an increased cost-effectiveness ratio compared<br />

to the base case, primarily due to the impact of the<br />

increased cost of providing a booster. The impact of<br />

different screening strategies, associated or not with<br />

vaccination, was also considered. In this context,<br />

introducing HPV vaccination in association with a<br />

screening program (less or as efficient as the current<br />

one) appeared more efficient than only improving the<br />

existing screening intervention (screening coverage rate<br />

was increased by 20% without HPV vaccination).<br />

To date, there has been limited use of economic<br />

analyses for such decisions in Germany compared to<br />

some other European countries such as the United<br />

Kingdom. However, this might change with German<br />

insurance companies increasing their focus on cost and<br />

forthcoming requirements for economic analyses to be<br />

performed as part of the reviews of new interventions<br />

by the German Health Technology Agency, the Institute<br />

for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, which advises<br />

the Federal Ministry of Health.<br />

References: 1. FUTURE II Study Group. Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent high-grade cervical lesions. N Engl J Med<br />

2007;356:1915-27. 2. Paavonen J et al. Efficacy of a prophylactic adjuvanted bivalent L1 virus-like-particle vaccine against infections with human papillomavirus<br />

types 16 and 18 in young women: an interim analysis of a phase III double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2007;369:2161-70. 3. Hillemanns P et al.<br />

J Pub Health, in press.<br />

social aspects of hpv infections<br />


6<br />

cross-neuTralizaTion<br />

vaccinescorner<br />

Two virus-like particles (VLP)-based prophylactic vaccines<br />

against HPV-16 and -18, which are together<br />

responsible for around 70% of cervical cancer cases<br />

worldwide, have recently become commercially available.<br />

Both products displayed an excellent safety<br />

profile and high efficacy in preventing persistent HPV<br />

infection and high-grade intraepithelial lesions, which<br />

are obligatory precursors of cervical cancer, in large<br />

placebo-controlled clinical studies. Their potential in<br />

reducing cancer, although expected, still needs to be<br />

evaluated in vaccinated populations and will not be<br />

appreciable for at least one to two decades after launch<br />

of the vaccination campaign.<br />

A somewhat unexpected finding of the clinical trials<br />

was that both vaccines also provide<br />

a certain degree of protection against<br />

other HPV types, particularly -31 and<br />

-45 (and possibly some others), which<br />

are genetically related to HPV-16 or<br />

-18. This cross-protection is most<br />

likely based on the induction of a<br />

more promiscuous immune response<br />

directed against different types. As a<br />

consequence, one could theoretically<br />

prevent up to 80% of cervical cancer<br />

cases (a 10% “bonus” on top of the<br />

coverage against HPV-16 and -18),<br />

although complete protection against<br />

all cases would obviously be most<br />

desirable.<br />

Despite the straightforward, yet scientifically<br />

uninventive, approach of<br />

including "x" more high risk types into<br />

a second-generation vaccine, some<br />

researchers are considering modifying<br />

the L1 molecules that make up the VLPs<br />

in such a way that the particle surface<br />

induces more broadly neutralizing<br />

antibodies. This strategy is challenging<br />

since every manipulation of the L1<br />

protein may alter its ability to assemble<br />

into particulate structures. These structures<br />

present the neutralizing epitopes<br />

in a multimeric array –VLPs consist of<br />

360 L1 molecules– which is a prerequisite<br />

for the well-documented high<br />

immunogenicity of the HPV vaccines.<br />

A possible solution is to use pools of<br />

randomly mutagenized L1 genes for<br />

Lutz Gissmann<br />

Division Genome Modifications and<br />

Carcinogenesis. German Cancer Research<br />

Center. Heidelberg, Germany<br />

the direct (“genetic”) immunization of mice. Only those<br />

molecules that are still assembly-competent will be<br />

able to induce an immune response, which then has to<br />

be tested for cross-neutralization. The pools used to<br />

immunize a positive animal need to be isolated and the<br />

immunization repeated until a L1 clone with the desired<br />

properties has been identified. Only at this point would<br />

it be possible to generate particles from this clone to<br />

verify its immunogenic properties. The biggest hurdle<br />

for this project is proving to be the extremely large<br />

numbers of mice needed for this set of experiments,<br />

which triggers very high costs that are impossible to<br />

cover in an academic setting.<br />

Another road that is being followed by several investigators<br />

is the use of the minor<br />

structural protein L2. This protein is<br />

not required for VLP formation –and<br />

indeed is not part of the existing<br />

vaccines– but appears to be required<br />

to generate infectious virus particles<br />

during the natural life cycle. In the<br />

context of the virus particle, L2 is<br />

not immunogenic, possibly due to<br />

the low copy number per particle.<br />

However, when used as the isolated<br />

protein, L2 or specific L2-derived<br />

epitopes (e.g., of HPV-16) induce<br />

antibodies that neutralize infection<br />

by other HPV types as well. The<br />

major drawback encountered to date<br />

is that the titers induced by L2 are<br />

at least 1000-fold lower than when<br />

L1 VLPs are used for immunization.<br />

Possible solutions to this problem<br />

that are being pursued by different<br />

laboratories are to multimerize the<br />

immunogenic epitopes or to engineer<br />

them into the surface loops<br />

of L1 VLPs, thus presenting them in<br />

the context of the highly symmetric<br />

Whereas the major structural protein L1 is<br />

sufficient for the formation of VLPs, the active<br />

component of the current prophylactic HPV<br />

vaccines, the minor protein L2 is required to<br />

generate infectious virus particles. Recent data<br />

obtained from cryo-EM-based computerized<br />

reconstructions demonstrate that up to 72 copies<br />

of L2 can be incorporated per particle. The model<br />

shows the distribution of L2 molecules (in red)<br />

on the outside (above) and within a virus particle<br />

(below). Reproduced from Buck CB et al. J Virol<br />

2008;82:5190-7.<br />

array. Both strategies have improved<br />

the L2-specific immunogenicity,<br />

albeit not yet to a satisfactory level.<br />

It is now hoped that with the introduction<br />

of rationally designed and<br />

highly efficient adjuvants, the antibody<br />

titers can be further increased<br />

to the point where they may become<br />

clinically relevant.

