Historical studies

Historical studies Historical studies


48 Elephant vase, 42 Epagomcnac, 8, 10 European history based on Eg)"ptian, 10 Exodus, month of, 22 Fat for feast, 3 various, 4, 5 Felspar, green, figures of, 5 Festal days, i offerings, 1-5 hall, I Figs for feast, 2, 3 Figures of Hapi, 5 Figure-vases, 40-46 meaning of, 41 sources of, 41 Fish for feast, 2, 3 vases, 41,43, 44, 45,46 Fowls for feast, 2, 3 Frequency of monuments, 12 Frog vase, 41, 42, 45 Fruit, ati, for feast, 2, 3 southern, 2, 3 Garlands, 3, 4 Gazelle for feast, 2, 3 Geese for feast, 3, 4 Glazed vases compared, 15 varieties of Roman, 36 Gloucester Museum, 39 Grapes for feast, 2, 3, 4 Gregorian kalendar, 9 Hapi, female form, 5 figures of, 5 shrines of, 4 Hare vase, 45 Harris papyrus, I-5 Hawk vase, 41 Hedgehog vase, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46 Heliacal rising of Sothis, 6-10 Heq Setu title, 17 Herbs, 5 Hippocampus, Egyptian, 39-40 Hippopotamus vase, 42 Historical application of kalendar, 8-10 Hoarding, irregularity of, 33 Hoards of coins, 31 INDEX Honey for feast, 3, 4 shrines, 5 Ilotcp tables, I Human-figure vases, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45 Hyksos, culture of, 17 monuments, 13, 14 parallel to Arabs, 17, 18 period of, 13, 14 scarabs of, 14 Incense, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ink-trays, 15 hi plant in feast, i, 2, 3 for shrines, 5 Ivi^a, origin of, 30 Jasper figures, 5 scarabs, 3 Kalendar applied to history, 8-10 Khandy, king, 17 Khenzer, king, 17 KJiitJiana for feast, 3 Kilns at Memphis, 34-37 use of, 35 Kilts of linen for priests, 4, 5 Knobel, E. B., 6, 8 Kolusta cakes, 2, 3 Kunck bread, 2, 3, 4 Lamps, glazed, 36 Lazuli, figures of, 5 scarabs, 3 uza eyes, 3 Lead, figures of, 5 Leap year ignored, 8 Linen of third dynasty, 37-39 Lion vase, 45 Loaves, various forms, 2, 3 Locust vases, 41, 45, 46 Lotus offerings, i, 2, 3 Manetho agrees with all other records, 14, 15 compared with fixed dates, 11, 18-20 Turin papyrus, 14 in totals, 18-20

Manetho, value of, 18-20 versions of, 18 Manganese glaze, 36 March feast, I Meal, jars of, 3 Mehint cakes, 3 Memphis, pottery kilns, 34-37 Mesore first month, 9, il, 12 Midgley, W. W., n Milne, J. G., 30 Minting, variations of, 31 Models of servants, 15 Month, first of year, 9, 11, 12 Monuments, frequency of, 12, 21 Moulds for pottery, 35 Murray, M. A., 39, 40 Natron, cakes of, 2, 3, 4 Nebdti fruit, 3 Nile changes of level, 19, 20 course same anciently, 29 offerings, 4 shrines, 4 stages, 4, 5 Nomes, growth of, 22-29 history of, 23-29 lists of, 23, 25, 26, 27 on early monuments, 29 Nosegays in feast, 3 Noshajii weight, 5 Nukapatha, 4 Numbers of priests, nobles, and people, 2, 3 Nusa weight, 5 Oil for feast, 2, 3, 4 for shrines, 5 Egyptian, 4 Syrian, 4 Olives for feast, 3 Onions, 4, 5 Oppolzer, 6 Osiris, corn-figures of, 23, 27, 2i relics of, 23 Oxen for feast, 2, 3 for Hapi, 4 Palm fibre for towing stages, 4 Papyrus offerings, 2, 3 INDEX 49 Papyrus for incense, 2, 3 sandals, 2 Pat cakes, 2, 3 People at feast, 2, 3 Persen loaves, 2, 3, 4 Persian sources of glazing, 37 Petrie, W. M. F., i, 8, 10, 22, 30, 34 Pig vase, 46 Pigeons, 2, 3 Pigeon vase, 41, 43 Pomegranates, 3, 4, 5 Pottery, comparison of, 1 jars in feast, 3 kilns at Memphis, 34-37 Precessional period, 8 Priests, numbers of, 2, 3 Quadruped figure-vases, 40 Quail for feast, 3 Quarry marks dated, 1 Quarrying, season of, 1 Rahuzu cakes, i, 2, 3 Raisins, 4, 5 Rameses II, i Reed-grass in feast, i, 2 1 15 Reigns shewn by monuments, 13 River lines unchanged, 29 Sad loaves, 2 Saggars for pottery, 35 Salt, cakes of, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sam-behud cities, 29 Sandals of papyrus and leather, 2 Scarabs, 3 compared, 15 of Hyksos, 14 Schoinos a stage on Nile, 4 Schram, 7 Screens of flowers, 3 Seals, 3, S Seasonal dates of Sothis, 7 Seasons of feasts, i of cultivation, 1 the basis of astronomy, 9 Semitic conquests of Egypt, 17, 18 Semu offered, 3 Senb berries, 5

