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Back Matter (PDF) - Studies in Mycology

Back Matter (PDF) - Studies in Mycology


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Abrothallus, 22<br />

Acremonium, 81<br />

Aecidium, 21<br />

Aleurodiscus farlowii, 57<br />

Almbornia, 22<br />

Alternaria, 24<br />

Amanita, 20<br />

Amanita muscaria, 2<br />

Amphilogia, 19, 43<br />

Amphilogia gyrosa, 38, 256<br />

Amphisphaeriaceae, 175<br />

Amylostereum areolatum, 25<br />

Armillaria fuscipes, 20<br />

Armillaria gallica, 20<br />

Armillaria mellea, 20<br />

Arthrobotryum puttemansii, 169<br />

Aspergillus, 6, 19<br />

Auerswaldiella, 244<br />

Bartal<strong>in</strong>ia robillardoides, 20<br />

Batcheloromyces, 18<br />

Bipolaris, 19<br />

Botryosphaeria, 18, 20, 53, 235, 242<br />

Botryosphaeria australis, 248<br />

Botryosphaeria dothidea, 235<br />

Botryosphaeria eucalypticola, 248<br />

Botryosphaeria eucalyptorum, 248<br />

Botryosphaeria lutea, 248<br />

Botryosphaeria parva, 248<br />

Botryosphaeria protearum, 249<br />

Botryosphaeria quercuum, 249<br />

Botryosphaeria ribis, 56, 249<br />

Botryosphaeria sarmentorum, 247<br />

Botryosphaeria subglobosa, 241<br />

Broomella, 175<br />

Bulgaria, 60<br />

Calonectria, 213<br />

Calonectria avesiculata, 216<br />

Calonectria clavata, 216, 220<br />

Calonectria colhounii, 216<br />

Calonectria gracilipes, 216<br />

Calonectria gracilis, 216<br />

Calonectria <strong>in</strong>dusiata, 216<br />

Calonectria legum<strong>in</strong>um, 217<br />

Calonectria macroconidialis, 217<br />

Calonectria madagascariensis, 217<br />

Calonectria multiseptata, 217<br />

Calonectria penicilloides, 217<br />

Calonectria pteridis, 217<br />

Calonectria pyrochroa, 225<br />

Calonectria reteaudii, 217<br />

Calonectria rumohrae, 217<br />

Camarosporium, 250<br />

Camarosporium dalmaticum, 242<br />

Campylocarpon, 19, 227<br />

Candelariella vitell<strong>in</strong>a, 56<br />

Canomacul<strong>in</strong>a, 22<br />

Celoporthe, 261<br />

Celoporthe dispersa, 19, 256, 261<br />

Cephalosporium, 81<br />

Ceratocystiopsis, 75, 81, 87, 269<br />

Ceratocystiopsis alba, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis brevicomi, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis collifera, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis concentrica, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis conicicollis, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis crassivag<strong>in</strong>ata, 90<br />

Ceratocystiopsis crenulata, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis falcata, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis longispora, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis manitobensis, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis m<strong>in</strong>ima, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis m<strong>in</strong>uta, 87, 272<br />

Ceratocystiopsis m<strong>in</strong>uta-bicolor, 87<br />

Ceratocystiopsis ochracea, 89<br />

Ceratocystiopsis pallidobrunnea, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis parva, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis proteae, 89<br />

Ceratocystiopsis ranaculosa, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis retusi, 89<br />