p16 ink4a as a biomarker for<br />

differenTiaTing rePlicaTing and<br />

Transforming HigH risk HPV<br />

infecTions: THe THeoreTical concePT<br />

and iTs PoTenTial diagnosTic imPacT<br />

Carcinogenesis is regarded as the consequence<br />

of “persistent high risk HPV (HR<br />

HPV) infections” that last for more than 6<br />

months. 1 The term “persistent infection”<br />

is, however, only arbitrarily defined and<br />

does not include any functional or mechanistic<br />

criteria that refer to the molecular<br />

events required for HPV-triggered carcinogenesis.<br />

Although this term is now<br />

widely used, there is a substantial need<br />

to more clearly differentiate the clinically<br />

relevant stages of HR HPV infections on<br />

a molecular basis.<br />

Viral gene expression during an initial HPV<br />

infection follows a distinct pattern that is<br />

strictly related to the differentiation stage<br />

of the squamous epithelial host cells, 2<br />

which permits major viral gene expression<br />

and replication only in terminally<br />

differentiated cells of the intermediate<br />

and superficial cell layers. This stage may<br />

be referred to as “replicating infection”.<br />

However, if control of the viral genes in<br />

the basal cells is lost, the viral oncogenes<br />

E6 and E7 become strongly expressed in<br />

HPV replication<br />

replicating<br />

regulated<br />

normal CIN 1 / LSIL<br />

Brown stain: p16 INK4a<br />

replication-competent basal and parabasal<br />

cells. 3 This triggers chromosomal<br />

instability and may cause transformation<br />

of the affected cells. This latter stage<br />

may thus be referred to as “transforming<br />

infection”. Integration of the viral genome<br />

was initially thought to be responsible<br />

for the sudden deregulation of the viral<br />

gene expression pattern. 4 However, the<br />

observation that integration occurs rather<br />

late in the progression process of high<br />

grade dysplasia, 5 is often undetectable<br />

even in established invasive cancers, 6 and<br />

clearly follows the induction of chromosomal<br />

instability and aneuploidy 7 strongly<br />

suggests that molecular mechanisms<br />

other than integration of viral genomes,<br />

which trigger the deregulated E6-E7 gene<br />

expression profile earlier during the progression<br />

from replicating to transforming<br />

infections, still remain to be discovered.<br />

In comparison to the replicating infections<br />

that may occur in many epithelial sites in<br />

men and women, these transforming infections<br />

primarily occur in epithelial cells at<br />

From the Laboratory<br />

/ transforming HPV infection<br />

E6 / E7 off and p16 INK4a negative E6 / E7 on and p16 INK4a positive<br />

deregulated HPV gene expression<br />

Episomal HPV genomes<br />

CIN 2/3 HSIL CIS /cancer<br />

Integrated HPV genomes<br />

Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz<br />

Department of Applied Tumor Biology.<br />

Institute of Pathology, University of Heidelberg,<br />

Germany.<br />

the uterine transformation zone.<br />

Recent research has shown that the shift<br />

from replicating to transforming infection<br />

is accompanied by massive overexpression<br />

of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor<br />

p16 INK4a (Figure 1). Several lines of<br />

evidence support the notion that interference<br />

of the E7 protein with the pRB-E2F<br />

complex results in undamped expression<br />

of p16 INK4a . Although high p16 INK4a<br />

levels would be lethal for normal cells or<br />

those transformed by other molecular<br />

mechanisms, they are well tolerated by<br />

HPV-transformed cells due to the E7-mediated<br />

short-cut of the tumor-suppressive<br />

pRB pathway.<br />

By staining for p16 INK4a it became possible,<br />

for the first time, to reproducibly visualize<br />

cells that have acquired the transforming<br />

mode of viral gene expression and are thus<br />

at substantially higher risk of neoplastic<br />

progression compared to HPV-infected<br />

cells that still retain their replicating<br />

gene expression pattern and to apply<br />

this technique as a routine diagnostic<br />

Figure 1:<br />

Schematic representation of the<br />

progression from replicating HPV<br />

infections to transforming HPV<br />

infections. During the replicating<br />

infection viral E6 and E7 gene<br />

expression is self-limited in the<br />

basal cells and does not lead to<br />

overexpression of 16 INK4a . However,<br />

it may trigger replication in the<br />

more superficial cells and result in<br />

koilocytosis. Once this control is<br />

lost, E6-E7 gene expression may<br />

occur in the basal cells. This triggers<br />

overexpression of p16 INK4a and<br />

may result in transformation. Since<br />

in the early stages of these transforming<br />

infections differentiation<br />

of the epithelium is still retained,<br />

these lesions still may replicate the<br />

virus as indicated by koilocytosis of<br />

cells above p16 INK4a positive cells in<br />

the basal and parabasal layer.<br />

CIN: Cervical intraepithelial<br />

neoplasia.<br />

HSIL: High squamous intraepithelial<br />

lesion.<br />

CIS: Carcinoma in situ.<br />


From the Laboratory<br />

procedure. 8 A series of studies in which the progression<br />

risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) of grade 1<br />

lesions that were either p16 INK4a -negative or –positive was<br />

analyzed strongly confirmed this notion. 9-11<br />

Given the low reproducibility of<br />

the histopathologic diagnosis,<br />

particularly of CIN2, replacement of<br />

the morphology-based classification<br />

of CIN1, 2 and 3 lesions by a twotiered<br />

novel classification system that<br />

distinguishes only the replicating<br />

and transforming mode of high<br />

risk HPV (HR HPV) infection based<br />

on the simple detection of p16 INK4a<br />

overexpression may be considered.<br />

This approach is likely to increase the diagnostic accuracy<br />

of both histo- and cyto-pathology. Furthermore, it is<br />

in line with the concept of the Bethesda classification<br />

system, which is also based on a two-tiered approach to<br />

differentiate low- and high-grade lesions. 12<br />

The use of p16 INK4a as a biomarker in cytology leads to a<br />

substantial reduction in the number of ambiguous cytology<br />

results. 13,14 Furthermore, the sensitivity for detecting<br />

high-grade disease was found to be in the range of HPV<br />

tests, although with substantially higher specificity. 15<br />

Finally, the biochemical detection of p16 INK4a in cervical<br />

swabs 16 may allow for the development of easy applicable<br />

“point-of-care systems” that may be used either as a<br />

stand-alone test or in combination with HPV testing or<br />

cytology.<br />

Diagnostic algorithms that rely on the molecular distinction<br />

of replicating and transforming HPV infections are,<br />

in principal, novel and may substantially change current<br />

clinical practice. It is thus necessary to define exact<br />

standards and protocols and to carefully evaluate their<br />

full clinical impact in large trials. However, they appear<br />

to have the potential to overcome many of the current<br />

limitations in the diagnosis and screening of HPV-induced<br />

disease.<br />

References: 1. Woodman CB, Collins SI, Young LS. Nat Rev Cancer 2007;7:11-<br />

22. 2. Longworth MS, Laimins LA. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2004;68:362-372. 3.<br />