48<br />

Elephant vase, 42<br />

Epagomcnac, 8, 10<br />

European history based on Eg)"ptian, 10<br />

Exodus, month of, 22<br />

Fat for feast, 3<br />

various, 4, 5<br />

Felspar, green, figures of, 5<br />

Festal days, i<br />

offerings, 1-5<br />

hall, I<br />

Figs for feast, 2, 3<br />

Figures of Hapi, 5<br />

Figure-vases, 40-46<br />

meaning of, 41<br />

sources of, 41<br />

Fish for feast, 2, 3<br />

vases, 41,43, 44, 45,46<br />

Fowls for feast, 2, 3<br />

Frequency of monuments, 12<br />

Frog vase, 41, 42, 45<br />

Fruit, ati, for feast, 2, 3<br />

southern, 2, 3<br />

Garlands, 3, 4<br />

Gazelle for feast, 2, 3<br />

Geese for feast, 3, 4<br />

Glazed vases compared, 15<br />

varieties of Roman, 36<br />

Gloucester Museum, 39<br />

Grapes for feast, 2, 3, 4<br />

Gregorian kalendar, 9<br />

Hapi, female form, 5<br />

figures of, 5<br />

shrines of, 4<br />

Hare vase, 45<br />

Harris papyrus, I-5<br />

Hawk vase, 41<br />

Hedgehog vase, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46<br />

Heliacal rising of Sothis, 6-10<br />

Heq Setu title, 17<br />

Herbs, 5<br />

Hippocampus, Egyptian, 39-40<br />

Hippopotamus vase, 42<br />

<strong>Historical</strong> application of kalendar, 8-10<br />

Hoarding, irregularity of, 33<br />

Hoards of coins, 31<br />

INDEX<br />

Honey for feast, 3, 4<br />

shrines, 5<br />

Ilotcp tables, I<br />

Human-figure vases, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45<br />

Hyksos, culture of, 17<br />

monuments, 13, 14<br />

parallel to Arabs, 17, 18<br />

period of, 13, 14<br />

scarabs of, 14<br />

Incense, 2, 3, 4, 5<br />

Ink-trays, 15<br />

hi plant in feast, i, 2, 3<br />

for shrines, 5<br />

Ivi^a, origin of, 30<br />

Jasper figures, 5<br />

scarabs, 3<br />

Kalendar applied to history, 8-10<br />

Khandy, king, 17<br />

Khenzer, king, 17<br />

KJiitJiana for feast, 3<br />

Kilns at Memphis, 34-37<br />

use of, 35<br />

Kilts of linen for priests, 4, 5<br />

Knobel, E. B., 6, 8<br />

Kolusta cakes, 2, 3<br />

Kunck bread, 2, 3, 4<br />

Lamps, glazed, 36<br />

Lazuli, figures of, 5<br />

scarabs, 3<br />

uza eyes, 3<br />

Lead, figures of, 5<br />

Leap year ignored, 8<br />

Linen of third dynasty, 37-39<br />

Lion vase, 45<br />

Loaves, various forms, 2, 3<br />

Locust vases, 41, 45, 46<br />

Lotus offerings, i, 2, 3<br />

Manetho agrees with all other records, 14, 15<br />

compared with fixed dates, 11, 18-20<br />

Turin papyrus, 14<br />

in totals, 18-20

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