Ceratocystiopsis rollhanseniana, 88<br />

Ceratocystiopsis sp<strong>in</strong>ulosa, 89<br />

Ceratocystis, 269<br />

Ceratocystis abiocarpa, 89<br />

Ceratocystis adiposa, 272<br />

Ceratocystis alba, 88<br />

Ceratocystis albifundus, 24, 272<br />

Ceratocystis aurea, 89<br />

Ceratocystis ca<strong>in</strong>ii, 90<br />

Ceratocystis clavigera, 90<br />

Ceratocystis concentrica, 87<br />

Ceratocystis conicicollis, 88<br />

Ceratocystis crassivag<strong>in</strong>ata, 90<br />

Ceratocystis davidsonii, 90<br />

Ceratocystis dolom<strong>in</strong>uta, 87<br />

Ceratocystis dryocoetidis, 90<br />

Ceratocystis europhioides, 90<br />

Ceratocystis falcata, 88<br />

Ceratocystis fasciata, 88<br />

Ceratocystis fimbriata, 272<br />

Ceratocystis francke-grosmanniae, 90<br />

Ceratocystis galeiformis, 90<br />

Ceratocystis imperfecta, 92<br />

Ceratocystis longispora, 88<br />

Ceratocystis m<strong>in</strong>ima, 87<br />

Ceratocystis m<strong>in</strong>uta, 87<br />

Ceratocystis m<strong>in</strong>uta-bicolor, 87<br />

Ceratocystis moniliformis, 273<br />

Ceratocystis ochracea, 89<br />

Ceratocystis olivacea, 91<br />

Ceratocystis pallida, 87<br />

Ceratocystis pallidobrunnea, 88<br />

Ceratocystis parva, 88<br />

Ceratocystis penicillata, 89<br />

Ceratocystis piceiperdum, 91<br />

Ceratocystis pilifera, 87<br />

Ceratocystis pirilliformis, 273<br />

Ceratocystis pseudoeurophioides, 91<br />

Ceratocystis radicicola, 272<br />


Ceratocystis retusi, 89<br />

Ceratocystis robusta, 91<br />

Ceratocystis rostrocyl<strong>in</strong>drica, 92<br />

Ceratocystis sagmatospora, 91<br />

Ceratocystis serpens, 91<br />

Ceratocystis sp<strong>in</strong>ulosa, 89<br />

Ceratocystis tr<strong>in</strong>acriformis, 92<br />

Ceratocystis truncicola, 93<br />

Ceratocystis valdiviana, 93<br />

Ceratocystis vesca, 92<br />

Ceratocystis wageneri, 92<br />

Ceratostoma piliferum, 87<br />

Ceratostomella imperfecta, 92<br />

Ceratostomella m<strong>in</strong>uta, 87<br />

Ceratostomella obscura, 92<br />

Ceratostomella penicillata, 89<br />

Ceratostomella piceiperda, 91<br />

Ceratostomella pilifera, 87<br />

Ceratostomella p<strong>in</strong>i, 92<br />

Cercospora, 19<br />

Cercospora apii, 190<br />

Cercospora beticola, 190<br />

Cercospora canescens, 190<br />

Cercospora columnaris, 169<br />

Cercospora griseola, 168<br />

Cercospora solimanii, 169<br />

Cercospora sorghi var. maydis, 190<br />

Cercospora sorghi, 190<br />

Cercospora stuhlmannii, 169<br />

Cercospora zeae-maydis, 189, 190, 193<br />

Cercospora ze<strong>in</strong>a, 190, 194<br />

Cercosporella, 19<br />

Chalara hughesii, 273<br />

Chalara terrestris, 272<br />

Chlorophyllum, 20<br />

Chrysoporthe, 19, 43, 49, 50<br />

Chrysoporthe austroafricana, 38, 256<br />

Chrysoporthe cubensis, 35, 36, 38, 41, 255, 256<br />

Chrysoporthella hodgesiana, 37, 38, 256<br />

Cladophialophora, 55<br />

Cladoriella, 53, 54<br />

Cladoriella eucalypti, 54, 56<br />

Cladosporium, 19, 55<br />

Cladosporium herbarum, 166<br />

Clathrus, 20<br />

Collemataceae, 22<br />

Colletogloeopsis 116<br />

Colletogloeopsis gauchensis, 136, 143<br />

Colletogloeopsis molleriana, 101, 151<br />

Colletogloeopsis nubilosum, 100, 150<br />

Colletogloeopsis stellenboschiana, 110<br />

Colletogloeopsis zuluensis, 103, 133, 136, 144<br />

Colletotrichum, 7, 19, 20<br />

Combea, 22<br />

Coniella, 20, 53<br />

Coniodictyum chevalieri, 281<br />

Coniothyrium ovatum, 111<br />

Cornuvesica, 269<br />

Cornuvesica falcata, 88<br />

Corynelia uberata, 2<br />

Cr<strong>in</strong>ula caliciiformis, 57, 60<br />

Cryphonectria, 36, 43, 49–51, 53, 58, 255<br />

300<br />

Cryphonectria coccolobae, 35, 37, 43, 44, 50<br />

Cryphonectria cubensis, 19, 82, 255<br />

Cryphonectria eucalypti, 37, 48, 255<br />

Cryphonectria gyrosa, 35<br />

Cryphonectria havanensis, 35, 36, 37, 41, 43, 44, 82<br />

Cryphonectria longirostris, 36<br />

Cryphonectria macrospora, 37, 39<br />

Cryphonectria nitschkei, 39, 41, 82<br />

Cryphonectria parasitica, 37, 39, 41, 256<br />

Cryphonectria radicalis, 39, 256<br />

Cudoniella clavus, 57, 63<br />

Curvicladiella, 225<br />

Curvicladiella cignea, 225<br />

Curvularia, 19<br />

Cyathicula coronata, 63<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon, 19, 227<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon destructans, 227<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon heteronema, 228<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon liriodendri, 228, 232<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon magnusianum, 227<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocarpon obtusisporum, 227<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladiella, 19<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium, 19, 53, 213<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium acicola, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium angustatum, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium australiense, 218, 221<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium avesiculatum, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium candelabrum, 19<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium clavatum, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium colhounii, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium curvisporum, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium ecuadoriae, 218, 222<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium flexuosum, 216, 220<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium gordoniae, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium gracile, 218<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium graciloideum, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium hawksworthii, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium hurae, 219<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium ilicicola, 225<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium legum<strong>in</strong>um, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium macroconidiale, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium madagascariense, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium multiseptatum, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium pauciramosum, 19<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium pseudogracile, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium pteridis, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium reteaudii, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium rumohrae, 217<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium spathiphylli, 19<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drocladium theae, 216<br />