Munger K et al. J Virol 2004;78:11451-11460. 4. Pett MR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.<br />

S. A 2006;103:3822-3827. 5. Klaes R et al. Cancer Res 1999;59:6132-6136. 6.<br />

Vinokurova S et al. Cancer Res 2008;68:307-313. 7. Melsheimer P et al. Clin Cancer<br />

Res 2004;10:3059-3063. 8. von Knebel Doeberitz M. Eur J Cancer 2002;38:2229-<br />

2242. 9. Kalof AN, Cooper K. Adv Anat Pathol 2006;13:190-194. 10. Negri G et al.<br />

Virchows Arch 2004;445:616-620. 11. Wang SS et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers<br />

Prev 2004;13:1355-1360. 12. Solomon D et al. JAMA 2002;287:2114-2119. 13.<br />

Carozzi FM. Coll Antropol 2007;31 (Suppl 2): 103-106. 14. Wentzensen N et al.<br />

Cancer 2007;111: 58-66. 15. Szarewski A et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev<br />

2008;17:3033-3042. 16. Ding L et al. Mol Diagn Ther 2008;12:395-400.<br />

8<br />

monog<br />

HPV-dna inTegraTion in<br />

carcinogenesis does noT<br />

increased leVels of Vira<br />

One factor considered to be of key<br />

importance for the progression of cervical<br />

intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to invasive<br />

cervical cancer is integration of HPV into<br />

the host genome. Hopman and co-workers<br />

have shown by in situ hybridization that<br />

88% of CIN2/3 associated with microinvasive<br />

carcinoma contained integrated viral<br />

DNA. In contrast, the characteristic punctuate<br />

signal of integrated viral DNA was<br />

only observed in 29% of solitary CIN2/3. 1<br />

High integration frequencies in cervical<br />

cancer have also been observed in several<br />

other studies in which different techniques<br />

for the detection of integrated viral DNA<br />

(DIPS, E6/E2 ratios) or integrate-derived<br />

viral transcripts (APOT) were used. 2-5<br />

Recent results indicate that viral<br />

integration occurs in up to 88% of<br />

high squamous intraepithelial lesions<br />

(HSIL) associated with micro invasion<br />

as compared to 29% of solitary HSIL.<br />

Integration frequencies close to 90%<br />

have been reported in cervical cancer<br />

but vary strongly according to HPV type.<br />

To date, it is still a matter of debate<br />

whether HPV-DNA integration precedes<br />

E6/E7-induced genetic instability or is a<br />

consequence thereof. In an in vitro study,<br />

acquisition of high levels of genomic<br />

instability in cervical keratinocytes in monolayer<br />

culture occurred after integration of<br />

HPV-16. 6 On the other hand, Melsheimer<br />

and colleagues have shown that in CIN<br />

and cervical carcinomas, aneuploidization<br />

precedes integration of HPV-DNA in the<br />

progression of cervical dysplasia. 7 However,<br />

irrespective of a temporal association<br />

between integration and genetic instability,<br />

the current concept of cervical carcinogenesis<br />

suggests that integration provides the<br />

cell with a selective growth advantage. 8,9<br />

This is in line with the observation that<br />

the viral integration site is unique for each<br />

tumour and remains unaltered during

aph<br />

THe Process of cerVical<br />

necessarily resulT in<br />

l oncogene TranscriPTs<br />

different stages of clonal expansion.<br />

9,10 Several in vitro studies have<br />

indicated that this growth advantage<br />

results from an enhanced<br />

expression of HPV E6 and E7:<br />

HPV integration in W12 cells was<br />

associated with an increase in<br />

levels of detectable E7 protein,<br />

and maximal E7 levels correlated<br />

with the acquisition of structural<br />

chromosomal abnormalities. 6,11<br />

High oncogene levels have been<br />

attributed to the functional loss<br />

of the viral E2 gene product which<br />

acts as an intrinsic repressor of<br />

E6/E7 expression. 12 Moreover,<br />

viral-cellular fusion transcripts are<br />

devoid of the instability elements<br />

located in the 3′-region of the viral<br />

mRNA and may thus have a longer<br />

half-life. 13,14 On the basis of these<br />

experimental data, it is generally<br />

assumed that integration invariably<br />

results in high levels of viral<br />

Relative transcript levels<br />

(plasmid equivalents in 10ng RNA)<br />

oncogene expression. However, does this<br />

model also apply for cervical carcinogenesis?<br />

We have recently analysed the levels<br />

of viral transcripts in 83 HPV-16-positive<br />

CIN and cervical carcinomas (CxCa) in<br />

relation to the physical state of the viral<br />

genome. 15 Using the APOT assay, integratederived<br />

transcripts were only detected<br />

in 3/28 (11%) CIN<br />

and 28/55 (51%)<br />

carcinomas. The<br />

remaining biopsies<br />

contained either<br />

episome-derived<br />

transcripts only or<br />

both mRNA species.<br />

SybrGreen reverse transcriptase<br />

polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays<br />

were used to quantify viral gene expression<br />

for i) all transcripts initiated from<br />

p97 (E6all); ii) full length E6; iii) E6*I; and<br />

iv) E5 transcripts. As expected, biopsies<br />

with integrate-derived transcripts only<br />

generally lacked E5-specific mRNA (Figure<br />

1,000,000<br />

100,000<br />

10,000<br />

1). The reason for this is that integration<br />

frequently disrupts the viral genome within<br />

the E1 or E2 coding sequences, thereby<br />

uncoupling the promoter p97 from the<br />

E5 open reading frame (ORF). The finding<br />

that the levels of oncogene transcripts<br />

(E6all) in biopsy material were highly<br />

variable but showed similar median values<br />

irrespective of<br />

histopathological<br />

grading and physical<br />

state of the<br />

viral genome is of<br />

particular interest<br />

(Figure 1). These<br />

data strongly suggest<br />

that HPV integration per se does not<br />

invariably result in an increase in oncogene<br />

expression. The highly variable expression<br />

levels of oncogene transcripts observed in<br />

carcinomas are also in line with the results<br />

of Rosty and co-workers 16 but appear to<br />

contradict the data obtained in several<br />

other studies. 17-21 The most plausible<br />

Highly variable levels of viral<br />

oncogene expression are<br />

characteristic of CIN and cervical<br />

cancer and are independent of<br />

histological grading and the<br />

physical state of the viral genome.<br />

Matthias Dürst and Norman Häfner<br />

*Department of Gynaecology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,<br />

Germany.<br />

explanation for these differences<br />

is the sampling strategy used<br />

(biopsies versus cervical scrapes).<br />

Exfoliated cells have the advantage<br />

that they can be obtained<br />

easily and are clearly ideal in a<br />

diagnostic setting, although the<br />

results do not reflect the overall<br />

quantity of the RNA nor do they<br />

represent the diversity of viral<br />

mRNA species in the underlying<br />

lesions. 22<br />

In summary, highly variable levels<br />

of viral oncogene expression are<br />

characteristic for CIN and CxCa<br />

and are independent of histological<br />

grading and the physical<br />

state of the viral genome. These<br />

findings support the hypothesis<br />

that HPV integration primarily<br />

ensures constitutive expression of<br />

the viral oncogenes. The minimal<br />

levels of viral oncogene expression<br />

required to initiate carcinogenesis<br />

and to sustain the transformed phenotype<br />

of the cell remain unknown and could be<br />

tumour-specific. Moreover, other consequences<br />

of integration, such as insertional<br />

mutagenesis and/or effects on the transcriptome,<br />

should also be considered and<br />

should be analysed systematically. 10<br />

E6all<br />

E5<br />

Episomes<br />

n=39<br />

Episomes+integrates<br />

n=13<br />

Integrates<br />

n=31<br />

Figure 1<br />

Relative copy number of HPV-16 oncogene transcripts (E6all) in biopsy<br />

material from CIN2/3 and cervical carcinomas harbouring viral episomes,<br />

co-existing episomes and integrates, or integrates only. Note that the median<br />

values of the oncogene transcripts are similar irrespective of the physical<br />

state of the viral genome. The very low levels of E5 are characteristic for<br />

integrated HPV-DNA since this part of the genome is frequently uncoupled<br />

from the viral promoter.<br />

References: 1. Hopman AH et al. Int J Cancer 2005;115:419-<br />

28. 2. De Marco L et al. J Clin Virol 2007;38:7-13. 3. Klaes<br />

R et al. Cancer Res 1999;59:6132-6. 4. Luft F et al. Int J<br />

Cancer 2001;92:9-17. 5. Peitsaro P et al. J Clin Microbiol<br />

2002;40:886-91. 6. Pett MR et al. Cancer Res 2004;4:1359-<br />

68. 7. Melsheimer P et al. Clin Cancer Res 2004;10:3059-63.<br />

8. Duensing S, Munger K. Int J Cancer 2004;109:157-62. 9.<br />

Wentzensen N et al. Cancer Res 2004;64:3878-84. 10. Kraus<br />

I et al. Cancer Res 2008;68:2514-22. 11. Alazawi W et al.<br />

Cancer Res 2002;62:6959-65. 12. Romanczuk H, Howley PM.<br />

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992;89:3159-63. 13. Jeon S et al.<br />

J Virol 1995;69:2989-97. 14. Jeon S, Lambert PF. Proc Natl<br />

Acad Sci U S A 1995;92:1654-8. 15. Häfner N et al. Oncogene<br />

2008;27:1610-7. 16. Rosty C et al. Oncogene 2005;24:7094-<br />

104. 17. Andersson S et al. Int J Oncol 2006;29:705-11. 18.<br />

Falcinelli C et al. J Med Virol 1993;40:261-5. 19. Molden T et<br />

al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005;14:367-72. 20.<br />

Riethdorf S et al. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2001;20:177-85. 21.<br />