Cyl<strong>in</strong>drosporium phaseoli, 168<br />

Cymatoderma, 20<br />

Cytospora, 53<br />

Davidiella, 55<br />

Davidiella tassiana, 166<br />

Davisoniella eucalypti, 111<br />

Devriesia, 55<br />

Diaporthe, 58<br />

Diaporthe ambigua, 39, 41, 66, 70, 72, 73, 256<br />

Diaporthe aspalathi, 66, 70, 71, 72<br />

Diaporthe phaseolorum, 65, 70, 71

Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis, 71, 73<br />

Diplodia, 20, 241<br />

Diplodia macrospora, 251<br />

Diplodia porosum, 241<br />

Diplodia zeae, 20<br />

Diploschistes, 22<br />

Discostroma, 175<br />

Dissoconium commune, 100, 150<br />

Dissoconium dekkeri, 100, 151<br />

Dothidotthia, 244<br />

Dothiorella pyrenophora, 247<br />

Dothiorella sarmentorum, 247<br />

Dothistroma, 20<br />

Endophyllum elytropappi, 21<br />

Endophyllum osteospermi, 21<br />

Endothia, 43, 49, 50, 51<br />

Endothia gyrosa, 49, 256<br />

Endothia havanensis, 44<br />

Erysiphaceae, 18<br />

Europhium, 81, 89<br />

Europhium aureum, 89<br />

Europhium clavigerum, 90<br />

Europhium robustum, 91<br />

Europhium tr<strong>in</strong>acriforme, 92<br />

Eutypa, 73<br />

Eutypella, 70, 73<br />

Exserohilum, 19<br />

Fugomyces cyanescens, 292<br />

Fulvoflamma, 53, 56<br />

Fulvoflamma eucalypti, 56<br />

Fusarium, 4, 19<br />

Fusarium andiyazi, 19<br />

Fusarium gram<strong>in</strong>earum, 24<br />

Fusarium thaps<strong>in</strong>um, 19<br />

Fusarium verticillioides, 6<br />

Fusicladium convolvulorum, 56<br />

Fusicoccum, 20, 242<br />

Fusicoccum arbuti, 248<br />

Fusicoccum australe, 248<br />

Fusicoccum dalmaticum, 242<br />

Fusicoccum dimidiatum, 244<br />

Fusicoccum eucalypticola, 248<br />

Fusicoccum eucalyptorum, 248<br />

Fusicoccum luteum, 248<br />

Fusicoccum macroclavatum, 248<br />

Fusicoccum mangiferae, 248<br />

Fusicoccum parvum, 248<br />

Fusicoccum protearum, 249<br />

Fusicoccum ribis, 249<br />

Fusicoccum viticlavatum, 249<br />

Fusicoccum vitifusiforme, 249<br />

Gaeumannomyces, 56<br />

Gnomonia pulcherrima, 44<br />

Gondwanamyces, 269<br />

Gondwanamyces capensis, 272<br />

Gondwanamyces proteae, 89, 272<br />

Graphilbum, 81<br />

Graphium, 19, 81<br />

Graphium calicioides, 273<br />

Graphium laxum, 169<br />

Graphium pseudormiticum, 272<br />

Graphium putred<strong>in</strong>is, 272<br />

Graphium sagmatosporae, 91<br />

Grosmannia, 75, 81, 89, 269<br />

Grosmannia abiocarpa, 89<br />

Grosmannia aenigmatica, 89<br />

Grosmannia americana, 89<br />

Grosmannia aurea, 89<br />

Grosmannia ca<strong>in</strong>ii, 89<br />

Grosmannia clavigera, 90<br />

Grosmannia crassivag<strong>in</strong>ata, 88<br />

Grosmannia crassivag<strong>in</strong>ata, 90<br />

Grosmannia cucullata, 90<br />

Grosmannia davidsonii, 90<br />

Grosmannia dryocoetidis, 90<br />

Grosmannia europhioides, 90<br />

Grosmannia francke-grosmanniae, 90<br />

Grosmannia galeiformis, 90<br />

Grosmannia grandifoliae, 90<br />

Grosmannia huntii, 91<br />

Grosmannia laricis, 91<br />

Grosmannia leptographioides, 91<br />

Grosmannia olivacea, 91<br />

Grosmannia penicillata, 89<br />

Grosmannia piceiperda, 91<br />

Grosmannia p<strong>in</strong>i, 92<br />

Grosmannia pseudoeurophioides, 91<br />

Grosmannia radiaticola, 91<br />

Grosmannia robusta, 91<br />

Grosmannia sagmatospora, 91<br />

Grosmannia serpens, 91, 272<br />

Grosmannia vesca, 92<br />

Grosmannia wageneri, 92<br />

Guignardia, 244, 250<br />

Haplosporangium, 21<br />

Harknessia, 20, 53<br />

Helgardia, 19<br />

Helm<strong>in</strong>thosporium, 6<br />

Helm<strong>in</strong>thosporium maydis, 6<br />

Hendersonula toruloidea, 244<br />

Holocryphia, 19, 48–51, 255<br />

Holocryphia eucalypti, 38, 41, 48, 49, 256<br />

Homostegia, 244<br />

Hyalorh<strong>in</strong>ocladiella, 75, 81, 82, 269<br />

Hyalorh<strong>in</strong>ocladiella m<strong>in</strong>uta-bicolor, 88<br />

Hymenagaricus, 20<br />

Hymenochaete, 20<br />

Hymenoscyphus fructigenus, 63<br />

Hymenoscyphus scutula, 63<br />

Hysteropatella clavispora, 56<br />

Isariopsis laxa, 169<br />

Karoowia, 22<br />

Karstenula, 250<br />

Kirramyces epicoccoides, 103<br />

Knoxdaviesia proteae, 89<br />

Lasiodiplodia, 241<br />

Lepiota, 20<br />


Leptographium, 19, 75, 81, 269<br />

Leptographium aenigmaticum, 89<br />

Leptographium alacre, 91<br />

Leptographium americanum, 89<br />

Leptographium aureum, 89<br />

Leptographium brevicolle, 92<br />

Leptographium clavigerum, 90<br />

Leptographium crassivag<strong>in</strong>atum, 90<br />

Leptographium dryocoetidis, 90<br />

Leptographium francke-grosmanniae, 90<br />

Leptographium gallaeciae, 91<br />

Leptographium guttulatum, 274<br />

Leptographium lundbergii, 77, 272<br />

Leptographium penicillatum, 89<br />

Leptographium piceiperdum, 91<br />

Leptographium procerum, 272<br />

Leptographium reconditum, 272<br />

Leptographium robustum, 91<br />

Leptographium serpens, 91<br />

Leptographium tr<strong>in</strong>acriforme, 92<br />

Leptographium truncatum, 77, 272<br />

Leptographium wageneri var. ponderosae, 92<br />

Leptographium wageneri var. wageneri, 77<br />

Leptosphaerul<strong>in</strong>a chartarum, 18<br />

Leptospora rubella, 56, 57<br />

Leucoagaricus, 20<br />

Leuconeurospora pulcherrima, 57, 60<br />

Leucostoma persoonii, 58<br />

Libertella sp., 67, 73<br />

Lichenoconium, 22<br />

Lichenostigma cosmopolites, 22<br />

L<strong>in</strong>daumyces griseolus, 168<br />

L<strong>in</strong>ostoma piliferum, 87<br />

Macrodiplodia, 250<br />

Macrohilum eucalypti, 56, 58<br />

Macrolepiota, 20<br />

Macrophom<strong>in</strong>a phaseol<strong>in</strong>a, 243<br />

Macrophomopsis coronillae, 242<br />

Magnaporthe rhizophila, 18<br />

Melampsora laricis-popul<strong>in</strong>a, 6<br />

Microdiplodia, 250<br />

Microstroma album, 292<br />

Microstroma juglandis, 292<br />

Microthia, 19, 44, 49–51<br />

Microthia coccolobae, 40, 46, 49<br />

Microthia havanensis, 38, 40, 44, 49, 50<br />

Monil<strong>in</strong>ia, 58<br />

Montagnea, 20<br />

Mycosphaerella, 18, 24, 53<br />

Mycosphaerella africana, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella ambiphylla, 137, 150, 158<br />

Mycosphaerella aurantia, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella colombiensis, 137, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella communis, 100, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella cryptica, 99, 100, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella crystall<strong>in</strong>a, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella davisoniellae, 111<br />

Mycosphaerella ellipsoidea, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella endophytica, 100, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella eucalyptorum, 100, 112<br />

Mycosphaerella flexuosa, 100, 150<br />

302<br />

Mycosphaerella fori, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella gamsii, 100, 113<br />

Mycosphaerella gracilis, 100, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella grandis, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella gregaria, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella heimii, 100, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella heimioides, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella <strong>in</strong>termedia, 150, 159<br />

Mycosphaerella irregulariramosa, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella jonkershoekensis, 100<br />

Mycosphaerella lateralis, 100, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella madeirae, 100, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella marksii, 100, 151, 159<br />

Mycosphaerella mexicana, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella molleriana, 100, 137, 151, 158<br />

Mycosphaerella nubilosa, 99, 101, 137, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella ohnowa, 150<br />

Mycosphaerella parkii, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella parva, 101, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella perpendicularis, 101, 113<br />

Mycosphaerella pluritubularis, 101, 114<br />

Mycosphaerella pseudafricana, 101, 115<br />

Mycosphaerella pseudocryptica, 101, 116<br />

Mycosphaerella pseudoendophytica, 118<br />

Mycosphaerella pseudosuberosa, 101, 118<br />

Mycosphaerella quasicercospora, 101, 119<br />

Mycosphaerella readeriellophora, 101, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella scytalidii, 120<br />

Mycosphaerella secundaria, 102, 122<br />

Mycosphaerella stramenti, 102, 123<br />

Mycosphaerella stramenticola, 102, 123<br />

Mycosphaerella suberosa, 102, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella sumatrensis, 102, 124<br />

Mycosphaerella suttonii, 103, 137, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella tasmaniensis, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella toledana, 151<br />

Mycosphaerella verrucosiafricana, 103, 125<br />

Mycosphaerella vespa, 103, 137, 151, 158<br />

Mycosphaerella walkeri, 103, 151<br />

Nalanthamala, 19<br />

Namakwa, 22<br />

Nattrassia mangiferae, 248<br />

Nectria ditissima, 228<br />

Nectria liriodendri, 228<br />

Nectria mammoidea, 227<br />

Nectricladiella, 19<br />

Neodeightonia, 244<br />

Neofabraea malicorticis, 57, 60<br />

Neofusicoccum, 247<br />

Neofusicoccum and<strong>in</strong>um, 247<br />

Neofusicoccum arbuti, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum australe, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum eucalypticola, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum eucalyptorum, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum luteum, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum macroclavatum, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum mangiferae, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum parvum, 248<br />

Neofusicoccum protearum, 249<br />

Neofusicoccum ribis, 249<br />

Neofusicoccum viticlavatum, 249

Neofusicoccum vitifusiforme, 249<br />

Neonectria liriodendri, 232<br />

Neonectria radicicola, 227<br />

Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, 244<br />

Neoscytalidium, 244<br />

Oculimacula, 19<br />

Ophiobolus rubellus, 57<br />

Ophiostoma, 18, 25, 63, 75, 81, 82, 87, 269<br />

Ophiostoma abiet<strong>in</strong>um, 274<br />

Ophiostoma abiocarpum, 89<br />

Ophiostoma aenigmaticum, 77, 89<br />

Ophiostoma africanum, 77, 86, 199, 202, 272<br />

Ophiostoma a<strong>in</strong>oae, 77, 86<br />

Ophiostoma americanum, 89<br />

Ophiostoma araucariae, 77, 86<br />

Ophiostoma aureum, 77, 89<br />

Ophiostoma aurorae, 271, 274<br />

Ophiostoma brevicolle, 92<br />

Ophiostoma canum, 77<br />

Ophiostoma carpenteri, 77, 86, 88<br />

Ophiostoma clavigerum, 90<br />

Ophiostoma colliferum, 87<br />

Ophiostoma concentricum, 87<br />

Ophiostoma crassivag<strong>in</strong>atum, 77, 90<br />

Ophiostoma crenulatum, 88<br />

Ophiostoma cucullatum, 90<br />

Ophiostoma davidsonii, 90<br />

Ophiostoma distortum, 77<br />

Ophiostoma dryocoetidis, 90<br />

Ophiostoma europhioides, 90<br />

Ophiostoma fasciatum, 88<br />

Ophiostoma flexuosum, 77, 86<br />

Ophiostoma floccosum, 77, 273, 274<br />

Ophiostoma francke-grosmanniae, 77, 90<br />

Ophiostoma fusiforme, 78, 86, 274<br />

Ophiostoma galeiforme, 78, 90, 272<br />

Ophiostoma grandifoliae, 78<br />

Ophiostoma huntii, 78<br />

Ophiostoma ips, 78, 272, 274<br />

Ophiostoma laricis, 78<br />

Ophiostoma leptographioides, 78<br />

Ophiostoma longisporum, 88<br />

Ophiostoma lunatum, 78, 86, 275<br />

Ophiostoma manitobense, 78, 87<br />

Ophiostoma m<strong>in</strong>imum, 78, 87<br />

Ophiostoma m<strong>in</strong>utum-bicolor, 78, 87<br />

Ophiostoma montium, 78, 86<br />

Ophiostoma multiannulatum, 78, 86, 275<br />

Ophiostoma narcissi, 275<br />

Ophiostoma nigrocarpum, 78, 86, 275<br />

Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, 79<br />

Ophiostoma obscurum, 92<br />

Ophiostoma olivaceum, 91<br />

Ophiostoma pallidobrunneum, 88, 202<br />

Ophiostoma palmiculm<strong>in</strong>atum, 208<br />

Ophiostoma parvum, 88<br />

Ophiostoma penicillatum, 79, 89<br />

Ophiostoma phasma, 202, 207<br />

Ophiostoma piceae, 272, 275<br />

Ophiostoma piceae, 79, 86<br />

Ophiostoma piceiperdum, 79, 91<br />

Ophiostoma piliferum, 79, 86, 87, 199, 272, 274, 275<br />

Ophiostoma p<strong>in</strong>i, 92<br />

Ophiostoma pluriannulatum, 79, 86, 272, 274, 275<br />

Ophiostoma protearum, 79, 86, 199, 202, 272<br />

Ophiostoma pseudoeurophioides, 91<br />

Ophiostoma pulv<strong>in</strong>isporum, 79, 275<br />

Ophiostoma quercus, 79, 272, 274, 275<br />

Ophiostoma radiaticola, 91<br />

Ophiostoma ranaculosum, 79, 88<br />

Ophiostoma retusum, 89<br />

Ophiostoma robustum, 79, 91<br />

Ophiostoma rollhansenianum, 79, 88<br />

Ophiostoma rostrocyl<strong>in</strong>dricum, 92<br />

Ophiostoma sagmatosporum, 91<br />

Ophiostoma serpens, 79, 91<br />

Ophiostoma splendens, 79, 199, 202, 272<br />

Ophiostoma stenoceras, 80, 199, 272, 274, 275<br />

Ophiostoma subannulatum, 80, 86<br />

Ophiostoma tr<strong>in</strong>acriforme, 92<br />

Ophiostoma truncicolor, 93<br />

Ophiostoma ulmi, 80<br />

Ophiostoma valdivianum, 93<br />

Ophiostoma vescum, 92<br />

Ophiostoma wageneri, 80, 92<br />

Otthia, 244<br />

Paraconiothyrium m<strong>in</strong>itans, 20<br />

Parmeliaceae, 22<br />

Passalora eucalypti, 151<br />

Passalora tasmaniensis, 151<br />

Passalora zambiae, 151<br />

Penicillium, 19<br />

Pesotum, 75, 81, 269<br />

Pesotum fragrans, 274<br />

Pesotum p<strong>in</strong>i, 91<br />

Pesotum sagmatosporum, 91<br />

Pestalosphaeria, 175<br />

Pestalotia, 20, 175<br />

Pestalotia betulae, 182<br />

Pestalotia dissem<strong>in</strong>ata, 58<br />

Pestalotia matildae, 179<br />

Pestalotiopsis, 59, 60, 175<br />

Pestalotiopsis dissem<strong>in</strong>ata, 56, 58<br />

Pestalotiopsis matildae, 178, 179<br />

Pezicula frangulae, 60<br />

Pezicula ocellata, 60<br />

Pezizella amenti, 63<br />

Phacidiopycnis, 57<br />

Phacidium coniferarum, 57, 60<br />

Phaeoacremonium, 19<br />

Phaeoisariopsis griseola, 163, 168<br />

Phaeoisariopsis laxa, 169<br />

Phaeolus, 20<br />

Phaeomoniella, 19<br />

Phaeophleospora, 18<br />

Phaeophleospora epicoccoides, 151<br />

Phaeophleospora eucalypti, 151<br />

Phaeophleospora toledana, 151<br />

Phialocephala, 19<br />

Phialographium sagmatosporae, 91<br />

Phoma ambigua, 70<br />

Phomopsis 9, 20, 24, 67, 72<br />


Phomopsis ambigua, 70<br />

Phomopsis cuppatea, 67, 70<br />

Phomopsis cuppatea, 72<br />

Phomopsis leptostromiformis, 6, 20<br />

Phomopsis phaseoli, 65<br />

Phomopsis theicola, 67, 72, 73<br />

Phyllachora proteae, 249<br />

Phyllosticta, 19, 250<br />

Phyllosticta citricarpa, 20<br />

Physalospora, 244<br />

Phytophthora, 23<br />

Phytophthora cactorum, 23<br />

Phytophthora c<strong>in</strong>namomi, 23<br />

Phytophthora citrophthora, 23<br />

Phytophthora cryptogea, 23<br />

Phytophthora <strong>in</strong>festans, 23<br />

Phytophthora nicotianae, 23<br />

Phytophthora syr<strong>in</strong>gae, 23<br />

Pilidiella, 20<br />

Pisolithus, 20<br />

Pithomyces, 19<br />

Pithomyces chartarum, 6, 7<br />

Polycoccum, 22<br />

Polyspor<strong>in</strong>a simplex, 56<br />

Potebniamyces pyri, 57<br />

Prosopidicola mexicana, 58<br />

Pseudeurotium desertorum, 57<br />

Pseudeurotium zonatum, 57<br />

Pseudocercospora basiramifera, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora basitruncata, 103, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora clematidis, 103<br />