Sotlar K. J Med Virol 2004;74:107-16. 22. Middleton K et al.<br />

J Virol 2003;77:10186-201.<br />


Research in Progress<br />

HPV in skin<br />

cancer<br />

The carcinogenicity of HPV-5 and HPV-8 in<br />

the skin is fully acknowledged in patients<br />

with epidermodysplasia verruciformis<br />

(EV), although the role of EV-HPV (genus<br />

beta) in the general population is less<br />

clear. These viruses cause clinically unapparent<br />

infections in almost everyone from<br />

very early on in life, whereas cutaneous<br />

squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) rarely<br />

arise before the age of 65. The quantity<br />

of beta-HPV DNA in skin cancers is usually<br />

very low. 1<br />

During the past five years, research groups<br />

in Germany have expended a great deal<br />

of effort on developing a methodology<br />

for beta-HPV-specific DNA and antibody<br />

detection.<br />

For example, quantitative real-time<br />

polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) have<br />

been developed 2 and serology has been<br />

based on high-throughput multiplex fluorescent<br />

bead-based assays. 3 Furthermore,<br />

transgenic mouse models have been<br />

established for HPV-8 and HPV-20. 4,5<br />

10<br />

Tumor development in HPV-8-<br />

E2-transgenic mice (FVB/N)<br />

caused by UV irradiation with<br />

10 J/cm2 UVA and 1 J/cm2<br />

UVB. 1.5 x 2 x 0.7 centimeters<br />

exophytic, rapidly growing tumor,<br />

which developed within 3 weeks<br />

in the area of a preexisting,<br />

UV-induced ulcus.<br />

Histology reveals epidermis with<br />

superficial erosion and disturbed<br />

stratification, beneath sharply<br />

demarcated spindle-cell tumor<br />

with strong cytological atypia<br />

and atypical mitosis.<br />

The impact of continuous person-toperson<br />

contact within families on an<br />

individual’s beta-HPV type spectrum<br />

has been studied in serial skin swabs<br />

from parents and children. 6 HPV type<br />

multiplicities were found to vary widely<br />

between different families but only slightly<br />

between family members. More than 75%<br />

of the HPV types in babies were also<br />

detected in their parents, thus indicating<br />

that cutaneous HPVs are mainly transmitted<br />

by close contact between family<br />

members. Of the HPV types detected<br />

throughout the study, 24% persisted for<br />

at least 9 months in adults and 11% in<br />

children. Interestingly, about half of the<br />

HPV types found to persist in one of the<br />

parents occurred less frequently or only<br />

sporadically in the spouse, in other words<br />

even regular exposure to cutaneous HPV<br />

does not necessarily lead to a persistent<br />

infection. This may point to type-specific<br />

susceptibilities of different individuals.<br />

Despite very early exposure, antibodies<br />

to the capsid protein L1 of beta-HPV<br />

are rare in children but increase with age<br />

and reach a prevalence of about 35%<br />

later in life. 7 Seroconversion seems to be<br />

extremely slow, possibly due to low-level<br />

viral replication, which is reflected by very<br />

low copy numbers of beta-HPV DNA in<br />

the general population. 2 Weakening of the<br />

immune system and increased sun exposure<br />

later in life may lead to higher viral<br />

loads and higher<br />

seroprevalences. 7<br />

E V p a t i e n t s<br />

were recently reevaluated<br />

using<br />

newly developed<br />

qualitative and<br />

quantitative PCRbased<br />

methods,<br />

in situ hybridization<br />

techniques and serological assays. 8<br />

A multiplicity of beta-HPV genotypes was<br />

detectable in skin samples and plucked<br />

eyebrow hairs. A high intrapatient concordance<br />

for specific types was noted<br />

Case-control studies showed<br />

an increased skin cancer risk<br />

related to beta-HPV infection<br />

(odds ratios 1.5 - 4.4).<br />

The carcinogenic potential of<br />

HPV-8 has been documented<br />

in transgenic mice.<br />

between hair bulbs and skin biopsies,<br />

and antibodies against 16 beta-HPV were<br />

significantly more prevalent and showed<br />

higher titers than in the general population.<br />

More active viral replication in EV<br />

patients was underlined by much higher<br />

viral loads and by strong in situ hybridization<br />

signals in many cell nuclei of an SCC<br />

in contrast to few HPV-positive nuclei in<br />

an SCC of a non-EV patient. 2<br />

German laboratories have participated<br />

in several case-control studies which<br />

have provided some evidence for an<br />

increased risk of cutaneous SCC related<br />

to beta-HPV infection [odds ratios (OR)<br />

in the range 1.5-4.4]. 9-12 These studies<br />

do not consistently point toward specific<br />

high risk beta-HPV types but have shown<br />

significant OR for DNA or antibodies of<br />

any beta-HPV or beta-HPV species 2.<br />

A study of anti-beta-HPV-L1 antibodies in<br />

cutaneous SCC patients, whose plasma<br />

was collected prior to diagnosis, revealed<br />

no statistically significant differences in<br />

comparison to controls. However, consistent<br />

with previous work, the prevalence<br />

of antibodies against many beta-HPVs,<br />

particularly against HPV-8 and HPV-92,<br />

was higher among subjects who had<br />

already developed SCC at blood collection.<br />

13 This may indicate that “danger”<br />

signals related to tumor growth are<br />

important to enhance the slow immune<br />

response to beta-HPV.<br />

It is highly interesting<br />

that a common<br />

polymorphism in<br />

the EV-susceptibility<br />

gene EVER2<br />

appeared to be<br />

associated with<br />

beta-HPV seropositivity,<br />

specifically<br />

HPV-5 or HPV-8<br />

seropositivity, and SCC risk. 14 This opens<br />

perspectives of a role for EV-susceptibility<br />

gene products in the pathogenesis of skin<br />

cancer in the general population.<br />

The carcinogenic potential of HPV-8 has

een documented in transgenic mice<br />

with the early viral genes under control<br />

of the human keratin 14 promoter. These<br />

animals spontaneously develop skin papillomas,<br />

epidermal dysplasia, and in 6% of<br />

cases SCC, without any further treatment<br />

with physical or chemical carcinogens. 4<br />

Interestingly, skin cancer also developed<br />

in mice expressing only the E2 gene of<br />

HPV-8. 15 The rate of tumor formation in<br />

three transgenic lines was found to correlate<br />

with the different E2-mRNA levels.<br />

HPV IN<br />

100 Slides Based<br />

Reference: 1. De Sanjosé S<br />

et al. Worldwide prevalence and<br />

genotype distribution of cervical<br />

HPV DNA in 157,879 women with<br />

normal cytology: a meta-analysis<br />

of 78 studies. Lancet Infect Dis<br />

2007;7:453-59.<br />

Artwork Laia Bruni: WHO/<br />

ICO HPV Information Centre on<br />

HPV and Cervical Cancer.<br />

Blue: Overall HPV-DNA<br />

prevalence<br />