Pseudocercospora colombiensis, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora columnaris, 169<br />

Pseudocercospora crystall<strong>in</strong>a, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora epispermogoniana, 100, 103, 151<br />

Pseudocercospora eucalyptorum, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora fatouae, 103<br />

Pseudocercospora gracilis, 100, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora griseola f. griseola, 166, 170<br />

Pseudocercospora griseola f. mesoamericana, 166,<br />

170<br />

Pseudocercospora griseola, 168<br />

Pseudocercospora heimii, 100, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora heimioides, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora irregulariramosa, 150<br />

Pseudocercospora natalensis, 103, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora paraguayensis, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora pseudoeucalyptorum, 103, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora robusta, 103, 152<br />

Pseudocercospora subulata, 104, 126<br />

Pseudocercospora vitis, 166<br />

Pseudocercosporella, 19, 118<br />

Pseudocercosporella capsellae, 104<br />

Pseudocercosporella endophytica, 100, 150<br />

Pseudofusicoccum, 249<br />

Pseudofusicoccum stromaticum, 249<br />

Pucc<strong>in</strong>ia byliana, 21<br />

Pythium, 7, 23<br />

Pythium coloratum, 23<br />

Pythium dissotocum, 23<br />

Pythium irregulare, 23<br />

Pythium myriotylum, 23<br />

304<br />

Pythium perplexum, 23<br />

Pythium prolatum, 23<br />

Pythium sp<strong>in</strong>osum, 23<br />

Quambalaria, 295<br />

Quambalaria cyanescens, 292, 295<br />

Quambalaria eucalypti, 272, 292, 295<br />

Quambalaria pitereka, 292, 295<br />

Quambalaria pusilla, 296<br />

Quambalariaceae, 295<br />

Raffaelea, 25<br />

Raffaelea albimanens, 272<br />

Raffaelea arxii, 272<br />

Raffaelea hennebertii, 272<br />

Ramularia pitereka, 289, 295<br />

Ramulispora, 19<br />

Readeriella mirabilis, 104<br />

Readeriella novaezelandiae, 152<br />

Readeriella readeriellophora, 101, 151<br />

Rhizopus nigricans, 21<br />

Rhizopus oryzae, 21<br />

Rhizopus stolonifer, 21<br />

Rhodutorula bacarum, 292<br />

Rostraureum, 19, 36, 43, 49–51<br />

Rostraureum tropicale, 38, 257<br />

Saccharata, 249<br />

Sarc<strong>in</strong>omyces petricola, 56<br />

Sarcostroma lomatiae, 178, 181<br />

Sarcostroma restionis, 178, 182<br />

Satchmopsis, 57<br />

Satchmopsis brasiliensis, 56, 60<br />

Sclerot<strong>in</strong>ia sclerotiorum, 7, 20<br />

Scopularia, 81<br />

Scopularia penicillata, 89<br />

Scopularia serpens, 91<br />

Scytalidium, 120<br />

Scytalidium dimidiatum, 56, 244<br />

Septoria eucalyptorum, 104, 126<br />

Septoria provencialis, 104, 127<br />

Shawiella, 57<br />

Sonderhenia eucalypticola, 103, 151<br />

Sphaerella molleriana, 158<br />

Sphaeria maydis, 251<br />

Sphaeria rubella, 57<br />

Sphaeronaemella, 269<br />

Sporothrix, 25, 75, 81, 199, 269<br />

Sporothrix cyanescens, 289, 295<br />

Sporothrix eucalypti, 289, 295<br />

Sporothrix <strong>in</strong>flata, 80, 86, 275<br />

Sporothrix pusilla, 296<br />

Sporothrix schenckii, 63, 80, 272, 275<br />

Sporotrichum destructor, 295<br />

Stenella, 120<br />

Stenella parkii, 151<br />

Stenella pseudoparkii, 102, 128<br />

Stenella xenoparkii, 102, 129<br />

Stenocarpella, 250<br />

Stenocarpella macrospora, 251<br />

Stenocarpella maydis, 20, 251<br />

Stereum, 20<br />

Stevensonula, 57

Stigmidium, 22<br />

Stigm<strong>in</strong>a platani, 166<br />

Sympodiomycopsis paphiopedili, 292<br />

Synchytrium, 4<br />

Teloschistaceae, 22<br />

Teloschistes, 22<br />

Termitomyces, 20, 25<br />

Thielaviopsis basicola, 272<br />

Thielaviopsis paradoxa, 272<br />

Tiarosporella, 20<br />

Tiarosporella phaseoli, 243<br />

Tilletiopsis pallescens, 292<br />

Torrendiella eucalypti, 56, 61, 63<br />

Torula dimidiata, 244<br />

Trimmatostroma, 118<br />

Truncatella betulae, 178, 182<br />

Truncatella hartigii, 178, 184<br />

Truncatella megaspora, 178, 184<br />

Truncatella restionacearum, 178, 184<br />

Truncatella spadicea, 178, 185<br />

Unc<strong>in</strong>ula praeterita, 18<br />

Uredo, 21<br />

Urohendersonia platensis, 20<br />

Uromyces bolusii, 21<br />

Uromyces kentaniensis, 21<br />

Ursicollum, 46, 49, 51<br />

Ursicollum fallax, 39, 40, 46<br />

Ustilag<strong>in</strong>ales, 20<br />

Ustilago maydis, 20<br />

Uwebraunia ellipsoidea, 150<br />

Uwebraunia juvenis, 101, 151<br />

Verticicladiella alacris, 91<br />

Verticicladiella penicillata, 89<br />

Verticicladiella serpens, 91<br />

Vibrissea albofusca, 60<br />

Volvocisporium triumfetticola, 292<br />

Xanthomacul<strong>in</strong>a, 22<br />

Xylariaceae, 18<br />

Zelosatchmopsis, 57<br />


<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 2005–March 2006.<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 54<br />

Taxonomy and Pathology of Togn<strong>in</strong>ia (Diaporthales)<br />

and its Phaeoacremonium anamorphs<br />

Lizel Mostert, Johannes Z. Groenewald, Richard C. Summerbell, Walter Gams<br />

and Pedro W. Crous<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 53: The Miss<strong>in</strong>g L<strong>in</strong>eages. Phylogeny and ecology of<br />

endophytic and other enigmatic root-associated fungi.<br />

Richard C. Summerbell, Randolph S. Currah and Lynne Sigler<br />

This volume helps to br<strong>in</strong>g the molecular biological revolution to some of these “miss<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>eages.” Included are<br />

some fungi fitt<strong>in</strong>g the classic ecological category of ‘sterile root fungus,’ as well as others that do sporulate, but<br />

only after very long <strong>in</strong>cubation. Also, the conidial soil- and root-associated fungal genus Oidiodendron, which<br />

shares with ‘sterile root fungi’ the problem of hav<strong>in</strong>g morphology so reduced that reliable species dist<strong>in</strong>ction has<br />

been next to impossible, is reexam<strong>in</strong>ed with advanced phenotypic methodologies to f<strong>in</strong>d dist<strong>in</strong>ctions reflect<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the molecular genetic dist<strong>in</strong>ctions that are now known with<strong>in</strong> the group. The first part of the volume, then,<br />

consists of biosystematic studies elucidat<strong>in</strong>g either the primary phylogenetic systematics, or the post-molecular<br />

phenotypic re<strong>in</strong>terpretation, of previously <strong>in</strong>tractable groups of root-associated fungi and their relatives. The<br />

volume consists of 11 contributions.<br />

252 pp., fully illustrated with colour pictures (A4 format), paperback, 2005. € 65<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 52<br />

Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,<br />

Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

An <strong>in</strong>stitute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences<br />

Phylogenetic relationships and morphology of Cytospora<br />

species and related teleomorphs (Ascomycota,<br />

Diaporthales, Valsaceae) from Eucalyptus<br />

Gerard C. Adams, Michael J. W<strong>in</strong>gfield, Ralph Common and Jolanda Roux<br />

Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,<br />

Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

An <strong>in</strong>stitute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 51: Fungi of the Antarctic: Evolution under Extreme<br />

Conditions<br />

Edited by G.S. de Hoog<br />

L. Selbmann, G.S. de Hoog, A. Mazzaglia, E.I. Friedmann and S. Onofri: Fungi at the edge of life:<br />

cryptoendolithic black fungi from Antarctic deserts<br />

G.S. de Hoog, E. Göttlich, G. Platas, O. Genilloud, G. Leotta and J. van Brummelen: Evolution, taxonomy<br />

and ecology of the genus Thelebolus <strong>in</strong> Antarctica<br />

Twenty-six stra<strong>in</strong>s of black, mostly meristematic fungi isolated from cryptoendolithic lichen dom<strong>in</strong>ated<br />

communities <strong>in</strong> the Antarctic were described by light and Scann<strong>in</strong>g Electron Microscopy and sequenc<strong>in</strong>g of<br />

Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,<br />

the ITS rDNA region. In addition, cultural and temperature preferences were <strong>in</strong>vestigated. The phylogenetic<br />

Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

An <strong>in</strong>stitute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences<br />

positions of species recognized were determ<strong>in</strong>ed by SSU rDNA sequenc<strong>in</strong>g. Most species showed aff<strong>in</strong>ity to<br />

the order Dothideales and constitute two ma<strong>in</strong> groups referred to under the generic names Friedmanniomyces<br />

and Cryomyces (gen. nov.), each characterized by a clearly dist<strong>in</strong>ct morphology. Two species could be<br />

dist<strong>in</strong>guished <strong>in</strong> each of these genera. Six stra<strong>in</strong>s could not be assigned to any taxonomic group; among them stra<strong>in</strong> CCFEE 457 belongs to the<br />

Hysteriales, cluster<strong>in</strong>g together with Mediterranean marble-<strong>in</strong>habit<strong>in</strong>g Coniosporium species <strong>in</strong> an approximate group with low bootstrap support.<br />

All stra<strong>in</strong>s proved to be psychrophiles with the only exception for the stra<strong>in</strong> CCFEE 507 that seems to be mesophilic- psychrotolerant. All had<br />

very thick melanized cell walls, the ability to produce exopolysaccharides and to grow meristematically. They are thought to be well adapted to<br />

the harsh environment of the Antarctic cold Desert. Hypotheses concern<strong>in</strong>g their orig<strong>in</strong> and evolution are put forward.<br />

82 pp., (A4 format) paperback, 2005. € 40<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 54: Taxonomy and Pathology of Togn<strong>in</strong>ia (Diaporthales) and<br />

its Phaeoacremonium anamorphs<br />

Lizel Mostert, Johannes Z. Groenewald, Richard C. Summerbell, Walter Gams and Pedro W. Crous<br />

Species of Phaeoacremonium are known vascular plant pathogens caus<strong>in</strong>g wilt<strong>in</strong>g and dieback of woody<br />

plants. The most prom<strong>in</strong>ent diseases <strong>in</strong> which they are <strong>in</strong>volved are Petri disease and esca, which occur on<br />

grapev<strong>in</strong>es and are caused by a complex of fungi, often <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g multiple species of Phaeoacremonium.<br />

Various Phaeoacremonium species are opportunistic fungi on humans and cause phaeohyphomycosis. The<br />

genus Togn<strong>in</strong>ia (Diaporthales, Togn<strong>in</strong>iaceae) is monographed along with its Phaeoacremonium anamorphs.<br />

Ten species of Togn<strong>in</strong>ia and 22 species of Phaeoacremonium are treated, with several be<strong>in</strong>g newly described.<br />

To facilitate easy identification, a multiple-entry electronic key based on morphological, cultural and β-tubul<strong>in</strong><br />

sequence data was developed. Furthermore, a set of 23 species-specific primers were also developed based<br />

on the β-tubul<strong>in</strong> and act<strong>in</strong> genes.<br />

115 pp., fully illustrated with colour pictures (A4 format), paperback, 2006. € 55<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 52: Phylogenetic relationships and morphology of Cytospora<br />

species and related teleomorphs (Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Valsaceae) from<br />

Eucalyptus<br />

Edited by Pedro W. Crous<br />

Gerard C. Adams, Michael J. W<strong>in</strong>gfield, Ralph Common and Jolanda Roux<br />

Cytospora species and their Valsa teleomorphs are commonly found on Eucalyptus trees and some of these<br />

have been associated with stem canker diseases. This study was based on extensive collections of Cytospora<br />

species and their teleomorphs from Eucalyptus trees <strong>in</strong> Africa, Australia, Central and South America, Southeast<br />

Asia and California. Sixty-two Cytospora and three Cytospora-like isolates from Eucalyptus, Phylogenetic<br />

analysis clustered isolates of Cytospora from Eucalyptus <strong>in</strong>to at least 15 unrelated groups. 28 taxa are fully<br />

described and illustrated with full colour micrographs.<br />

147 pp., fully illustrated with colour pictures (A4 format), paperback, 2005. € 55<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 53<br />

The Miss<strong>in</strong>g L<strong>in</strong>eages<br />

Phylogeny and ecology of endophytic and other enigmatic rootassociated<br />

fungi<br />

Richard C. Summerbell, Randolph S. Currah and Lynne Sigler<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> 51<br />

Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures,<br />

Utrecht, The Netherlands<br />

An <strong>in</strong>stitute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences<br />

Fungi of the Antarctic:<br />

Evulution under Extreme Conditions<br />

Edited by<br />

G.S. de Hoog

CBS Biodiversity Series.<br />

No. 5: Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs: 2. Conspectus of Mycosphaerella<br />

André Aptroot<br />

A revision of the species described <strong>in</strong> Mycosphaerella and Sphaerella is presented, together with<br />

observations on the types of most species or their disposition. The genus Stigmidium is expanded to<br />

encompass fungicolous species and <strong>in</strong>ternal parasites of algae, and <strong>in</strong>cludes the genus Mycophycias.<br />

173 pp., 115 plates (A4 format), paperback with spiral b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g, 2005. € 50<br />