Red: HPV-16 specific<br />

prevalence<br />

Orange: HPV-18 specific<br />

prevalence<br />

Light green: HPVs<br />

other than -16 and -18<br />

specific prevalence<br />

on the published literature, a metaanalysis<br />

was made to provide overall HPV<br />

prevalence estimates in a composite<br />

population of 157,879 women with normal<br />

cytology. These were largely identified in<br />

routine screening programs and were<br />

grouped into five geographical regions. 1<br />

The global estimated HPV-DNA prevalence<br />

was of 10%, and included mostly<br />

oncogenic HPV types. The prevalence<br />

ranges signal Africa as a particularly high<br />

risk region and Europe as a relatively low<br />

Herbert Pfister<br />

Institute of Virology, School of Medical Sciences,<br />

Most lesions initially presented infundibular<br />

hyperplasia and acanthosis combined<br />

with low-grade dysplasia. Severe dysplasia<br />

occurred in 6% of cases. Two carcinomas<br />

revealed a sharply demarcated spindlecell<br />

component, which is reminiscent of a<br />

subset of highly aggressive skin cancers in<br />

immunosuppressed transplant recipients.<br />

Tumor development could be dramatically<br />

enhanced by a single solar-simulated<br />

irradiation with UVA and UVB.<br />

University of Cologne, Germany.<br />

risk region. Among oncogenic types, the<br />

most prevalent ones were HPV-16, -18,<br />

-31, -58, -52, -33, -51, -35, -45, -56, and<br />

-39, with HPV-16 being the dominant type<br />

everywhere (prevalence ranking from<br />

2.3% in Europe to 3.5% in North America)<br />

. There were small variations in the<br />

prevalence and ranking of the remaining<br />

HPV types. Interestingly, these highly<br />

prevalent types also comprise the eight<br />

most important types found in cervical<br />

cancer cases (HPV-16, -18, -33, -45, -31,<br />

References:<br />

1. Pfister H. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2003;31:52-6. 2.<br />

Weissenborn SJ et al. J Invest Dermatol 2005;125(1):93-<br />

7. 3. Waterboer T et al. Clin Chem 2005;51(10):1845-53.<br />

4. Schaper ID et al. Cancer Res 2005;65(4):1394-1400.<br />

5. Michel A et al. J Virol 2006;80(22):11153-64. 6. Weissenborn<br />

SJ et al. J Virol <strong>2009</strong>;83(2):811-6. 7. Michael KM<br />

et al. PLoS Pathog 2008;4(6):e1000091. 8. Dell'Oste V et<br />

al. J Invest Dermatol 2008. 9. Karagas MR et al. J Natl<br />

Cancer Inst 2006;98(6):389-95. 10. Waterboer T et al.<br />

Br J Dermatol 2008;159(2):457-9. 11. Forslund O et al.<br />

J Infect Dis 2007;196(6):876-83. 12. Asgari MM et al. J<br />

Invest Dermatol 2008;128(6):1409-17. 13. Casabonne D<br />

et al. Int J Cancer 2007;121(8):1862-8. 14. Patel AS et al.<br />

Int J Cancer 2008;122(10):2377-9. 15. Pfefferle R et al. J<br />

Invest Dermatol 2008;128(9):2310-5.<br />

HPV dna PreValence among women wiTH normal cyTology and HPV<br />

TyPe-sPecific PreValence of THe fiVe mosT frequenT TyPes in eacH<br />

of fiVe world regions: liTeraTure reView<br />

-58, -52 and -35), where HPV-16 accounts<br />

for some 50% of the types and HPV-18 for<br />

some 20% according to similar studies<br />

and literature reviews. The analyses<br />

strongly suggest the biological advantage<br />

of some HPV types (namely HPV-16)<br />

to transmit and persist (as reflected<br />

by the dominant prevalence in women<br />

with normal cytology) and to progress<br />

to cervical cancer (as reflected by their<br />

priority ranking and relative enrichment<br />

in cervical cancer cases).<br />

WHO / ICO Information Centre on HPV and Cervical Cancer (<br />


hpv in screening and triage<br />

12<br />

beyond sTudies:<br />

HPV TesTing in rouTine cerVical cancer screening<br />

Wolfsburg was the first place in Germany where routine<br />

Pap smear screening was introduced and nowadays is<br />

the first city in Europe to successfully run a local primary<br />

screening program for cervical cancer based on HPV<br />

testing and Pap smear. When the Wolfsburg Cervical<br />

Cancer Prevention Project started in February 2006 it<br />

raised a lot of fears amongst gynaecologists throughout<br />

Germany. For women aged 20 or older, an annual visit to<br />

a private gynaecological practice is recommended and<br />

reimbursed by the German health insurance companies.<br />

Apart from pelvic examination, exclusion of infectious<br />

diseases, breast examination and Pap smear, age-specific<br />

counselling (e.g., menopausal problems, contraception)<br />

and general health advice are part of this health checkup.<br />

Officials were afraid that any change in the cervical<br />

cancer screening program would automatically result in<br />

a significant loss of patients. Furthermore, many critics<br />

expected a wave of panic among women with positive<br />

HPV tests. However, nothing of the sort happened in<br />

Wolfsburg. Participation in the Wolfsburg project is high,<br />

with more than 85% of the target population being<br />

screened within the first 30 months. At the same time,<br />

attendance for the annual examination increased in 2006,<br />

the first year of the project, and returned to average rates<br />


n= 17,087 women 30+ years<br />

Screening Result Final Diagnosis<br />

Colposcopy CIN3+<br />

Cyto+/HPV- 23 0<br />

HPV+/Cyto- 286 52<br />

HPV+/Cyto+ 124 52<br />

Table 1. Only women with persitently positive Hybrid<br />

Capture ® 2 (HC2 ® , Qiagen Gaithersburg, Inc., MD, USA,<br />

previously Digene Corporation) or positive Pap smears<br />

are transferred to colposcopy after 1 year. CIN: Cervical<br />

intraepithelial neoplasia.<br />

in 2007/2008. More<br />

than 99% of women<br />

who attended one<br />

of the participating<br />

gynaecologists in<br />

private practice and<br />

fulfilled the inclusion<br />

criteria (aged<br />

30 years or older,<br />

no history of hysterectomy,<br />

member<br />

of Deutsche BKK)<br />

decided to join<br />

the new routine<br />

program.<br />

Within the first three years of the<br />

project, out of a screened population of<br />

17,000 women 2.4% were transferred<br />

for colposcopy and 1.1% underwent<br />

invasive treatment. exactly 50% of the<br />

104 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of<br />

grade 3 (CIN3)/cancer cases identified<br />

had normal Pap smears at recruitment<br />

and were only detected because of<br />

positive HC2 ® results (Table 1).<br />

This is one out of 31 cases with normal<br />

Pap smears at months 0, 6 and 12<br />

but positive HPV tests and cervical<br />

intraepithelial neoplasia of grade 3<br />

(CIN3), adenocarcinoma in situ (ACIS)<br />

or invasive cancer on colposcopy at<br />

month 12-15.<br />

Figure 1<br />

Figure 2<br />

Figure 1 shows the colposcopy picture after application of<br />

acetic acid. Because of atypical vessels and dense greyish<br />

epithelium the lesion was classified as high-grade.<br />

Figure 2 shows the histology picture showing an adenocarcinoma<br />