Hypocreales of the Southeastern<br />

United States:<br />

An Identifi cation Guide<br />

Gary J. Samuels, Amy Y. Rossman, Priscila Chaverri,<br />

Barrie E. Overton and Kadri Põldmaa<br />

Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs:<br />

2. Conspectus of Mycosphaerella<br />

André Aptroot<br />

No. 4: Hypocreales of the Southeastern United States: An Identification Guide<br />

Gary J. Samuels, Amy Y. Rossman, Priscila Chaverri, Barrie E. Overton and Kadri Põldmaa<br />

An illustrated guide is presented to the members of the ascomycete order Hypocreales that are known<br />

to occur <strong>in</strong> the southeastern states of the United States, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g North and South Carol<strong>in</strong>a, Tennessee<br />

and Georgia. Species were selected ma<strong>in</strong>ly based on records <strong>in</strong> the United States National Fungus<br />

Collections (BPI). These states <strong>in</strong>clude or surround the Great Smoky Mounta<strong>in</strong>s National Park. Species of<br />

the Hypocreales are among the most numerous, and certa<strong>in</strong>ly most conspicuous, of the microfungi. The<br />

order also <strong>in</strong>cludes some of the most economically important fungi. This guide is <strong>in</strong>tended for <strong>in</strong>dividuals<br />

who are participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> All Taxa Biological Diversity studies of the Great Smoky Mounta<strong>in</strong>s National Park<br />

as well as other <strong>in</strong>terested professionals and amateurs. Short descriptions and colour illustrations of onehundred<br />

and one species and two varieties <strong>in</strong> twenty genera are provided. Keys to genera and species<br />

are <strong>in</strong>cluded. The new comb<strong>in</strong>ation Neonectria ditissima is proposed.<br />

145 pp., over 120 colour pictures (A4 format), paperback with spiral b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g, 2006. € 70<br />

No. 3: An illustrated guide to the coprophilous Ascomycetes of Australia<br />

Ann Bell<br />

Descriptions, keys and illustrations (many <strong>in</strong> colour). Ann Bell’s observations of her own collections and<br />

some 2,000 microscope slides and assorted notebooks on Australian coprophilous fungi made by the late<br />

Major Harry Dade dur<strong>in</strong>g his retirement years <strong>in</strong> Victoria.<br />

173 pp., 115 plates (A4 format), paperback with spiral b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g, 2005. € 55<br />

No. 2: Cultivation and Diseases of Proteaceae: Leucadendron, Leucospermum<br />

and Protea<br />

Pedro W. Crous, Sandra Denman, Joanne E. Taylor, Lizeth Swart and Mary E. Palm<br />

The Proteaceae represent one of the Southern Hemisphere’s most prom<strong>in</strong>ent flower<strong>in</strong>g plant families, the<br />

cultivation of which forms the basis of a thriv<strong>in</strong>g export <strong>in</strong>dustry. Diseases cause a loss <strong>in</strong> yield and also<br />

limit the export of these flowers due to strict phytosanitary regulations. In this publication the fungi that<br />

cause leaf, stem and root diseases on Leucadendron, Leucospermum and Protea are treated. Data are<br />

provided perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to the taxonomy, identification, host range, distribution, pathogenicity and control of<br />

these pathogens. Taxonomic descriptions and illustrations are provided and keys are <strong>in</strong>cluded. Desease<br />

symptoms are illustrated with colour photographs.<br />

510 pp., (17 x 25 cm), paperback, 2004. € 55

No. 1: Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs: 1. Names published <strong>in</strong> Cercospora<br />

and Passalora<br />

Pedro W. Crous and Uwe Braun<br />

This book conta<strong>in</strong>s a compilation of more than 3000 names that have been published or proposed <strong>in</strong><br />

Cercospora, of which 659 are presently recognised <strong>in</strong> this genus, with a further 281 be<strong>in</strong>g referred to C. apii<br />

s.lat. Approximately 550 names of Passalora emend. (<strong>in</strong>cl. Mycovellosiella, Phaeoramularia, Tandonella<br />

and Phaeoisariopsis p.p.) are treated <strong>in</strong> a second list. In total 5720 names are treated. 553 taxonomic<br />

novelties are proposed.<br />

571 pp., 31 figures (17 x 25 cm), hard cover, 2003. € 80<br />

Selection of other CBS publications.<br />

Introduction to food- and<br />

airborne fungi<br />

Robert A. Samson, Ellen S.<br />

Hoekstra and Jens C. Frisvad<br />

Identification of Common Aspergillus Species<br />

Maren A. Klich<br />

Descriptions and identification keys to 45 common Aspergillus species with their teleomorphs (Emericella,<br />

Eurotium, Neosartorya and Sclerocleista). Each species is illustrated with a one page plate and three plates<br />

show<strong>in</strong>g the most common colony colours.<br />

116 pp., 45 black & white and 3 colour plates (Letter format), paperback, 2002. € 45<br />

Seventh edition with updated<br />

taxonomy and addition of some<br />

important species. The keys to<br />

the taxa were improved. The<br />

taxonomy and the nomenclature<br />

of Fusarium is revised and the<br />

number of Penicillium species has<br />

been <strong>in</strong>creased because they are<br />

frequently encountered on food<br />

and <strong>in</strong>door environments. The<br />

identification of Penicillium based<br />

on morphological characters rema<strong>in</strong>s difficult and therefore synoptic<br />

keys and tables are added to assist with the identification.<br />

389 pp., 120 plates (A4 format), paperback, 2004. € 55<br />

Atlas of Cl<strong>in</strong>ical Fungi<br />

G.S. de Hoog, J. Guarro, J. Gené and M.J. Figueras (eds)<br />

A revision of the species<br />

described <strong>in</strong> Phyllosticta<br />

Huub A. van der Aa and Simon<br />

Vanev<br />

2936 taxa are enumerated,<br />

based on the orig<strong>in</strong>al literature<br />

and on exam<strong>in</strong>ation of numerous<br />

herbarium (mostly type) specimens<br />

and isolates. 203 names belong<br />

to the genus Phyllosticta s.str.,<br />

and are classified <strong>in</strong> 143 accepted<br />

species. For seven of them new<br />

comb<strong>in</strong>ations are made and for six<br />

new names are proposed. The great<br />

majority, 2733 taxa, were redisposed to a number of other genera. A<br />

complete list of these novelties, as <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the book’s abstract,<br />

can also be consulted on the web-site of CBS.<br />

510 pp. (17 x 25 cm), paperback, 2002. € 55<br />

The second fully revised and greatly expanded edition of the Atlas of Cl<strong>in</strong>ical Fungi appeared <strong>in</strong> 2000. The modest<br />

and very competitive price of this standard work has certa<strong>in</strong>ly contributed to the popularity of the first edition.<br />

In recent years the application of molecular biology has become with<strong>in</strong> reach for many rout<strong>in</strong>e laboratories.<br />

The new Atlas will provide ample molecular data for the majority of cl<strong>in</strong>ically relevant fungi.<br />

It will set a standard for <strong>in</strong>novative techniques <strong>in</strong> medical mycology. In addition, antifungal<br />

susceptibility data will be given for most species, which will provide essential knowledge for<br />

the cl<strong>in</strong>ician <strong>in</strong> view of adequate therapy.<br />

1126 pp., fully illustrated with l<strong>in</strong>e draw<strong>in</strong>gs and black & white photo plates (A4 format),<br />

hard cover, 2004. € 140.<br />

Interactive CD-ROM version of the Atlas € 65, Book plus CD-ROM € 180

<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> (ISSN 0166-0616)<br />

The CBS taxonomy series “<strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong>” is issued as <strong>in</strong>dividual booklets. Regular subscribers receive each issue<br />

automatically. Prices of back-volumes are specified below.<br />

For more <strong>in</strong>formation and order<strong>in</strong>g of other CBS books and publications see www.cbs.knaw.nl. and www.studies<strong>in</strong>mycology.org<br />

55 Crous PW, W<strong>in</strong>gfield MJ, Slippers B, Rong IH, Samson RA (2006). 100 Years of Fungal Biodiversity <strong>in</strong> Southern Africa.<br />

305 pp., € 65.00<br />

54 Mostert L, Groenewald JZ, Summerbell RC, Gams W, Crous PW (2006). Taxonomy and Pathology of Togn<strong>in</strong>ia<br />

(Diaporthales) and its Phaeoacremonium anamorphs. 115 pp., € 55.00<br />

53 Summerbell RC, Currah RS, Sigler L (2005). The Miss<strong>in</strong>g L<strong>in</strong>eages. Phylogeny and ecology of endophytic and other<br />

enigmatic root-associated fungi. 252 pp., € 65.00<br />

52 Adams GC, W<strong>in</strong>gfield MJ, Common R, Roux J (2005). Phylogenetic relationships and morphology of Cytospora<br />

species and related teleomorphs (Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Valsaceae) from Eucalyptus. 147 pp., € 55.00<br />

51 Hoog GS de (ed.) (2005). Fungi of the Antarctic, Evolution under extreme conditions. 82 pp., € 40.00<br />

50 Crous PW, Samson RA, Gams W, Summerbell RC, Boekhout T, Hoog GS de, Stalpers JA (eds) (2004). CBS<br />

Centenary: 100 Years of Fungal Biodiversity and Ecology (Two parts). 580 pp., € 105.00<br />

49 Samson RA, Frisvad JC (2004). Penicillium subgenus Penicillium: new taxonomic schemes, mycotox<strong>in</strong>s and other<br />

extrolites. 253 pp., € 55.00<br />

48 Chaverri P, Samuels GJ (2003). Hypocrea/Trichoderma (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae): species with green<br />

ascospores. 113 pp., € 55.00<br />

47 Guarro J, Summerbell RC, Samson RA (2002). Onygenales: the dermatophytes, dimorphics and kerat<strong>in</strong> degraders <strong>in</strong> their<br />

revolutionary context. 220 pp., € 55.00<br />

46 Schroers HJ (2001). A monograh of Bionectria (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Bionectriaceae) and its Clonostachys<br />

anamorphs. 214 pp., € 55.00<br />

45 Seifert KA, Gams W, Crous PW, Samuels GJ (eds) (2000). Molecules, morphology and classification: Towards<br />

monophyletic genera <strong>in</strong> the Ascomycetes. 200 pp., € 55.00<br />

44 Verkley GJM (1999). A monograph of the genus Pezicula and its anamorphs. 180 pp., € 55.00<br />

43 Hoog GS de (ed.) (1999). Ecology and evolution of black yeasts and their relatives. 208 pp., € 55.00<br />

42 Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, Rogerson CT, Lowen R (1999). Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae<br />

(Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). 248 pp., € 55.00<br />

41 Samuels GJ, Petr<strong>in</strong>i O, Kuhls K, Lieckfeldt E, Kubicek CP (1998).The Hypocrea schwe<strong>in</strong>itzii complex and Trichoderma<br />

sect. Longibrachiatum. 54 pp., € 35.00<br />

40 Stalpers JA (1996). The aphyllophoraceous fungi II. Keys to the species of the Hericiales. 185 pp., € 25.00<br />

39 Rubner A (1996). Revision of predacious hyphomycetes <strong>in</strong> the Dactylella-Monacrosporium complex. 134 pp., € 25.00<br />

38 Boekhout T, Samson RA (eds) (1995). Heterobasidiomycetes: Systematics and applied aspects. 190 pp., € 35.00<br />

37 Aptroot A (1995). A monograph of Didymosphaeria. 160 pp., € 30.00<br />

36 Swertz CA (1994). Morphology of germl<strong>in</strong>gs of ured<strong>in</strong>iospores and its value for the identification and classification of<br />

grass rust fungi. 152 pp., € 30.00<br />

35 Stalpers JA (1993). The aphyllophoraceous fungi I. Keys to the species of the Thelephorales. 168 pp. (out of stock).<br />

34 Reijnders AFM, Stalpers JA (1992). The development of the hymenophoral trama <strong>in</strong> the Aphyllophorales and the<br />

Agaricales. 109 pp., € 25.00<br />

33 Boekhout T (1991). A revision of ballistoconidia-form<strong>in</strong>g yeasts and fungi. 194 pp. (out of stock).<br />

32 Gams W, Seifert KA, Aa van der HA, Samson RA (1990). Developments <strong>in</strong> the taxonomy of anamorphic fungi. Invited<br />

papers presented at the Symposium: Taxonomy of Fungi imperfecti dur<strong>in</strong>g the Fourth International Mycological Congress,<br />

Regensburg. 104 pp. (out of stock).<br />

31 Aa HA van der, Gams W, Hoog GS de, Samson RA (1988). Memorial issue dedicated to J.A. von Arx. 212 pp., € 50.00<br />

30 Hoog GS de, Smith M Th, Weijman ACM (eds) (1987). The expand<strong>in</strong>g realm of yeast-like fungi. (only available from<br />

Elsevier).<br />

29 Hoog GS de, Smith M Th, Guého E (1986). A revision of Geotrichum. 131 pp., € 25.00<br />

28 Rao V, Hoog GS de (1986). New or critical Hyphomycetes from India. 84 pp., € 20.00<br />

27 Seifert KA (1985). A monograph of Stilbella and some allied Hyphomycetes. 235 pp., € 35.00<br />

26 Hoog GS de (ed.) (1985). Taxonomy of the Dactylaria complex, IV–VI. 124 pp., € 20.00<br />

25 Schipper MAA, Stalpers JA (1984). A revision of the genus Rhizopus. 34 pp., € 10.00<br />

24 Stalpers JA (1984). A revision of the genus Sporotrichum. 105 pp., € 20.00<br />

23 Stolk AC, Samson RA (1983). The ascomycete genus Eupenicillium and related Penicillium anamorphs. 149 pp.,<br />

€ 25.00<br />

22 Hoog GS de (ed.) (1982). Character analyses of selected red yeasts. 74 pp. (out of stock).<br />

21 Plaats-Niter<strong>in</strong>k AJ van der (1981). Monograph of the genus Pythium. 244 pp. (out of stock).<br />

20 Oorschot CAN van (1980). A revision of Chrysosporium and allied genera. 89 pp., € 20.00<br />

For a complete list of the <strong>Studies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Mycology</strong> see www.cbs.knaw.nl.

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