in situ.<br />

Case No. 1 Age: 45 years<br />

29/01/2007 Pap II HPV positive<br />

11/05/2007 Pap II<br />

25/07/2007 Pap II<br />

03/03/2008 Pap II HPV positive<br />

21/04/2008 Colpo-Clinic Adeno-Ca in situ<br />

Table 2. HPV persistency prompted colposcopy in the presence of repeated<br />

normal cytology<br />

The telephone hotline installed to calm fears among<br />

worried participants with positive results was rarely<br />

used, and there was no “HPV-induced hysteria”.<br />

One key to the program’s success was the involvement

Alexander Luyten<br />

Frauenklinik im Klinikum Wolfsburg, Germany.<br />

of all gynaecologists in all steps during the development<br />

of the project, including patient information and the<br />

definition of patient pathways. Deutsche BKK is the<br />

health insurer for roughly half of the population in Wolfsburg<br />

and was the other driving force behind the project<br />

as its management agreed to reimburse a recruitment<br />

fee, data transmission, HPV testing and colposcopy.<br />

This investment is recovered by the reduced numbers<br />

of Pap smears, examinations and treatments. Screening<br />

intervals for women with negative Hybrid Capture ® 2<br />

(HC2 ® Qiagen Gaithersburg, Inc., MD, USA, previously<br />

Digene Corporation) tests and normal Pap smears are<br />

extended to five years instead of the annual Pap smear<br />

in the German routine screening program. Triaging tests<br />

as well as referrals for colposcopy are supervised by a<br />

central data-management unit.<br />

Even among the 52 cases with positive Pap smears<br />

at recruitment, 43 had an earlier diagnosis because<br />


Monika Hampl, gynaecology, vulvar cancer<br />

Düsseldorf<br />

Herbert Pfister, virology, skin cancer<br />

Sigrun Smola, virology<br />

Thomas Löning, pathology<br />

Peter Hillemanns, gynaecology<br />

Maria Blettner, Stefanie Klug, epidemiology<br />

Thomas Iftner, virology, screening<br />

Köln<br />

THe german neTwork of HPV<br />

and cancer researcH: THe HPV<br />

managemenT forum<br />

Frankfurt<br />

Mainz<br />

Heidelberg<br />

Tübingen<br />

Hamburg<br />

Hannover<br />

emmendingen<br />

Peter Schneede, urology<br />

Jena<br />

Rostock<br />

Gerd Gross, dermatology<br />

BeRlin<br />

Wolfsburg<br />

K. ulrich Petry, gynaecology, screening<br />

Hans Ikenberg, gynaecology<br />

Matthias Dürst, tumour virology<br />

Harald zur Hausen, virology<br />

Lutz Gissmann, virology<br />

Magnus von Knebel-Doeberitz, molecular biology<br />

Michael Pawlita, molecular biology<br />

Karl ulrich Petry<br />

Frauenklinik im Klinikum Wolfsburg, Germany.<br />

atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance<br />

(ASCUS) and low squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)<br />

cases with positive HC2 ® tests were immediately transferred<br />

for colposcopy. Some other health insurers may<br />

join this project, which has already been extended to<br />

neighbouring areas. The Wolfsburg project demonstrates<br />

that HPV screening is feasible, improves the quality of<br />

cervical cancer prevention and is highly accepted among<br />

gynaecologists and the female population.<br />

The biggest remaining problem within the project is the<br />

best management of HC2 ® positive women with normal<br />

cytology results. The current triaging with repeat Pap<br />

smear at month six only detects a minority of cases,<br />

and three invasive cancer cases were only diagnosed<br />

because of persistent positive HC2 ® results after twelve<br />

months. Hopefully, adjunct scientific trials will lead to<br />

better tools that allow an earlier identification of CIN3+<br />

cases.<br />

The HPV-Management Forum<br />

is a working group of the<br />

German Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft<br />

für Chemoptherapie. It<br />

consists of a multidisciplinary<br />

consortium of individuals<br />

and centers experienced in<br />

basic and clinical HPV-related<br />

sciences.<br />

Achim Schneider, gynaecology, oncology<br />

Andreas Kaufmann, immunology<br />


comParison of THe Performance of differenT HPV geno-<br />

TyPing meTHods for deTecTing geniTal HPV TyPes<br />

S. J. Klug, A. Molijn, B. Schopp, B. Holz, A. Iftner, W. Quint, J. F. Snijders, K. U. Petry, Kjaer S.<br />

Kruger, C. Munk, and T. Iftner. J Med Virol 2008;80:1264-74.<br />

This study evaluates the performance of the three L1-polymerase chain reaction<br />

(PCR)-based assays PGMY09/11 LBA, HPV-DNA Chip and SPF LiPA, and an E1 consensus<br />

PCR followed by cycle sequencing (E1-PCR). The four tests were evaluated<br />

crosswise using 824 cervical smears pre-tested by Hybrid Capture ® 2 (HC2 ® , Qiagen<br />

Gaithersburg, Inc., MD, USA, previously Digene Corporation). Differences were noted<br />

in the sensitivity and range for specific HPV types. HPV-16 was the most prevalent<br />

type detected by all tests except for SPF-10 LiPa, which detected HPV-31 more<br />

often. Calculated kappa values were higher for high risk type positivity (k=0.31–0.61)<br />

and best for recognition of HPV-16 (k=0.53–0.72). The analytical sensitivity of the<br />

tests ranged between 15% and 97% for individual types and specificity was highly<br />

dependent on which test system was used as ‘‘gold standard’’ for the analysis.<br />

E1-PCR, PGMY09/11 LBA and SPF-10 LiPA had a high clinical sensitivity (>95%) for<br />

the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)2+, whereas the HPV-DNA<br />

Chip reached only 84.1%.<br />

new asPecTs of VulVar cancer: cHanges in localizaTion<br />

and age of onseT<br />

M. Hampl, S. Deckers-Figiel, J. A. Hampl, D. Rein, and H. G. Bender. Gynecol Oncol 2008;109:340-5.<br />

Although the incidence of invasive vulvar cancer has been reported to be stable or<br />

only minimally increased, the results of this study, conducted at one university hospital<br />

unit in Germany, show that the number of cases has doubled within the last three<br />

decades, with a nearly fourfold increase in younger patients (+372%) due to high risk<br />

HPV infection. The total increase was 192%. Two thirds of the tumors in women aged<br />

VulVar cancer in THe anTerior fourcHeTTe<br />

in a young woman<br />

50 years and 25% under 40 years of age.<br />

Small non-invasive, microinvasive, and<br />

invasive lesions in the non-keratinized<br />

region between the clitoris and the<br />

urethra are increasingly being seen in<br />

Germany. 2 In our patient cohort, 38 out<br />

VuLVar CaNCEr<br />

uFK Duesseldorf 1980-2007<br />

Table 1<br />

january 1980<br />

February 1989<br />

of 102 women presented with lesions in<br />

the anterior fourchette (37%; 1998-2007).<br />

The tumors in this area were high risk HPV<br />

positive in 61% of cases. These lesions are<br />

sometimes hard to see and are therefore<br />

diagnosed late, at which point they often<br />

Changes in the incidence of vulvar cancers treated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Duesseldorf,<br />

Germany, between 1980 and 2007<br />

Figure 2<br />

Period<br />

March 1989<br />

April 1998<br />

<strong>May</strong> 1998<br />

june 2007<br />

Number 53 69 102<br />

< 50 years 6 (11%) 17 (25%) 42 (41%)<br />

> 50 years 47 (89%) 52 (75%) 60 (59%)<br />

Mean age (years) 65.6 63.9 57<br />

Area<br />

between clitoris/urethra 10 (19%) 14 (20%) 38 (37%)<br />

perineum 5 (9%) 14 (20%) 13 (13%)<br />

labia 26 (49%) 21 (30%) 27 (26%)<br />

elsewhere 12 (23%) 20 (29%) 21 (20%)<br />

Figure 1<br />

Tumor location as seen on admission in our case of<br />

a 27-year-old woman.<br />

Acceptable cosmetic result after local tumor resection<br />

(pT1b tumor).<br />

involve the orificium externum of the<br />

urethra (14%) and therefore require partial<br />

urethral resection (in up to 15% of cases).<br />

There are several potential explanations<br />

for this observation. First of all, the epithelium<br />

between the clitoris and urethra is a<br />

non-keratinized squamous cell epithelium.<br />

It therefore seems conceivable that, in<br />

comparison with the transformation<br />

zone on the cervix, the non-keratinized<br />

epithelium in this region is less protected<br />

from viral infection because of this lack of<br />

keratin and might be more susceptible to<br />

the small tears or lesions which favor and<br />

facilitate infection with HPV. The increasing<br />

number of women being infected with high<br />

risk HPV may contribute to this change in<br />

tumor localization. Although our data for<br />

HPV-involvement in vulvar cancer concern<br />

only a relatively low number of women<br />

with HPV-positive lesions (n=18), 11 of<br />

these lesions were located in the anterior<br />

fourchette. To verify these data, we will<br />

perform HPV typing in a larger series of<br />

these tumors.<br />

Whether changes in genital hygiene practices,<br />

such as the use of rougher toilet<br />

paper, also play a role is purely speculative.<br />

Another explanation could be the<br />

trend towards an earlier onset of first<br />

sexual contact in young females, which<br />

often starts with non-penetrative sexual<br />

practices that might be sufficient for this<br />

area to become infected with HPV. This<br />

could result in an early-onset, pre-invasive<br />

neoplasia and subsequent development of<br />

invasive tumors years later.<br />

We conclude that the anterior vulvar<br />

fornix and periclitoral region seems<br />

to be a predisposed location for<br />

tumors in young women and should<br />

therefore be examined thoroughly by<br />

colposcopy and biopsy in the event<br />

of a suspicious lesion.<br />

ReFeReNCeS: 1. Hampl M et al. A case of a pT3 HPV -52 positive vulvar cancer in an 18 year-old woman. Gynecol Oncol 2006;101:530-33. 2. Hampl M et al. New aspects in vulvar<br />

cancer: changes in localization and age of onset. Gynecol Oncol 2008;109:340-45. 3. Jones RW, Baranyai J, Stables S. Trends in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva: the influence<br />

of VIN. Obstet Gynecol 1997;90:448-52. 4. Judson PL et al. Trends in the incidence of invasive and in situ vulvar carcinoma. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107(5):1018-22<br />


Barcelona, Spain<br />

22 nd – 24 th june <strong>2009</strong><br />

Barcelona Vaccine Forum <strong>2009</strong><br />

Active Immunotherapeutics<br />

Forum <strong>2009</strong><br />

Venue: The Fira Palace<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Acapulco, Mexico<br />

8 th – 11 th july <strong>2009</strong><br />

VIII International Congress<br />

and XIII National Meeting<br />

of the Mexican Association<br />

of Colposcopy and Cervical<br />

Pathology<br />

Venue: Puerto de Acapulco<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />

27 th – 28 th August <strong>2009</strong><br />

International Congress of<br />

Controversies in Obstetrics and<br />

Gynaecology<br />

Venue: Salón El Mirador<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Florence, Italy<br />

4 th – 9 th September <strong>2009</strong><br />

22 nd european Congress of<br />

Pathology<br />

Venue: Fortezza da Basso<br />

E-mail: info@ecp<strong>2009</strong>.org<br />

Web: www.ecp<strong>2009</strong>.org<br />

Published with unrestricted educational grants from:<br />

international agenda<br />

Rome, Italy<br />

10 th – 13 th September <strong>2009</strong><br />

8 th Congress of the european<br />

Society of Gynecology<br />

Venue: Monumental Complex of<br />

Santo Spirito in Saxia<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web: www.seg<strong>2009</strong>.com<br />

Lisbon, Portugal<br />

27 th – 30 th September <strong>2009</strong><br />

35 th european Congress of<br />

Cytology<br />

Venue: Lisbon Congress Center<br />

E-mail: cytologylisboa<strong>2009</strong>@<br /><br />

Web: www.cytologylisboa<strong>2009</strong>.com<br />

Cape Town, South Africa<br />

4 th – 9 th October <strong>2009</strong><br />

XIX FIGO World Congress of<br />

Gynecology & Obstetrics<br />

Venue: Cape Town International<br />

Convetion Centre<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web: www.figo<strong>2009</strong><br />

Belgrade, Serbia<br />

11 th – 15 th October <strong>2009</strong><br />

16 th International Meeting<br />

of the european Society of<br />

Gynaecological Oncology<br />

(eSGO)<br />

Venue: Sava Congress Center<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Shanghai, China<br />

14 th – 18 th October <strong>2009</strong><br />

13 th Asian Pacific Congress<br />

of Pediatrics and 3 rd Asian<br />

Pacific Congress of Pediatric<br />

Nursing<br />

Venue: Shanghai International<br />

Convention Center<br />

E-mail: appa<strong>2009</strong><br />

Web:<br />

appa<strong>2009</strong><br />

Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />

18 th – 22 nd November <strong>2009</strong><br />

6 th World Congress on<br />

Pediatric Infectious Diseases<br />

Venue: Sheraton Buenos Aires<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

pages/home.aspx<br />

Monte Carlo, Monaco<br />

17 th – 20 th February 2010<br />

european Research<br />

Organisation on Genital<br />

Infection and Neoplasia<br />

euROGIN 2010<br />

Venue: Grimaldi Forum Convention<br />

Center<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

edinburgh, Scotland<br />

16 th – 20 th <strong>May</strong> 2010<br />

17 th International Congress of<br />

Cytology<br />

Venue: Edinburgh Convention Bureau<br />

E-mail: cytology2010@<br /><br />

Web:<br />

Montpellier, France<br />

23 rd – 26 th <strong>May</strong> 2010<br />

16 th World Congress on<br />

Pediatric and Adolescent<br />

Gynecology<br />

Venue: Le Corum<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Berlin, Germany<br />

27 th – 29 th <strong>May</strong> 2010<br />

5 th european Congress<br />

of the european Federation<br />

for Colposcopy and Cervical<br />

Pathology<br />

Venue: Hotel InterContinental<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Montreal, Canada<br />

2 nd – 8 th july 2010<br />

26 th International<br />

Papillomavirus Conference<br />

and Clinical Workshop<br />

Venue: Palais Des Congrès<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web:<br />

Berlin, Germany<br />

17th – 23rd September 2011<br />

27th International<br />

Papillomavirus Conference<br />

and Clinical Workshop<br />

Venue: International Congress<br />

Center<br />

Web:<br />

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e-mail or reTrieVe any PreVious<br />

issues in englisH, sPanisH,<br />

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